Mistake when use abaqus subroutine to read file with multiple processors(cpus) - subroutine

I got a mistake when I use abaqus subroutine to read file with multiple processors(cpus),could you help me to deal with this mistake.thanks a lot
I want to read variables from a file ,when one cpu is used,everything is ok,
but when more than one cpus are used,there will be a mistake,it seems that every cpu repeat the same command.
for example,the following is the contents of the file to read from,file name is data.dat
*matID ,2,1
131000.000, 8880.000, 8180.000
0.324, 0.324, 0.300
3990.000, 5320.000, 5320.000
1871.000, 59.700, 59.700
1291.000, 215.000, 215.000
90.000, 102.000, 102.000
my subroutine is shown as follow:
character*12 check1
integer check2,error
if (error.EQ.0) then
read(10,*,iostat=error) check1,Nm
end if
print *,'Nm=',nm,error
print *,'**'
when I use 2 cpus,the printed results will be :
Nm= 2 0
Nm= 8880 0

Depending on the reason for reading in data from a file, there are a couple of ways to avoid this problem:
If you only need to access the data once:
Read in the data in a subroutine that is always called in serial. UEXTERNALDB is a good example and can be used so that the file open only happens at the beginning of an analysis or the beginning of an increment as needed. You can then carefully store the information in common blocks. Reading from a common block in parallel should work fine, but do not write to them from the parallel subroutines.
Another way to get in a smaller amount of data is to define solution variables in your input file instead.
If you really need to open this file locally within each parallel thread (can't see why but open to correction), you can use GETNUMCPUS and GETRANK to open different copies of the files within each thread. GETRANK returns an integer giving you the rank/id of the process. I would advise against this method though. If your problem is large enough to warrant using parallel, then you should avoid slowing it down with file reads.
For more info see sections 1.1.31 and 2.1.4 of the Abaqus 6.14 docs.


How can I make a saving code faster? -MatLab

I'm running a short code to open one by one a list of files and saving back only one of the variables contained in the files. The process seems to me much slower than I expected and getting slower with time, I don't fully understand why and how I could make it run faster. I always struggle with optimization. I'd appreciate if you have suggestions.
The code is the following (the ... substitute the actual path just for example):
for m=7:size(main_dir,1)
second_dir=dir([main_dir(m).folder '\' main_dir(m).name '\*.mat']);
for mm=1:numel(second_dir)
filename{end+1}=[second_dir(mm).folder '\' second_dir(mm).name];
for mmm=1:numel(filename)
save(['\\storage2-...\DAQ5\Ch1_',namefile(end-18:end-4),'.mat'], 'Ch_1_y')
The original file is about 17 MB and once the single variable is saved it is about 6 MB in size.
The Matlab load function takes an optional additional argument to specify just a selected variable to read from the input file.
s = load('path/to/file.mat', 'Ch_1_y');
That way you don't have to spend time loading in all the other variables from those input .mat files that you're just going to immediately throw away.
And using save to save MAT-files over SMB shares can be slow. You might want to call save to write it to a temporary local file first, and then copy the completed file to the final destination. Sounds like more I/O, but it can actually be a net win, depending on your particular system and network. Measure it both ways to see if it's a win in your particular situation.

INode File System, what is the extra space in a data block used for?

So, I am currently learning about the INode file system and am asked to write a simple file system using Inodes.
So far, I understand that there is an INode table that has a mapping from INode-> Data blocks through direct/indirect pointers.
Let's assume data gets written into a file, the data is stored into two blocks. Let's say each block is 512bytes, and the file takes one full block, and only 200 bytes of the second block. What happens with the rest of the space in that data block? Is it reserved for that file only or do other files use this block?
Depending on the file system, usually and most likely this area is now lost. I think the Reiser File System actually reclaimed this area, but I could be wrong.
Creating your own File System can be a challenging experience, but also an enjoyable experience. I have created a few myself and worked on another. If you are creating your own file system, you can have it do whatever you wish.
Look at the bottom of this page for a few that I am working on/with. The LeanFS in particular, uses Inodes as well. The SFS is a very simple file system. Each is well documented so that you can research and decide what you would like to do.

Message passing between two perl files

I have 2 Perl files which cannot be merged and have to be run separately. My first file does certain initialization of parameters which are used by my second file, which performs some testing. Now I want to use the parameters initialized in the first file in the second file so how can I do that?
I will write a Perl script for Software testing. I need to write two files one is initialization file which will do all the initialization and the second file contains the test sequence to execute which will use initialize parameters. I need to run both files separately. Execution-wise my first file will execute first and then my second file will run.
I am thinking of using XML file where the first file will log the parameter in the file and the second file will get the parameters from that file? Is there any better way to do this?
If your initialization produces only plain key-value pairs then any way of serialising data will suffice. Otherwise XML is probably the worst option for your case. You might need to put a lot of effort to get the same data structure in your second script. This happens because by default xml modules do not know what should be an atrribute, a child node or an array of nodes. For example, passing a one-element array of hashes to xml from first script might turn to just a single hash in your second script. The results will highly depend on xml modules, options you pass to them and the data itself.
JSON should'n have such issues. It might have unnecessary type conversions but you shouldn't really notice them.
Storable guarantees that you get the same data in your second script.
You might find Data::Dumper to be an easier solution. But it has some security issues since you need to execute its output in your second script.
All of the above are not meant to be used with data containing self-references and anything but scalars, arrayrefs and hashrefs.

fopen error - works for a while but then gives an error

I have a script that is running a series of for loops, and within these for loops a file is created that is then run using an external program using the script command. In summary it looks like this:
for i=1:n1
for j=1:n2
for k=1:n3
fprintf(fid,'Some commands to pass to external program depending on i j k');
system('program file.txt');
The script has in total about 500k cases (n1xn2xn3), and runs fine for a small scenario (about 100 runs), but for the entire script it runs for a while and then returns an error for no apparent reason, giving this error:
fopen invalid file identifier object
There is no obvious reason for this, and Im wondering if anyone could point out what is wrong?
Just a guess: an instance of your external program is reading file.txt and at the same time the next iteration of your nested loop wants to open file.txt for writing. The more instances of your external program are running at the same time, the slower your machine, the more likely becomes this scenario. (called a 'race condition')
Possible solution for this: use a separate text file per case with a unique file name
You should also consider using other ways to call your external function because file handling for 500k cases should be very slow.
Hope that helps,

To read a big file which are in Gigs fastly in PERL

We are currently reading the file line by line which delays to read and complete for all.
we would need to read the file fastly and prgoress with our commands.
the commands which i tried using fork and array just displays me the first set of lines only and not proceeding with pther sets.
please help on it.
Reading a large file takes a fair bit of time - disks are slow, after all. Before you start looking at Perl, first try (assuming you're on a unix-type system):
time cat /path/to/your/large/file >/dev/null
The output will tell you how long it takes to just read that file from disk without doing anything to it. Alternately, open the file in your favorite text editor and time how long it takes to load. Once you have that time, compare it to how long your Perl program takes to read the file. Unless the Perl program takes significantly longer, you're not likely to be able to do anything about it because the time is being spent on getting the data from disk rather than on processing it.
Of course, that's assuming that you actually do need to read the entire file. If you can get by with only reading specific parts of it, then you could create an index file and use that to jump directly to the part that's of interest, but you haven't provided enough information for us to tell whether that would apply to your case or not.
If you need more specific help, please provide a better description of what you mean to accomplish and a small, runnable piece of Perl code which shows how you're currently reading and processing the file so that we can see whether you're doing anything particularly inefficient that can be improved on.