10k ft level: I want to retrieve an FB ad ID based on the ad's call-to-action URL.
I have a use case where given a specific page URL on our site, we would locate a matching facebook ad that links back to that page (we create ads for a specific type of page).
Our current workaround is to save the AD ID manually at time of creation as a data attribute on the page and then query the page for the ID. The new use case is to obtain the ID by matching the AD's CTA URL to the page URL (since the ad points to the page) and use the resulting match to return the ID.
So far:
I can request an array of all AD IDs. From that I can obtain each AD's object_story_id. A new query can then be generated for each AD using object story ID to query it's link URL.
this returns something like this:
"data": [
"object_story_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"object_story_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"paging": {
"cursors": {
"before": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"after": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
I could then iterate through the IDs to make a new query for the links(I can't show output at this time, as apparently my token doesn't have proper permissions):
This is less than ideal, as I have to create a while loop for all ads and then a new request for each object story ID.
I am looking for ideas/insight into how I can do this with a single nested request, where I pass the page URL to the request and it returns the AD ID of the AD with the same CTA url. Baring that, are there any other single graph calls that would return all AD CTA URLs and IDs?
I got the comments list from the feed, but I could not get their user name and avatar, I used the graph explorer and there were no fields to retrieve the user information that was commented.
I tried, but it does not work.
Comment Id also doesn't support getting user information.
// My result
"data": [
"id": "448052816017010_448055412683417",
"message": "TYM TYM",
"created_time": "2019-06-24T07:20:22+0000"
] ...
Is there a way to get user or user id, or do I need to grant any permissions?
You need to ask for the correct field. id is just the id of the comment itself, not the id of the user. from would be the correct field. You have to use a Page Token of that Page, and i believe the App has to be live:
See this for additional information: Graph API: Cannot get "from" field in comment
I have an access token with the manage_pages scope. Using this token, I call the endpoint specified here (GET /{page-id}/photos?type=uploaded).
The result is for some reason lacking all attributes except id and created_time. This is a part of the response:
"data": [
"created_time": "2018-10-30T18:12:31+0000",
"id": "1172525292900120"
"created_time": "2018-10-30T18:10:08+0000",
"id": "1172524459566870"
The docs says that data should contain "A list of Photo nodes". Looking at the photo node docs, it seems they have exactly what you'd expect.
My app does not have the permission Page Public Content Access yet. But according to their App Review section, it isn't needed for accessing my own page's content. And then again, I wouldn't even be able to get a list of photos if I didn't have access to the page.
While you are testing your app and before you submit it for review, your app can only access content on a Page for which the following is true: The person who holds the admin role for the Page also holds an admin, developer, or tester role on the app.
Why am I missing some attributes in the Photo nodes?
I had to specify which fields to retrieve like this: GET /{page-id}/photos?type=uploaded&fields=images.
I would like to find the id (app-scoped) for someone who has posted a comment on a public page.
For example, I get a list of recent posts/comments on the NY Times page via:
The data returned looks like this:
"comments": {
"data": [
"message": "Wouldn’t know. Not paying $13/mo for this.",
"created_time": "2017-12-10T05:57:18+0000",
"id": "10151412260164999_10151414049324999"
There is no from field. The same is also true if I attempt to view the comment directly using it's id with
I have tried using the Facebook Graph API Explorer, using both my User Token, as well as an App Token.
Since v2.11 of the Graph API, you need a Page Token to get user data of comments: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/changelog/version2.11#gapi-90
User information will not be included in GET responses for any objects owned by (on) a Page unless the request is made with a Page access token. This affects all nodes and edges that return data for objects owned by a Page.
In other words: You can only get user information if you manage the Page.
Edit: Since the latests update in the Graph API, you have to get the App reviewed and you must go through Business Verification or Individual Verification. (thanx #Guiman04)
Please check whether you are using the accessToken for the page you are trying to get data from, i had same issue, and was resolved by using the correct accessToken for the page.
Long time lurker first time poster...
We are working with Facebooks API's to integrate into our web application and we are able to pull a Companies Page Rating via the {open_graph_story} parameter in the {page-id}/ratings section, however we cannot find a way to comment/reply to the rating. The documentation states:
"If a person has rated your page and a story has been generated, you can follow up with the person by posting to the story's comment node." (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.0/page/ratings)
however when we pull the variables we retrieve no ID to reference for a comment. This is what we receive back from our authenticated account:
"data": [
{ "created_time": "2014-07-16T05:52:50+0000", "reviewer": { "id": "100000237096397", "name": "Romey Salazar" }, "rating": 5, "review_text": "Great job guys!!!!" } ],
Does anyone know how to retrieve the id for the rating itself so we can append a comment via API? Or some other way to reply/comment to a FB Page Rating?
When you have some ratings/review comments on your page and if you want to post comment to individual review comments as the Page Owner, you can follow the steps below.
1) Below request returns the json object of rating and reviews.
The response json will contain ID field for each and every rating/review comments.
2) Using the ID, trigger the below request to post a comment on the rating as the Page Owner. You will need Page access token with manage_pages and publish_pages privilege.
https://graph.facebook.com/v2.9/{ID_OF_THE_RATING}/comments?message=Thanks for your rating&access_token={YOUR_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN}
These requests can be tested using Facebook Graph API Explorer
You need to request the open_graph_story field with the ratings endpoint. This will return the open_graph_story data which includes an id. You can then post to the comments endpoint of this story.
You have to make http get request on
to get detailed response.
Make sure the parameter is "fields" not "field"
Is there a way to get the ID of the picture that is the current profile picture for a user?
Edit: OK, seems there is no trivial way to get the ID!
However, it appears from random testing that every user has a single album with attribute type="profile", and the first image in this album is always the profile picture, so it is possible to get the ID of the profile picture that way. Can some more experienced with Facebook confirm that this is indeed always the case?
You can get the users public profile photo from the following url:
The answer seems to be yes
e.g., the photos in an album have an ID (the profile photo is a different object though, which a different FB ID). An ID for every object is a core concept of FB's new graph API: Every object in the social graph has a unique ID.
Indeed, data request i have ever made through the FB Graph API returns (when successful) a response in the form of a JSON array, comprised of nested ID-Value pairs, e.g. the education field from a User object:
"education": [
"school": {
"id": "126533127390327",
"name": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology"
"year": {
"id": "140829239279495",
"name": "1992"
"concentration": [
"id": "192578844099494",
"name": "Computer Science"
"type": "College"
The profile photo is a connection of the User object (i.e., every FB object has Fields and Connections).
According to the table in the relevant FB Developer Page, a call to the Graph API requesting picture (user's profile photo(s)) returns a string which is the URL for the user's profile picture.
But why doesn't this same call return the user's profile photo ID?
The reason i suppose is that the URL returns:
Graph API : User Properties
The user's profile photo is not there, but in an adjacent node:
Graph API : User : Connections : picture
(See FB Documentation for Graph API structure here).
When you make that API call, examine the Request Headers, and in particular, the Request URL; when you do, you'll see something like this:
The string between the underscores (100005743929541) is the user ID. this is easy to verify by making another call to the Graph API. From your browser location bar (assuming you are logged into Facebook) just enter:
So again, the first item in that JSON string is the user's FB ID. Given that, it seems to me that if user profile ID does indeed have its own ID, then that string (user's FB ID) plus the two smaller adjacent strings of integers on either end of the ID, should be it--in other words, 32093_100005743929541_5467982 in the Request URL above.
Finally, perhaps the best way to answer this is by using the new Graph API Explorer. (I just tried to verify this, but my requests are hanging.)
There is one more simple way to accomplish this task.
Fetch all facebook albums by https://graph.facebook.com/me/albums?access_token=.
Loop into the albums and check if object type == 'profile'.
Get the value of object cover_photo where type == 'profile'.
This value of cover_photo is the id of profile pic of the user.
You can check it by https://graph.facebook.com/<cover_photo value>?access_tokne=
I don't know if you still need this but this is the way I did it in PHP:
$albumsfb = $facebook->api('/me/albums/?fields=type');
$albumsfb = $albumsfb['data'];
foreach ($albumsfb as $albumfb) {
if ($albumfb['type']=='profile'){
$albumprofile = $albumfb['id'];
$photoprofilefb = $facebook->api('/'.$albumprofile.'/?fields=cover_photo');
$photoprofilefb = $photoprofilefb['cover_photo'];
$photoprofilefb = $facebook->api('/'.$photoprofilefb);
$fotoperfilfburl = $photoprofilefb['source'];
Instead of "me", put the user id that you want?
SOCIAL-ID = Facebook returned social id.
small|normal|album|large|square = size of image.
I recently tried to like one of my friend's profile pictures from the Graph API explorer
Here's how I got the id of his current profile pic:
If you have used the Graph API explorer, you might be aware of the above line of code that's generated in the textEntry when you tick the checkboxes. The limit size is up to you, I just kept it 1 to receive the JSON object quickly (without the limit, it took me 5 minutes to get the JSON object containing a lot of information).
So here are the things you need to check in the Graph API (maintain the order):
Within Friends Albums
Within Albums Name and Photos (Within Photos the id and name of the photo)
I made a PHP script to like all the profile pictures of my friends :)