I am very new to LISP (so forgive me for any dumb mistakes) and the first lab of the year states:
Define a function, STDEV that will compute the standard deviation of a list of numbers (look up formula)
I wrote this code but I don't know why it refuses to work:
(defun stdev (x)
(sqrt (/ (apply '+ (expt (- x (/ (apply '+ x)
(length x)))
(length x))))
(setq a '(1 2 3 4 5))
But on runtime it produces the error:
(1 2 3 4 5) is not a number
I believe that I have correctly emulated the standard deviation formula (though I wouldn't put it past myself to make a dumb mistake), but why does my program not like the list of numbers that I give it to evaluate? It is most likely a simple mistake with inputs from this new style of coding but any and all help is greatly appreciated!
Use indentation. I've edited your question:
(defun stdev (x)
(sqrt (/ (apply '+ (expt (- x (/ (apply '+ x)
(length x)))
(length x))))
expt returns a number. You call (apply '+ some-number)?
Also you subtract a number from a list.
Generally I would recommend to use a Lisp listener (aka REPL) to get to working code:
Compute the mean value:
CL-USER 21 > (let ((l (list 1 2 3 4 5)))
(/ (reduce #'+ l)
(length l)))
Subtract the mean value and square using mapcar:
CL-USER 22 > (mapcar (lambda (item)
(expt (- item 3) 2))
(list 1 2 3 4 5))
(4 1 0 1 4)
Compute the variance as the mean value of above:
CL-USER 23 > (let ((l (list 4 1 0 1 4)))
(/ (reduce #'+ l)
(length l)))
Take the square root to get the standard deviation:
CL-USER 24 > (sqrt 2)
Then you only need to assemble it into a few functions: average, variance and standard-deviation.
You’re taking - a ..., when a is your list.
Not a complete answer, because this is homework, but: you want to calculate the mean first, you can implement a sum function, which you will need twice, with a fold, and you can apply a helper function or lambda expression to every element of a list using a map.
I know that in Racket to compare for example two numbers you will have something like this.
(define (myMax x y)
(if (< x y) y x))
My question is how do you compare for a function with 3 arguments or more. For example to get the highest number from the arguments.
(define (myMax x y z)
If you want to process an undefined number of elements, you need to work with list.
The idiomatic way is to use recursion to process the elements. Each function call need to process one element (car) and the rest of the list cdr.
You can find an implementation on a another post:
(define (maximum L)
(if (null? (cdr L))
(car L)
(if (< (car L) (maximum (cdr L)))
(maximum (cdr L))
(car L))))
(maximum '( 1 2 3 ))
(maximum '( 1 2 3 4))
(maximum '( 1 2 3 4 5))
Give the results:
EDIT 2: if the real question is about variable number of arguments in Racket, you could use the following notation:
(define (test-function . L)
(printf "~S~%" L)) ;; Here: L is the list (1 2 3)
(test-function 1 2 3)
Which will display (printf):
(1 2 3)
I need to create a function which takes a list of numbers and removes all numbers less than 10 and outputs a new list.
So far I have this:
#lang racket
(define less-than10(lambda (x)
(for/list ([i x] #:when (lambda (x) (< x 10))) i)))
(less-than10 '(1 2 3 4 11))
however, it still does not remove numbers less than 10. It just outputs the exact same list. Any help?
You need to apply the predicate to the bound loop variable i, also note that I have flipped the predicate:
#lang racket
(define less-than10
(lambda (x)
(for/list ([i x] #:when ((lambda (x) (> x 10)) i)) i)))
(less-than10 '(1 2 3 4 11))
; => '(11)
A more natural version would use filter:
(define less-than10.v2
(lambda (x)
(filter (lambda (x) (> x 10)) x)))
(less-than10.v2 '(1 2 3 4 11))
; => '(11)
I have a list in Elisp. How do i return a list consisting of every nth element starting from the 1st? In Python i have slice notation:
>>> range(10)[::3]
[0, 3, 6, 9]
I can't find anything helpful in dash.el list API, so i wrote my solution using loop macro:
(defun step (n xs)
(loop for x in xs by (lambda (xs) (nthcdr n xs))
collect x))
ELISP> (step 3 (number-sequence 0 10))
(0 3 6 9)
By the way, (lambda (xs) (nthcdr n xs)) could be rewritten with dash.el's partial application function -partial: (-partial 'nthcdr n).
loop macro seems like overkill. How do i return elements by step in Emacs Lisp?
dash package's slice supports step from version 2.7. Therefore Python's range(10)[1:7:2] is equivalent to:
(-slice (number-sequence 0 9) 1 7 2) ; (1 3 5)
Here's a short illustration, comparing using -partial and a plain lambda in a loop:
(require 'cl-lib)
(prog1 nil
(setq bigdata (number-sequence 1 10000)))
(defun every-nth-1 (n xs)
(cl-loop for x in xs by (lambda (xs) (nthcdr n xs))
collect x))
(defun every-nth-2 (n xs)
(cl-loop for x in xs by (-partial 'nthcdr n)
collect x))
(defmacro util-timeit (expr)
(let ((t-beg (float-time))
(res (dotimes (i 1000)
(eval expr)))
(t-end (float-time)))
(- t-end t-beg)
(setq time1
(length (every-nth-1 3 bigdata))))
(setq time2
(every-nth-2 3 bigdata)))
(message "%s" (/ time2 time1))
Calling eval-buffer gives me a result around 4. This means that
(lambda (xs) (nthcdr n xs)) is 4 times faster than (-partial 'nthcdr n),
at least without byte compilation.
With byte-compilation, it gives an astounding 12.2-13.6 times difference in performance
in favor of a plain lambda!
i have a problem that i just cant work out,
the user enters a list ie
'((anItem 2 0.01)
(item 3 0.10)
(anotherItem 4 4.10)
(item 5 2.51)))
i need to add the number on the end together and then return the result
my current code returns the code after each addition. and also throws a error about unexpected type
(defun total-cost (list)
(loop with sum = 0
for x in list
collect (setf sum (+ sum (last x)))
Error: (0.01)' is not of the expected typeNUMBER'
Any help is appreciated
Thanks Dale
Using LOOP:
CL-USER 19 > (loop for (nil nil number) in '((anItem 2 0.01)
(item 3 0.10)
(anotherItem 4 4.10)
(item 5 2.51))
sum number)
REDUCE is another option:
CL-USER 20 > (reduce '+
'((anItem 2 0.01)
(item 3 0.10)
(anotherItem 4 4.10)
(item 5 2.51))
:key 'third)
Loop has a keyword sum for summing so you don't have to have an explicit variable nor use setf:
(defun total-cost (list)
(loop for x in list sum (third x)))
As Chris said, use (car (last x)) if the number you're looking for is always the last one. Or you can use (third x) as in my example if it's always the third one.
Also, note that the use of collectis wrong if your aim is to return the sum only; your example (corrected) returns
(0.01 0.11 4.21 6.7200003)
whereas mine returns
Note that if you want so escape the rounding errors as much as possible you need to use an exponent marker to make them double-floats for example:
(total-cost '((anItem 2 0.01D0)
(item 3 0.10D0)
(anotherItem 4 4.10D0)
(item 5 2.51D0)))
=> 6.72D0
last returns the last cons cell in the list, not its value. You need to use (car (last x)) instead.
Just in case you want the code to give you a precise result rather then being short:
(defun kahan-sum (floats)
:with sum := 0.0 :and error := 0.0
:for float :in floats
:for epsilon := (- float error)
:for corrected-sum := (+ sum epsilon) :do
(setf error (- corrected-sum sum epsilon) sum corrected-sum)
:finally (return sum)))
(defun naive-sum (floats) (loop :for float :in floats :sum float))
(let ((floats (loop :repeat 1000 :collect (- (random 1000000.0) 1000000.0))))
(format t "~&naive sum: ~f, kahan sum: ~f" (naive-sum floats) (kahan-sum floats)))
;; naive sum: -498127420.0, kahan sum: -498127600.0
Read more about why it works like this here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahan_summation_algorithm
Coming late to the party... How about a little lisping instead of looping? ;-)
(defun sum-3rd (xs)
(let ((sum 0))
(dolist (x xs sum)
(incf sum (nth 2 x)))))
I have some trouble fully understanding CL's Loop macro.
This is my code for Project Euler Nr. 32:
(defun number-to-list (nr)
(map 'list #'digit-char-p (prin1-to-string nr)))
(defun nine-digits-p (multiplicand multiplier )
(= (length (equationlist multiplicand multiplier
(* multiplicand multiplier))) 9))
(defun equationlist (multiplicand multiplier product)
(append (number-to-list multiplicand) (number-to-list multiplier)
(number-to-list product)))
(defun pandigital (multiplicand multiplier)
(equal (sort (equationlist multiplicand multiplier
(* multiplicand multiplier)) #'<)
'(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
(defun pandigital-list ()
for i from 1 to 2000 collect
(loop for j from 2 to 2000
when (and (nine-digits-p i j) (pandigital i j)) collect (* i j))))
(defun euler-32 ()
(reduce #'+ (reduce #'union (pandigital-list))))
Although this gives me the correct solution, my problem is with function "pandigital-list". Instead of collecting only the pandigital numbers, it returns a list filled with "NIL" and the few correct numbers.
How do I change this function to only return the numbers I am interested in ?
The problem is that the inner loop returns nil whenever it does not collect anything else. (Remember: in Common Lisp everything has a value.)
One solution is to redefine pandigital-list like this:
(defun pandigital-list ()
(loop for i from 1 to 2000
for sublist = (loop for j from 2 to 2000
when (and (nine-digits-p i j)
(pandigital i j))
collect (* i j))
when sublist collect sublist))