How to make a CMS for a existing website? - content-management-system

I'm looking for developing a website that should allow my clients to update and edit the contents of the website. Is it better to use CMS or develop an interface?
I've tried working with Wordpress.
Getting a few ideas for developing a Website that allows Client engagement in site activities.


Applications inside my Web application

Currently we are developing social network, which includes apps inside, for example Games. There is no public API for developers to make their apps, instead Apps developed ourself.
Our platform is based on Zend Framework. Also we have XMPP protocol implementation (clientside-strophe, serverside-java) for chat, notifications and for other pushing tasks. XMPP will be used in apps.
We want to separate apps from social network code, so we can keep it simple, lightweight.
What strategy you can suggest for such separation? Our desire is to keep architecture and code simple and clean.
Since this is an architectural question, I'm sure there are many way of doing what you need. Here is my 2 cents. Keep your apps server completely separated from the social media server. Use client side JS scripts to embed and render the apps on your social media site.
Think it like this: You know Facebook social plugins that allow embedding Facebook components in external sites. Below is a screenshot of Facebook LikeBox embedded in a completely separate DNN portal.
In your scenario, assume DNN as your social media site. And the LikeBox as your app. Architecturally they are well separated, even can be served from different severs. But integration happens on the client side.
If you need these apps to interact with the social media site, either you can do it via a REST API. Or you can use DOM events or simple JS function calls.
Few days ago I wrote a blog post on a similar architecture and can be found at:
3rd party apps like facebook app are standalone application which access facebook DATA .
So make your social network data available through your API on internet, implement Zend_OAuth for authentication HMAC after that you can freeze your social network code .
Now you can create your web application in Javascript/Flash which access your social network data through your API .

Is there an Open Source Version of Facebook Ads manager?

I am running a small community site and I want to have an ads manage similar to that which is on or Facebook where advertisers can create their own ads. I'm wondering if there are any open source platforms that would be easily tied into a Wordpress site that would allow for end users to manage their own ad spots.
I found this open source project that serves my purposes. Very impressive so far:

How do I make my website available in Google Apps Marketplace?

I have developed a management tool web site using ASP .NET.
Currently users register in the site to use the service. I would like to move it to Google Apps Marketplace. So that it would be available to google users.
I am quite confused what i should be doing to achieve this. Can anyone provide some useful links explaining how to do it.
If you are looking for a way for google users to login in your app by their google usernames, use the google oauth api
and here's the link to become a vendor on the google apps marketplace:

Creating Facebook App

Im new to facebook applications. I recently created a webapp that consisted of html & php. But recently Ive decided that integrating my webapp within facebook would be useful. Any tips on where to start? Ive looked over and im confused. It appears they are in the process of updating. Ive come across a few guides but there from a few years ago. This app will run completely within facebook and im probably gonna have to rewrite all the code. Any guides or suggestions?
You didn't specify the programming language you're using but if you're developing asp, start by looking into Facebook c# sdk here:
If you're using any other language (i.e. php), try looking into respective software dev. kits (i.e. facebook php sdk). They will facilitate your job in comparison to starting raw development all by yourself.
Tim, if you want to get into the business of working with Facebook, you need to know right away that they are always in the process of updating. That being said, you should learn some Facebook terminology so you can do more research and figure out what you want to do.
Applications that run within the Facebook interface are called Canvas Apps. Your application is hosted on your own server, and Facebook simply adds an iframe in their UI that points to your app's URL.
Another way to go to create a webapp that uses your own design, but still utilizes a single sign-on system from Facebook. This used to be called a Connect App but now they don't really have a name for it. Basically, you can use Facebook's authorization system to pull Facebook user data into your own database, which basically eliminates the need for a registration page. The authorization system prompts the user to allow your app to get specific data about them - once they authorize it, your app has access to do whatever the user gave it permission to do.
The best document to wrap your brain around is about authentication:
Give that a whirl, and good luck!

How can I implement Facebook Chat on my site?

I'm developing a site with something similar to the Digg bar at the top. One of the features requested is a live chat using Facebook. Is it even possible to implement Facebook Chat on my site by using Facebook Connect or other methods? And if so, how?
[update] I've seen that it works with Pidgin and Adium, but what I'm looking for is a site based implementation (think AJAX & HTML living at the top of the page).
It appears that the Facebook team has at least begun, if not finished, implementing an xmpp/jabber interface for Facebook Chat. This would allow you to use any XMPP enabled client to connect to Facebook. That said, there's at least one javascript jabber client library available that I can find. Although, you may have to implement a proxy on your web server to allow the JS client to talk to the Facebook server.
Also, I'm not sure how they're doing it, but Meebo has managed to enable Facebook chat integration on their site with Facebook Connect. I haven't found anything mentioning it, but this functionality may be easily available through the Facebook Connect API (documentation).
To answer your question: Yes, it's possible.