I am new to scala and want to write a code that add two numbers represented by linked list in scala as per the below given example
First List: 5->6->3 // represents number 365
Second List: 8->4->2 // represents number 248
Resultant list: 3->1->6 // represents number 613
I have implemented a code of mutable singly linked list in scala for adding,updating and inserting elements to linked list. Find my code below
class SinglyLinkedList[A] extends ListADT[A] {
private class Node(var data: A,var next: Node)
private var head: Node = null
def apply(index: Int): A = {
require(index >= 0)
var rover = head
for (i <- 0 until index) rover = rover.next
def update(index: Int,data: A): Unit = {
require(index >= 0)
var rover = head
for (i <- 0 until index) rover = rover.next
rover.data = data
def insert(index: Int,data: A): Unit = {
require(index >= 0)
if(index == 0) {
head = new Node(data, head)
var rover = head
for (i <- 0 until index-1)
rover = rover.next
rover.next = new Node(data, rover.next)
def remove(index: Int): A = {
require(index >= 0)
if(index == 0){
val ret = head.data
head = head.next
} else {
var rover = head
for (i <- 0 until index-1) rover = rover.next
val ret = rover.next.data
rover.next = rover.next.next
Can anyone let me know how I am going to perform the addition of two numbers represented by linked list.
How does addition works? I mean the addition on paper: one number under the other?
Let's try for 465 + 248
+ 248
We start with the least significant digits: 5 + 8. But 5 + 8 = 13, so the result won't fit into a single digit. Which is why we do just like a teacher in preschool taught us: we leave the unit digit and carry the tens digit to the next column
+ 248
Now tens. 6 + 4 + (carried) 1 = 11. Again, we leave 1 and carry 1 to the next column:
+ 248
And the last column. 4 + 2 + 1 = 7.
+ 248
Thus result is 713. If one these 2 numbers have more column or you would carry in the last addition, you could just rewrite remaining numbers.
With immutable liked list it would work the same way (I'll explain in a moment why I used immutable):
take both lists
take heads of both lists (if one of them is empty, you can just return the other as a result of addition)
add heads, and split the result into carry and current digit (carry would be 0 or 0, digit 0 to 9)
if there is carry > 0 add list carry :: Nil to one of tails recursively
prepend digit to recursively added tails
You should end up with something like that:
val add: (List[Int], List[Int]) => List[Int] = {
case (a :: as, b :: bs) =>
val digit = (a + b) % 10
val carry = (a + b) / 10
if (carry > 0) digit :: add(add(as, carry :: Nil), bs)
else digit :: add(as, bs)
case (as, Nil) => as
case (Nil, bs) => bs
add(5 :: 6 :: 4 :: Nil, 8 :: 4 :: 2 :: Nil) // 3 :: 1 :: 7 :: Nil
Now, if you would use mutable list it would get trickier. If you want to use mutable list you want to update one of them, right? Which one - first? Second? Both? Your algorithm might calculate the right result but butcher the input.
Let's say you always add the second list to the fist one, and you want to leave the second intact. If the second list is longer, and you would have to add some new places for digits, you have to copy all remaining segments (otherwise you could e.g. update one number in second list and change the first one). You would also have to handle the corner case with carry.
Quite counter-intuitive behavior - numbers are not mutable, and you want to represent numbers.
Try this:
def add(a: List[Int], b: List[Int], o: Int): List[Int] = (a,b,o) match {
case (x::xs, y::ys, d) =>
val v = d + x + y
(v%10)::add(xs, ys, v/10)
case (Nil, Nil, 0) => Nil
case (Nil, Nil, d) => d::Nil
case (xs, Nil, d) => add(xs, 0::Nil, d)
case (Nil, ys, d) => add(0::Nil, ys, d)
Add elements to the array buffer such that the element to be added is the product of the previous two elements of the input array buffer. The elements in the output array buffer should not exceed 10000.
Input ArrayBuffer:- ArrayBuffer(2, 3)
Expected Output ArrayBuffer:- ArrayBuffer(2, 3, 6, 18, 108, 1944)
Actual Output ArrayBuffer:- ArrayBuffer(2, 3, 6, 18)
def main(args: ArrayBuffer[Int]): Unit = {
for(k <- 1 to args.length if(args(k) < 10000)){
args += args(k)*args(k-1)
Here I took args from main function as input to the for block. Then it calculates and appends the result to args only upto the previous length of the input say (2, 3) that is 2. But the length should increase as the elements keep appending to the arraybuffer. Say after the 1st iteration args will be (2, 3, 6, 18). Now this should be fed as input to the FOR block and it should continue till last value reaches closest min value to 10000.
If I find solution for this, I will update here. Until then, please help me solving this ๐ค
Following is an adder version,
def adder(args: List[BigDecimal], size: Int = args.length): List[BigDecimal] = {
args.reverse match {
case first :: second :: rest if size < 10000 => adder(((first + second) :: first :: second :: rest).reverse, size + 1)
case _ => args
But this won't work for multiplication as even a simple input of List(1,2) would crash with ArithmeticException: Overflow at size 48.
I had misunderstood the OP as the total number of elements to be less than 10000.
updated version:
def multiplier(args: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
args.reverse match {
case first :: second :: rest if first * second < 10000 => multiplier(((first * second) :: first :: second :: rest).reverse)
case _ => args
def multiplier(args: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
def generate(args: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
args match {
case first :: second :: rest if first * second < 10000 => generate((first * second) :: first :: second :: rest)
case _ => args
An implementation in FP style would be
2 :: 3 :: List.unfold((2, 3)) { case (x, y) =>
val p = x * y
Option.when(p < 10000)((p, (y, p)))
Thanks for your responses. As I like to solve any question in a simple and easy way, I found this one too in same manner. I've replaced for loop with a while loop and made tiny changes like below
while(args(i)*args(i-1) < 10000){
args += args(i)*args(i-1)
i += 1
Now I got the expected Output as I mentioned in my question above
See you all when my next doubt pops up...๐
Need to write the below logic in Scala code
I have a string let say 'abcsfdhdefghihqwtpqr'
need to print the longest string from the above that is in alphabetical order
like from above string the sub strings in alphabetical order is
abc,defghi,pqr and the logest is defghi so the result will be defghi
So how to write this above logic in scala ?
below is the code I have written
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val setofletters: String = "aaakkcccccczz"
/* 15 */
val output: Int = runLongestIndex(setofletters)
println("Longest run that first appeared in index:" + output)
def runLongestIndex(setofletters: String): Int = {
var ctr: Int = 1
var output: Int = 0
var j: Int = 0
for (i <- 0 until setofletters.length - 1) {
j = i
while (i < setofletters.length - 1 &&
setofletters.charAt(i) == setofletters.charAt(i + 1)) {
{ i += 1; i - 1 }
{ ctr += 1; ctr - 1 }
if (ctr > output) {
output = j
ctr = 1
but getting error += is not a member of int
Can help me to change the code and to resolve this error
Your code uses many mutable variables and doesn't look very Scala-like at all.
Here's a different approach.
val str = "abcsfdhdefghihqwtpqr"
List.unfold(str) { s =>
if (s.lengthIs > 1) {
val pairs = s.sliding(2)
val (a, b) = s.splitAt(pairs.indexWhere(p => p(0) > p(1))+1)
if (a.isEmpty) Option(b, "")
else Option(a, b)
else if (s.nonEmpty) Option(s, "")
else None
}.maxBy(_.length) //res0: String = defghi
Note: unfold() is newly available with Scala 2.13.
I don't have 2.11 installed, but this should work.
val str = "abcsfdhdefghihqwtpqr"
case (p, hd::tl) =>
if (p(0) > p(1)) "" :: p(1) + hd :: tl
else p(1) + hd :: tl
case _ => Nil //just to suppress the warning
}.maxBy(_.length) //res1: String = defghi
sliding(2) - Pair up each letter with its neighbor: "ab","bc","cs", etc.
foldRight - Process each pair from right to left (end to start).
""::Nil - The accumulator will be a List[String] starting with a single element of an empty string. (Could also have been written as List("").)
case (p, hd::tl) - Put the current pair of letters to be processed into the variable p. Split the accumulator into its head and tail parts.
p(1) + hd :: tl - The 2nd letter of the pair is always added (pre-pended) to the current head of the accumulator. If the two letters are not in alphabetical order then a new, empty, head element is also added to the accumulator.
str.head+str - Because only the 2nd letter of each pair is being added to the accumulator, we have to make an adjustment so that the 1st letter of the original string is also included.
maxBy(_.length) - Pretty easy to understand. Comment this out to see the result of the foldRight operation.
I have an array of numbers separated by comma as shown:
I need the output something like this:
a:{108-110, 112, 114-116, 118}
I am trying to group the continuous numbers with "-" in between.
For example, 108,109,110 are continuous numbers, so I get 108-110. 112 is separate entry; 114,115,116 again represents a sequence, so I get 114-116. 118 is separate and treated as such.
I am doing this in Spark. I wrote the following code:
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
def Sample(x:String):ArrayBuffer[String]={
val x1 = x.split(",")
var a:Int = 0
var present=""
var next:Int = 0
var yrTemp = ""
var yrAr= ArrayBuffer[String]()
var che:Int = 0
var storeV = ""
var p:Int = 0
var q:Int = 0
var count:Int = 1
while(a < x1.length)
yrTemp = x1(a)
if(x1.length == 1)
if(a < x1.length - 1)
present = x1(a)
if(che == 0)
storeV = present
p = x1(a).toInt
q = x1(a+1).toInt
if(p == q)
yrTemp = yrTemp
che = 1
if(p != q)
yrTemp = storeV + "-" + present
che = 0
if(a == x1.length-1)
present = x1(a)
yrTemp = present
che = 0
a = a+1
val SampleUDF = udf(Sample(_:String))
I am getting the output as follows:
a:{108-108, 109-109, 110-110, 112, 114-114, 115-115, 116-116, 118}
I am not able to figure out where I am going wrong. Can you please help me in correcting this. TIA.
Here's another way:
def rangeToString(a: Int, b: Int) = if (a == b) s"$a" else s"$a-$b"
def reduce(xs: Seq[Int], min: Int, max: Int, ranges: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = xs match {
case y +: ys if (y - max <= 1) => reduce(ys, min, y, ranges)
case y +: ys => reduce(ys, y, y, ranges :+ rangeToString(min, max))
case Seq() => ranges :+ rangeToString(min, max)
def output(xs: Array[Int]) = reduce(xs, xs.head, xs.head, Vector())//.toArray
Which you can test:
// Vector(108-110, 112, 114-116, 118)
Basically this is a tail recursive function - i.e. you take your "variables" as the input, then it calls itself with updated "variables" on each loop. So here xs is your array, min and max are integers used to keep track of the lowest and highest numbers so far, and ranges is the output sequence of Strings that gets added to when required.
The first pattern (y being the first element, and ys being the rest of the sequence - because that's how the +: extractor works) is matched if there's at least one element (ys can be an empty list) and it follows on from the previous maximum.
The second is if it doesn't follow on, and needs to reset the minimum and add the completed range to the output.
The third case is where we've got to the end of the input and just output the result, rather than calling the loop again.
Internet karma points to anyone who can work out how to eliminate the duplication of ranges :+ rangeToString(min, max)!
here is a solution :
def combineConsecutive(s: String): Seq[String] = {
val ints: List[Int] = s.split(',').map(_.toInt).toList.reverse
.foldLeft(List(List(ints.head)))((acc, e) => if ((acc.head.head - e) <= 1)
(e :: acc.head) :: acc.tail
List(e) :: acc)
.map(group => if (group.size > 1) group.min + "-" + group.max else group.head.toString)
val in = "108,109,110,112,114,115,116,118"
val result = combineConsecutive(in)
println(result) // List(108-110, 112, 114-116, 118)
This solution partly uses code from this question: Grouping list items by comparing them with their neighbors
I have a number of range-objects which I need to merge so that all overlapping ranges disappear:
case class Range(from:Int, to:Int)
val rangelist = List(Range(3, 40), Range(1, 45), Range(2, 50), etc)
Here is the ranges:
3 40
1 45
2 50
70 75
75 90
80 85
100 200
Once finished we would get:
1 50
70 90
100 200
Imperative Algorithm:
Pop() the first range-obj and iterate through the rest of the list comparing it with each of the other ranges.
if there is an overlapping item,
merge them together ( This yields a new Range instance ) and delete the 2 merge-candidates from the source-list.
At the end of the list add the Range object (which could have changed numerous times through merging) to the final-result-list.
Repeat this with the next of the remaining items.
Once the source-list is empty we're done.
To do this imperatively one must create a lot of temporary variables, indexed loops etc.
So I'm wondering if there is a more functional approach?
At first sight the source-collection must be able to act like a Stack in providing pop() PLUS
giving the ability to delete items by index while iterating over it, but then that would not be that functional anymore.
Try tail-recursion. (Annotation is needed only to warn you if tail-recursion optimization doesn't happen; the compiler will do it if it can whether you annotate or not.)
import annotation.{tailrec => tco}
#tco final def collapse(rs: List[Range], sep: List[Range] = Nil): List[Range] = rs match {
case x :: y :: rest =>
if (y.from > x.to) collapse(y :: rest, x :: sep)
else collapse( Range(x.from, x.to max y.to) :: rest, sep)
case _ =>
(rs ::: sep).reverse
def merge(rs: List[Range]): List[Range] = collapse(rs.sortBy(_.from))
I love these sorts of puzzles:
case class Range(from:Int, to:Int) {
assert(from <= to)
/** Returns true if given Range is completely contained in this range */
def contains(rhs: Range) = from <= rhs.from && rhs.to <= to
/** Returns true if given value is contained in this range */
def contains(v: Int) = from <= v && v <= to
def collapse(rangelist: List[Range]) =
// sorting the list puts overlapping ranges adjacent to one another in the list
// foldLeft runs a function on successive elements. it's a great way to process
// a list when the results are not a 1:1 mapping.
rangelist.sortBy(_.from).foldLeft(List.empty[Range]) { (acc, r) =>
acc match {
case head :: tail if head.contains(r) =>
// r completely contained; drop it
head :: tail
case head :: tail if head.contains(r.from) =>
// partial overlap; expand head to include both head and r
Range(head.from, r.to) :: tail
case _ =>
// no overlap; prepend r to list
r :: acc
Here's my solution:
def merge(ranges:List[Range]) = ranges
.sortWith{(a, b) => a.from < b.from || (a.from == b.from && a.to < b.to)}
.foldLeft(List[Range]()){(buildList, range) => buildList match {
case Nil => List(range)
case head :: tail => if (head.to >= range.from) {
Range(head.from, head.to.max(range.to)) :: tail
} else {
range :: buildList
merge(List(Range(1, 3), Range(4, 5), Range(10, 11), Range(1, 6), Range(2, 8)))
//List[Range] = List(Range(1,8), Range(10,11))
I ran into this need for Advent of Code 2022, Day 15, where I needed to merge a list of inclusive ranges. I had to slightly modify the solution for inclusiveness:
import annotation.{tailrec => tco}
#tco final def collapse(rs: List[Range], sep: List[Range] = Nil): List[Range] = rs match {
case x :: y :: rest =>
if (y.start - 1 > x.end) collapse(y :: rest, x :: sep)
else collapse(Range.inclusive(x.start, x.end max y.end) :: rest, sep)
case _ =>
(rs ::: sep).reverse
I know that you can do matching on lists in a way like
val list = List(1,2,3)
list match {
case head::tail => head
case _ => //whatever
so I started to wonder how this works. If I understand correctly, :: is just an operator, so what's to stop me from doing something like
4 match {
case x + 2 => x //I would expect x=2 here
If there is a way to create this kind of functionality, how is it done; if not, then why?
Pattern matching takes the input and decomposes it with an unapply function. So in your case, unapply(4) would have to return the two numbers that sum to 4. However, there are many pairs that sum to 4, so the function wouldn't know what to do.
What you need is for the 2 to be accessible to the unapply function somehow. A special case class that stores the 2 would work for this:
case class Sum(addto: Int) {
def unapply(i: Int) = Some(i - addto)
val Sum2 = Sum(2)
val Sum2(x) = 5 // x = 3
(It would be nice to be able to do something like val Sum(2)(y) = 5 for compactness, but Scala doesn't allow parameterized extractors; see here.)
[EDIT: This is a little silly, but you could actually do the following too:
val `2 +` = Sum(2)
val `2 +`(y) = 5 // y = 3
EDIT: The reason the head::tail thing works is that there is exactly one way to split the head from the tail of a list.
There's nothing inherently special about :: versus +: you could use + if you had a predetermined idea of how you wanted it to break a number. For example, if you wanted + to mean "split in half", then you could do something like:
object + {
def unapply(i: Int) = Some(i-i/2, i/2)
and use it like:
scala> val a + b = 4
a: Int = 2
b: Int = 2
scala> val c + d = 5
c: Int = 3
d: Int = 2
EDIT: Finally, this explains that, when pattern matching, A op B means the same thing as op(A,B), which makes the syntax look nice.
Matching with case head :: tail uses an infix operation pattern of the form p1 op p2 which gets translated to op(p1, p2) before doing the actual matching. (See API for ::)
The problem with + is the following:
While it is easy to add an
object + {
def unapply(value: Int): Option[(Int, Int)] = // ...
object which would do the matching, you may only supply one result per value. E.g.
object + {
def unapply(value: Int): Option[(Int, Int)] = value match {
case 0 => Some(0, 0)
case 4 => Some(3, 1)
case _ => None
Now this works:
0 match { case x + 0 => x } // returns 0
also this
4 match { case x + 1 => x } // returns 3
But this wonโt and you cannot change it:
4 match { case x + 2 => x } // does not match
No problem for ::, though, because it is always defined what is head and what is tail of a list.
There are two ::s (pronounced "cons") in Scala. One is the operator on Lists and the other is a class, which represents a non empty list characterized by a head and a tail. So head :: tail is a constructor pattern, which has nothing to do with the operator.