I am trying to write Scala function that takes marks and return GPA based on defined criteria. I am using pattern matching but pattern matching works if case has single value like case 50 => 1, but I am unable to get desired results as i want, like return GPA 1 if marks are equal to or greater than 50 and less than 58. My code is here.
def convertor(marks : Int) : Int = marks match {
case marks if marks < 50 => 0
case marks if marks >= 50 && marks < 58 => 1
case marks if marks >= 58 && marks < 70 => 2
case marks if marks >= 70 && marks < 85 => 3
case marks if marks >= 85 => 4
Every case creates a new temporary variable which, in this case, you don't actually need. So you could do this:
def convertor(marks : Int) : Int = marks match {
case _ if marks < 50 => 0
case _ if marks >= 50 && marks < 58 => 1
case _ if marks >= 58 && marks < 70 => 2
case _ if marks >= 70 && marks < 85 => 3
case _ if marks >= 85 => 4
Or, as #LeoC aptly points out:
def convertor(marks : Int) : Int = marks match {
case _ if marks < 50 => 0
case _ if marks < 58 => 1
case _ if marks < 70 => 2
case _ if marks < 85 => 3
case _ => 4
But that's little better than sequencing if/else if tests. I'd be inclined to try something like this:
def convertor(marks : Int) : Int =
Seq(50, 58, 70, 85, Int.MaxValue).indexWhere(marks < _)
I have a file with values like this :
user id | item id | rating | timestamp
196 242 3 881250949
186 302 3 891717742
22 377 1 878887116
244 51 2 880606923
166 346 1 886397596
298 474 4 884182806
115 265 2 881171488
253 465 5 891628467
305 451 3 886324817
6 86 3 883603013
62 257 2 879372434
200 222 5 876042340
210 40 3 891035994
224 29 3 888104457
303 785 3 879485318
122 387 5 879270459
194 274 2 879539794
I want to find all values where item id = "560"
and make Map from rating values(1-5) like this {1->6,2-5,3-10,4-6,5-14}
object Parse {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//вытаскиваем данные с u.data
var a: List[(String, String, String, String)] = List()
for (line <- io.Source.fromFile("F:\\big data\\u.data").getLines) {
val newLine = line.replace("\t", ",")
if (newLine.split(",").length < 4) {
} else {
val asd = newLine.split(",")
val userId = asd(0)
val itemId = asd(1)
val rating = asd(2)
val timestamp = asd(3)
a = a :+ ((userId, itemId, rating, timestamp))
a = a.filter(_._2.equals("590")) <- filter list of tuples correctly
val empty: List[String] = a.map(_._2) <- have tyed to get list of all rating, but it does not work
How can I create a map of rating?
here as I can see we can generate a map of matching values
Scala groupBy for a list
If what you want is a Map of rating->count for a given "item id", this should do it.
util.Using(io.Source.fromFile("../junk.txt")) { file =>
val rec = raw"\d+\s+590\s+(\d+)\s+\d+".r //only this item id
.collect { case rec(rating) => rating }
.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, Int]) {
case (m, r) => m + (r -> (m.getOrElse(r, 0) + 1))
Note that fromFile() is automatically closed at the end of the Using block.
I think using for-loop is not the better decision. Please, look at your problem from the data-stream problem not array. scala.io.Source.fromFile("F:\\big data\\u.data").getLines() returns to you Iterator[String] of your lines. It is more suitable to use it as data stream not as array of data. And in your conditions is better just use combination of map, filter, collect and groupBy functions to get grouped rows by rank.
Full correct code:
val sourceFile = scala.io.Source.fromFile("F:\\big data\\u.data")
try {
val linesOfArrays = sourceFile.getLines().map{
line => line.split(",")
require(!linesOfArrays.exists(_.length < 4)) // your data schema validation
val ratingCountsMap: Map[String, Int] = linesOfArrays.collect{
case rowValuesArray if rowValuesArray(1) == "590" =>
// in this line you will get rating and 1 for his counting
rowValuesArray(2) -> 1
.groupBy{ case (rating, _) => rating }
.mapValues{ groupWithSameRating => groupWithSameRating.length }
} finally sourceFile.close()
And don't forget to release resource (in your case this is file) using close method in finally section or use scala-arm library (more about resources here)
I am new to scala and want to write a code that add two numbers represented by linked list in scala as per the below given example
First List: 5->6->3 // represents number 365
Second List: 8->4->2 // represents number 248
Resultant list: 3->1->6 // represents number 613
I have implemented a code of mutable singly linked list in scala for adding,updating and inserting elements to linked list. Find my code below
class SinglyLinkedList[A] extends ListADT[A] {
private class Node(var data: A,var next: Node)
private var head: Node = null
def apply(index: Int): A = {
require(index >= 0)
var rover = head
for (i <- 0 until index) rover = rover.next
def update(index: Int,data: A): Unit = {
require(index >= 0)
var rover = head
for (i <- 0 until index) rover = rover.next
rover.data = data
def insert(index: Int,data: A): Unit = {
require(index >= 0)
if(index == 0) {
head = new Node(data, head)
var rover = head
for (i <- 0 until index-1)
rover = rover.next
rover.next = new Node(data, rover.next)
def remove(index: Int): A = {
require(index >= 0)
if(index == 0){
val ret = head.data
head = head.next
} else {
var rover = head
for (i <- 0 until index-1) rover = rover.next
val ret = rover.next.data
rover.next = rover.next.next
Can anyone let me know how I am going to perform the addition of two numbers represented by linked list.
How does addition works? I mean the addition on paper: one number under the other?
Let's try for 465 + 248
+ 248
We start with the least significant digits: 5 + 8. But 5 + 8 = 13, so the result won't fit into a single digit. Which is why we do just like a teacher in preschool taught us: we leave the unit digit and carry the tens digit to the next column
+ 248
Now tens. 6 + 4 + (carried) 1 = 11. Again, we leave 1 and carry 1 to the next column:
+ 248
And the last column. 4 + 2 + 1 = 7.
+ 248
Thus result is 713. If one these 2 numbers have more column or you would carry in the last addition, you could just rewrite remaining numbers.
With immutable liked list it would work the same way (I'll explain in a moment why I used immutable):
take both lists
take heads of both lists (if one of them is empty, you can just return the other as a result of addition)
add heads, and split the result into carry and current digit (carry would be 0 or 0, digit 0 to 9)
if there is carry > 0 add list carry :: Nil to one of tails recursively
prepend digit to recursively added tails
You should end up with something like that:
val add: (List[Int], List[Int]) => List[Int] = {
case (a :: as, b :: bs) =>
val digit = (a + b) % 10
val carry = (a + b) / 10
if (carry > 0) digit :: add(add(as, carry :: Nil), bs)
else digit :: add(as, bs)
case (as, Nil) => as
case (Nil, bs) => bs
add(5 :: 6 :: 4 :: Nil, 8 :: 4 :: 2 :: Nil) // 3 :: 1 :: 7 :: Nil
Now, if you would use mutable list it would get trickier. If you want to use mutable list you want to update one of them, right? Which one - first? Second? Both? Your algorithm might calculate the right result but butcher the input.
Let's say you always add the second list to the fist one, and you want to leave the second intact. If the second list is longer, and you would have to add some new places for digits, you have to copy all remaining segments (otherwise you could e.g. update one number in second list and change the first one). You would also have to handle the corner case with carry.
Quite counter-intuitive behavior - numbers are not mutable, and you want to represent numbers.
Try this:
def add(a: List[Int], b: List[Int], o: Int): List[Int] = (a,b,o) match {
case (x::xs, y::ys, d) =>
val v = d + x + y
(v%10)::add(xs, ys, v/10)
case (Nil, Nil, 0) => Nil
case (Nil, Nil, d) => d::Nil
case (xs, Nil, d) => add(xs, 0::Nil, d)
case (Nil, ys, d) => add(0::Nil, ys, d)
I have one c code.
I want to convert it in scala.
Here is the c code.
I am not getting the part How can I use continues updated values in scala?
Is it possible to use foldLeft in this case?
int value=9999,i,j,length=10;
A and B are some 2D Integer array and some value is changing for every element. Its not fixed for entire loop.
if(A[i][j]==value && B[i][j]==value)
else if(A[i][j]!=value && B[i][j]==value)
if(length< 'Some value')
if(length< 'Some value')
How can I do this?
Equivalent code might go something like this:
def someValue(x: Int, y: Int): Int = ... // I'm treating this as some function that takes the array values and returns an Int
val A: Array[Array[Int]] = ...
val B: Array[Array[Int]] = ...
val Value = 9999 // Capitalised, so it can be used directly in case matches
( for {
i <- 0 to 5
j <- 0 to 5
} yield ((i, j)) ).foldLeft(10){ case (length, (i,j)) => (A(i)(j), B(i)(j)) match {
case (Value, Value) => length + 44
case (other, Value) if other != Value =>
if (length < someValue(A(i)(j), B(i)(j))) {
length + 11
} else {
case _ => length
I left off the second comparison of length against someValue because it isn't clear how this code could ever be reached in the C code above.
I have a number of range-objects which I need to merge so that all overlapping ranges disappear:
case class Range(from:Int, to:Int)
val rangelist = List(Range(3, 40), Range(1, 45), Range(2, 50), etc)
Here is the ranges:
3 40
1 45
2 50
70 75
75 90
80 85
100 200
Once finished we would get:
1 50
70 90
100 200
Imperative Algorithm:
Pop() the first range-obj and iterate through the rest of the list comparing it with each of the other ranges.
if there is an overlapping item,
merge them together ( This yields a new Range instance ) and delete the 2 merge-candidates from the source-list.
At the end of the list add the Range object (which could have changed numerous times through merging) to the final-result-list.
Repeat this with the next of the remaining items.
Once the source-list is empty we're done.
To do this imperatively one must create a lot of temporary variables, indexed loops etc.
So I'm wondering if there is a more functional approach?
At first sight the source-collection must be able to act like a Stack in providing pop() PLUS
giving the ability to delete items by index while iterating over it, but then that would not be that functional anymore.
Try tail-recursion. (Annotation is needed only to warn you if tail-recursion optimization doesn't happen; the compiler will do it if it can whether you annotate or not.)
import annotation.{tailrec => tco}
#tco final def collapse(rs: List[Range], sep: List[Range] = Nil): List[Range] = rs match {
case x :: y :: rest =>
if (y.from > x.to) collapse(y :: rest, x :: sep)
else collapse( Range(x.from, x.to max y.to) :: rest, sep)
case _ =>
(rs ::: sep).reverse
def merge(rs: List[Range]): List[Range] = collapse(rs.sortBy(_.from))
I love these sorts of puzzles:
case class Range(from:Int, to:Int) {
assert(from <= to)
/** Returns true if given Range is completely contained in this range */
def contains(rhs: Range) = from <= rhs.from && rhs.to <= to
/** Returns true if given value is contained in this range */
def contains(v: Int) = from <= v && v <= to
def collapse(rangelist: List[Range]) =
// sorting the list puts overlapping ranges adjacent to one another in the list
// foldLeft runs a function on successive elements. it's a great way to process
// a list when the results are not a 1:1 mapping.
rangelist.sortBy(_.from).foldLeft(List.empty[Range]) { (acc, r) =>
acc match {
case head :: tail if head.contains(r) =>
// r completely contained; drop it
head :: tail
case head :: tail if head.contains(r.from) =>
// partial overlap; expand head to include both head and r
Range(head.from, r.to) :: tail
case _ =>
// no overlap; prepend r to list
r :: acc
Here's my solution:
def merge(ranges:List[Range]) = ranges
.sortWith{(a, b) => a.from < b.from || (a.from == b.from && a.to < b.to)}
.foldLeft(List[Range]()){(buildList, range) => buildList match {
case Nil => List(range)
case head :: tail => if (head.to >= range.from) {
Range(head.from, head.to.max(range.to)) :: tail
} else {
range :: buildList
merge(List(Range(1, 3), Range(4, 5), Range(10, 11), Range(1, 6), Range(2, 8)))
//List[Range] = List(Range(1,8), Range(10,11))
I ran into this need for Advent of Code 2022, Day 15, where I needed to merge a list of inclusive ranges. I had to slightly modify the solution for inclusiveness:
import annotation.{tailrec => tco}
#tco final def collapse(rs: List[Range], sep: List[Range] = Nil): List[Range] = rs match {
case x :: y :: rest =>
if (y.start - 1 > x.end) collapse(y :: rest, x :: sep)
else collapse(Range.inclusive(x.start, x.end max y.end) :: rest, sep)
case _ =>
(rs ::: sep).reverse
def searchEquipmentCategory(category: String) = Action {
val equipment = Equipment.searchByCategory(category)
equipment.size match {
case 0 => NotFound(views.html.helpers.notfound("Equipment not found for category :" + category))
case (_ > 0) => Ok(views.html.equipment.index(equipment, capitalize(category)))
Is it possible put logic in a match case statement?
I've searched everywhere and can't find any documentation. I just want to have if the case is 0 do one thing if the number is over 0.
Using the _ default works fine in that situation, but what if I wanted to do 3 things?
if number == 0
if the number is between 1 and 10
if the number is between 11 and 20
Maybe I'm trying to do too much with case.
Thanks for the help.
case i if i > 0 => Ok( ... )
So to distinguish between 0, 1 to 10 and 11 to 20:
case 0 =>
case i if i >= 1 && i <= 10 =>
case i if i >= 11 && i <= 20 =>
But then I guess an if-else if-else block is more readable.
This is called guards:
case x if (x > 0) => OK ...