How to keep a history of edit of Entities in a JPA application - jpa

A JavaEE and JPA application need to keep a record of all the changes made by the user.
Currently, for all the entities, there are fields to record createdBy and lastEditedBy properties. Yet, the requirement of recording all edits is not possible with those properties.
What is the best way to record the history of all edits for a particular entity?
I do not use Spring.

You can use Javers which is db and framework agnostic tool for maintaining operation history.
There are two big differences between JaVers and Envers:
Envers is the Hibernate plugin. It has good integration with Hibernate
but you can use it only with traditional SQL databases. If you chose
NoSQL database or SQL but with another persistence framework (for
example JOOQ) — Envers is not an option.
On the contrary, JaVers can be used with any kind of database and any
kind of persistence framework. For now, JaVers comes with repository
implementations for MongoDB and popular SQL databases. Other databases
(like Cassandra, Elastic) might be added in the future.
Envers’ audit model is table-oriented. You can think about Envers as
the tool for versioning database records.
JaVers’ audit model is object-oriented. It’s all about objects’
Snapshots. JaVers saves them to the single table (or the collection in
Mongo) as JSON documents with unified structure.
You can also achieve this using triggers and storing object differences.
JaversAuditableAspect for any kind of repository.
It defines the pointcut on any method annotated with the method-level #JaversAuditable annotation. Choose it if you have repositories that are not managed by Spring Data.
#Bean public JaversAuditableAspect javersAuditableAspect() { return new JaversAuditableAspect(javers(), authorProvider(), commitPropertiesProvider()); }

You can use Hibernate's Envers to audit your entities. It allow you to keep track of ALL changes made to entities - even deleted ones. Most probably you are already using Hibernates (as JPA provider) so integration should be a no problem.


Can couchbase be used as the underlying JobRepository for spring-batch?

We have a requirement where we have to read a batch of a entitytype from the database, submit info about each entity to a service which will callback later with some data to update in the caller entity, save all the caller entities with the updated data. We thought of using spring-batch however we use Couchbase as our database which is eventually consistent and has no support for transactions.
I was going through the spring-batch documentation and I came across the Spring Batch Meta-Data ERD diagram here :
With the above information in mind, my question is:
Can Couchbase be used as the underlying job-repository for spring-batch? What are the things I should keep in mind if its possible to use it? Any links to example implementations would be welcome.
The JobRepository needs to be transactional in order for Spring Batch to work properly. Here is an excerpt from the Transaction Configuration for the JobRepository section of the reference documentation:
The behavior of the framework is not well defined if the repository methods are not transactional.
Since Couchbase has no support for transactions as you mentioned, it is not possible to use it as an underlying datasource for the JobRepository.

What's the point of running an EF migration when you can SQL directly in database?

How to create View (SQL) from Entity Framework in ABP Framework
Not allowed to post comments because of reputation. Just trying to get more information on connecting a database to an Entity Framework, without having to switch to a code-first development style. View selected answer's response (he told the OP to basically do the same thing he was going to do in the DB but with EF, and then added an extra step where EF "...ignores..." the previous instructions...
I want to create tables and design database directly in SQL, and have the csharp library just read/write the table values (kind of like how dapper function where it isnt replacing your database, just working along side of it).
The tutorials don't talk about how to integrate your databases with your project. It either brushes over the subject, ignores it completely, or discusses how to replace it.
I don't want to do any EF migrations (i dont want/need to destroy/create database everytime i decide to run, duplicate, or transfer project). Any and all database back-track (back-up/restore) should be done with and thru SQL (within my work environment).
Just to be clear on exactly what i'm trying to learn:
How does somebody who specializes in database administration (building database schema, managing and monitoring data, and has existing database with data established) connect to project to fetch data (again, specifically referencing Dapper's Query functionality).
I want to integrate and design micro-services, some may share the same database connection or rely on another. But i just simply want to read data in a clean strongly-typed class entity, and maybe deal with insert/update somewhere else if i have to.
I would prefer to use Dapper instead of EF, but ABP is so heavily integrated with EF's design, it's more of a headache to avoid it, than it is to just go along with.
You should be able to map EF under ABP the same way as any other project using DB-first configuration.
The consistent approach I use for EF: (DB-First)
Define entities to match the table/view structure.
Define configuration classes extending EntityTypeConfiguration<TEntity> with the associated ToTable(), HasKey(), and any HasMany/HasRequired/HasOptional for relationships as needed.
In DbContext.OnModelCreating: modelBuilder.Configurations.AddFromAssembly(GetType().Assembly); to load all entity configurations. (assuming DbContext is in the same assembly as the models/configurations Substitute GetType().Assembly to point at the entity assembly.
Turn off Migrations. In DbContext constructor: Database.SetInitializer<MyDbContext>(null);
EF offers a lot more than simply mapping tables to classes. By mapping relationships between entities, EF can help generate optimized queries for retrieving data across those related entities. This can allow you to flatten data structures without returning unnecessary data, replace the need for views, and generally reduce the amount of data coming across the wire from the database to the application server.

JPA live db schema migration support tools?

There are quite a few stackoverflow threads regarding JPA db schema migration and assorted tools. However, none seems to even consider service downtimes that can be too long when doing the suggested offline schema migrations for huge databases.
So here is my first thought:
Let's assume I want to refactor one JPA entity into two JPA entities, ie. "Truck" into "Truck" and "Engine" (move the Engine attributes into a separate entity). The migration plan could look like:
create the two new JPA entities "TruckNew" and "Engine".
adjust the DAO (or whatever) accessing "Truck", "TruckNew" and "Engine" to:
use "Truck" as a fallback
run a separate data migration thread that converts entities from "Truck" to "TruckNew" and "Engine", thereby doing the migration in the background without downtime and transparent to the rest of the application(s).
clean up stuff, rename "TruckNew" to "Truck"
Now the question: are there any support tools for such a task? any JPA provider features that take care of at least part of that work?
I see the idea and it looks possible but wouldn't it be a better approach to clone your database to a migration_db. Migrate your schema using tools/scripts, then test the modifications using unit tests with the new code. Lastly point your environment to configuration to the new installation of the migrated code base with the updated entities.
One downside is that transactions that were not replicated to the cloned database would be lost but this is possible also using just about any transactional database.

Auditing with Spring Data JPA

I am using Spring Data JPA in an application in which all entity objects need auditing. I know that I can have each either implement Auditable or extend AbstractAuditable, but my problem is coming with the overall auditing implementation.
The example on the Spring Data JPA reference pages seems to indicate that you need an AuditableAware bean for each entity. Is there any way to avoid this extra code and handle it in one place or through one configuration?
The generic parameter of AuditorAware is not the entity you want to capture the auditing information for but rather the creating/modifying one. So it will typically be the user currently logged in or the like.

How to implement change log with JPA?

I have an entity class manged by with JPA, and I have one entity that needs to be loged changes in its property. Does JPA provides any ways to handle this kind of requirement ?
If you use Hibernate as JPA provider then have a look at Hibernate-Envers.
If you use Spring, then have at Hades, or its successor Spring-Data-JPA.
Both (Envers and Hades/Spring-Data-JPA) provide auditing functionality. Hibernate Envers is very powerful and Hades/Spring-Data-JPA is more light (Hades reference, chapter auditing).
If you do not want/can use any of them, then may you have to hook in the entity lifecycle. with #PostUpdate and co.
If you are using EclipseLink it include historical support. You can enable a class to have all of its changes tracked in a separate historical table.