IP Address Range for Swisscom Public Application Cloud [closed] - swisscomdev

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I need to connect to a third party service API from a cloud foundry (Java) application running on Swisscom's public application cloud. This third party service is secured in a way that I need to provide the IP range I am using to connect to the service (for whitelisting purposes). What would that IP range be for Swisscom Public Application Cloud to outside services?
I could not find an answer in Swisscom's service documentation.

Currently it's ''. you can easily find out by opening a ssh tunnel to an app then curling a ip service (e.g. curl ifconfig.co).
Please note that this can change in the future but Swisscom would announce such a change first.


DNS A record not updating [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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I recently changed the nameservers on Godaddy to a private namesevers pointing to an ip. The website seems to be working fine with Google DNS but its not accessible on wifi in my country
If you have just recently changed or updated the DNS records on your Godaddy management page, this might not be accessible.
Normally, this will take up to a maximum of 72 hours to propagate the Internet.

Kops instance group in different accounts [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is that possible to have IG in another account? We need to implement master multiaccount : 2 masters in 1 account and third master in second account. Is that possible from kops side?
You might be able to use kops terraform support in order to achieve that, but you'll have to perform some changes to the manifest.
Going down this path will probably remove a lot of the benefits for using kops, so there should be very good motives to implement such architecture.
Using kops alone will not allow this use case since it uses a single set of AWS credentials per cluster created.

How to achieve multi tenancy in Kubernetes? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have to deploy an application on cloud which should support multi-tenancy.
The application should have authentication of users and display the customized UI on the basis of user.
I want to understand how Kubernetes or Kubernetes for GCP supports kubernetes.
I have tried to search of relevant material on internet.
kubernetes is a container orchestration engine that helps you deploy a container/pod, scaling, rolling upgrade, rollback etc.
application authentication and custom UI for different users needs to be handled in the application code. We have implemented similar functionality using angularjs frontend with postgreSQL as backend.
The app runs fine in kubernetes cluster.

Are Bluemix Cloud Integration & Secure Gateway in High Availability? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have some questions related to the functioning of Bluemix Cloud Integration & Secure Gateway.
Are they in High Availability?
Do they use virtual IP or not?
Thank you very much
The Cloud Integration environment for Secure Gateway is full HA with a front end load balancer. All Secure Gateways are given a bluemix hostname to contact which is backed by a public physical IP.

best solution for email forwarding when you have a cloud solution [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have some services running on OpenShift and others on a web hosting service.
I would like to migrate all services on cloud solutions to save money.
I found many solutions to assign a domain to cloud services, but I cannot find any solution to create email accounts or mailbox forwarders. When you subscribe a web hosting service you have these tools out of the box (you usually have an "Email" section in your CPanel), do you know any cloud service that gives you the same tools? Do you have to create them from the scratch using POP3 and IMAP protocols?