I have a query that calculates Batch logs from different time slots and shows the output using append command.But in the first time slot i'm getting a batch log which is not there in 2nd timeslot of the same query. In the output of the query after appending i'm not getting the logs that are appearing in only timeslot.
Query using
index=main sourcetype=xml "MSR*" earliest=-30d latest=-15d
in the above query i'm getting MSR1451 batch in the output.
index=main sourcetype=xml "MSR*" earliest=-14d latest=now()
in the above query, we are not getting that MSR1451 batch.
index=main sourcetype=xml "MSR*" earliest=-30d latest=-15d
| fields jobName
| eval marker="Before 15 days"
| append
[search index=main sourcetype=xml "MSR*" earliest=-30d latest=-15d
|fields jobName
| eval marker="After 15 days"]
| stats count (eval(marker="Before 15 days")) AS Before 15 days, count (eval(marker="After 15 days")) AS After 15 days by JobName
In the above query I'm getting only the common jobs that are appearing in both time slots. I need the jobs that appear in only one time slot also should be listed.
Are you meaning to use earliest=-30d and latest=-15d in your main search and sub search?
In the query you posted, you are using the same values for earliest and latest in both searches. You need to do:
index=main sourcetype=xml "MSR*" earliest=-30d latest=-15d |fields jobName | eval marker="Before 15 days" | append [search index=main sourcetype=xml "MSR*" earliest=-15d latest=now() |fields jobName | eval marker="After 15 days"] | stats count (eval(marker="Before 15 days")) AS Before 15 days, count (eval(marker="After 15 days")) AS After 15 days by JobName
I have a question that is very similar to How to group by time interval in Spark SQL
However, my metric is time spent (duration), so my data looks like
KEY |Event_Type | duration | Time
001 |event1 | 10 | 2016-05-01 10:49:51
002 |event2 | 100 | 2016-05-01 10:50:53
001 |event3 | 20 | 2016-05-01 10:50:55
001 |event1 | 15 | 2016-05-01 10:51:50
003 |event1 | 13 | 2016-05-01 10:55:30
001 |event2 | 12 | 2016-05-01 10:57:00
001 |event3 | 11 | 2016-05-01 11:00:01
Is there a way to sum the time spent into five minute buckets, grouped by key, and know when the duration goes outside of the bound of the bucket?
For example, the first row starts at 10:49:51 and ends at 10:50:01
Thus, the bucket for key 001 in window [2016-05-01 10:45:00.0,2016-05-01 10:50:00.0] would get 8 seconds of duration (51 seconds to 60 seconds) and the and the 10:50 to 10:55 would get 2 seconds of duration, plus the relevant seconds from other log lines (20 seconds from the third row, 15 from the 4th row).
I want to sum the time in a specific bucket, but the solution on the other thread of
df.groupBy($"KEY", window($"time", "5 minutes")).sum("metric")
would overcount in the buckets timestamps that overlap buckets start in, and undercount the subsequent buckets
Note: My Time column is also in Epoch timestamps like 1636503077, but I can easily cast it to the above format if that makes this calculation easier.
for my opinion, maybe you need preprocess you data by spilt you duration to every minutes (or every five minutes).
as you wish, the first row
001 |event1 | 10 | 2016-05-01 10:49:51
should be convert to
001 |event1 | 9 | 2016-05-01 10:49:51
001 |event1 | 1 | 2016-05-01 10:50:00
then you can use spark window function to sum it properly.
df.groupBy($"KEY", window($"time", "5 minutes")).sum("metric")
that will not change the result if you only want to know the duration of time bucket, but will increasing the record counts.
I have two Spark DataFrames, the first one (Events) contains events information as following:
The second one (User) contains information from users as below:
What I wonder to know is how to bring the latest value of weight from User before the Event Date using PySpark?
The return of this code must be the following table:
The idea is left join events and users then ranking the weight based on dates to get the latest ones
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql import Window as W
# left join to keep all events
# note the join condition where
# event's date >= user's date
event['User_id'] == user['User_id'],
event['Date'] >= user['Date'],
# rank user's weight to get the latest
# based on the dates that already filtered by event's date
.withColumn('rank_weight', F.rank().over(W.partitionBy(user['User_id']).orderBy(User['Date'].desc())))
.where(F.col('rank_weight') == 1)
# drop unnecessary columns
# Output
# +--------+----------+-------+------+
# |Event_id| Date|User_id|Weight|
# +--------+----------+-------+------+
# | 1|2019-04-19| 1| 75|
# | 2|2019-05-30| 2| null|
# | 3|2020-01-20| 1| 75|
# +--------+----------+-------+------+
I have strings that look like this:
schedulestart | event_labels
2018-04-04 | 9=TTR&11=DNV&14=SWW&26=DNV&2=QQQ&43=FTW
When I look at it in the database. I have code that relies in this string in this format to display a schedule with events with those labels on those days.
Now I find myself needing to break down the string in postgres for reporting/analysis, and I can't really pull out the string and parse it in another language, so I have to stick to postgres.
I've figured out a way to unpack the string so my results look like this:
User ID | Schedule Start | Unpacked String
2 | 2018-04-04 | TTR
2 | 2018-04-04 | 9
2 | 2018-04-04 | DNV
2 | 2018-04-04 | 11
2 | 2018-04-04 | SWW
2 | 2018-04-04 | 14
2 | 2018-04-04 | DNV
2 | 2018-04-04 | 26
select schedulestart, unnest(string_to_array(unnest(string_to_array(event_labels, '&')), '=')) from table;
Now what I need is a way to actually perform an interval calculation (so 2018-04-04+11 days::interval), and I can if I only get a numbers list, but I need to also bind that result to each string. So the goal is an output like this:
eventdate | event_label
2018-04-12 | TTR
2018-04-20 | DNV
Where eventdate is the schedule start + which day of the schedule the event is on. I'm not sure how to take the unpacked string I created and use it to perform date calculations, and tie it to the string.
I've considered doing only one unnest, so that it's 11=TTR and 14=DNV, but I'm not sure how to take that to my desired result either. Is there a way to read a string until you reach a certain character, and then use that in calculations, and then read every character past a certain character in a string into a new column?
I'm aware completely rewriting how this is handled would be ideal, but I did not initially write it, and I don't have the time or means to rewrite the ~20 locations this is used.
Here is your table (I added userid column):
CREATE TABLE test(userid INTEGER, schedulestart DATE, event_labels VARCHAR);
And input data:
INSERT INTO test(userid,schedulestart , event_labels) VALUES
(2,DATE '2018-04-04', '9=TTR&11=DNV&14=SWW&26=DNV&2=QQQ&43=FTW');
And finally the solution:
(schedulestart + (SPLIT_PART(kv,'=',1)||' days')::INTERVAL)::DATE AS eventdate,
SPLIT_PART(kv,'=',2) AS event_label
REGEXP_SPLIT_TO_TABLE(event_labels, '&') AS kv
FROM test
WHERE userid = 2
) a
Given a table that has a column of time ranges e.g.:
| <2015-10-02>--<2015-10-24> |
| <2015-10-05>--<2015-10-20> |
how can I create a column showing the results of org-evalute-time-range?
If I attempt something like:
#+TBLFM: $2='(org-evaluate-time-range $1)
the 2nd column is populated with
Time difference inserted
in every row.
It would also be nice to generate the same result from two different columns with, say, start date and end date instead of creating one column of time ranges out of those two.
If you have your date range split into 2 columns, a simple subtraction works and returns number of days:
| <2015-10-05> | <2015-10-20> | 15 |
| <2013-10-02 08:30> | <2015-10-24> | 751.64583 |
#+TBLFM: $3=$2-$1
Using org-evaluate-time-range is also possible, and you get a nice formatted output:
| <2015-10-02>--<2015-10-24> | 22 days |
| <2015-10-05>--<2015-10-20> | 15 days |
| <2015-10-22 Thu 21:08>--<2015-08-01> | 82 days 21 hours 8 minutes |
#+TBLFM: $2='(org-evaluate-time-range)
Note that the only optional argument that org-evaluate-time-range accepts is a flag to indicate insertion of the result in the current buffer, which you don't want.
Now, how does this function (without arguments) get the correct time range when evaluated is a complete mystery to me; pure magic(!)
I'm working with a gigantic dataset of individuals with demographic information and action tracking. I am trying to get the percentage of people who committed an action, which is simple, but also trying to get average ages of people who fit in a specific subgroup of the original SELECT. The CASE WHEN line works fine alone, and the subquery runs fine in it's own query but I cannot seem to get it integrated into this query as a subquery, it gives me a syntax error on the CASE WHEN statement. Here's a slightly anonymized version of the query. Any help would be VERY appreciated.
age AS ageagg
AND action_taken=1) AvgAge_30Action,
WHEN action_taken=1
AND age> 30
WHEN age>30) AS Over_30_Action
If I've interpreted your intent correctly, you wish to compute the following:
1) the number of people over the age of 30 that took a specific action as a percentage of the total number of people over the age of 30
2) the average age of the people over the age of 30 that took a specific action
Assuming my interpretation is correct, this query might work for you:
100 * over_30_action / over_30_total AS percentage_of_over_30_took_action,
SUM(CASE WHEN action_taken=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS over_30_action,
COUNT(*) AS over_30_total,
AVG(CASE WHEN action_taken=1 THEN age ELSE NULL END)
AS average_age_of_over_30_took_action
FROM agetable
WHERE website_type=3 AND age>30
) aggregated;
I created a dummy table and populated it with the following data.
postgres=# select * from agetable order by website_type, action_taken, age;
age | action_taken | website_type
33 | 1 | 1
32 | 1 | 2
28 | 1 | 3
29 | 1 | 3
32 | 1 | 3
33 | 1 | 3
34 | 1 | 3
32 | 2 | 3
32 | 3 | 3
33 | 4 | 3
34 | 5 | 3
33 | 6 | 3
34 | 7 | 3
35 | 8 | 3
(14 rows)
Of the 14 rows, 4 rows (the first four in this listing) have either the wrong website_type or have age below 30. Of the ten remaining rows, you can see that 3 of them have an action_taken of 1. So, the query should determine that 30% of folks over the age of 30 took a particular action, and the average age among that particular population should be 33 (ages 32, 33, and 34). The results of the query I posted:
percentage_of_over_30_took_action | average_age_of_over_30_took_action
30 | 33.0000000000000000
(1 row)
Again, all of this is predicated upon my interpretation of your intent actually being accurate. This is of course based on a highly contrived data set, but hopefully it's enough of a functional signpost to get you on the right path.