Multi parameters in Powershell Bash/Zsh command - powershell

Unable to run the following Bash/Zsh command in Powershell:
$KeyPath = Join-Path -Path $this.Plate -ChildPath "install/tekton.key"
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred `
--docker-server="" `
--docker-username=_json_key `
--docker-email="" `
--docker-password="$(cat $KeyPath)"
I get error:
error: exactly one NAME is required, got 5
See 'kubectl create secret docker-registry -h' for help and examples
If I run this command directly in bash it works:
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server="" --docker-username=_json_key --docker-email="" --docker-password="$(cat ./tekton.key)"

I don't know if it's the cause of your problem, but there are two potential problems:
An expanded value that contains spaces causes PowerShell to double-quote the argument as a whole when it rebuilds the command line behind the scenes (on Windows):
For instance, if $(cat $KeyPath) ($(Get-Content $KeyPath)) expands to one two, PowerShell passes "--docker-password=one two" behind the scenes, not --docker-password="one two".
Whether this changes the meaning of the argument depends on how the target program parses its command line - I don't know what kubectl does.
If you do need to address this, escape the enclosing " (double quotes) with `` ``` (the backtick, PowerShell's escape character to make PowerShell pass your argument in the original syntax form:
--docker-password=`"$(cat ./tekton.key)`"
Note that - unlike in POSIX-like shells such as Bash and Zsh - you normally do not enclose a variable reference or subexpression in "..." in order to pass it through safely; e.g., --foo=$someVar or --foo=$(Get-Date) work fine, even if $someVar or the output from Get-Date contains spaces or wildcard characters.
If file $KeyPath contains multiple lines, the lines are concatenated with spaces in the argument:
For instance, if the file contains "a`nb`n" ("`n" being a newline), PowerShell will pass
"--docker-password=a b".
By contrast, POSIX-like shells such as Bash or Zsh will preserve the interior newlines, while trimming (any number of) trailing ones.
On a side note: PowerShell's handling of embedded double-quoting in arguments passed to external programs is broken - see this answer.


PowerShell command only works without spaces between arguments

I try certain source codes using PowerShell to extract an password protected archive using 7zip:
This command doesn' work (7zip is an alias for $7zipPath):
& 7zip x "$zipFile" -o "$output" -p $zipFilePassword
I get the this error:
Command Line Error:
Too short switch:
But when I remove the spaces between the variables -o and -p, the archive can be extracted. This behaviour confuses me with other command line tools like git etc.? Why is it so?
The behavior is specific to 7-Zip (7z.exe) and applies to whatever program (shell) you invoke it from:
Deviating from widely used conventions observed by CLIs such as git, 7z requires that even switches (options) that have mandatory arguments, such as -o and -p, have the argument directly attached to the switch name - no spaces are allowed:
& 7zip x $zipFile -o"$output" -p"$zipFilePassword"
Note that you normally need not enclose variable references in PowerShell in "..." (note how $zipFile isn't), even if they contain spaces. However, in order to attach them directly to switch names, you do.
Alternatively, you could enclose the entire token - switch name and argument - in double quotes:
& 7zip x $zipFile "-o$output" "-p$zipFilePassword"

Supplying an input file via '#' gives an error: The splatting operator '#' cannot be used to reference variables in an expression

Following this example here
I'm getting an error when running my command
az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name win-vm -g my-resource-group --scripts #script.ps1
The splatting operator '#' cannot be used to reference variables in an expression. '#script' can be used only as an argument to a command. To reference variables in an expression use '$script'.
Putting it in quotes only passes in the contents in the quotes, not the contents of the script.
if you install package whit # you should install package whit CMD
This answer shows how to escape / quote the # char. properly in the context of PowerShell's usual parsing rules.
If your command line only contains verbatim arguments - i.e., only literal tokens, not PowerShell variable references (e.g, $file) or expressions (e.g., ($dir + '\script.ps1')) - you can alternatively place --%, the stop-parsing token, before the pass-through arguments, as shown in programmer365's answer; note that cmd.exe-style variable references such as %FOO% are still expanded, however, and that the stop-parsing token has many limitations and pitfalls - see this answer.
# is a metacharacter in PowerShell (a character with syntactic meaning[1]), so in order to pass it verbatim through to az you must either quote the whole argument or `-escape the # individually:
With a literal script filename:
# Either: `-escape the #
az ... --scripts `#script.ps1
#`# Or: quote the whole argument
# Use '...' for a literal argument.
az ... --scripts '#script.ps1'
With the script filename stored in a variable, $file:
# Either: `-escape the #
az ... --scripts `#$file
#`# Or: quote the whole argument
# Use "..." for an argument with variable references, i.e. an expandable string
az ... --scripts "#$file"
Note: You could get away with just #$file in the variable case, but given that that doesn't work with any char. other than $ following the #, it's better to get into the habit of always quoting / escaping a verbatim #.
[1] # has several syntactic uses, and the specific use depends on what character comes next. In your case, the # in #script.ps1 was interpreted as the splatting operator with a variable named script, with the .ps1 part interpreted as an attempt to access a property named ps1 on that variable - hence the error message.
You can use this:
az --% vm run-command invoke --command-id RunPowerShellScript --name win-vm -g my-resource-group --scripts #script.ps1
In PowerShell the special Stop Parsing symbol --% is a signal to PowerShell to stop interpreting any remaining characters on the line. This can be used to call a non-PowerShell utility and pass along some quoted parameters exactly as is.

Powershell Variable replacement not working from command line

I have the following command I want to run from PowerShell:
docker run -v C:\src\docker_certs:/root/.dotnet/https -it MyContainer:MyTag /bin/bash
When I run that it works perfectly. (It mounts a volume using the source folder at the destination folder.)
But when I run this:
docker run -v $env:DOCKER_CERTS_PATH:/root/.dotnet/https -it MyContainer:MyTag /bin/bash
The volume does not get mounted.
I run this to check the value:
And it returns:
As I understood things, it should have replaced the value of $env:DOCKER_CERTS_PATH with C:\src\docker_certs in the second command.
How can I get the PowerShell reference to an environment variable to replace when I run a command?
Enclose the environment-variable reference in {...}:
docker run -v ${env:DOCKER_CERTS_PATH}:/root/.dotnet/https ...
Alternatively, `-escape the : char. following the env.-var. reference:
docker run -v $env:DOCKER_CERTS_PATH`:/root/.dotnet/https ...
As for what you tried:
docker run -v $env:DOCKER_CERTS_PATH:/root/.dotnet/https ...
If you don't use {...} to explicitly delineate a variable name, PowerShell may have a different idea of where the variable name ends than you do.
As an alternative to using {...}, you can `-escape the first character you don't want to be considered part of the variable name.
Note that your command argument is in this case implicitly treated as if it were enclosed in "...", so the above applies to expandable strings ("...") too.
For an comprehensive discussion of how unquoted tokens are parsed as command arguments, see this answer.
In the case at hand, the : that follows $env:DOCKER_CERTS_PATH is not considered the end of the variable reference; instead, it is considered part of the variable name, so that PowerShell looks for an environment variable (env:) literally named DOCKER_CERTS_PATH: (sic).
Since no such environment variable (presumably) exists, $env:DOCKER_CERTS_PATH: expands to the empty string and all that is passed to docker is /root/.dotnet/https.
You can verify that DOCKER_CERTS_PATH: is a valid environment variable name as follows:
By contrast, a regular (shell) variable is not permitted to contain :, because that : - in the absence of a namespace prefix such as env: - is itself considered a namespace prefix, which fails, because then the variable-name part is missing:
PS> $DOCKER_CERTS_PATH: = 'hi' # BREAKS, even with {...}
Variable reference is not valid. ':' was not followed by a valid variable name character. Consider using ${} to delimit the name.
The first : in a variable identifier is invariably considered the end of the namespace identifier, which must refer to an existing PowerShell drive name, as reported by Get-PSDrive.
This notation is called namespace variable notation, as explained in this answer.

How to escape the contents of a dynamic variable in PowerShell?

Let's say I have the variable $password = Get-Passwd ACME\bob where I get the password of a given user. The password contains all sorts of special characters including $, that is used by PowerShell.
I need to dynamically use the password in the following command:
cmdkey.exe /add:$hostname /user:"$user" /pass:"`"$password`""
I need to escape the " character on both sides so the command is parsed as pass:"123qwe" and not pass:123qwe. The issue is that it breaks when the password includes a $ character. How can I pass the password to this command without breaking it?
Running Executables in PowerShell
For most executables, it's not necessary to manually quote the parameters in PowerShell. Just write the command using any variables, and the PowerShell parser will automatically quote the arguments for the program's command line. This usually "just works."
cmdkey.exe /add:hostname /user:username /pass:$pass
You can inspect the actual command line that PowerShell passes to an executable by using a small program I wrote called showargs.exe, available at the following page:
showargs cmdkey.exe /add:hostname /user:username /pass:$pass
The showargs.exe program simply echoes its command line to standard output so you can see the literal command line that PowerShell actually passes to the executable.
An embedded $ character shouldn't be a problem. If that character is in a PowerShell string variable, PowerShell will pass it along as a part of the command line string. Example:
$pass = 'my$pass'
cmdkey.exe /add:hostname /user:username /password:$pass
No matter how you pass the command line to the program, it's important to note that the interpretation of that command line is up to that individual program. (For example, if an executable's parser doesn't support certain characters, no amount of quoting or parsing will allow you to work around the limitation.)
Cmdkey.exe Uses a Non-Standard Parser
In my prefunctory testing of of cmdkey.exe, it seems it does not have a way of "escaping" the " character on its command line. Since this seems to be the case, you will not be able to use cmdkey.exe to store a credential that contains an embedded " character.
Embedding a Space in a Cmdkey.exe Command Line Argument
Because cmdkey.exe uses a non-standard command-line parser, you can't use a variable on its command line that contains embedded spaces. For example:
PS C:\> $pass = "my pass"
PS C:\> showargs cmdkey.exe /add:hostname /user:username /password:$pass
cmdkey.exe /add:hostname /user:username "/password:my pass"
The "/password:my pass" evidently confuses the cmdkey.exe parser, so we have to work around this behavior by bypassing PowerShell's default parsing behavior. The simplest way to do this is by escaping the quotes around the argument containing the space:
PS C:\> showargs.exe cmdkey.exe /add:hostname /user:username /password:`"$pass`"
cmdkey.exe /add:hostname /user:username /password:"my pass"
In any case, you can use showargs.exe to diagnose the trouble and work out a solution appropriate to the executable you need to run.
Your command should work - except if $password contains " chars.
Embedded $ chars., by contrast, should not be a problem.
Your /pass:"`"$password`"" technique - i.e., explicit, embedded double-quoting - also handles values with embedded spaces correctly, unlike the /pass:$password technique (also) suggested in Bill Stewart's helpful answer.
You can simplify the command by omitting the outer "..." quoting, as also suggested in Bill's answer:
Caveat: If PowerShell's argument-passing worked correctly, these techniques shouldn't work and if it ever gets fixed, such techniques will stop working - see this answer for background.
As for supporting " chars. in values: even \-escaping them doesn't always work, namely when spaces are also involved - see details below.
The issue is that it breaks when the password includes a $ character.
Your command passes any $ characters embedded in the value of $password through to the target program as-is.
Therefore, if there is a problem, the implication is that your target program - cmdkey.exe - interprets $ characters, but note that the docs make no mention of that.
If it indeed does, however, you would have to escape $ characters as required by the target program in order to pass them literally.
Caveat: There is a fundamental limitation, however:
Commands typically break if the argument value contains spaces AND embedded " chars, whether the latter are properly escaped for the target program or not.
Normally, you'd escape value-internal " as \" so as not to break the enclosing double-quoting of the value:
# !! Only works if:
# !! * $password contains NO "
# !! * $password contains " but NOT ALSO SPACES
# !! * $password contains PAIRS of " and what is between each
# !! pair does not contain spaces
cmdkey.exe /add:$hostname /user:"$user" /pass:`"$($password -replace '"', '\"')`"
Escaping embedded " as \" is a not a standard per se, but it is recognized by most external programs; the only notable exceptions are batch files - see this answer for details.
Arguably, PowerShell should handle this escaping automatically - see this GitHub issue for details.
If Windows PowerShell thinks it cannot pass the resulting token as-is as a single argument to the target program, it blindly applies double-quoting around the entire token[1], which, in combination with the escaped ", can result in invalid syntax:
E.g., if $password literally contains a " b and is manually escaped as a \" b by the command above, PowerShell ends up passing the following behind the scenes:
... "/pass:"a \" b""
That is, the resulting literal token that PowerShell saw - /pass:"a \" b" - was blindly enclosed in double quotes, as a whole, even though most target programs would parse /pass:"a \" b" correctly as-is.
As a result, the explicitly provided double-quoting is invalidated (as it would then require another level of escaping) - and short of using --%, the stop-parsing symbol, which then limits you to literals (or %...%-style environment-variable references), there is no way around that.
If the target program recognizes an argument if it is double-quoted as a whole (e.g.,
"/pass:a b" instead of /pass:"a b"), you can omit the explicit double-quoting around the argument value.
Do note, however, that some target programs - including cmdkey.exe and notably msiexec - do not recognize the argument if it is double-quoted as a whole.
... /pass:$($password -replace '"', '\"')
With $password literally containing a " b, PowerShell then passes behind the scenes:
... "/pass:a \" b"
This is syntactically valid - for target programs that recognize \" as an escaped ", which is the norm - but, as stated, the fact that the entire argument is enclosed in `"...", and not just the value may not be supported by the target program.
[1] Windows PowerShell ignores any \-escaping in the resulting token and considers all embedded " to have syntactic function: From that perspective, if the token is not composed of any mix of directly concatenated unquoted and double-quoted strings, enclosing double-quoting is blindly applied - which may break the command.
This behavior is not only obscure, it prevents robust, predictable parameter passing.
PowerShell Core now recognizes \" as as escaped; however, quotes that aren't pre-escaped as \" still result in broken quoting; e.g., 'a "b c" d' is passed as "a "b c" d", which target programs parse as 2 arguments, a b and c d (after quote removal).

Run command line in PowerShell

I know there are lots of posts regarding this, but nothing worked for me.
I am trying to run this command line in PowerShell:
C:/Program Files (x86)/ClamWin/bin/clamd.exe --install
I have this in PowerShell:
&"C:/Program Files (x86)/ClamWin/bin/clamd.exe --install"
But all this does is execute clamd.exe, ignoring the --install parameter
How can I get the full command line to run?
Josef Z's comment on the question provides the solution:
& "C:/Program Files (x86)/ClamWin/bin/clamd.exe" --install # double-quoted exe path
or, given that the executable path is a literal (contains no variable references or subexpressions), using a verbatim (single-quoted) string ('...'):
& 'C:/Program Files (x86)/ClamWin/bin/clamd.exe' --install # single-quoted exe path
As for why your own solution attempt failed: The call operator, &, expects only a command name/path as an argument, not a full command line.
Invoke-Expression accepts an entire command line, but that complicates things further and can be a security risk.
As for why this is the solution:
The need for quoting stands to reason: you need to tell PowerShell that C:/Program Files (x86)/ClamWin/bin/clamd.exe is a single token (path), despite containing embedded spaces.
&, the so-called call operator, is needed, because PowerShell has two fundamental parsing modes:
argument mode, which works like a traditional shell, where the first token is a command name, with subsequent tokens representing the arguments, which only require quoting if they contain shell metacharacters (chars. with special meaning to PowerShell, such as spaces to separate tokens);
that is why --install need not, but can be quoted (PowerShell will simply remove the quotes for you before passing the argument to the target executable.)
expression mode, which works like expressions in programming languages.
PowerShell decides based on a statement's first token what parsing mode to apply:
If the first token is a quoted string - which we need here due to the embedded spaces in the executable path - or a variable reference (e.g., $var ...), PowerShell parses in expression mode by default.
A quoted string or a variable reference as an expression would simply output the string / variable value.
However, given that we want to execute the executable whose path is stored in a quoted string, we need to force argument mode, which is what the & operator ensures.
Generally, it's important to understand that PowerShell performs nontrivial pre-processing of the command line before the target executable is invoked, so what the command line looks like in PowerShell code is generally not directly what the target executable sees.
If you reference a PowerShell variable on the command line and that variable contains embedded spaces, PowerShell will implicitly enclose the variable's value in double quotes before passing it on - this is discussed in this answer to the linked question.
PowerShell's metacharacters differ from that of cmd.exe and are more numerous (notably, , has special meaning in PowerShell (array constructor), but not cmd.exe - see this answer).
To simplify reuse of existing, cmd.exe-based command lines, PowerShell v3 introduced the special stop-parsing symbol, --%, which turns off PowerShell's normal parsing of the remainder of the command line and only interpolates cmd.exe-style environment-variable references (e.g., %USERNAME%).