Rename pentaho multiple .ktr files in my folder - pentaho-spoon

I have multiple .ktr transformation files in one of my folder. I've used spaces in the naming convention. So, I want to rename all those pentaho transformation files using "Spoon". Are there any steps that can rename all my files at once?
Example : I've file calles "Invoice Items.ktr".
I want to rename this file to "InvoiceItems.ktr".

There isn't a step that does "Rename" action, you need to generate a new filename and move the file to itself.
You can use this with a series of steps for this.
In the get file names step, in the Wildcard column, use RegEx ".*", this will select all files within that folder. In the File/Directory column you leave only the directory, not the full filename.


How to rename an XML file using the pattern in a different .txt file?

I have a folder say, source folder, containing 1000+ xml files with some ambiguous names, like:
_MIM_54154548557_6568436 etc.
Out of these thousands of XML files I’ve to select some 10-12 xml files with a particular node in them and move them to another folder (destination folder) and rename the files respectively with some meaningful names.
For example:
There is an xml file with name _MIM_15646432635_6664684 and it contains a node pattern like: “bab6e7h835468eg” and I’ve to rename it to name like: {1FE9909E-4450-B98665362022}
So for this I’ve to write a script which will search the file in source folder and if it finds my desired node pattern then move this file to destination folder post renaming it to some meaningful name.
Provided I’ve an excel sheet where I do have a list of two columns, one containing the specific node pattern and column two has a respective new name list.
Currenty, I’ve a script which can search a file and move it to another folder provided I’m giving input to the script with the node pattern and file name from that excel sheet:
Select-String – Path “\Dubwta01\AIR\Invalid*.xml” – Pattern ‘bab6e7h835468eg’ | %{Copy-Item – Path $_.Path – Destination ‘\Dubwta01\AIR\Invalid{1FE9909E-4450-B98665362022}.xml’
What now I need is that a new script which will pick all 10 files from source folder and move it to destination folder by renaming it and I don’t have to hard code the pattern and new name in script rather it shall fetch the details from that excel or I can save the details in text files whatever is suitable for script to pick the name and pattern from.

Delete duplicates files with powershell based on their name and file contents

I am really new to powershell, really need help with this.
I have a directory with multiple folders with multiple files, some files in different folders are having the same name with or without the same content. All I need to do is to filter out all the files with the same name and with the same content and move them to the other folder.
I tried the way using in this link
the issue here is that get-filehash can find the duplicates by contents, but not by name (for example: dir\a\a.txt and dir\a\b.txt will be considered as duplicates but I want dir\a\a.txt and dir\b\a.txt be the duplicates) and also it cannot identify empty files.

How to copy the files from SFTP to target folder created dynamically based on source filename (Blob storage)?

I am new to ADF, need help for 2 scenarios
1.I have to copy files from SFTP to blob storage(Azure Gnen2) using ADF. In the source SFTP folder, there are 3- 5 different the files. For example
On copying, this files are copied and placed under corresponding folders which are created dynamically based on file types.
For example: S09353.DB2K.AFC00R46.F201130.txt copy to AFC00R46 folder
S09353.DB2K.XYZ00R46.F201130.txt copy to XYZ00R46 folder.
2.Another requirement is need to copy csv files from blob storage to SFTP. On coping, the files need to copy to target folder created dynamically based on file name:
for example: cust-fin.csv----->copy to--------->Finance folder
please help me on this
The basic solution to your problem is to use Parameters in DataSets. This example is for a Blob Storage connection, but the approach is the same for SFTP as well. Another hint: if you are just moving files, use Binary DataSets.
Create Parameter(s) in DataSet
Reference Parameter(s) in DataSet
Supply Parameter(s) in the Pipeline
In this example, I am passing Pipeline parameters to a GetMetadata Activity, but the principles are the same for all DataSet types. The values could also be hard coded, expressions, or variables.
Your Process
If you need this to be dynamic for each file name, then you'll probably want to break this into parts:
Use a GetMetadata Activity to list the files from SFTP.
Foreach over the return list and process each file individually.
Inside the Foreach -> Parse each file name individually to extract the Folder name to a variable.
Inside the Foreach -> Use the Variable in a Copy Activity to populate the Folder name in the DataSet.

Powershell Only:File name change according to mapping file and then copy to another directory

I have a mapping file in import.CSV as following:
Now, I have a directory which contains files like
Please note #Sal will always be there after Name. I need to pick these files and put into another directory and end result in second directory should look like.
Basically Files need to be renamed based upon CSV file and if Name is not there in file name , then there is no action required. Please note that source file should not be changed.
I will appreciate all kind of help.

How to move files whose file name is not used in a set of text files?

I'm a Powershell beginner and this is my first post on stackoverflow. I can understand some simple pipelines, but the following challenge is too complicated for me at this point:
I have a folder with testdata containing *.bmp files and their associated files. I want a powershell script to check which bmp-files are still used. If not used, move bmp-files and associated files to another folder.
bmp-files and associated files: For example; car01.bmp, car01.log, car01.file, car02.bmp, (...)
The bmp-files are in use if their file name (eg, car01.bmp) is mentioned in any of the (text/csv) files in at least one of 2 locations (incl. subfolders).
If the file name is not found in any of the text files, I want the script to move that file, and any file who's name differs only by file extension to a designated folder.
Looking forward to your solutions!