Micropython inheritance fails - micropython

I'm trying to get connect a PyBoard (I'm not sure about the hardware version, but it's running uPython 1.9.3) to a SSD1306 based LED display over I2C.
The physical connection works, and I can establish a I2C connection, see the device, and verify that it's readable on the I2C connection.
However, I'm unable to use the ssd1306 module from the uPython Github. I can import the module fine but the SSD1306 class won't initialize. The code which fails is this:
class SSD1306(framebuf.FrameBuffer):
def __init__(self, width, height, external_vcc):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.external_vcc = external_vcc
self.pages = self.height // 8
self.buffer = bytearray(self.pages * self.width)
super().__init__(self.buffer, self.width, self.height, framebuf.MONO_VLSB)
The error message is always
TypeError: function missing 1 required positional arguments
which seems to be spurious (i've definitely made sure to pass in the required width, height, and external_vcc. I'm pretty sure the problem is in the super() call -- but its uPython, so print-debugging inside an initializer does not seem to work.
I've read in a couple of places that uPython tends to issue bad error messages about missing params when calling a closure, but this is only vaguely similar to that. I tried adding an explicit self to the super().__init__() call just in case, but that didn't work either. So I'm a bit stuck and would welcome advice on the right next step for debugging.

It appears that the problem is a version mismatch. At least, in the previous version of this file on the uPython github, the class does not inherit from FrameBuffer but instead maintains an internal one. There's a comment in the code to this effect:
# Provide methods for accessing FrameBuffer graphics primitives. This is a
# workround because inheritance from a native class is currently unsupported.
# http://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/pyboard/library/framebuf.html
So, I think the issue was a version mismatch between the 1.9.3 board and a 1.9.4 copy of the driver. Rolling this back to the 1.9.3 code works.


How do I add a missing peripheral register to a STM32 MCU model in Renode?

I am trying out this MCU / SoC emulator, Renode.
I loaded their existing model template under platforms/cpus/stm32l072.repl, which just includes the repl file for stm32l071 and adds one little thing.
When I then load & run a program binary built with STM32CubeIDE and ST's LL library, and the code hits the initial function of SystemClock_Config(), where the Flash:ACR register is being probed in a loop, to observe an expected change in value, it gets stuck there, as the Renode Monitor window is outputting:
[WARNING] sysbus: Read from an unimplemented register Flash:ACR (0x40022000), returning a value from SVD: 0x0
This seems to be expected, not all existing templates model nearly everything out of the box. I also found that the stm32L071 model is missing some of the USARTs and NVIC channels. I saw how, probably, the latter might be added, but there seems to be not a single among the default models defining that Flash:ACR register that I could use as example.
How would one add such a missing register for this particular MCU model?
Note1: For this test, I'm using a STM32 firmware binary which works as intended on actual hardware, e.g. a devboard for this MCU.
The stated advantage of Renode over QEMU, which does apparently not emulate peripherals, is also allowing to stick together a more complex system, out of mocked external e.g. I2C and other devices (apparently C# modules, not yet looked into it).
They say "use the same binary as on the real system".
Which is my reason for trying this out - sounds like a lot of potential for implementing systems where the hardware is not yet fully available, and also automatted testing.
So the obvious thing, commenting out a lot of parts in init code, to only test some hardware-independent code while sidestepping such issues, would defeat the purpose here.
If you want to just provide the ACR register for the flash to pass your init, use a tag.
You can either provide it via REPL (recommended, like here https://github.com/renode/renode/blob/master/platforms/cpus/stm32l071.repl#L175) or via RESC.
Assuming that your software would like to read value 0xDEADBEEF. In the repl you'd use:
Tag <0x40022000, 0x40022003> "ACR" 0xDEADBEEF
In the resc or in the Monitor it would be just:
sysbus Tag <0x40022000, 0x40022003> "ACR" 0xDEADBEEF
If you want more complex logic, you can use a Python peripheral, as described in the docs (https://renode.readthedocs.io/en/latest/basic/using-python.html#python-peripherals-in-a-platform-description):
flash: Python.PythonPeripheral # sysbus 0x40022000
size: 0x1000
initable: false
filename: "script_with_complex_python_logic.py"
If you really need advanced implementation, then you need to create a complete C# model.
As you correctly mentioned, we do not want you to modify your binary. But we're ok with mocking some parts we're not interested in for a particular use case if the software passes with these mocks.
Disclaimer: I'm one of the Renode developers.

release build variable corruption when using ne10 math library assembly function

has anyone experience the following issue?
A stack variable getting changed/corrupted after calling ne10 assembly function such as ne10_len_vec2f_neon?
float gain = 8.0;
ne10_len_vec2f_neon(src, dst, len);
after the call to ne10_len_vec2f_neon, the value of gain changes as its memory is getting corrupted.
1. Note this only happens when the project is compiled in release build but not debug build.
2. Does Ne10 assembly functions preserve registers?
3. Replacing the assembly function call to c equivalent such as ne10_len_vec2f_c and both release and debug build seem to work OK.
thanks for any help on this. Not sure if there's an inherent issue within the program or it is really the call to ne10_len_vec2f_neon causing the corruption with release build.enter code here
I had a quick rummage through the master NEON code here:
... and it doesn't really touch address-based stack at all, so not sure it's a stack problem in memory.
However based on what I remember of the NEON procedure call standard q4-q7 (alias d8-d15 or s16-s31) should be preserved by the callee, and as far as I can tell that code is clobbering q4-6 without the necessary save/restore, so it does indeed look like it's clobbering the stack in registers.
In the failed case do you know if gain is still stored in FPU registers, and if yes which ones? If it's stored in any of s16/17/18/19 then this looks like the problem. It also seems plausible that a compiler would choose to use s16 upwards for things it needs to keep across a function call, as it avoids the need to touch in-RAM stack memory.
In terms of a fix, if you perform the following replacements:
in that file, then I think it should work; no means to test here, but those higher register blocks are not callee saved.

What does mean code EXEC_I386_GPFLT when program crashes with EXC_BAD_ADDRESS

I have my OSX program crashing with EXC_BAD_ADDRESS with code EXEC_I386_GPFLT.
I do not have any usual message like no selector found...
The program was working before, I've just changed the calling system. It was a self made hotkey manager, I now use MASShorcut.
I suspect a threading issue and I think I'll fix the problem with dispatch_xx block.
So the actual question is: what EXEC_I386_GPFLT means ?
func saveFile() {
// crashes on following line
let savePanel = NSSavePanel(contentRect: NSRect(), styleMask: NSTitledWindowMask, backing: NSBackingStoreType.Buffered, `defer`: true)
savePanel.canCreateDirectories = true
EXEC_I386_GPFLT is a general protection fault.
It usually means your app tried to dereference an address that wasn't just to some unreadable part of memory, but is wildly preposterous and references something that cannot be memory at all (on a 64 bit system, there isn't really 64 bits of addressable space as some of the bits are used as metadata in certain contexts, for example.)
Given that the crash and the call are on the main thread, it doesn't look like a threading issue (at least, not with the evidence given).
Typically, you create a save panel with NSSavePanel(). Given that it is crashing in alloc/init, I'd suggest moving to the standard way of creating one.

Implementing SPI library in Arduino (how do classes work?)

I am currently trying to self learn Arduino/C programming/Assembly. I am working on a project which requires a lot of data collection, and by research I discovered a chip called the "23K256" from Microchip (see here: http://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/Devices.aspx?dDocName=en539039). Moreover, I have also discovered that an Arduino library taking advantage of this chip exists (see here: http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/SpiRAM). I downloaded the "spiRAM3a.zip" file, which I believe is the one most up-to-date. Note that I have only recently downloaded the Arduino software and thus have the latest version installed (I believe it's 1.0.6). Also note that I'm using Arduino Uno, although I will eventually need to use Arduino Mega (I just want this working on ANYTHING at this point). With this library is some code that exemplifies its use to read and write to the 23K256 (the file name is "SpiRAM_Example" included in the package I downloaded), effectively increasing the SRAM on Arduino available. Here is the actual, exact code:
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SpiRAM.h>
#define SS_PIN 10
byte clock = 0;
SpiRAM SpiRam(0, SS_PIN);
void setup() {
void loop()
char data_to_chip[17] = "Testing 90123456";
char data_from_chip[17] = " ";
int i = 0;
// Write some data to RAM
SpiRam.write_stream(0, data_to_chip, 16);
// Read it back to a different buffer
SpiRam.read_stream(0, data_from_chip, 16);
// Write it to the serial port
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
delay(1000); // wait for a second
My problem is that when I complie the code, to test my confguration and try to learn its use, I surprisingly get an error. This is what I get:
SpiRAM_Example:7: error: 'SpiRAM' does not name a type
SpiRAM_Example.ino: In function 'void loop()':
SpiRAM_Example:20: 'SpiRAM' was not declared in this scope
So it's basically telling me that there's something wrong with the SpiRAM SpiRam(0, SS_PIN);line of code. My question is, why? Am I misunderstanding something very fundamental about how classes work? I feel like I must not be doing something because I highly doubt an incorrect piece of code would be published on Arduino's website. How can I get this code to compile, or at least be able to simply use this library? Should I post the code for the library itself ("SpiRAM.h"), which was included in the package I downloaded?
I would really appreciate any help I can get, and sincerely apologize if this is a really dumb question. I think this is the first I've worked with classes.
Did you download Attach:spiRAM3a.zip or the original? I installed this and your code. It complies on the IDE 1.05

Segmentation fault from outside of my code

I have a wxWidgets/GTK based application that works well - except for one installation on an Debian Squeeze ARM system. There it crashes when the user just activates the main window of it. To find the reason for that I added a signal handler to the application and use libunwind out of that signal handler to find the source for the crash. During a test that worked fine, when the software writes e.g. to address 0x0 libunwind correctly points me to the function where that happens.
But the results for the system where the crash appears unexpectedly are a bit strange, they seem to happen outside of my application. One crash comes from a function with no name (here libunwind returns an empty string), and one is caused by "malloc_usable_size", a system function which should never die this way.
So...what to do next? All ideas, suggestions or any other hints are welcome since I'm not sure how to contunue with that problem...
Check for buffer overrun or overwriting some memory unexpectedly for any structures, pointers, memory locations for items returned by library functions.
Check for invalid pointer frees in your code for the library allocated pointers that you are using.
May be using valgrind would also help.