Delete duplicates files with powershell based on their name and file contents - powershell

I am really new to powershell, really need help with this.
I have a directory with multiple folders with multiple files, some files in different folders are having the same name with or without the same content. All I need to do is to filter out all the files with the same name and with the same content and move them to the other folder.
I tried the way using in this link
the issue here is that get-filehash can find the duplicates by contents, but not by name (for example: dir\a\a.txt and dir\a\b.txt will be considered as duplicates but I want dir\a\a.txt and dir\b\a.txt be the duplicates) and also it cannot identify empty files.


How to rename an XML file using the pattern in a different .txt file?

I have a folder say, source folder, containing 1000+ xml files with some ambiguous names, like:
_MIM_54154548557_6568436 etc.
Out of these thousands of XML files I’ve to select some 10-12 xml files with a particular node in them and move them to another folder (destination folder) and rename the files respectively with some meaningful names.
For example:
There is an xml file with name _MIM_15646432635_6664684 and it contains a node pattern like: “bab6e7h835468eg” and I’ve to rename it to name like: {1FE9909E-4450-B98665362022}
So for this I’ve to write a script which will search the file in source folder and if it finds my desired node pattern then move this file to destination folder post renaming it to some meaningful name.
Provided I’ve an excel sheet where I do have a list of two columns, one containing the specific node pattern and column two has a respective new name list.
Currenty, I’ve a script which can search a file and move it to another folder provided I’m giving input to the script with the node pattern and file name from that excel sheet:
Select-String – Path “\Dubwta01\AIR\Invalid*.xml” – Pattern ‘bab6e7h835468eg’ | %{Copy-Item – Path $_.Path – Destination ‘\Dubwta01\AIR\Invalid{1FE9909E-4450-B98665362022}.xml’
What now I need is that a new script which will pick all 10 files from source folder and move it to destination folder by renaming it and I don’t have to hard code the pattern and new name in script rather it shall fetch the details from that excel or I can save the details in text files whatever is suitable for script to pick the name and pattern from.

Scripting help for copying new items added to a set of directories

I have a set of folders which have new files being added to them regularly, but I have to process those files as they come in. This can be a time consuming process to dig into each folder one by one. I need to figure out how to write a script that will filter out the new files, and copy them into a new directory.
So far I have figured out how to use the Get-ChildItem -Path -Recurse command in powershell to list the new items in the corresponding folders as shown in the third script on this Microsoft page.
So I can see the new files in their folders. How do I copy those items to the destination folder while replicating their original folder structure? I want to be able to recreate the original folders so that I can just overwrite the originals with the edited versions later.
I discovered robocopy, and was able to use it to solve my problem. The /maxage:x option was perfect for my needs.

How to move files whose file name is not used in a set of text files?

I'm a Powershell beginner and this is my first post on stackoverflow. I can understand some simple pipelines, but the following challenge is too complicated for me at this point:
I have a folder with testdata containing *.bmp files and their associated files. I want a powershell script to check which bmp-files are still used. If not used, move bmp-files and associated files to another folder.
bmp-files and associated files: For example; car01.bmp, car01.log, car01.file, car02.bmp, (...)
The bmp-files are in use if their file name (eg, car01.bmp) is mentioned in any of the (text/csv) files in at least one of 2 locations (incl. subfolders).
If the file name is not found in any of the text files, I want the script to move that file, and any file who's name differs only by file extension to a designated folder.
Looking forward to your solutions!

I have mutiple folders I want to include in doxywizard

I have mutiple folders I want to include in doxywizard. Any Idea how can I do that? Currently If I select folder with multiple subfolder in it and when I run doxygen, It is not showing me any output.
When having specified just folders in the INPUT tag the files here are handled but not the files in subdirectories. For the later ones one needs the RECURSIVE tag (from the documentation):
The RECURSIVE tag can be used to specify whether or not subdirectories should be searched for input files as well.
The default value is: NO.

C# folder and subfolder

Upon numerous searches, I am here to see if someone has any idea on how I should go about tackling this issue.
I have a folder with sub-folders. The sub-folder containers each has files of different file types e.g. pdf, png, jpeg, tiff, avi and word documents.
My goal is to write a code in C# that will go into the subfolder, and combined all the files into one pdf using the name of the folder. The only exception is that a file such as avi will not be pdf'ed in which case I want a nudge as to which folder it is and possibly file name. I am trying to use the form approach, so that you can copy in the folder pathname and also destination of the created pdf.
to start, create a FolderBrowserDialog to get the root folder. Alternatively just make a textbox in which you paste the folder name ( less preferred since the first method gives you nicer error-handling straight out of the box )
In order to iterate through, see How to: Iterate Through a Directory Tree
To find the filetype, check System.IO.FileInfo.Extension for each file you iterate through. Add those to list with the data you need. ( hint, create a list of objects in which your object reflects the data you need such as path, type etc,... ). If its an avi don't toss it in the list but flash a warning (messagebox?) instead.
From here the original question gets fuzzy. What exactly do you need in the pdf. Just the filenames and locations or do you actually want to throw the actual contents of the file in pdf?