Traefik HA with persistent volume - kubernetes

Is there currently any way to utilize kubernetes persistent volumes instead of a KV store in order to store Let's encrypt certificates?
From the documentation, storing let's encrypt information inside a json file cannot be used to share info across traefik pods. But I was wondering about other solutions, maybe boltdb on a shared volume?

According the official document of Traefik HA, it seems you have only one option in order traefik detect those certificates within a cluster mode.
As a Key Value Store Entry
ACME certificates can be stored in a KV Store entry. This kind of storage is mandatory in cluster mode.


Kubernetes cluster Mysql Nodes Storage

We have started setting up a Kubernetes cluster. On Production, we have 4 Mysql Nodes(2 Active Master, 2 Active slaves). Complete servers are on-premise, There is NO cloud providers usage.
Now how do I configure storage? I mean should I use PV / PVC? How will it work. Should I use local PV? Can someone explain to me this?
You need to use PersistentVolumes and PersistentVolumeClaims in order to achieve that.
A PersistentVolume (PV) is a piece of storage in the cluster that has
been provisioned by an administrator or dynamically provisioned using
Storage Classes.
A PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) is a request for storage by a user.
Claims can request specific size and access modes (e.g., they can be
mounted once read/write or many times read-only).
Containers are ephemeral. When the container is restarted all the changes made prior to it are lost. Databases, however expect the data is persistent, therefore you need persistent volumes. You have to create a storage claim and the pod must be configured to mount the claimed storage.
Here you will find a simple guide showing how to deploy MySQL with a PersistentVolume. However, I strongly recommend getting familiar with the official docs that I have linked in order to fully understand the concept and adjust the access mode, class, size, etc according to your needs.
Please let me know if that helped.

Is it Appropriate to Store Database in a Kubernetes Persistent Volume (And how to back up?)

I have a web application running on a Google Kubernetes cluster. My web app also uses persistent volumes for multiple MongoDB databases to store user and application data.
(1) Thus I am wondering if it is practical to store all data inside those persistent volumes in the long-run?
(2) Are there any methods for safely backing up the persistent volumes e.g. on a weekly basis (automatically)?
(3) I am also planning to integrate some kind of file upload into the application. Are persistent volumes capable of storing many GB/TB of data, or should I opt for something like Google cloud storage in this case?
Deploying statefull apps on K8s is bit painfull which is well known in K8s community. Usually, if we need HA for DBs supposed to deploy as cluster mode. But in K8s, if you want to deploy in cluster mode, you need to check StatefulSets concept. Anyways, I'm pasting links for your questions, so that you can start from there.
(1) Thus I am wondering if it is practical to store all data inside
those persistent volumes in the long-run?
Running MongoDB on Kubernetes with StatefulSets
(2) Are there any methods for safely backing up the persistent volumes
e.g. on a weekly basis (automatically)?
Persistent Volume Snapshots
Volume Snapshot (Beta from K8s docs)
You can google even more docs.
(3) I am also planning to integrate some kind of file upload into the
application. Are persistent volumes capable of storing many GB/TB of
data, or should I opt for something like Google cloud storage in this
Not sure, it can hold TBs!?? but definitely, if you have cloud, consider to use it
Yes you can use the PVC in Kubernetes to store the data. However it's depends on your application usecase and size.
In kubernetes you can deploy Mongo DB as cluster and run it which is storing data inside PVC.MongoDB helm chart available for HA you can also look for that.
Helm chart :
It's suggested to single pod or statefulset of MongoDB on Kubernetes.
For backup of MongoDB database, you can choose taking a snapshot of disk storage (PVC) weekly however along with that you can alos use Mongo snapshot.
Most people choose to manage service but still, it depends on your organization also.
Backup method
MongoDB snapshot
Disk storage snapshot
Filesystem :
Yes it can handle TB of data as it's ultimately disk volume or file
Yes you can use PVC as file system but later in future you may get issue for scaling as PVC is ReadWriteOnce if you want to scale application along with PVC you have to implement ReadWriteMany.
There is sevral method also to achive this you can also directly mount file system to pod like AWS EFS but you may find it slow for file operations.
For file system there are various options available in Kubernetes like csi driver, gluster FS, minio, EFS.

backup Hashicorp Vault server and use the backup to build new server

We are using Hashicorp Vault with Consul as storage, we want to implement a robust backup and recovery strategy for vault.
we are particularly looking to backup all the Vault data and use that file as storage while building new vault server.
I did enough research, not able to find a convincing solution:(
Please provide any suggestions.
This is what we followed in our production environment for the high availability of the Vault server.
As your using Consul as backend, make sure Consul/backend is highly available as all the data/secrets are stored in it.
Just to check the behavior, try running vault server with two instances but pointing to same backend, consul. Observe that both the instances, when UI opened from the browser, points the same data as the backend is same.
When Vault is backed by a persistent/high available storage, Vault can be considered just as front-end/UI service which display data/secrets/policies.
Vault High Availability with Consul that is what was Here_2_learn talking about.
Also, if you using Consul as a storage backend for Vault, you can use the consul snapshot for backing up our data.

How do I mount data into persisted storage on Kubernetes and share the storage amongst multiple pods?

I am new at Kubernetes and am trying to understand the most efficient and secure way to handle sensitive persisted data that interacts with a k8 pod. I have the following requirements when I start a pod in a k8s cluster:
The pod should have persisted storage.
Data inside the pod should be persistent even if the pod crashes or restarts.
I should be able to easily add or remove data from hostPath into the pod. (Not sure if this is feasible since I do not know how the data will behave if the pod starts on a new node in a multi node environment. Do all nodes have access to the data on the same hostPath?)
Currently, I have been using StatefulSets with a persistent volume claim on GKE. The image that I am using has a couple of constraints as follows:
I have to mount a configuration file into the pod before it starts. (I am currently using configmaps to pass the configuration file)
The pod that comes up, creates its own TLS certificates which I need to pass to other pods. (Currently I do not have a process in place to do this and thus have been manually copy pasting these certificates into other pods)
So, how do I maintain a common persisted storage that handles sensitive data between multiple pods and how do I add pre-configured data to this storage? Any guidance or suggestions are appreciated.
I believe this documentation on creating a persistent disk with multiple readers [1] is what you are looking for. you will however only be able to have the pods read from the disk since GCP does not support "WRITEMANY".
Regarding hostpaths, the mount point is on the pod the volume is a directory on the node. I believe the hostpath is confined to individual nodes.

Is the information stored inside GKE "etcd" encrypted?

I am using GKE(Google Kubernetes Engine) 1.13.6-gke.6 and I need to provide etcd encryption evidence for PCI purposes. I have used --data-encryption-key flag and used a KMS key to encrypt secrets following this documentation.
I need to give a set of commands which will prove that the information stored in etcd of the master node is encrypted.
Here is how we verify that the secrets stored inside a normal Kuebrnetes Cluster (not GKE) are encrypted.As we know GKE is a managed service and master node is managed by GCP. Is there a way to access GKE "etcd" to see the stored secrets and data at rest ?
Why do you have to prove that the information is encrypted? GKE is covered by Google Cloud's PCI DSS certification and since the master is a part of the "cluster as a service" that should be out of scope for what you need to show since you don't (and can't) control the way in which the storage is implemented.
One thing you can do is use Application-layer Secrets Encryption to encrypt your secrets with your own key stored in Cloud KMS. For your secrets you would be able to run commands to prove that additional level of encryption.
In Google Cloud, customer content is encrypted at the filesystem layer by default. So disks that host etcd storage for GKE clusters are encrypted at the filesystem layer. For more information, see Encryption at Rest.