Postgres utilizing 100% CPU on EC2 Instance? Why? How to fix? - postgresql

I am facing same issue regularly which happens 1-3 times in a month and mostly on weekends.
To explain, CPU utilization is exceeding past 100% from last 32 hours.
EC2 Instance is t3.medium
Postgres version is 10.6
OS : Amazon Linux 2
I have tried gather all the information I could get using command provided in reference
But didn't found any inconsistency or leak in my database, although while checking for process consuming all CPU resources I found following command is the culprit running for more than 32 hours.
/var/lib/postgresql/10/main/postgresql -u pg_linux_copy -B
This command is running from 3 separate processes at the moment and running from last 32 hours, 16 hours & 16 hours respectively.
Searching about about this didn't even returned a single result on google which is heartbreaking.
If I kill the process, everything turns back to normal.
What is the issue and what can I do to prevent this from happening again in future?

I was recently contacted by AWS EC2 Abuse team regarding my instance involved in some intrusion attack to some other server.
To my surprise, I found out that as I had used very week password root for default postgres account for my database and also had the postgres port public, the attacker silently gained access to instance and used my instance to try gaining access to another instance.
I am still not sure, how was he able to try ssh command by gaining access to master database account.
To summarise, One reason for unusual database spikes on server could be someone attacking your system.


pg_create_logical_replication_slot hanging indefinitely due to old walsender process

I am testing logical replication between 2 PostgreSQL 11 databases for use on our production (I was able to set it thanks to this answer - PostgreSQL logical replication - create subscription hangs) and it worked well.
Now I am testing scripts and procedure which would set it automatically on production databases but I am facing strange problem with logical replication slots.
I had to restart logical replica due to some changes in setting requiring restart - which of course could happen on replicas also in the future. But logical replication slot on master did not disconnect and it is still active for certain PID.
I dropped subscription on master (I am still only testing) and tried to repeat the whole process with new logical replication slot but I am facing strange situation.
I cannot create new logical replication slot with the new name. Process running on the old logical replication slot is still active and showing wait_event_type=Lock and wait_event=transaction.
When I try to use pg_create_logical_replication_slot to create new logical replication slot I get similar situation. New slot is created - I see it in pg_catalog but it is marked as active for the PID of the session which issued this command and command hangs indefinitely. When I check processes I can see this command active with same waiting values Lock/transaction.
I tried to activate parameter "lock_timeout" in postgresql.conf and reload configuration but it did not help.
Killing that old hanging process will most likely bring down the whole postgres because it is "walsender" process. It is visible in processes list still with IP of replica with status "idle wating".
I tried to find some parameter(s) which could help me to force postgres to stop this walsender. But settings wal_keep_segments or wal_sender_timeout did not change anything. I even tried to stop replica for longer time - no effect.
Is there some way to do something with this situation without restarting the whole postgres? Like forcing timeout for walsender or lock for transaction etc...
Because if something like this happens on production I would not be able to use restart or any other "brute force". Thanks...
"Walsender" process "died out" after some time but log does not show anything about it so I do not know when exactly it happened. I can only guess it depends on tcp_keepalives_* parameters. Default on Debian 9 is 2 hours to keep idle process. So I tried to set these parameters in postgresql.conf and will see in following tests.
Strangely enough today everything works without any problems and no matter how I try to simulate yesterday's problems I cannot. Maybe there were some network communication problems in the cloud datacenter involved - we experienced some occasional timeouts in connections into other databases too.
So I really do not know the answer except for "wait until walsender process on master dies" - which can most likely be influenced by tcp_keepalives_* settings. Therefore I recommend to set them to some reasonable values in postgresql.conf because defaults on OS are usually too big.
Actually we use it on our big analytical databases (set both on PostgreSQL and OS) because of similar problems. Golang and nodejs programs calculating statistics from time to time failed to recognize that database session ended or died out in some cases and were hanging until OS ended the connection after 2 hours (default on Debian). All of it seemed to be always connected with network communication problems. With proper tcp_keepalives_* setting reaction is much quicker in case of problems.
After old walsender process dies on master you can repeat all steps and it should work. So looks like I just had bad luck yesterday...

AWS RDS with Postgres : Is OOM killer configured

We are running load test against an application that hits a Postgres database.
During the test, we suddenly get an increase in error rate.
After analysing the platform and application behaviour, we notice that:
CPU of Postgres RDS is 100%
Freeable memory drops on this same server
And in the postgres logs, we see:
2018-08-21 08:19:48 UTC::#:[XXXXX]:LOG: server process (PID XXXX) was terminated by signal 9: Killed
After investigating and reading documentation, it appears one possibility is linux oomkiller running having killed the process.
But since we're on RDS, we cannot access system logs /var/log messages to confirm.
So can somebody:
confirm that oom killer really runs on AWS RDS for Postgres
give us a way to check this ?
give us a way to compute max memory used by Postgres based on number of connections ?
I didn't find the answer here:
AWS maintains a page with best practices for their RDS service:
In terms of memory allocation, that's the recommendation:
An Amazon RDS performance best practice is to allocate enough RAM so
that your working set resides almost completely in memory. To tell if
your working set is almost all in memory, check the ReadIOPS metric
(using Amazon CloudWatch) while the DB instance is under load. The
value of ReadIOPS should be small and stable. If scaling up the DB
instance class—to a class with more RAM—results in a dramatic drop in
ReadIOPS, your working set was not almost completely in memory.
Continue to scale up until ReadIOPS no longer drops dramatically after
a scaling operation, or ReadIOPS is reduced to a very small amount.
For information on monitoring a DB instance's metrics, see Viewing DB Instance Metrics.
Also, that's their recommendation to troubleshoot possible OS issues:
Amazon RDS provides metrics in real time for the operating system (OS)
that your DB instance runs on. You can view the metrics for your DB
instance using the console, or consume the Enhanced Monitoring JSON
output from Amazon CloudWatch Logs in a monitoring system of your
choice. For more information about Enhanced Monitoring, see Enhanced
There's a lot of good recommendations there, including query tuning.
Note that, as a last resort, you could switch to Aurora, which is compatible with PostgreSQL:
Aurora features a distributed, fault-tolerant, self-healing storage
system that auto-scales up to 64TB per database instance. Aurora
delivers high performance and availability with up to 15 low-latency
read replicas, point-in-time recovery, continuous backup to Amazon S3,
and replication across three Availability Zones.
EDIT: talking specifically about your issue w/ PostgreSQL, check this Stack Exchange thread -- they had a long connection with auto commit set to false.
We had a long connection with auto commit set to false:
During that time we were doing a lot
of small queries and a few queries with a cursor:
In JDBC you create a connection object, and from that connection you
create statements. When you execute the statments you get a result
Now, every one of these objects needs to be closed, but if you close
statement, the entry set is closed, and if you close the connection
all the statements are closed and their result sets.
We were used to short living queries with connections of their own so
we never closed statements assuming the connection will handle the
things once it is closed.
The problem was now with this long transaction (~24 hours) which never
closed the connection. The statements were never closed. Apparently,
the statement object holds resources both on the server that runs the
code and on the PostgreSQL database.
My best guess to what resources are left in the DB is the things
related to the cursor. The statements that used the cursor were never
closed, so the result set they returned never closed as well. This
meant the database didn't free the relevant cursor resources in the
DB, and since it was over a huge table it took a lot of RAM.
Hope it helps!
TLDR: If you need PostgreSQL on AWS and you need rock solid stability, run PostgreSQL on EC2 (for now) and do some kernel tuning for overcommitting
I'll try to be concise, but you're not the only one who has seen this and it is a known (internal to Amazon) issue with RDS and Aurora PostgreSQL.
OOM Killer on RDS/Aurora
The OOM killer does run on RDS and Aurora instances because they are backed by linux VMs and OOM is an integral part of the kernel.
Root Cause
The root cause is that the default Linux kernel configuration assumes that you have virtual memory (swap file or partition), but EC2 instances (and the VMs that back RDS and Aurora) do not have virtual memory by default. There is a single partition and no swap file is defined. When linux thinks it has virtual memory, it uses a strategy called "overcommitting" which means that it allows processes to request and be granted a larger amount of memory than the amount of ram the system actually has. Two tunable parameters govern this behavior:
vm.overcommit_memory - governs whether the kernel allows overcommitting (0=yes=default)
vm.overcommit_ratio - what percent of system+swap the kernel can overcommit. If you have 8GB of ram and 8GB of swap, and your vm.overcommit_ratio = 75, the kernel will grant up to 12GB or memory to processes.
We set up an EC2 instance (where we could tune these parameters) and the following settings completely stopped PostgreSQL backends from getting killed:
vm.overcommit_memory = 2
vm.overcommit_ratio = 75
vm.overcommit_memory = 2 tells linux not to overcommit (work within the constraints of system memory) and vm.overcommit_ratio = 75 tells linux not to grant requests for more than 75% of memory (only allow user processes to get up to 75% of memory).
We have an open case with AWS and they have committed to coming up with a long-term fix (using kernel tuning params or cgroups, etc) but we don't have an ETA yet. If you are having this problem, I encourage you to open a case with AWS and reference case #5881116231 so they are aware that you are impacted by this issue, too.
In short, if you need stability in the near term, use PostgreSQL on EC2. If you must use RDS or Aurora PostgreSQL, you will need to oversize your instance (at additional cost to you) and hope for the best as oversizing doesn't guarantee you won't still have the problem.

why is AWS RDS backup taking so long?

I am using RDS to run a postgresql server (9.6.3) and this morning, a backup was automatically kicked off. It is still going 6 hours later which seems absurd. The database is not that big (~ 600 GB), and as far as I can tell, this is the first time i've experienced this problem. The machine is relatively beefy (db.m4.2xlarge), so it seems like these backups should take a lot less than 6 hours.
I am also surprised by the fact that a backup would be kicked off at 5:30 AM, which seems awfully close to standard biz hours.
Any ideas?
You scheduled the 5:30 AM backup window. Amazon didn't randomly kick it off at that time. Look at your RDS instance's settings and you will see a backup window that was defined when you created the instance.
An RDS backup is like an EBS snapshot, and it shouldn't be reliant on the CPU of the server at all. It should also not affect server performance at all.
You should look into migrating to Amazon Aurora now that the PostreSQL version is out of beta. Among other benefits, you will get extremely fast snapshot creation with Aurora.
Sometimes things like this become "stuck" due to an issue behind the scenes. If that happens all you can do is open a support ticket with AWS to get it fixed.

High CPU Utilisation on AWS RDS - Postgres

Attempted to migrate my production environment from Native Postgres environment (hosted on AWS EC2) to RDS Postgres (9.4.4) but it failed miserably. The CPU utilisation of RDS Postgres instances shooted up drastically when compared to that of Native Postgres instances.
My environment details goes here
Master: db.m3.2xlarge instance
Slave1: db.m3.2xlarge instance
Slave2: db.m3.2xlarge instance
Slave3: db.m3.xlarge instance
Slave4: db.m3.xlarge instance
[Note: All the slaves were at Level 1 replication]
I had configured Master to receive only write request and this instance was all fine. The write count was 50 to 80 per second and they CPU utilisation was around 20 to 30%
But apart from this instance, all my slaves performed very bad. The Slaves were configured only to receive Read requests and I assume all writes that were happening was due to replication.
Provisioned IOPS on these boxes were 1000
And on an average there were 5 to 7 Read request hitting each slave and the CPU utilisation was 60%.
Where as in Native Postgres, we stay well with in 30% for this traffic.
Couldn't figure whats going wrong on RDS setup and AWS support is not able to provide good leads.
Did anyone face similar things with RDS Postgres?
There are lots of factors, that maximize the CPU utilization on PostgreSQL like:
Free disk space
CPU Usage
I/O usage etc.
I came across with the same issue few days ago. For me the reason was that some transactions was getting stuck and running since long time. Hence forth CPU utilization got inceased. I came to know about this, by running some postgreSql monitoring command:
SELECT max(now() - xact_start) FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE state IN ('idle in transaction', 'active');
This command shows the time from which a transaction is running. This time should not be greater than one hour. So killing the transaction which was running from long time or that was stuck at any point, worked for me. I followed this post for monitoring and solving my issue. Post includes lots of useful commands to monitor this situation.
I would suggest increasing your work_mem value, as it might be too low, and doing normal query optimization research to see if you're using queries without proper indexes.

bcp queryout dreadful performance

I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2. I have a stored procedure that runs bcp via xp_command shell. On my laptop with a copy of the database, a job with 50000 records is almost instant and bcp performance is 71K rows per sec.
I run exactly the same stored procedure on the server and it takes 1h 51 minutes and bcp performance is 7 rows per sec (so 10,000x slower). The query that selects the data runs in under a second on the server BTW. This happened last week and we restarted the SQL Server instance and it ran pretty quick again on server. After about 5 days, the performance got real slow again, but restarting SQL instance didn't help.
My command is:
bcp "exec DBNAME.dbo.SPNAME 224,1 "
queryout "\\Server\path\OUTPUT\11111.txt" -c -t\t -Usa -P"PASSWORD" -SSQLSERVER
If I run activity monitor, I see my stored procedure process and it says RUNNABLE.
The server is on a VM with 4 cores and 28GB RAM.
If I run the same bcp command from a dos shell, I get same.
I'm at a loss where to look now. Anyone got any suggestions?
To answer the question of "where to look" and because the task you are trying to complete involves distributed resources (I'm assuming here because you are using UNC paths)... you have to look into differences between the environments, which when comparing execution between Server and laptop... is just about everything.
Storage (and available storage)
CPU (and available cpu)
Network (and available bandwidth)
Memory (and available memory)
SQL Server version/updates
Maintenance schedules (of which the laptop will likely have none)
concurrent activity (of which the laptop will likely have none)
The data you seem to have addressed. You can confirm that the data/database objects are the same? This is a restored database you are working with on the laptop (restored from the server?) or you've manually inspected tables and indexes if not a restore from the server?
If not restored, could the laptop have less data?
To troubleshoot, you'll also need much more than activity monitor. You'll need performance monitor.
This is from some time ago (not sure why things like this dont expire on here, but oh well).