I am getting a warning for the website deployed via Github pages that uses a custom domain. how do i get around it? - github

I am getting below warning on github pages. However, my custom domain http://www.dilipagheda.com still works.
I am curious why i am getting this warning and do i need to address it? if yes, how?
The custom domain for your GitHub Pages site is pointed at an outdated IP address. You must update your site's DNS records if you'd like it to be available via your custom domain

I'm not 100% sure why it still works (maybe they're phasing people out to the new addresses?) but here's how to fix it.
Go to your domain registrar, where you have previously set up your DNS records. You need to update your A records to the new ones provided by github. Right now they are:
After that, you need to delete and re-add your custom domain in the repo settings. I got these IP addresses and instructions here in the github documentation.


How to fix : Domain does not resolve to the GitHub Pages server. For more information (NotServedByPagesError)

So I am trying to setup a custom domain with my github pages site. I have followed the steps as in Github Docs. I am using Freenom for the domain.
I have added the A record to my DNS records at the registrar pointing to all of the four IP addresses
I have added the CNAME record
and I have checked them too
but I am still getting this error
UPDATE: it just loads into a white screen now
My site link is https://xharuke.github.io/haruke/ and not https://xharuke.github.io is that what might be causing the problem?

Github pages URL keeps redirecting to old, deleted custom domain

i host my jekyll blog on github and used to use a custom apex domain for it and that worked just fine.
Yesterday i wanted to discontinue the domain and go back to the standard .github.io adress, so i deleted the DNS Entrys on Namecheap and the custom domain entry in the github repo settings under "Pages" (also made sure the CNAME file is gone, i even deleted the whole repo and set it up from scratch) but still the .github.io Adress redirects to my old custom domain and shows a 404.
Is there a way to solve this?
I can think of trying to assign a new custom domain, but i dont have one right now and just want to use the standard domain for now.

After setting up my own domain on Github Pages, I get an InvalidDNSError

After setting up my own domain on Github Pages, I get an InvalidDNSError.
The following message will appear
"Both www.example.work and its alternate name are improperly configured
Domain's DNS record could not be retrieved. For more information, see Learn more (InvalidDNSError). We recommend you change this to a CNAME record pointing to username.github.io."
Expected value
I want to publish a website using github pages on my own domain.
From your question, I assume that you are added www.example.work as custom domain in the github pages section and you might be missed the DNS settings part.
After adding custom domain in github pages, you need to setup a CNAME and 4 A record under the DNS settings of you custom domain.
you can find the detailed steps here in the official documentation of github.
You need to change your domain DNS to CNAME and try again.
as a Name you type www and in the target URL form, GitHub link.
I ran into this as well. After double checking the DNS with dig and continuing to get the same error, I removed the custom DNS on the GitHub Pages Settings form (using the "Remove" button) and then re-added it. That cleared the error for me.

How to use hostinger domain with github pages

I have a website hosted on github pages and I bought a domain name from hostinger. I am adding A records and CNAME. But the website is going to "parked domain name on hostinger" instead of my github page. Afaik I am doing everything correctly and adding the correct IPs in the A records.
i think you should try with CNAM record.
this is what this doc says
Create two AAAA DNS adress and put the following ipv6 adresses:
2606:50c0:8000::153 and

Cannot get Firebase Hosting to work with Google Domains

I've hosted multiple websites on Firebase so far but never via Google Domains. Ironically, I never had a problem with other domains registrants but with Google Domains I'm stuck with a "Needs setup" status:
What I have done:
I have already deployed my assets and my website serves on https://mydomain.web.app/
I've verified domain ownership with a TXT record
I've copied the IP addresses provided here:
And added both into the custom resource records in Google Domains:
According to the documentation (and all other related threads I found here on Stackoverflow) now the status of my domain should move to pending. But it does not. I've configured this many days ago so waiting also won't solve it.
Is there anything that I am missing here?
Somehow, after removing and adding the domain again in Firebase (without any changes in Google Domains), it now shows status pending. Solved.