Codeship cloning another repository from one repository - codeship

I have created a repository on the codeship and push my code on that repository. I have another repository which is dependent on the this repository.When i am trying to create the build it is going to clone the another repository.I am getting access denied error.I can not add two codeship key to one project.
Can anyone please help me out for this issue?
Thank you.

do you have a build url that you could share here? Sounds like you'll need to add the CodeShip project's public ssh key to the additional repositories --


How do I get a cloned project into my own github repository?

Normally I get the project easily to github, but now that the project base has been cloned so I can't push it to my own repo for some security reasons.
I cloned project base using the terminal command
git clone
Can anyone help with this? or link to a page where a solution can be found?
If I understand your question, I think you are looking to fork? If so, you will want to fork the original repo, and then clone your fork of it.
If that isn't what you are looking for, my next guess is you want to make the original project a dependency in your personal project. In which case, the solution will depend on your specific tech stack.

How to deploy a Javascript application on gitHub?

I have a application built using HTML5,CSS3,Bootstrap,Javascript and Jquery.I want to deploy the application on github .
Any suggestions on how to achieve it ?
I'd suggest you to read some guides firstly. Like this one:
You have to install git on your local PC, then create your own repository on git and clone it to your computer. After that, you will be able to store your JS project in that repository and simply commit, push and pull all tha changes you did.
Have fun!

Github : Create a new project from existing project for EXOplayer

I want to create a new my own project from an existing project such as EXOplayer of Android:
What should I do for this purpose?
Is there any concern to directly copy all from the repository and upload to become a new project?
I am a rookie for it so have no idea about what should I start.
Do you mean Fork a repo? Basically you copy the entire project to your github, so you freely can make changes.
Go to the project gihub link and locate the Fork :
If would you like to someone else project of your own,This process is known a forking.
Create a fork is producing a personal copy of someone else project.You can submit a Pull request to help other project make better by your changes which offering a changes up to other project.
Go through this link have more in detail Github guildlines
If you are looking to make a copy of the project in GitHub, follow the process mentioned herein by creating a fork:
However, if you are looking to make a local copy, you want to Clone the repository:

How do I resolve Repository not found errors in Teamcity?

I've multiple projects configured exactly the same way using the same VCS root. All that changes for the projects is the project name, so to keep things DRY I share the root with the following fetch url:<myorg>/%conf.GitProjectName%.git
For one single project this fails with:
List remote refs failed: cannot locate repository at<myorg>/<My project>.git: ERROR: Repository not found.
This is really weird and I can clone the git repo using<myorg>/<My project>.git without any problem. Any idea about how to debug this?
This was not due to teamcity, it was because of github's new way to give teams rights to a repository which wasn't there before I think. Didn't delete the question to help other that might have the problem.
I've failed to add two or more github reps to teamcity using the same private key. I've generated another private/public pair, added public key to github for new repo, then added private key into teamcity. This worked for me. Hope it helps.

hg-git repository not found

I would like to configure my Mercurial project to be able to push it into gitHub repository.
While using command:
hg push git+ssh://
I receive a msg:
abort: repository git+ssh://
not found!
I already check and establish SSH connection, and it looks ok:
Hi myusername! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not
provide shell access.
my respository url copied from github (it's a fork from other open-source project):
What else I should check? Why I have an information that it doesn't exist while, in fact, it does? Where can be a problem?
Thanks to rfkortekaas I found a problem with hg-git setup.
In ~/.hgrc there has to be:
hgext.bookmarks =
hggit =
Are you sure that you have enabled and setup the hg-git extension correctly. This error also appears if the extension is not correctly setup.
Can you try it with a local git repository to phase-out github as a possible error.
I'm not sure you can push in Git if you didn't clone your repository from a Git one before using hg-git. It seems me that hg-git manages a .git locally.