Is it possible to use hibernate envers #Audited with r2dbc? - hibernate-envers

I hope to achieve auditing of my tables using #Audited annotation of the Hibernate Envers project while I'm using Spring Data R2DBC or plain R2DBC to insert data into my tables.
Is this even feasible. I am not able to tell if Spring Data R2DBC uses hibernate at all.
I tried adding the #Audited annotation to my entity class to no avail.;
public class Itfnclinfo implements Persistable<String> {
private String fnclInfoId;
I was expecting a new table created by hibernate with the suffix _AUD that holds the copy of all inserted data

I realize that Spring Data JPA is an abstraction over Hibernate and therefore Spring Data R2DBC is not a JPA provider abstraction and therefore not related to Hibernate. I'll have to come up with another way for auditing.

Spring data envers only works with traditional Spring Data JPA.
In a Spring Boot project, you can customize your AuditEvent and AuditEventRepository and setup the change log manually.
Check the Spring Boot docs - Auditing.
It maybe need more extra work, the good part is the auditevent is integrated with Spring Boot Actuator, you can track the auditevents by Actuator urls.


How to keep a history of edit of Entities in a JPA application

A JavaEE and JPA application need to keep a record of all the changes made by the user.
Currently, for all the entities, there are fields to record createdBy and lastEditedBy properties. Yet, the requirement of recording all edits is not possible with those properties.
What is the best way to record the history of all edits for a particular entity?
I do not use Spring.
You can use Javers which is db and framework agnostic tool for maintaining operation history.
There are two big differences between JaVers and Envers:
Envers is the Hibernate plugin. It has good integration with Hibernate
but you can use it only with traditional SQL databases. If you chose
NoSQL database or SQL but with another persistence framework (for
example JOOQ) — Envers is not an option.
On the contrary, JaVers can be used with any kind of database and any
kind of persistence framework. For now, JaVers comes with repository
implementations for MongoDB and popular SQL databases. Other databases
(like Cassandra, Elastic) might be added in the future.
Envers’ audit model is table-oriented. You can think about Envers as
the tool for versioning database records.
JaVers’ audit model is object-oriented. It’s all about objects’
Snapshots. JaVers saves them to the single table (or the collection in
Mongo) as JSON documents with unified structure.
You can also achieve this using triggers and storing object differences.
JaversAuditableAspect for any kind of repository.
It defines the pointcut on any method annotated with the method-level #JaversAuditable annotation. Choose it if you have repositories that are not managed by Spring Data.
#Bean public JaversAuditableAspect javersAuditableAspect() { return new JaversAuditableAspect(javers(), authorProvider(), commitPropertiesProvider()); }
You can use Hibernate's Envers to audit your entities. It allow you to keep track of ALL changes made to entities - even deleted ones. Most probably you are already using Hibernates (as JPA provider) so integration should be a no problem.

Spring Data JPA | handle multiple DB without entityManager, DataSource and TransactionManager

I've read several examples ex1, ex2, ex3 for using several database on Spring Data (JPA), all of them suggest creating one Configuration file for each database, and three bean (EntityManager, DataSource and TransactionManager) for each entity. Is it the only way we can handle multiple database or there is easier way to do this ?

Trying to use NoSql database with an existing Spring Data / Mysql project

I'm attempting to add Crate.IO capability to an existing Spring Data/Eclipselink/MySql web application. For this specific use case, we want to persist data to both MySql AND Crate (for evaluation purposes) in the most painless way possible. I'm using the Spring-Data-Crate project in order to be able to use Spring Data Repositories with Crate.
I've been able to setup a separate Crate specific entity manager with a filter to only utilize repos that implement CrateRepository. The problem I'm having is determining how to use the existing Spring Data/MySql entity classes with Crate. (or derive from them)
1) If I annotate an existing Spring Data #Entity class with the Spring-Data-Crate
#Table annotation, the mapping to the crate DB will fail because EclipseLink/JPA adds hidden persistence fields to entities objects that start with an underscore, which is apparently not allowed by the spring-data-crate adapter
2) I tried to use entity inheritance, with a base class that both the MySql and Crate entity can extend, with only the MySql entity having the spring data #Entity annotation. Unfortunately, this causes Spring Data to lose visibility of the base class fields unless the base class is annotated with #MappedSuperClass. But adding this annotation introduces the hidden "_"-prefixed persistence properties to the derived crate entity.
3) I could use separate entities entirely and have them implement a common interface, but I can't assign the interface as the type of the spring data crate repository.
... Not sure where to go from here
Spring Data Crate adapter project -
Spring Data Crate Tutorial -
i'm johannes from crate.
we didn't test the use of spring data crate in that manner so we can't state any information if this should or shouldn't work.
sorry, johannes

EventListener like AbstractMongoEventListener in Spring Data JPA?

We are migrating from a Spring Data MongoDB repository to a Spring Data JPA repository. We were using the AbstractMongoEventListener to capture onBeforeConvert and onAfterLoad events to enhance the data objects before returning them from our Service layer.
I cannot find similar EventListeners in Spring Data JPA. Are there hooks in Spring Data JPA that I can use to do the same thing? It would be great if I can avoid modifying our service layer to make this change from MongoDB to JPA.
The #PrePersist annotation is exactly what I was looking for.

Spring Data JPA Repository CRUD Testing

I'm playing around with the Spring Data Repository and have a question on writing CRUD tests. I have written many CRUD tests against Hibernate DAOs and EJB 3 entity beans where I create and entity, flush it to the database, clear the entity manager, and read it back by ID. The entity manager is cleared so the first level cache is not hit on the read.
Using the Spring Data repository I can't find a way to clear the underlying entity manager used by my test so my read is not going back to the actual database, making my test invalid.
Is there any way to clear the entity manager in the test? Is there a way I can inject one into my test so that it is used by the repository?
Try it by injecting the entitymanager like this:
EntityManager entityManager
and make your test transactional by setting the #Transactional attribute on your test method. Then inside the method you can call the entityManager.flush() method.
If you wish the EntityManager to be cleared automatically you can set #Modifying annotation’s clearAutomatically attribute to true.
Please see here