How do I add a missing peripheral register to a STM32 MCU model in Renode? - stm32

I am trying out this MCU / SoC emulator, Renode.
I loaded their existing model template under platforms/cpus/stm32l072.repl, which just includes the repl file for stm32l071 and adds one little thing.
When I then load & run a program binary built with STM32CubeIDE and ST's LL library, and the code hits the initial function of SystemClock_Config(), where the Flash:ACR register is being probed in a loop, to observe an expected change in value, it gets stuck there, as the Renode Monitor window is outputting:
[WARNING] sysbus: Read from an unimplemented register Flash:ACR (0x40022000), returning a value from SVD: 0x0
This seems to be expected, not all existing templates model nearly everything out of the box. I also found that the stm32L071 model is missing some of the USARTs and NVIC channels. I saw how, probably, the latter might be added, but there seems to be not a single among the default models defining that Flash:ACR register that I could use as example.
How would one add such a missing register for this particular MCU model?
Note1: For this test, I'm using a STM32 firmware binary which works as intended on actual hardware, e.g. a devboard for this MCU.
The stated advantage of Renode over QEMU, which does apparently not emulate peripherals, is also allowing to stick together a more complex system, out of mocked external e.g. I2C and other devices (apparently C# modules, not yet looked into it).
They say "use the same binary as on the real system".
Which is my reason for trying this out - sounds like a lot of potential for implementing systems where the hardware is not yet fully available, and also automatted testing.
So the obvious thing, commenting out a lot of parts in init code, to only test some hardware-independent code while sidestepping such issues, would defeat the purpose here.

If you want to just provide the ACR register for the flash to pass your init, use a tag.
You can either provide it via REPL (recommended, like here or via RESC.
Assuming that your software would like to read value 0xDEADBEEF. In the repl you'd use:
Tag <0x40022000, 0x40022003> "ACR" 0xDEADBEEF
In the resc or in the Monitor it would be just:
sysbus Tag <0x40022000, 0x40022003> "ACR" 0xDEADBEEF
If you want more complex logic, you can use a Python peripheral, as described in the docs (
flash: Python.PythonPeripheral # sysbus 0x40022000
size: 0x1000
initable: false
filename: ""
If you really need advanced implementation, then you need to create a complete C# model.
As you correctly mentioned, we do not want you to modify your binary. But we're ok with mocking some parts we're not interested in for a particular use case if the software passes with these mocks.
Disclaimer: I'm one of the Renode developers.


Unable to get Rocket Chip waveforms for GTKwaves

I want to run a program on Rocket core and observe all the signals in corresponding registers in GTKwave (e.g. PC, register file, ALU registers and wires etc.)
However, the only I get (both in chipyard and rocket chip) is some strange list of wires in GTKwave, which I cannot relate to the core/tile.
I followed instructions at for installations.
I'm able to run:
make CONFIG = freechips.rocketchip.system.TinyConfig (I did DefaultConfig as well)
make verilog
Also I generate *.vcd files with
make run-debug CONFIG= freechips.rocketchip.system.TinyConfig
or specific file with hello word.
For each file there is corresponding *.out file with all executed instructions, so I naively think that I can run any of such generated *.vcd and see all the register states for all instructions.
However I get only strange wires
Elsewhere people demonstrate reasonable signals like this:
I observe at the last image TestBench group. I did test benches for modelsim with pure verilog written in Quartus. However for rocket chip framework and Verilator in particular, I think I can run any *.vcd file.
It looks for me the same approach used in theses page 26 with reasonable waves at page 27
Can somebody give me a hint, what is wrong with my approach?
As Jerry said on,
you can dig into the hierarchy to find the Rocket core and Rocket Tile. The wires you're seeing are the TestHarness. The DUT is the design under test beneath that and that contains the Rocket core.
The core should be under a path like:
ldut -> tile_prci_domain -> tile_reset_domain -> tile -> core

Which file to extend for customized messages in veins? What is the purpose of AirFrame11p.msg?

I'm new to SUMO, Veins, OMNET++ and simulations with a bit background of networks. I have successfully setup environment and run veins 4.6 demo application. On google found that unlike RSU, Car modules are added on the fly.
In demo example car nodes send Airframe11p message, i'm not getting where this message is being populated because in methods (onWSA, onWSM, handleSelfMsg, handlePositionUpdate) we are dealing with WSM message types and BaseWaveApplLayer::checkAndTrackPacket methods ensures that message being sent is either BSM, WSM or WSA.
In veins\src\veins\modules\messages AirFrame11p.msg file exists but on finding references of "AirFrame11p" in project, matches are found in AirFrame11p_m.h and only. If demo is not using these files then for what purpose these files are added? and from where simulation gets the annotation of AirFrame11p.
I'm trying to simulate a car accident scenario without RSU using V2V communication, have replaced demo map with mine, generated random routes, now trying to remove RSU from demo application and exploring to send customized messages (including geo location, speed, direction, time etc) to nearby vehicles in specified range e.g. 100 meters using WiFi direct.
If i'm confusing something then please guide me. Thanks.
The short answer: The AirFrame11p message is a lower level message that encapsulates the upper layer messages. Just use the application message type that is appropriate for your application. If you want to replace the physical layer with WiFi direct instead of 11p, and you're starting from scratch, you're probably in for quite a bit of work, since the VEINS PHY implementation is very intricate. If you have an existing implementation of WiFi direct, it may be worth investigating the integration of VEINS' TraCI implementation with that code.
Encapsulation in VEINS
You are correct that the message types at the application layer are more diverse -- these message types (BSM and WSM) are used to encapsulate "application" behavior; it's just not very well visualized in the simulation execution. You can pause the simulation and look (for example) under scheduled events, where the queued packets can be examined visually.
Unlike regular networks, where such messages would be packaged in IP, MAC and PHY encapsulations, VEINS uses the following encapsulation process: BSMs are packaged in MAC frames (80211Pkt), which in turn are encapsulated by AirFrame11p signals. So basically, you should choose the correct message type for your application.
Footnote regarding application behavior:
Technically speaking, these messages would be more correctly placed at the Facilities layer (see e.g. ETSI's spec), since the periodic exchange of messages provides data stored in the facilities layer, which is then used by cITS/VANET applications that run on top. If you need this, look at Artery (as Ventu suggested in the comments).

OracleSolaris 11.2 -- is /usr/kernel/drv/driver.conf required for PCI?

I'm implementing a small PCI driver for academic purposes, and one thing I'm not clear about if we actually have to provide driver.conf? Different materials which I read (including, say that for PCI the driver config file is optional, however in my case it seems that pci_config_setup() is successful only with driver.conf provided:
name="mydrv" parent="/pci#0,0/pci8086,2e11"
Then I do:
% add_drv -i 'pciXXXX,YY' mydrv
and it adds in the system with no warning or error messages.
So I assume that some properties of a PCI device can't be derived automatically by the system, e.g. parent bus?
I would appreciate if anybody could shed some light on this. Thanks.
If you look at a random selection of very small files under /kernel/drv for actual physical hardware, you'll see that they almost always only contain the line
Pseudo drivers will have a driver.conf(4) file which reflects their parentage in the system. I really recommend reading that manpage, it goes into good detail about what's required here.

VHDL Bus Functional Modelling - Can't put groups of procedures into a package to clean up the code

I want to organize a working bus functional model and push commonly used procedures (which look like CPU subroutines) out into a package and get them out of the main cpu model, but I'm stuck.
The procedures don't have access to the hardware bits when they're pushed out in a package.
In Verilog, I would put commonly used procedures out into an include file and link them into the CPU model as required for a given test suite.
More details:
I have a working bus functional model of a CPU, for simulation test benching.
At the "user interface" level I have a process called "main" running inside the CPU model which calls my predefined "instruction set" like this:
cpu_read(address, read_result);
cpu_write(address, write_data);
I bundle groups of those calls up into higher level procedures like
At the next layer these generic functions call a more hardware specific version which knows the interface timing for the design,
and those procedures then use an input record and output record to connect to the hardware module ports and waggle the cpu bus signals as required.
cpu_read calls hardware_cpu_read(cpu_input_record, cpu_output_record, address);
Something like this:
procedure cpu_read (address : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
read_result : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0));
hardware_cpu_read(cpu_input_record, cpu_output_record, address, read_result);
end procedure;
The cpu_input_record and cpu_output_record are declared as signals of type nnn_record in the cpu model vhdl file.
So this is all working, but every single one of these procedures is all stored in the cpu VHDL module file, and all in the procedure declaration section so that they are all in the same scope.
If I share the model with team members they will need to add their own testing subroutines, and those also are all in the same location in the file, as well, their simulation test code has to go into the "main" process along with mine.
I'd rather link in various tests from outside the model, and only keep model specific procedures in the model file..
Ironically I can push the lowest level hardware procedure out to a package, and call those procedures from within the "main" process, but the higher level processes can't be put out into that package or any other packages because they don't have access to the cpu_read_record and cpu_write_record.
I feel like there must be a simple way to clean up this code and make it modular, and I'm just missing something obvious.
I don't really think making a command interpreter and loading my test code into a behavioral ROM is the right way to go by the way. Nor is fighting with the simulator interface to connect up a C program, but I may break down and try this..
Quick sketch of an answer (to the question I think you are asking! :-) though I may be off-beam...
To move the BFM subprograms into a reusable package, they need to be independent of the execution scope - that usually means a long parameter list for each of them. So using them in a testbench quickly gets tedious compared with the parameterless (or parameter-lite) versions you have now..
The usual workaround is to implement the BFM in a package, with long parameter lists.
Then write parameter-lite local equivalents (wrappers) in the execution scope, which simply call the package versions supplying all the parameters explicitly.
This is just boilerplate - not pretty but it does allow you to move the BFM into a package. These wrappers can be local to the testbench, to a process within it, or even to a subprogram within that process.
(The parameter types can be records for tidiness : these are probably declared in a third package, shared between BFM. TB, and synthesisable device under test...)
Thanks to overloading, there is no ambiguity between the local and BFM package versions, so the actual testbench remains as simple as possible.
Example wrapper function :
function cpu_read(address : unsigned) return slv_32 is
return BFM_pack.cpu_read (
address => address,
rd_data_bus => tb_rd_data_bus,
wait => tb_wait_signal,
oe => tb_mem_oe,
-- ditto for all the signals constants variables it needs from the tb_ scope
end cpu_read;
Currently your test procedures require two extra signals on them, cpu_input_record and cpu_output_record. This is not so bad. It is not uncommon to just have these on all procedures that interact with the cpu and be done with it. So use hardware_cpu_read and not cpu_read. Add cpu_input_record, cpu_output_record to your configure_communication_bus and clear_all_packet_counters procedures and be done. Perhaps choose shorter names.
I do a similar approach, except I use only one record with resolved elements. To make this work, you need to initialize the record so that all elements are non-driving (ie: 'Z' for std_logic). To make this more flexible, I have created resolution functions for integer, time, and real. However, this only saves you one signal. Not a real huge win. Perhaps half way to where you think you want to be. But it is more work than what you are doing.
For VHDL-201X, we are working on syntax to allow parameters/ports automatically map to a identically named signal. This will get you to where you want to be with any of the approaches (yours, mine, or Brian's without the extra wrapper subprogram). It is posted here: Given this, I would add the two records to your procedures and call it good enough for now.
Once you get by this problem, you seem to also be asking is how do I write separate tests using the same testbench. For this I use multiple architectures - I like to think of these as a Factory Class for concurrent code. To make this feasible, I separate the stimulus generation code from the rest of the testbench (typically: netlist connections and clock). My presentation, "VHDL Testbench Techniques that Leapfrog SystemVerilog", has an overview of this architecture along with a number of other goodies. It is available at:
You're definitely on the right track, in fact I have a variant like this (what you describe).
The catch is, now I build up a whole subroutine using the "parameter light" procedures, and those are what I want to put in a package to share and reuse. The problem is that any procedure pushed out to a package can't call to the parameter light procedures in the main vhdl file..
So what happens is we have one main vhdl file with all the common CPU hardware setup routines, and every designer's test code all in the same vhdl file..
Long story short, putting our test subroutines into separate files is really what I was hoping for..

Why are there ioctl calls in socket.c?

Trying to understand why there are ioctl calls in socket.c ? I can see a modified kernel that I am using, it has some ioctl calls which load in the required modules when the calls are made.
I was wondering why these calls ended up in socket.c ? Isn't socket kind of not-a-device and ioctls are primarily used for device.
Talking about heavily modified kernel here.
ioctl suffers from its historic name. While originally developed to perform i/o controls on devices, it has a generic enough construct that it may be used for arbitrary service requests to the kernel in context of a file descriptor. A file descriptor is an opaque value (just an int) provided by the kernel that can be associated with anything.
Now if you treat a file descriptor and think of things as files, which most *nix constructs do, open/read/write/close isn't enough. What if you want to label a file (rename)? what if you want to wait for a file to become available (ioctl)? what if you want to terminate everything if a file closes (termios)? all the "meta" operations that don't make sense in the core read/write context are lumped under ioctls; fctls; etc. unless they are so frequently used that they deserve their own system call (e.g. flock(2) functionality in BSD4.2)