Cannot get Firebase Hosting to work with Google Domains - firebase-hosting

I've hosted multiple websites on Firebase so far but never via Google Domains. Ironically, I never had a problem with other domains registrants but with Google Domains I'm stuck with a "Needs setup" status:
What I have done:
I have already deployed my assets and my website serves on
I've verified domain ownership with a TXT record
I've copied the IP addresses provided here:
And added both into the custom resource records in Google Domains:
According to the documentation (and all other related threads I found here on Stackoverflow) now the status of my domain should move to pending. But it does not. I've configured this many days ago so waiting also won't solve it.
Is there anything that I am missing here?

Somehow, after removing and adding the domain again in Firebase (without any changes in Google Domains), it now shows status pending. Solved.


How to fix : Domain does not resolve to the GitHub Pages server. For more information (NotServedByPagesError)

So I am trying to setup a custom domain with my github pages site. I have followed the steps as in Github Docs. I am using Freenom for the domain.
I have added the A record to my DNS records at the registrar pointing to all of the four IP addresses
I have added the CNAME record
and I have checked them too
but I am still getting this error
UPDATE: it just loads into a white screen now
My site link is and not is that what might be causing the problem?

S3 static website with custom domain giving "DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN

I am almost new to AWS but have some therotical knowledge. As a small experiment i created a simple html website and add the files on S3 bucket and enabled static website. Worked pretty well using the S3 link, the HTML content was visible.
Next i registered a domain with Route 53 and created an "A" record pointing to bucket where html files exist, also registered subdomain bucket and corresponding "A" record.
When i hit the domain now, it say's "DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN". Checked bucket permission and policy, all looks fine as per AWS documentation. Test record returns "NOERROR" and UDP protocol with random IP.
What am i doing wrong?
I had also posted the same question in AWS developer forums, below is the solution:
The new registered domain needed an update for the name servers which were present in NS records. I copied the Name servers from NS records and updated "Nameserver" in registered domain and within minutes my Domain was responding with static website hosted on S3.
What i didnt understood is , why aws doesnt automatically update the name servers for registered domain. That obviously could have saved some time and frustration for me and many others i guess.

I am getting a warning for the website deployed via Github pages that uses a custom domain. how do i get around it?

I am getting below warning on github pages. However, my custom domain still works.
I am curious why i am getting this warning and do i need to address it? if yes, how?
The custom domain for your GitHub Pages site is pointed at an outdated IP address. You must update your site's DNS records if you'd like it to be available via your custom domain
I'm not 100% sure why it still works (maybe they're phasing people out to the new addresses?) but here's how to fix it.
Go to your domain registrar, where you have previously set up your DNS records. You need to update your A records to the new ones provided by github. Right now they are:
After that, you need to delete and re-add your custom domain in the repo settings. I got these IP addresses and instructions here in the github documentation.

How does one get around the firebase hosting proof of ownership catch 22?

Firebase hosting requires that a TXT setting be set up to as they call it
Prove the domain is yours
I purchased a domain. It is mine. In order to set this TXT setting I have to have the domain hosted. The place I purchased the domain from sells hosting for minimum one year at a time. What is the point of firebase hosting when I have to buy hosting somewhere in order to prove that the domain is mine? Is there any way to get around this catch 22?
Proving ownership is done by putting a TXT record in the DNS. This doesn't require that you have a website hosted yet, it merely requires access to the DNS settings for your domain.
It's hard to help beyond that without knowing where you registered your domain.
Update. I took Frank's advice and set up a few Namecheap accounts. Wowie! The discount names are as cheap as 50 cents/year if you buy 1 or 5 years. Thanx for the advice. There is a caveat to using Namecheap/firebase, however.
Do not take this as if I were looking a gift horse in the mouth. I am super grateful to Google for free hosting. I merely want to warn users that firebase is not a free country. Google forces the s religion. I put in many hours of work to create my website using my girlfriend's hosting MySQL. Her hosting platform does not have an s in the URL: https. So the Angular 5 HTTP calls barf. I also included a contact page and a share via email popup. I used my girlfriend's hosting and set up a poor man's PHP web service for that. That does not work because girlfriend's hosting uses HTTP not https. So now I have to go back and recode these backend connections to use Google firebase and Google functions/SendGrid. I could have done that from the get-go and saved myself the time and aggravation.

Redirect my weebly site to my heroku app

I recently acquired a domain while buying a logo and some business cards through I took this opportunity to claim the domain that I want to use for my rails app on heroku (Was this a mistake?).
Currently I seem to be required to use Weebly to edit the site for this new domain (But I'm thinking about transferring the domain to my GoDaddy account for simplicity. Is this a good idea?) I'm trying to route the simple domain to my rails app. In other words, I want users to be able to type and get routed to I haven't been able to find a way to do this through Weebly.
I also have access to DNS and nameserver settings, such as imap and pop, through This seems like it might be a way to change the routing, but I'm realizing that I'm unschooled in the realm of domains and DNS.
I'd suggest you go through the the process of moving your domain registrar from logomaker to your goDaddy account, were you can keep an eye on this domain along side any other domains you've there. It's a tedious process but worth it in my opinion. However, it's optional since you have all the control you need to do that via logomaker.
The heroku docs mentions (found here) how you can point your own custom domain to your heroku app subdomain. Keep in mind that you will need to verify your account and your ownership of the domain.
You will also find some useful troubleshooting steps here.