Concurrent data insert client (golang) results in first 50 rows missing in database (postgres), but the rest of the 390 are okay - postgresql

I am pulling down stock market data and inserting it into a postgresql database. I have 500 stocks for 60 days of historical data. Each day has 390 trading minutes, and each minute is a row in the database table. The summary of the issue is that the first 20-50 minutes of each day are missing for the each stock. Sometimes its less than 50, but it is never more than 50. Every minute after that for each day is fine (EDIT: on further inspection there are missing minutes all over the place). The maximum matches the max number of concurrent goroutines (
The hardware is set up in my home. I have a laptop that pulls the data, and a 8 year old gaming computer that has been repurposed as a postgres database running in ubuntu. They are connected through a netgear nighthawk x6 router and communicate over the LAN.
The laptop is running a go program that pulls data down and performs concurrent inserts. I loop through the 60 days, for each day I loop through each stock, and for each stock I loop through each minute and insert it into the database via a INSERT statement. Inside the minute loop I used a library that limits the max number of goroutines.
I am fixing it by grabbing the data again, and inserting until the first time the postgres server responds that the entry is a duplicate and violates the unique constraints on the table and breaking out of the loop for each stock.
However, I'd like to know what happened, as I want to better understand how these problems can arise under load. Any ideas?
limit := NewConcurrencyLimiter(50)
for _, m := range ms {
limit.Execute(func() {

The issue is that using a receiver means that everything is passed by reference. I needed to copy the values I wanted inserted within the for loop, and change the method away from a receiver to one with input parameters
for i, _ := range ms {
value := ms[i]
limit.Execute(func() {


What is the best way to move millions of data from one postgres database to another?

So we have a task at the moment where I need to move millions of records from one database to another.
To complicate things slightly I need to change an id on each record before inserting the data.
How it works is we have 100 stations in database a.
Each station contains 30+ sensors.
Each sensor contains readings for about the last 10 years.
These readings are anywhere from 15minute interval to daily interval.
So each station can have at least 5m records.
database b has the same structure as database a.
The reading table contains the following fields
id: primary key
sensor_id: int4
value: numeric(12)
time: timestamp
What I have done so far for one station is.
Connect to database a and select all readings for station 1
Find all corresponding sensors in database b
Change the sensor_id from database a to it's new sensor_id from database b
Chunk the updated sensor_id data to groups of about 5000 parameters
Loop over the chunks and do a mass insert
In theory, this should work.
However, I am getting errors saying duplicate key violates unique constraint.
If I query the database on those records that are failing, the data doesn't exist.
The weird thing about this is that if I run the script 4 or 5 times in a row all the data eventually gets in there. So I am at a loss as to why I would be receiving this error because it doesn't seem accurate.
Is there a way I can get around this error from happening?
Is there a more efficient way of doing this?

Keep table synced with another but with accumulated / grouped data

If I have large amounts of data in a table defined like
CREATE TABLE sensor_values ( ts TIMESTAMPTZ(35, 6) NOT NULL,
value FLOAT8(17, 17) DEFAULT 'NaN' :: REAL NOT NULL,
sensor_id INT4(10) NOT NULL, );
Data comes in every minute for thousands of points. Quite often though I need to extract and work with daily values over years (On a web frontend). To aid this I would like a sensor_values_days table that only has the daily sums for each point and then I can use this for faster queries over longer timespans.
I don't want a trigger for every write to the db as I am afraid that would slow down the already bottle neck of writes to the db.
Is there a way to trigger only after so many rows have been inserted ?
Or perhaps an index and maintains a index of a sum of entries over days ? I don't think that is possible.
What would be the best way to do this. It would not have to be very up to date. Losing the last few hours or a day would not be an issue.
What would be the best way to do this.
Install clickhouse and use AggregatingMergeTree table type.
With postgres:
Create per-period aggregate table. You can have several with different granularity, like hours, days, and months.
Have a cron or scheduled task run at the end of each period plus a few minutes. First, select the latest timestamp in the per-period table, so you know at which period to start. Then, aggregate all rows in the main table for periods that came after the last available one. This process will also work if the per-period table is empty, or if it missed the last update then it will catch up.
In order to do only inserts and no updates, you have to run it at the end of each period, to make sure it got all the data. You can also store the first and last timestamp of the rows that were aggregated, so later if you check the table you see it did use all the data from the period.
After aggregation, the "hour" table should be 60x smaller than the "minute" table, that should help!
Then, repeat the same process for the "day" and "month" table.
If you want up-to-date stats, you can UNION ALL the results of the "per day" table (for example) to the results of the live table, but only pull the current day out of the live table, since all the previous days's worth of data have been summarized into the "per day" table. Hopefully, the current day's data will be cached in RAM.
It would not have to be very up to date. Losing the last few hours or a day would not be an issue.
Also if you want to partition your huge table, make sure you do it before its size becomes unmanageable...
Materialized Views and a Cron every 5 minutes can help you:
In PG14, we will have INCREMENTAL MATERIALIZED VIEW, but for the moment is in devel.

SQL Server performance function vs no function

I have a query (relationship between CONTRACT <-> ORDERS) that I decided to break up into 2 parts (contract and orders) so I can reuse in another stored procedure.
When I run the code before the break up, it took around 10 secs to run; however, when I use a function for getting the contract, then pump the data into a temp table first, then join to the other parts it takes 2m:30s - why the difference in time?
The function takes less than a second to run and returns only one row i.e. details of one contract (contract_id is the parameter supplied to the function).
The part that is most effecting the performance the (ORDERS) largest table in the query has 4.1 million rows and joins to a few other tables however; if I just run the sub query for orders in isolation with a particular filter i.e. the contract id it takes less than a second to run and just happens to return zero records based for the contract I am testing on (due to filtering on the type of order it is looking for).
Base on the above information you would think 1 sec at most for the function + 1 sec at most to get the orders + summarize = 2 seconds at most, not 2 and half minutes!
Where am I going wrong, how do I begin to isolate the issue in time difference?
I know someone is going to tell me to paste the code but surely it is an issue of the database vs indexes perhaps vs how the compiler performs when dealing with raw code versus broken up code into parts. Is there an area of the code I can look at before having to post my whole code as I have tried variations of OUTER APPLY vs LEFT JOIN from the contract temp table to the orders subquery and both give me about the same result. Any ideas?
I don't think the issue was with the code but the network I was running it on. Although bizarre in the fact I had 2 versions of the proc running side by side and yesterday or rather before the weekend one was running in 10 secs and it is still running in 10 secs 3 days later and my new version (using the function) was taking anywhere between 2 to 3 minutes. This morning it is running at 2 or 3 seconds!! So I don't know if it is the fact I changed from declaring my table structure and using a table variable instead first to where previously I was using SELECT ... INTO #Contract made the difference or the network or precompiling has an affect. Whatever it is it no longer an issue. Should I delete this post?

long running queries and new data

I'm looking at a postgres system with tables containing 10 or 100's of millions of rows, and being fed at a rate of a few rows per second.
I need to do some processing on the rows of these tables, so I plan to run some simple select queries: select * with a where clause based on a range (each row contains a timestamp, that's what I'll work with for ranges). It may be a "closed range", with a start and an end I know are contained in the table, and I know no new data will fall into the range, or an open range : ie one of the range boundary might not be "in the table yet" and rows being fed in the table might thus fall in that range.
Since the response will itself contains millions of rows, and the processing per row can take some time (10s of ms) I'm fully aware I'll use a cursor and fetch, say, a few 1000 rows at a time. My question is:
If I run an "open range" query: will I only get the result as it was when I started the query, or will new rows being inserted in the table that fall in the range while I run my fetch show up ?
(I tend to think that no I won't see new rows, but I'd like a confirmation...)
It should not happen under any isolation level:
but Postgres insures it only in Serializable isolation
Well, I think when you make a query, that means you create a new transaction and it will not receive/update data from any other transaction until it commit.
So, basically "you only get the result as it was when you started the query"

Postgresql Hstore and Toast Bloat

I was using hstore, Postgresql 9.3.4, to store a count for each time an event happened in a given day, with an update like the following.
days_count = days_count || hstore('x', (coalesce((days_count -> 'x')::integer, 0) + 1)::text)
Where x is the day of the year. After running a simulation of expected behavior for production I ended up with a table that was 150MB + 2GB Toast + 25-30MB for the index, after Analyze and Vacuum.
I am now instead breaking up the above column into one for each month like the following
y_month_days_count = y_month_days_count || hstore('x', (coalesce((y_month_days_count -> 'x')::integer, 0) + 1)::text)
Where x is the day of the month, and y is the month of the year.
I am still running the simulation right now, but so far at third of the way done I am at 60MB + A pretty steady 20-30MB of Toast + 25-30MB for the index. Which means in the end I should end up with about 180MB + 30-40MB for Toast + 25MB-30MB for the index after Analyze and Vacuum.
So first is there any known issues with Hstore and Toast bloat that would explain my issue with my first set up?
Second will my current solution of breaking up the columns cause any type of issues with hstore and performance in the future because of the number of hstore columns on one table? It seems to be steady now with row numbers in the hundred of thousands, and while I know more columns can make things slower, I am unsure if this is worse with hstore columns.
Finally I did find something out. I have one hstore column that ends up representing each hour a day, so it has 24 different keys. When I run the simulation for just this column I end up with almost no toast, in the KB, but when I run the whole simulation, with the days broken up into months columns, my largest hstore has 52 keys.
So for a simple store of either a counter or a word or two, the max number of keys before I see any amount of toast for hstore is between 24 and 52 keys.
So first is there any known issues with Hstore and Toast bloat that would explain my issue with my first set up?
When you update any part of an out-of-line stored TOASTed field like text, hstore or json the whole field must be re-written as a new row version. This is a consequence of MVCC - it's necessary to retain a copy of every version of the row that might still be visible to another transaction.
The old one can be vacuumed away when it's no longer required by any running transaction, so in practice this has minimal impact so long as autovacuum is running aggressively enough.
So if you're updating lots of rows with big text, hstore or json fields, or updating them frequently, tune autovacuum up so it runs more often and does work faster. Make sure you don't have long running <IDLE> in transaction connections.
You say the table sizes you quoted were "after analyze and vacuum" but I'm guessing you only ran a regular vacuum, so the table bloat would've been freed for re-use by PostgreSQL but not released back to the OS. See if VACUUM FULL compacts it.
Will my current solution of breaking up the columns cause any type of issues with hstore and performance in the future because of the number of hstore columns on one table?
Depends on your query patterns and workload, but probably not.