Github : Create a new project from existing project for EXOplayer - github

I want to create a new my own project from an existing project such as EXOplayer of Android:
What should I do for this purpose?
Is there any concern to directly copy all from the repository and upload to become a new project?
I am a rookie for it so have no idea about what should I start.

Do you mean Fork a repo? Basically you copy the entire project to your github, so you freely can make changes.
Go to the project gihub link and locate the Fork :

If would you like to someone else project of your own,This process is known a forking.
Create a fork is producing a personal copy of someone else project.You can submit a Pull request to help other project make better by your changes which offering a changes up to other project.
Go through this link have more in detail Github guildlines

If you are looking to make a copy of the project in GitHub, follow the process mentioned herein by creating a fork:
However, if you are looking to make a local copy, you want to Clone the repository:


Fork Github and then add in another repo

I really hope this makes sense and someone can help as I'm pretty new to Github.
I'd like to start work on a project that has been forked from a repo. The forked version is more UI based (it's now focus on one platform only) . The problem is that the original project has had a fork that updates the engine behind it. The UI is too far along to merge but I think I can hack out the old engine references and add the new forked engine.
Am I able to fork the UI update and then somehow link to the fork of the original(forked) repo?
i.e new repo:
/new files
or is it work we just forking one and copying the engine or UI over?
It is better to:
fork the originla repository (that way, you keep a link to the target repository you want to contribute to)
add as a remote the project URL that has been forked from the original repository
fetch from it and start hacking, using the original repository codebase as your current code, and importing/merging the bits you need from the project
push and make PR to the original repository.

How do I get a cloned project into my own github repository?

Normally I get the project easily to github, but now that the project base has been cloned so I can't push it to my own repo for some security reasons.
I cloned project base using the terminal command
git clone
Can anyone help with this? or link to a page where a solution can be found?
If I understand your question, I think you are looking to fork? If so, you will want to fork the original repo, and then clone your fork of it.
If that isn't what you are looking for, my next guess is you want to make the original project a dependency in your personal project. In which case, the solution will depend on your specific tech stack.

I've only uploaded eclipse-workspace/ProjectName/src/packageName/* on github, how can I make it less dirty?

I'm sorry for the title, but that's the easiest way I could describe it.
So I didn't know how to use eclipse integrated git tool, so during last few weeks, I worked with eclipse on a project and didn't git push from there. Instead, i copied every file in eclipse-workspace/ProjectName/src/packageName in another folder which I remoted with my git and stuff, and did the usuals git add/merge/push
So basically, my github project is only the content of this file and a README, and I realize that it's really messy. How could I change that and make it right ? Is it already too late and should I just create a new project from eclipse git tool or can I rectify it ?
Thank you in advance
It is probably easier to create a new project locally, and make sure its content looks OK for you.
Clone the repo and empty its content.
Recreate your project with your new organization, add, commit and push back.

How to use Git properly when you want to create X projects based on one clean project?

I'm just starting with Git so I have no idea what I'm supposed to do :
I have one clean project, a very basic one with just what is needed for every project (maven dependencies, etc). This project is in a repo I created in GitHub, and now I'm wondering :
If I want to use this clean project as a base for all future development, how am I supposed to proceed ? Do I have to create a new repo manually for every future project and then somehow push my clean project on it ? Can I "duplicate" a repo ? Or am I supposed to work on only one repo and create a new branch for each derived project ? i'm quite lost on "how to use Git properly".
More importantly, how can I achieve this with EGit ? I won't always be able to install something on the computer so I would rather use Git in my eclipse (if possible). But so far I didn't find a way to enter Git commands using EGit (and I guess EGit doesn't have a specific button for what I want to do so... ?).
Thanks a lot ! (and sorry for my english if there are any mistakes)
Can I "duplicate" a repo ?
Yes, it is called a fork: you duplicate on GitHub your own template repo, and then clone that duplicate locally.
See this Gist for forking your own project (since the "Fork" button is only available to fork project from other users).
Use a msysgit installation for the commands, before importing your local clone in your Eclipse with Egit.
That allows you to maintain two upstream relationships:
one called origin referring to your fork (your duplicated template project in which you will develop)
one called upstream (or "template", or ...), referring to your template project, in order for you to update it you make locally an evolution that should benefit all projects of yours.

Windows Github issue pushing a new folder

I'm a VSS (Visual source safe) & Dropbox guy but new to GitHub. I'm using Windows Github tool to manage repositories on our remote server as I concluded in my previous SO post. I was glad to have sought this single point easy to use tool without any need for a deeper knowledge of git.
Things have been working fine until one day I had to add a new folder
to my repository. The Windows Github tool wouldn't recognize the
folder as a new content to be pushed! After some struggle I derived
that it "does" maintain sync with my "initial folders" but simply
creating a new folder in the repository directory wouldn't sync it
like Dropbox!
I searched to know how I can do it or if I had to use GitShell. My bad any I tried it, failed. Finally, I decided to purge everything and re-create the repository folder structure with this new folder like I did with my initial setup. But I don't know how or why it kept saying that the /.git/index file was being used by another process. I tried to empty this folder but it wouldn't. Finally, a logoff was able to free that file for me and I re-created everything. Pheew!
I might be doing it wrong as a newbie or even misusing Git due to my Dropbox habits. Pls correct me! What would be the best way?
My usage is more like VSS & dropbox(with version control) in a small remotely connected team. I started with this simple Windows Github tutorial. What about the following two -
Do they provide better management? Pls suggest if Windows GitHub is the best (if so how to add folders later?)
Just in case, do note that adding a folder won't trigger anything for Git: you won't be able to push it if that folder is empty, because Git will consider it as "no content", and will ignore that new folder.
See also "How do I add an empty directory to a git repository?".
If you add a folder and some files in it, then the GitHub for Windows interface will detect that new content, and ask you to add and commit, which means you will be able to push.