Is the information stored inside GKE "etcd" encrypted? - kubernetes

I am using GKE(Google Kubernetes Engine) 1.13.6-gke.6 and I need to provide etcd encryption evidence for PCI purposes. I have used --data-encryption-key flag and used a KMS key to encrypt secrets following this documentation.
I need to give a set of commands which will prove that the information stored in etcd of the master node is encrypted.
Here is how we verify that the secrets stored inside a normal Kuebrnetes Cluster (not GKE) are encrypted.As we know GKE is a managed service and master node is managed by GCP. Is there a way to access GKE "etcd" to see the stored secrets and data at rest ?

Why do you have to prove that the information is encrypted? GKE is covered by Google Cloud's PCI DSS certification and since the master is a part of the "cluster as a service" that should be out of scope for what you need to show since you don't (and can't) control the way in which the storage is implemented.
One thing you can do is use Application-layer Secrets Encryption to encrypt your secrets with your own key stored in Cloud KMS. For your secrets you would be able to run commands to prove that additional level of encryption.

In Google Cloud, customer content is encrypted at the filesystem layer by default. So disks that host etcd storage for GKE clusters are encrypted at the filesystem layer. For more information, see Encryption at Rest.


How to get IAM/service account used by juicefs to access GCS in GKE?

I'm using a juicefs-csi in GKE. I use postgre as meta-store and GCS as storage. The corresponding setting is as follow:
# ...
- name: juicefs-sc
enabled: true
reclaimPolicy: Retain
name: juicefs
metaurl: postgres://
storage: gs
bucket: gs://my-bucket
# ...
According to this documentation, I don't have to specify access key/secret (like in S3).
But unfortunately, whenever I try to write anything to the mounted volume (with juicefs-sc storage class), I always get this error:
AccessDeniedException: 403 Caller does not have storage.objects.create access to the Google Cloud Storage object.
I believe it should be related to IAM role.
My question is, how could I know which IAM user/service account is used by juicefs to access GCS, so that I can assign a sufficient role to it?
Thanks in advance.
Step by step:
Download juicefs-csi helm chart
Add values as described in the question, apply
Create a pod that mount from PV with juicefs-sc storage class
Try to read/write file to the mount point
Ok I misunderstood you at the beginning.
When you are creating GKE cluster you can specify which GCP Service Account will be used by this cluster, like below:
By Default it's Compute Engine default service account ( which is lack of a few Cloud Product permissions (like Cloud Storage, it has Read Only). It's even described in this message.
If you want to check which Service Account was set by default to VM, you could do this via
Compute Engine > VM Instances > Choose one of the VMs from this cluster > In details find API and identity management
So You have like 3 options to solve this issue:
1. During Cluster creation
In Node Pools > Security, you have Access scopes where you can add some additional permissions.
Allow full access to all Cloud APIs to allow access for all listed Cloud APIs
Set access for each API
In your case you could just use Set access for each API and change Storage to Full.
2. Set permissions with a Service Account
You would need to create a new Service Account and provide proper permissions for Compute Engine and Storage. More details about how to create SA you can find in Creating and managing service accounts.
3. Use Workload Identity
Workload Identity on your Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters. Workload Identity allows workloads in your GKE clusters to impersonate Identity and Access Management (IAM) service accounts to access Google Cloud services.
For more details you should check Using Workload Identity.
Useful links
Configuring Velero - Velero is software for backup and restore, however steps 2 and 3 are mentioned there. You would just need to adjust commands/permissions to your scenario.
Authenticating to Google Cloud with service accounts

backup Hashicorp Vault server and use the backup to build new server

We are using Hashicorp Vault with Consul as storage, we want to implement a robust backup and recovery strategy for vault.
we are particularly looking to backup all the Vault data and use that file as storage while building new vault server.
I did enough research, not able to find a convincing solution:(
Please provide any suggestions.
This is what we followed in our production environment for the high availability of the Vault server.
As your using Consul as backend, make sure Consul/backend is highly available as all the data/secrets are stored in it.
Just to check the behavior, try running vault server with two instances but pointing to same backend, consul. Observe that both the instances, when UI opened from the browser, points the same data as the backend is same.
When Vault is backed by a persistent/high available storage, Vault can be considered just as front-end/UI service which display data/secrets/policies.
Vault High Availability with Consul that is what was Here_2_learn talking about.
Also, if you using Consul as a storage backend for Vault, you can use the consul snapshot for backing up our data.

Traefik HA with persistent volume

Is there currently any way to utilize kubernetes persistent volumes instead of a KV store in order to store Let's encrypt certificates?
From the documentation, storing let's encrypt information inside a json file cannot be used to share info across traefik pods. But I was wondering about other solutions, maybe boltdb on a shared volume?
According the official document of Traefik HA, it seems you have only one option in order traefik detect those certificates within a cluster mode.
As a Key Value Store Entry
ACME certificates can be stored in a KV Store entry. This kind of storage is mandatory in cluster mode.

Kubernetes secrets and service accounts

I've been working with kubernetes for the past 6 months and we've deployed a few services.
We're just about to deploy another which stores encrypted data and puts the keys in KMS. This requires two service accounts, one for the data and one for the keys.
Data access to this must be audited. Since access to this data is very sensitive we are reluctant to put both service accounts in the name namespace as if compromised in any way the attacker could gain access to the data and the keys without it being audited.
For now we have one key in a secret and the other we're going to manually post to the single pod.
This is horrible as it requires that a single person be trusted with this key, and limits scalability. Luckily this service will be very low volume.
Has anyone else came up against the same problem?
How have you gotten around it?
No single person ever has access to both keys (datastore and KMS)
Data access to this must be audited
If you enable audit logging, every API call done via this service account will be logged. This may not help you if your service isn't ever called via the API, but considering you have a service account being used, it sounds like it would be.
For now we have one key in a secret and the other we're going to manually post to the single pod.
You might consider using Vault for this. If you store the secret in vault, you can use something like this to have the environment variable pushed down into the pod as an environment variable automatically. This is a little more involved than your process, but is considerably more secure.
You can also use Vault alongside Google Cloud KMS which is detailed in this article
What you're describing is pretty common - using a key/ service account/ identity in Kubernetes secrets to access an external secret store.
I'm a bit confused by the double key concept - what are you gaining by having a key in both secrets and in the pod? If secrets are compromised, then etcd is compromised and you have bigger problems. I would suggest you focus instead on locking down secrets, using audit logs, and making the key is easy to rotate in case of compromise.
A few items to consider:
If you're mostly using Kubernetes, consider storing (encrypted) secrets in Kubernetes secrets.
If you're storing secrets centrally outside of Kubernetes, like you're describing, consider just using a single Kubernetes secret - you will get Kubernetes audit logs for access to the secret (see the recommended audit-policy), and Cloud KMS audit logs for use of the key.

Role of openstack running kubernetes

I want to understand the role of openstack when kubernetes is deployed on top of it. Will the user be able to access the underlying openstack layer in this case? (I mean to ask if user can create instances, networks and access any other openstack resource)Or will the user be only provided with Kubernetes offerings? Any link or answer would help.
I don't seem to find the functionality part mentioned in any guide.
Openstack's role in the k8s world is to provide k8s with instances and storage to do it's job, just like GCE and Azure.
Kubernetes tries to abstract underlying cloud infrastructure so applications can be ported from one cloud provider to another transparently.
k8s achieves this by defining abstractions like persistent volumes and persistent volume claims allowing a pod to define a requirement for storage without needing to state it requires a cinder volume directly.
There should be no need to access openstack directly from your kubernetes-based app unless you app needs to actually manage an openstack cluster in which case you can provide your openstack credentials to your app and access the openstack api.