append multiple columns to existing dataframe in spark - scala

I need to append multiple columns to the existing spark dataframe where column names are given in List
assuming values for new columns are constant, for example given input columns and dataframe are
val columnsNames=List("col1","col2")
val data = Seq(("one", 1), ("two", 2), ("three", 3), ("four", 4))
and after appending both columns, assuming constant values are "val1" for col1 and "val2" for col2,output data frame should be
| _1| _2|col1 |col2|
| one| 1|val1 |val2|
| two| 2|val1 |val2|
|three| 3|val1 |val2|
| four| 4|val1 |val2|
i have written a function to append columns
def appendColumns (cols: List[String], ds: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
cols match {
case Nil => ds
case h :: Nil => appendColumns(Nil, ds.withColumn(h, lit(h)))
case h :: tail => appendColumns(tail, ds.withColumn(h, lit(h)))
Is there any better way and more functional way to do it.

Yes, there is a better and simpler way. Basically, you make as many calls to withColumn as you have columns. With lots of columns, catalyst, the engine that optimizes spark queries may feel a bit overwhelmed (I've had the experience in the past with a similar use case). I've even seen it cause an OOM on the driver when experimenting with thousands of columns. To avoid stressing catalyst (and write less code ;-) ), you can simply use select like this below to get this done in one spark command:
val data = Seq(("one", 1), ("two", 2), ("three", 3), ("four", 4)).toDF
// let's assume that we have a map that associates column names to their values
val columnMap = Map("col1" -> "val1", "col2" -> "val2")
// Let's create the new columns from the map
val newCols = => lit(columnMap(k)) as k)
// selecting the old columns + the new ones ++ newCols : _*).show
| _1| _2|col1|col2|
| one| 1|val1|val2|
| two| 2|val1|val2|
|three| 3|val1|val2|
| four| 4|val1|val2|

As opposed to recursion the more general approach using a foldLeft would I think be more general, for a limited number of columns. Using Databricks Notebook:
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import spark.implicits._
val columnNames = Seq("c3","c4")
val df = Seq(("one", 1), ("two", 2), ("three", 3), ("four", 4)).toDF("c1", "c2")
def addCols(df: DataFrame, columns: Seq[String]): DataFrame = {
columns.foldLeft(df)((acc, col) => {
acc.withColumn(col, lit(col)) })
val df2 = addCols(df, columnNames)
|c1 |c2 |c3 |c4 |
|one |1 |c3 |c4 |
|two |2 |c3 |c4 |
|three|3 |c3 |c4 |
|four |4 |c3 |c4 |
Please beware of the following: albeit in a slightly different context and the other answer alludes to this via the select approach.


Spark Dataframe extracting columns based dynamically selected columns

Schema of input dataframe
- employeeKey (int)
- employeeTypeId (string)
- loginDate (string)
- employeeDetailsJson (string)
For Perm employees , some attributes are available and some not. Same for Contracting Employees.
So looking to find an efficient way to build dataframe based on only selected columns, as against transforming all columns and select the ones which I need.
Also please advise this is the best way to extract values from json string based on a key. As the attributes in the string are dynamic, I can not build StructSchema based on it. So using good old get_json_object.
(spark 2.45 and will use spark 3 in future)
val dfSelectColumns=List("Employee-Key", "Employee-Type","Login-Date","cont.Vendor-Name","cont.Hourly-Rate" )
//val dfSelectColumns=List("Employee-Key", "Employee-Type","Login-Date","perm.Level","perm-Validity","perm.Supervisor" )
val resultDF = inputDF.get
.withColumn("Employee-Key", col("employeeKey"))
.withColumn("Employee-Type", when(col("employeeTypeId") === 1, "Permanent")
.when(col("employeeTypeId") === 2, "Contractor")
.withColumn("Login-Date", to_utc_timestamp(to_timestamp(col("loginDate"), "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"), ""America/Chicago""))
.withColumn("perm.Level", get_json_object(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "$.Grade"))
.withColumn("perm.Validity", get_json_object(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "$.ValidTill"))
.withColumn("perm.SuperVisor", get_json_object(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "$.Supervisor"))
.withColumn("cont.Vendor-Name", get_json_object(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "$.Vendor"))
.withColumn("cont.Hourly-Rate", get_json_object(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "$.HourlyRate"))
.select(dfSelectColumns.head, dfSelectColumns.tail: _*)
I see that you have 2 schemas, one for Permanent and another for Contractor. You can have 2 schemas.
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val schemaBase = new StructType().add("Employee-Key", IntegerType).add("Employee-Type", StringType).add("Login-Date", DateType)
val schemaPerm = schemaBase.add("Level", IntegerType).add("Validity", StringType)// Permanent attributes
val schemaCont = schemaBase.add("Vendor", StringType).add("HourlyRate", DoubleType) // Contractor attributes
Then you can use the 2 schemas to load the data into dataframe.
For Permanent Employee:
val jsonPermDf = Seq( // Construct sample dataframe
(2, """{"Employee-Key":2, "Employee-Type":"Permanent", "Login-Date":"2021-11-01", "Level":3, "Validity":"ok"}""")
, (3, """{"Employee-Key":3, "Employee-Type":"Permanent", "Login-Date":"2020-10-01", "Level":2, "Validity":"ok-yes"}""")
).toDF("key", "raw_json")
val permDf = jsonPermDf.withColumn("data", from_json(col("raw_json"),schemaPerm)).select($"data.*")
For Contractor:
val jsonContDf = Seq( // Construct sample dataframe
(1, """{"Employee-Key":1, "Employee-Type":"Contractor", "Login-Date":"2021-12-01", "Vendor":"technicia", "HourlyRate":29}""")
, (4, """{"Employee-Key":4, "Employee-Type":"Contractor", "Login-Date":"2019-09-01", "Vendor":"Minis", "HourlyRate":35}""")
).toDF("key", "raw_json")
val contDf = jsonContDf.withColumn("data", from_json(col("raw_json"),schemaCont)).select($"data.*")
This is the result datafrme for Permanent:
| 2| Permanent|2021-11-01| 3| ok|
| 3| Permanent|2020-10-01| 2| ok-yes|
This is the result dataframe for Contractor:
|Employee-Key|Employee-Type|Login-Date| Vendor|HourlyRate|
| 1| Contractor|2021-12-01|technicia| 29.0|
| 4| Contractor|2019-09-01| Minis| 35.0|
If the schema of the JSON in employeeDetailsJson is unstable, you can still parse it into Map(String, String) type using from_json function with schema map<string,string>. Then you can explode the map column and pivot to get keys as columns.
val df1 = df.withColumn(
from_json(col("employeeDetailsJson"), "map<string,string>")
).groupBy("employeeKey", "employeeTypeId", "loginDate")
//|employeeKey|employeeTypeId|loginDate |Grade|HourlyRate|Supervisor|ValidTill |Vendor |
//|1 |1 |2021-02-05'T'21:28:06|100 |29 |Alex |2021-12-01|technicia|

Dynamic dataframe with n columns and m rows

Reading data from json(dynamic schema) and i'm loading that to dataframe.
Example Dataframe:
scala> import spark.implicits._
import spark.implicits._
scala> val DF = Seq(
(1, "ABC"),
(2, "DEF"),
(3, "GHIJ")
).toDF("id", "word")
someDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [number: int, word: string]
|id | word|
| 1| ABC|
| 2| DEF|
| 3| GHIJ|
Column count and names can be anything. I want to read rows in loop to fetch each column one by one. Need to process that value in subsequent flows. Need both column name and value. I'm using scala.
for i, j in df.iterrows():
print(i, j)
Need the same functionality in scala and it column name and value should be fetched separtely.
Kindly help.
df.iterrows is not from pyspark, but from pandas. In Spark, you can use foreach :
.foreach{_ match {case Row(id:Int,word:String) => println(id,word)}}
Result :
I you don't know the number of columns, you cannot use unapply on Row, then just do :
.foreach(row => println(row))
Result :
And operate with row using its methods getAs etc

Scala list columns dynamically drop the columns from the list

I have a spark scala code which performs as below:
val ua_list = List()
for (a <- a_col_names)
if (some condition ) {
ua_list :+ (a)
Now i am calling the list in dataframe to drop all the columns from the list
val df_d = df_p.drop( => col(name)): _*)
The error i am facing is no `: _*' annotation allowed here (such annotations are only allowed in arguments to *-parameters)
Not sure what exactly the issue is ? Any suggestions and ideas.
if you are using _* means all columns in the list, no need to map and get each column.
simply you can do like below.
df_p.drop(ua_list : _*)
Full example :
import spark.implicits._
val df = Seq(
(123, "ITA", 1475600500, 18.0),
(123, "ITA", 1475600500, 18.0),
(123, "ITA", 1475600516, 19.0)
).toDF("Value", "Country", "Timestamp", "Sum")
val ua_list = List("Value", "Timestamp")
df.drop(ua_list: _*).show
Result :
|Value|Country| Timestamp| Sum|
| 123| ITA|1475600500|18.0|
| 123| ITA|1475600500|18.0|
| 123| ITA|1475600516|19.0|
|Country| Sum|
| ITA|18.0|
| ITA|18.0|
| ITA|19.0|

scala column object to single-column dataframe

I have a dataframe like this:
val df = Seq(
("a", Seq(2.0)),
("a", Seq(1.0)),
("a", Seq(0.5)),
("b", Seq(24.0)),
("b", Seq(12.5)),
("b", Seq(6.4)),
("b", Seq(3.2)),
("c", Seq(104.0)),
("c", Seq(107.4))
).toDF("key", "value")
I need to use an algorithm that takes in input a DataFrame object on distinct groups.
To make this clearer, assume that I have to use StandardScaler scaling by groups.
In pandas I would do something like this (many type changes in the process):
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
df.groupby(key) \
.value \
.transform(lambda x: StandardScaler \
.fit_transform(x \
.values \
.reshape(-1,1)) \
I need to do this in scala because the algorithm I need to use is not the Scaler but another thing built in scala.
So far I've tried to do something like this:
def f(X : org.apache.spark.sql.Column) : org.apache.spark.sql.Column = {
val scaler = new StandardScaler()
val output ="scaled")
df.withColumn("scaled_values", f(col("features")).over(Window.partitionBy("key")))
but of course it gives me an error:
command-144174313464261:21: error: type mismatch;
found : org.apache.spark.sql.Column
required: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[_]
val output ="scaled")
So I'm trying to transform a single Column object into a DataFrame object, without success. How do I do it?
If it's not possible, is there any workaround to solve this?
It seems I made some mistakes in the code, I tried to fix it (I think I did right):
val df = Seq(
("a", 2.0),
("a", 1.0),
("a", 0.5),
("b", 24.0),
("b", 12.5),
("b", 6.4),
("b", 3.2),
("c", 104.0),
("c", 107.4)
).toDF("key", "value")
def f(X : org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame) : org.apache.spark.sql.Column = {
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
val scaler = new StandardScaler()
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
.setStages(Array(assembler, scaler))
val output ="scaled")
someDF.withColumn("scaled_values", f(someDF).over(Window.partitionBy("key")))
I still get an error:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Expression 'scaled#1294' not
supported within a window function.;;
I am not sure about the reason for this error, I tried aliasing the column but it doesn't seem to work.
So I'm trying to transform a single Column object into a DataFrame object, without success. How do I do it?
You can't, a column just references a column of a DataFrame, it does not contain any data, it's not a data structure like a dataframe.
Your f function will also not work like this. If you want to create a custom function to be used with Window, then you need an UDAF (User-Defined-Aggregation-Function), which is pretty hard...
In your case, I would to a groupBy key, collect_list of your values, then apply an UDF to do the scaling. Note that this only works of the data per key is not too large (larger than what fits into 1 executor), otherwise you need UDAF
Here an example:
// example scala method, scale to 0-1
def myScaler(data:Seq[Double]) = {
val mi = data.min
val ma = data.max => (x-mi)/(ma-mi))
val udf_myScaler = udf(myScaler _)
|key|values| values_scaled|
| c| 104.0| 0.0|
| c| 107.4| 1.0|
| b| 24.0| 1.0|
| b| 12.5|0.44711538461538464|
| b| 6.4|0.15384615384615385|
| b| 3.2| 0.0|
| a| 2.0| 1.0|
| a| 1.0| 0.3333333333333333|
| a| 0.5| 0.0|

Spark SQL Split or Extract words from String of Words

I have a spark Dataframe like Below.I'm trying to split the column into 2 more columns:
date time content
28may 11am [ssid][customerid,shopid]
val personDF2 = personDF.withColumn("temp",split(col("content"),"\\[")).select(
col("*") +: (0 until 3).map(i => col("temp").getItem(i).as(s/col$i)): _*)
date time content col1 col2 col3
28may 11 [ssid][customerid,shopid] ssid customerid shopid
Assuming a String to represent an Array of Words. Got your request. You can optimize the number of dataframes as well to reduce load on system. If there are more than 9 cols etc. you may need to use c00, c01, etc. for c10 etc. Or just use integer as name for columns. leave that up to you.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray
// Set up data
val df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
("A", "[foo][customerid,shopid][Donald,Trump,Esq][single]"),
("B", "[foo]")
)).toDF("k", "v")
val df2 = df.withColumn("words_temp", regexp_replace($"v", lit("]"), lit("" )))
val df3 = df2.withColumn("words_temp2", regexp_replace($"words_temp", lit(","), lit("[" ))).drop("words_temp")
val df4 = df3.withColumn("words_temp3", expr("substring(words_temp2, 2, length(words_temp2))")).withColumn("cnt", expr("length(words_temp2)")).drop("words_temp2")
val df5 = df4.withColumn("words",split(col("words_temp3"),"\\[")).drop("words_temp3")
val df6 = df5.withColumn("num_words", size($"words"))
val df7 = df6.withColumn("v2", explode($"words"))
// Convert to Array of sorts via group by
val df8 = df7.groupBy("k")
// Convert to rdd Tuple and then find position so as to gen col names! That is the clue so as to be able to use pivot
val rdd = df8.rdd
val rdd2 = => (row.getAs[String](0), row.getAs[WrappedArray[String]](1).toArray))
val rdd3 = { case (k, list) => (k, list.zipWithIndex) }
val df9 = rdd3.toDF("k", "v")
val df10 = df9.withColumn("vn", explode($"v"))
val df11 =$"k", $"vn".getField("_1"), concat(lit("c"),$"vn".getField("_2"))).toDF("k", "v", "c")
// Final manipulation
val result = df11.groupBy("k")
.agg(expr("coalesce(first(v),null)")) // May never occur in your case, just done for completeness and variable length cols.,false)
returns in this case:
|k |c0 |c1 |c2 |c3 |c4 |c5 |c6 |
|B |foo|null |null |null |null |null|null |
|A |foo|customerid|shopid|Donald|Trump|Esq |single|
Based on original title stating array of words. See other answer.
If new, then a few things here. Can also be done with dataset and map I assume. Here is a solution using DFs and rdd's. I might well investigate a complete DS in future, but this works for sure and at scale.
// Can amalgamate more steps
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray
// Set up data
val df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
("A", Array(Array("foo", "bar"), Array("Donald", "Trump","Esq"), Array("single"))),
("B", Array(Array("foo2", "bar2"), Array("single2"))),
("C", Array(Array("foo3", "bar3", "x", "y", "z")))
)).toDF("k", "v")
// flatten via 2x explode, can be done more elegeantly with def or UDF, but keeping it simple here
val df2 = df.withColumn("v2", explode($"v"))
val df3 = df2.withColumn("v3", explode($"v2"))
// Convert to Array of sorts via group by
val df4 = df3.groupBy("k")
// Convert to rdd Tuple and then find position so as to gen col names! That is the clue so as to be able to use pivot
val rdd = df4.rdd
val rdd2 = => (row.getAs[String](0), row.getAs[WrappedArray[String]](1).toArray))
val rdd3 = { case (k, list) => (k, list.zipWithIndex) }
val df5 = rdd3.toDF("k", "v")
val df6 = df5.withColumn("vn", explode($"v"))
val df7 =$"k", $"vn".getField("_1"), concat(lit("c"),$"vn".getField("_2"))).toDF("k", "v", "c")
// Final manipulation
val result = df7.groupBy("k")
.agg(expr("coalesce(first(v),null)")) // May never occur in your case, just done for completeness and variable length cols.,false)
returns in correct col order:
|k |c0 |c1 |c2 |c3 |c4 |c5 |
|B |foo2|bar2|single2|null |null|null |
|C |foo3|bar3|x |y |z |null |
|A |foo |bar |Donald |Trump|Esq |single|