Why leaf node with name type does not work in yang model? - ietf-netmod-yang

I have this simple yang model
leaf type {
type string;
description "some description";
This is not working. Can someone please explain if string 'type' is invalid for leaf name in yang?

A leaf statement argument must be an identifier and there is no restriction that prohibits usage of YANG keywords where an identifier is expected (all built-in keywords are also identifiers). Both leaf type {...} and leaf leaf {...} are valid YANG statements.
The "leaf" statement is used to define a leaf node in the schema
tree. It takes one argument, which is an identifier, followed by a
block of substatements that holds detailed leaf information.
RFC7950, Section 7.6
Here's what the specification says about identifiers:
Identifiers are used to identify different kinds of YANG items by
name. Each identifier starts with an uppercase or lowercase ASCII
letter or an underscore character, followed by zero or more ASCII
letters, digits, underscore characters, hyphens, and dots.
Implementations MUST support identifiers up to 64 characters in
length and MAY support longer identifiers. Identifiers are case
sensitive. The identifier syntax is formally defined by the rule
"identifier" in Section 14. Identifiers can be specified as quoted
or unquoted strings.
RFC7950, Section 6.2
The grammar rule mentioned above:
identifier = (ALPHA / "_")
*(ALPHA / DIGIT / "_" / "-" / ".")
Here's what it says about the namespace of leaf statements (a namespace imposes a unique name requirement within its scope, with the purpose of preventing name clashes):
o All leafs, leaf-lists, lists, containers, choices, rpcs, actions,
notifications, anydatas, and anyxmls defined (directly or through
a "uses" statement) within a parent node or at the top level of
the module or its submodules share the same identifier namespace.
This namespace is scoped to the parent node or module, unless the
parent node is a case node. In that case, the namespace is scoped
to the closest ancestor node that is not a case or choice node.
RFC7950, Section 6.2.1


Why Kotlin does not allow slash in identifiers

The Unicode is allowed in identifiers in backticks
val `💾id` = "1"
But slash is not allowed
val `application/json` = "application/json"
In Scala we can have such names.
This is a JVM limitation. From the specification section 4.2.2:
Names of methods, fields, local variables, and formal parameters are stored as unqualified names. An unqualified name must contain at least one Unicode code point and must not contain any of the ASCII characters . ; [ / (that is, period or semicolon or left square bracket or forward slash).
In Scala names are mangled to avoid this limitation, in Kotlin they are not.
Kotlin's identifiers are used as-is, without any mangling, in the names of JVM classes and methods generated from the Kotlin code. The slash has a special meaning in JVM names (it separates packages and class names). Therefore, Kotlin doesn't allow using it in an identifier.

Using # on Variable Names

Googling I've found this DB2 Function declaration:
#Data VARCHAR(32000),
#Delimiter VARCHAR(5)
Whats means # symbol before the Variable Name?
The # character is simply the first character of the SQL identifier [variable name] naming the parameter defined for the arguments of the User Defined Function (UDF); slightly reformatted [because at first glance I thought that revision might make the at-symbols appear more conspicuously to be part of the name, though now I think probably not]:
( #Data VARCHAR(32000)
, #Delimiter VARCHAR(5)
) returns ...
Put simply, the use of the # character in an identifier is highly discouraged; the use of such variant characters, although supported in standard object naming, they can cause great pains and difficulties, including some that are insurmountable:
An identifier is a token used to form a name. An identifier in an SQL statement is an SQL identifier, a system identifier, or a host identifier.
Note: $, #, #, and all other variant characters should not be used in identifiers because the code points used to represent them vary depending on the CCSID of the string in which they are contained. If they are used, unpredictable results may occur. [...]
[Edit-addendum 17May2015]
Naming rules in a multiple national language environment
The basic character set that can be used in database names consists of the single-byte uppercase and lowercase Latin letters (A…Z, a…z), the Arabic numerals (0…9) and the underscore character (_).
This list is augmented with three special characters (#, #, and $) to provide compatibility with host database products. Use special characters #, #, and $ with care in a multiple national language environment because they are not included in the multiple national language host (EBCDIC) invariant character set. Characters from the extended character set can also be used, depending on the code page that is being used. If you are using the database in a multiple code page environment, you must ensure that all code pages support any elements from the extended character set you plan to use.
[/Edit-addendum 17May2015]

Why is the null predicate called null, not nullp?

Basically, the title says it all: In Common Lisp, why is the null predicate called null. not nullp (to conform to other predicates such as evenp or oddp)? Is there a special reason for this?
First of all, null is not the only one. See atom.
Second, I think these predicates are fundamental ones and thus, very old. I don't think the 'end with p' agreement was introduced from the very beginning of LISP.
Also interesting info on the topic:
By convention, the names of predicates usually end in the letter p (which stands for 'predicate'). Common Lisp uses a uniform convention in hyphenating names of predicates. If the name of the predicate is formed by adding a p to an existing name, such as the name of a data type, a hyphen is placed before the final p if and only if there is a hyphen in the existing name. For example, number begets numberp but standard-char begets standard-char-p. On the other hand, if the name of a predicate is formed by adding a prefixing qualifier to the front of an existing predicate name, the two names are joined with a hyphen and the presence or absence of a hyphen before the final p is not changed. For example, the predicate string-lessp has no hyphen before the p because it is the string version of lessp (a MacLisp function that has been renamed < in Common Lisp). The name string-less-p would incorrectly imply that it is a predicate that tests for a kind of object called a string-less, and the name stringlessp would connote a predicate that tests whether something has no strings (is ``stringless'')!
Source: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/Groups/AI/html/cltl/clm/node69.html
The predicate NULL is very old. It's called NULL in Common Lisp in the hope of encouraging the conversion of legacy Lisp code into Common Lisp
Gosh! It appears in the March 1959 version, and possibly earlier, of McCarthy's original memos (see page 3 of the pdf found here: http://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/6096 ) as one of the three basic predicates.
Amusingly this is before the introduction of car and cdr. Fascinating - in that memo elements in lists are separated by commas.

valid characters for lisp symbols

First of all, as I understand it variable identifiers are called symbols in common lisp.
I noted that while in languages like C variable identifiers can only be alphanumberics and underscores, Common Lisp allows many more characters to be used like "*" and (at least scheme does) "?"
So, what I want to know is: what exactly is the full set of characters that Common Lisp allows to have in a symbol (or variable identifier if I'm wrong)? is that the same for Scheme?
Also, is the set of characters different for function names?
I've been googling, looking in the CLHS, and in Practical Common Lisp, and for the life of me, something must be wrong because I can't seem to find the answer.
A detailed answer is a bit tricky. There is the ANSI standard for Common Lisp. It defines the set of available characters. Basically you can use all those defined characters for symbols. See also Symbols as Tokens.
For example
|Polynom 2 * x ** 3 - 5 * x ** 2 + 10|
is a valid symbol. Note that the vertical bars mark the symbol and do not belong to the symbol name.
Then there are the existing implementations of Common Lisp and their support of various character sets and string types. So several support Unicode (or similar) and allow Unicode characters in symbol names.
CL-USER 1 > (list 'δ 'ψ 'σ '\|)
(δ ψ σ \|)
[From a Schemer's perspective. Even though some concepts in Scheme and Common Lisp have the same name, it does not mean that the mean the same thing in the two languages.]
First note that symbols and identifiers are two different things.
Symbols can be thought of as strings which support fast equality comparision.
Two symbols s and t are equal (more or less) if they are spelled the same way. The operation string=? needs to loop over the characters in the and see if they are all alike. This take time proportional to the length of the shortest string. Symbols on the other hand are automatically (ny the runtime system) put into a (typically) hash table. Therefore symbol=? boils down to a simple pointer comparison and is thus very fast. Symbols are often used in cases where one in C would use enumerations.
Symbols are values that can be present at runtime.
Identifiers are simply names of variables in a program.
Now if said program is to be represented as a Scheme value, one choice would be to use symbols to represent identifiers - but that does not mean symbols are identifiers (or vice versa). A better representation of identifiers (still in Scheme) is syntax objects which besides the name of the identifier also records the where the identifier was read (or constructed). Say you encounter an undefined variable and want to signal where in the program the undefined variable is, then is very convenient that the source location is part of the representation of the identifier.
Last but not least. What are the legal characters of an identifer? Here it is best to quote chapter and version from R6RS:
4.2.4 Identifiers
Most identifiers allowed by other programming languages are also
acceptable to Scheme. In general, a sequence of letters, digits, and
“extended alphabetic characters” is an identifier when it begins with
a character that cannot begin a representation of a number object. In
addition, +, -, and ... are identifiers, as is a sequence of letters,
digits, and extended alphabetic characters that begins with the
two-character sequence ->. Here are some examples of identifiers:
lambda q soup
list->vector + V17a
<= a34kTMNs ->-
Extended alphabetic characters may be used within identifiers as if
they were letters. The following are extended alphabetic characters:
! $ % & * + - . / : < = > ? # ^ _ ~
Moreover, all characters whose Unicode scalar values are greater than
127 and whose Unicode category is Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, Lo, Mn, Mc, Me, Nd,
Nl, No, Pd, Pc, Po, Sc, Sm, Sk, So, or Co can be used within
identifiers. In addition, any character can be used within an
identifier when specified via an <inline hex escape>. For
example, the identifier H\x65;llo is the same as the identifier
Hello, and the identifier \x3BB; is the same as the identifier
Any identifier may be used as a variable or as a syntactic keyword
(see sections 5.2 and 9.2) in a Scheme program. Any identifier may
also be used as a syntactic datum, in which case it represents a
symbol (see section 11.10).
From: http://www.r6rs.org/final/html/r6rs/r6rs-Z-H-7.html#node_sec_4.2.4
See Chapter 2 of the CLHS, which describes the reader algorithm in detail. But the simple answer is that if a token isn't a readmacro invocation (section 2.4), and isn't a number or all dots, it defaults to being interpreted as a symbol.

How to make Eclipse "Open Type" window to show project classes first in list, third-party classes last?

When you work with a project you more often open classes from your project and less often third party classes, so it would be good to have project classes displayed first in "Open Type" window. Is there a way to do this ?
Eclipse doesn't provide any configuration for Open Type dialog. You can only filter an unwanted packages so they will not be shown (Settings->Java->Appearance->Type Filters).
It's very simple with patterns to search for a classes within a given package. Assume I want to go to the Node class in the pl.toro package. If I just type node it will return more than 20 classes with my class at the end of the list. But with a pattern p.Node the class will be first and only. p stands for the first letter of the package (pl).
More from Eclipse's help:
Wildcards: "*" for any string and "?" for any character
terminating "<" or " " (space) to prevent the automatic prefix
matching, e.g.
"java.*Access<" to match java.util.RandomAccess but not
Camel case:
"TZ" for types containing "T" and "Z" as upper-case letters in
camel-case notation, e.g.
"NuPoEx" or "NuPo" for types containing "Nu", "Po", (and "Ex") as
parts in camel-case notation, e.g.
terminating "<" or " " (space) to fix the number of camel-case parts,
"HMap<" and "HaMap<" match "HashMap" and "HatMapper", but not
"HashMapEntry" nor "Hashmap".
Both pattern kinds also support package prefixes, e.g. "j.util.*Map<".