Running executable with command line parameters in PowerShell - powershell

This has to be possible. I am able to open a command prompt in windows and do the following:
<some exe> <some exe command line parameters>
There must be an equivalent way to do this in PowerShell or even a standard windows batch file. For example, from the windows command prompt I can start a docker container with:
docker run –-net=kafka -d –-name=zookeeper -e ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT=2181 confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:4.1.0
however if I try something like this with PowerShell
& "docker" run –-net=kafka -d –-name=zookeeper -e ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT=2181 confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:4.1.0
it fails with an generic error:
invalid reference format.
Perhaps PowerShell is not suited for this type of advanced use case. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Is there a better scripting language for advanced usages like this?

I think Start-Process cmdlet will be useful. ArgumentList can be single or double quoted.
Start-Process docker -ArgumentList "run –-net=kafka -d –-name=zookeeper -e ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT=2181 confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:4.1.0"

By and large, external programs in PowerShell are called the same way as from cmd.exe - there are differences, due to PowerShell having additional metacharacters such as $ and #, but they do not come into play in your specific case.
(Your & "docker" ... variant would work in principle too, but the use of & is only necessary if you must use a quoted or variable-based command name or path).
The problem is that your original command line contains two instances of – (EN DASH, U+2013) instead of the expected ASCII-range - dash (hyphen), which docker doesn't recognize.
A quick way to discover the problem:
# Print the code points of characters outside the ASCII range.
PS> [int[]] [char[]] '& "docker" run –-net=kafka -d –-name=zookeeper -e ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT=2181 confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:4.1.0' -gt 127
Decimal 8211 is hex. 0x2013, the code point of en-dash, whereas the code point of the regular - is 45 (0x2d).
All that is needed is to replace these – instances with - (and, since docker needn't be quoted, there is no need for &):
docker run --net=kafka -d --name=zookeeper -e ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT=2181 confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:4.1.0
Your own answer shows a variable-based implementation of the command that is effectively the same as the command above - if all the arguments are known in advance, there is never a need to use variables.
If you do want to use variables, it is much simpler to use a single array variable for all the arguments and pass that:
$dockerExe = 'docker'
$dockerArgs = 'run',
& $dockerExe $dockerArgs
The executable name/path must always be specified separately, and if it is quoted or involves variable references (as in this case), &, the call operator must be used for invocation, for syntactic reasons.
Passing the arguments as an array this way works with external programs; for PowerShell commands, you'd create a hashtable variable that you pass with sigil # instead of $, a feature known as splatting.

There is a lot of complexities in powershell escaping. I wrote this module to assist with running of external commands:
Install-Module -Name ExternalCommand -Scope CurrentUser
Invoke-ExternalCommand -Command "docker" -Arguments #("run","-d","--name=zookeeper","--net=kafka","-e","ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT=2181", "confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:4.1.0")

Here's how to do it.
$app = 'docker'
$a1 = 'run'
$a2 = '--net=kafka'
$a3 = '-d'
$a4 = '--name=zookeeper'
$a5 = '-e'
$a7 = 'confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:4.1.0'
& $app $a1 $a2 $a3 $a4 $a5 $a6 $a7


PowerShell command only works without spaces between arguments

I try certain source codes using PowerShell to extract an password protected archive using 7zip:
This command doesn' work (7zip is an alias for $7zipPath):
& 7zip x "$zipFile" -o "$output" -p $zipFilePassword
I get the this error:
Command Line Error:
Too short switch:
But when I remove the spaces between the variables -o and -p, the archive can be extracted. This behaviour confuses me with other command line tools like git etc.? Why is it so?
The behavior is specific to 7-Zip (7z.exe) and applies to whatever program (shell) you invoke it from:
Deviating from widely used conventions observed by CLIs such as git, 7z requires that even switches (options) that have mandatory arguments, such as -o and -p, have the argument directly attached to the switch name - no spaces are allowed:
& 7zip x $zipFile -o"$output" -p"$zipFilePassword"
Note that you normally need not enclose variable references in PowerShell in "..." (note how $zipFile isn't), even if they contain spaces. However, in order to attach them directly to switch names, you do.
Alternatively, you could enclose the entire token - switch name and argument - in double quotes:
& 7zip x $zipFile "-o$output" "-p$zipFilePassword"

how to pass parameter to a powershell script when running from a shell script through cygwin?

i have sh script let say in which i am doing a ssh to windows server (configured with cygwin) and running a B.ps1 script which takes the parameter defined in
Content of
#sshing to windows box
/usr/bin/scp -r -q /home/$user/Jenkins/workspace/job/jobname $user2#$x:/cygdrive/C/
/usr/bin/ssh $user2#$x 'powershell C:\\B.ps1 $var1 $var2'
this is running the script but without any parameters, when i write host variable name in B.ps1, i get blank output, which means the var1&var2 values are not getting passed to my ps1 script.
Content of B.ps1:
Write-Host "var1 is:" $var1
Write-Host "var2 is:" $var2
i have tried to use double quotation in my sh script , didn't work, it seems like there must be some way i can pass parameter but may be missing out anything on syntax.
please help.
/usr/bin/ssh $user2#$x "powershell C:/B.ps1 $var1 $var2"
You need double quoting ("...") rather than single quoting ('...') in order for the shell-variable references $var1 and $var2 to be expanded.
By using / as the path separator - which PowerShell accepts interchangeably with \ - you avoid the need to escape \ characters, which you would have had to double on transitioning from '...' to "..."; that is, the following would have worked too:
/usr/bin/ssh $user2#$x "powershell C:\\\\B.ps1 $var1 $var2"

Multi parameters in Powershell Bash/Zsh command

Unable to run the following Bash/Zsh command in Powershell:
$KeyPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Plate -ChildPath "install/tekton.key"
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred `
--docker-server="" `
--docker-username=_json_key `
--docker-email="" `
--docker-password="$(cat $KeyPath)"
I get error:
error: exactly one NAME is required, got 5
See 'kubectl create secret docker-registry -h' for help and examples
If I run this command directly in bash it works:
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server="" --docker-username=_json_key --docker-email="" --docker-password="$(cat ./tekton.key)"
I don't know if it's the cause of your problem, but there are two potential problems:
An expanded value that contains spaces causes PowerShell to double-quote the argument as a whole when it rebuilds the command line behind the scenes (on Windows):
For instance, if $(cat $KeyPath) ($(Get-Content $KeyPath)) expands to one two, PowerShell passes "--docker-password=one two" behind the scenes, not --docker-password="one two".
Whether this changes the meaning of the argument depends on how the target program parses its command line - I don't know what kubectl does.
If you do need to address this, escape the enclosing " (double quotes) with `` ``` (the backtick, PowerShell's escape character to make PowerShell pass your argument in the original syntax form:
--docker-password=`"$(cat ./tekton.key)`"
Note that - unlike in POSIX-like shells such as Bash and Zsh - you normally do not enclose a variable reference or subexpression in "..." in order to pass it through safely; e.g., --foo=$someVar or --foo=$(Get-Date) work fine, even if $someVar or the output from Get-Date contains spaces or wildcard characters.
If file $KeyPath contains multiple lines, the lines are concatenated with spaces in the argument:
For instance, if the file contains "a`nb`n" ("`n" being a newline), PowerShell will pass
"--docker-password=a b".
By contrast, POSIX-like shells such as Bash or Zsh will preserve the interior newlines, while trimming (any number of) trailing ones.
On a side note: PowerShell's handling of embedded double-quoting in arguments passed to external programs is broken - see this answer.

Supplying an input file via '#' gives an error: The splatting operator '#' cannot be used to reference variables in an expression

Following this example here
I'm getting an error when running my command
az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name win-vm -g my-resource-group --scripts #script.ps1
The splatting operator '#' cannot be used to reference variables in an expression. '#script' can be used only as an argument to a command. To reference variables in an expression use '$script'.
Putting it in quotes only passes in the contents in the quotes, not the contents of the script.
if you install package whit # you should install package whit CMD
This answer shows how to escape / quote the # char. properly in the context of PowerShell's usual parsing rules.
If your command line only contains verbatim arguments - i.e., only literal tokens, not PowerShell variable references (e.g, $file) or expressions (e.g., ($dir + '\script.ps1')) - you can alternatively place --%, the stop-parsing token, before the pass-through arguments, as shown in programmer365's answer; note that cmd.exe-style variable references such as %FOO% are still expanded, however, and that the stop-parsing token has many limitations and pitfalls - see this answer.
# is a metacharacter in PowerShell (a character with syntactic meaning[1]), so in order to pass it verbatim through to az you must either quote the whole argument or `-escape the # individually:
With a literal script filename:
# Either: `-escape the #
az ... --scripts `#script.ps1
#`# Or: quote the whole argument
# Use '...' for a literal argument.
az ... --scripts '#script.ps1'
With the script filename stored in a variable, $file:
# Either: `-escape the #
az ... --scripts `#$file
#`# Or: quote the whole argument
# Use "..." for an argument with variable references, i.e. an expandable string
az ... --scripts "#$file"
Note: You could get away with just #$file in the variable case, but given that that doesn't work with any char. other than $ following the #, it's better to get into the habit of always quoting / escaping a verbatim #.
[1] # has several syntactic uses, and the specific use depends on what character comes next. In your case, the # in #script.ps1 was interpreted as the splatting operator with a variable named script, with the .ps1 part interpreted as an attempt to access a property named ps1 on that variable - hence the error message.
You can use this:
az --% vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name win-vm -g my-resource-group --scripts #script.ps1
In PowerShell the special Stop Parsing symbol --% is a signal to PowerShell to stop interpreting any remaining characters on the line. This can be used to call a non-PowerShell utility and pass along some quoted parameters exactly as is.

How to force bash/zsh to evaluate parameter as multiple arguments when applied to a command

I am trying to run a program like this:
where $ARGS is a set of arguments with spaces. However, zsh appears to be handing off the contents of $ARGS as a single argument to the executable. Here is a specific example:
$export ARGS="localhost -p22"
$ssh $ARGS
ssh: Could not resolve hostname localhost -p22: Name or service not known
Is there a bash or zsh flag that controls this behavior?
Note that when I put this type of command in a $!/bin/sh script, it performs as expected.
In zsh it's easy:
Use cmd ${=ARGS} to split $ARGS into separate arguments by word (split on whitespace).
Use cmd ${(f)ARGS} to split $ARGS into separate arguments by line (split on newlines but not spaces/tabs).
As others have mentioned, setting SH_WORD_SPLIT makes word splitting happen by default, but before you do that in zsh, cf. for an explanation as to why whitespace splitting is not enabled by default.
If you want to have a string variable (there are also arrays) be split into words before passing to a command, use $=VAR. There is also an option (shwordsplit if I am not mistaking) that will make any command $VAR act like command $=VAR, but I suggest not to set it: I find it very inconvenient to type things like command "$VAR" (zsh: command $VAR) and command "${ARRAY[#]}" (zsh: command $ARRAY).
It will work if you use eval $CMD $ARGS.