Message passing between two perl files - perl

I have 2 Perl files which cannot be merged and have to be run separately. My first file does certain initialization of parameters which are used by my second file, which performs some testing. Now I want to use the parameters initialized in the first file in the second file so how can I do that?
I will write a Perl script for Software testing. I need to write two files one is initialization file which will do all the initialization and the second file contains the test sequence to execute which will use initialize parameters. I need to run both files separately. Execution-wise my first file will execute first and then my second file will run.
I am thinking of using XML file where the first file will log the parameter in the file and the second file will get the parameters from that file? Is there any better way to do this?

If your initialization produces only plain key-value pairs then any way of serialising data will suffice. Otherwise XML is probably the worst option for your case. You might need to put a lot of effort to get the same data structure in your second script. This happens because by default xml modules do not know what should be an atrribute, a child node or an array of nodes. For example, passing a one-element array of hashes to xml from first script might turn to just a single hash in your second script. The results will highly depend on xml modules, options you pass to them and the data itself.
JSON should'n have such issues. It might have unnecessary type conversions but you shouldn't really notice them.
Storable guarantees that you get the same data in your second script.
You might find Data::Dumper to be an easier solution. But it has some security issues since you need to execute its output in your second script.
All of the above are not meant to be used with data containing self-references and anything but scalars, arrayrefs and hashrefs.


Talend - Extract FileName from tLogRow/tSort

I am new to Talend and just trying to work my way through it.
Problem Statement
I need to process a positional file, from a list of files. Need to identify the latest file first and then process only that file. I was able to identify the most updated file. And then I was able to create another flow which processes the positional file. The problem is combining these two flows so that I am able to identify the most recent file and have just that one processed.
Tried so far
Have been trying to extract the most recent file from a list within a directory. Iterated through all the files, retained their properties in a buffer. Post completion of this sub-task, read through the buffer, sorted with descending mime, extracted the top record and was able to print it using tLogRow.
All seems to be fine except I don't know how to use the filename now for next task.
I am certain this is very rudimentary but I'll be honest, I've been scourging the internet/help from quite some time now, with no success.
Any pointers would help.
The job flow is attached for your reference.
First of all, you can simplify your job by using tFileList's capabilities. It can sort files by their modified date:
Next, use tIterateToFlow to convert each iteration to a row:
and tSampleRow with a range of "1", to get the most recent file.
Then store the result in a global variable. In the next subjob, just use that global variable as your filename in tFileInputPositional.

How can I maintain a collection of fish functions in a single file?

I want to define a number of functions for use from the command line and in scripts. One way would be to create one file for every function, and store them in the autoloading folder (e.g. ~/config/fish/functions/, ~/config/fish/functions/, ...)
But I don't want to maintain each function in its own file. Is there any way to define a collection of functions in a single file (such that they can be referenced from the command line and from multiple scripts)?
(Alternatively, fish is guided by strong design principles. If there is a documented fish-was-designed-this-way rationale to store one file per user-defined function, I'd like to see it.)
You can just have multiple functions in a single file, but you can only use autoloading for one of them.
The issue is this: If you have a function "foo" and a function "bar" in a file, how is fish supposed to know that, without reading the file first?
For autoloading, the file is named after the function (e.g. "bar" would be stored in ""), so fish can figure out where it is.
So, you can do one of two things:
If one of the functions is always called first, then you can use that as the file name and store it in a function file. After you've used that function, fish knows about the rest (since it sourced the file).
If that isn't the case (or you don't want to rely on it), you can either source the file manually whenever you need it (or just once at startup) or store it in a configuration snippet in ~/.config/fish/conf.d/ (which fish will source automatically right before reading
The former means that e.g. helper functions can be stored along with the main one. The latter is a teensy bit slower when you're loading the file without using the function, but unless you're using this excessively you're unlikely to even notice.

Mistake when use abaqus subroutine to read file with multiple processors(cpus)

I got a mistake when I use abaqus subroutine to read file with multiple processors(cpus),could you help me to deal with this mistake.thanks a lot
I want to read variables from a file ,when one cpu is used,everything is ok,
but when more than one cpus are used,there will be a mistake,it seems that every cpu repeat the same command.
for example,the following is the contents of the file to read from,file name is data.dat
*matID ,2,1
131000.000, 8880.000, 8180.000
0.324, 0.324, 0.300
3990.000, 5320.000, 5320.000
1871.000, 59.700, 59.700
1291.000, 215.000, 215.000
90.000, 102.000, 102.000
my subroutine is shown as follow:
character*12 check1
integer check2,error
if (error.EQ.0) then
read(10,*,iostat=error) check1,Nm
end if
print *,'Nm=',nm,error
print *,'**'
when I use 2 cpus,the printed results will be :
Nm= 2 0
Nm= 8880 0
Depending on the reason for reading in data from a file, there are a couple of ways to avoid this problem:
If you only need to access the data once:
Read in the data in a subroutine that is always called in serial. UEXTERNALDB is a good example and can be used so that the file open only happens at the beginning of an analysis or the beginning of an increment as needed. You can then carefully store the information in common blocks. Reading from a common block in parallel should work fine, but do not write to them from the parallel subroutines.
Another way to get in a smaller amount of data is to define solution variables in your input file instead.
If you really need to open this file locally within each parallel thread (can't see why but open to correction), you can use GETNUMCPUS and GETRANK to open different copies of the files within each thread. GETRANK returns an integer giving you the rank/id of the process. I would advise against this method though. If your problem is large enough to warrant using parallel, then you should avoid slowing it down with file reads.
For more info see sections 1.1.31 and 2.1.4 of the Abaqus 6.14 docs.

Changing value of a variable in perl using another script

I have an unusual requirement. I have a big config /perl file in which I would like to change the value of one variable before my run. To avoid manually finding the variable and changing it's value, I would like to write a perl script to change the name of the variable. Is that possible to do this without parsing every single line of big perl file, creating a temporary copy and overwriting old file.
Something is parsing this file at some point, right? Give it a list of things to substitute and you can have it only do the substitutions when it needs it. This avoids a big pre-startup overhead and if the config file is sparsely used, will result in a faster overall run.
So just make the thing reading it look for certain patterns to substitute in and a file (or passed in on the command line or environment variables, or...) for the values it should use and go from there.
If you don't have control over the parser, then there's not much to do. You could one-time pre-process the config file to determine EXACTLY where the substitutions need to be and write a faster processor, since it won't have to do any string parsing for regular expressions, just moving a bunch of bytes as fast as your computer can move them to the new file with the substitutions in place.

Processing text inside variable before writing it into file

I'm using Perl WWW::Mechanize package in order to fetch and process data from some websites. Usually my way of action is as follows:
Fetch a webpage
Save the webpage contents in a variable (BTW, I'm not sure if it's the right way to save this amount of text inside a scalar which, as far as I know, supposed to be used for a single value)
my $list = $mech->content();
Use a subroutine that I've created to write the contents of the variable to a text file. (The writetoFile subroutine includes few more features, like path and existing file validations..)
Processing the text in a file created in the previous step by creating an additional file and save the processed content there (Then deleting the initial temporary file).
What I wonder about, is whether it is possible to perform the processing before storing the text in a file, directly inside the $list variable? The whole process is working as expected but I don't really like the logic behind it and it seems a bit inefficient as well, since I have to rewrite the same file multiple times.
Just to give a bit more information about what I'm actually after when I process the variable contents. So the data I fetch from the website in this case is actually a list of items separated by a blank line and the first line is irrelevant to me. So what I'm doing while processing this data is 2 things:
Remove the empty (CRLF) lines
Remove the first line if it includes a particular text.
Ideally I want to save the processed list (no blank spaces and first line removed) in a file without creating any additional files on the way. In order to save the file I would like to use the writeToFile sub (I wrote) since it also performs validation on whether such file already exists (If a file will be saved before final processing - the writeToFile will always rewrite the existing file).
Hope it makes sense.
You're looking for split. The pattern depends: use (?<=\n) split at a new line character and keep it. If that doesn't matter, use \R to include all sort of line breaks.
foreach my $line (split qr/\R/, $mech->content) {
Now the obligatory HTML-parsing-with-regex admonishment: if you get HTML source with Mechanize, parsing it line-by-line does not make much sense. You probably want to process the HTML-stripped text version of the document instead, or pass the HTML source to a parser such as Web::Query to declaratively get at the pieces you need.