I published 2 extensions to the VS marketplace, in the manifest file and on the marketplace I added the source code github link. When I go to the marketplace, there is no link to the repository or showing open issues/pull requests.
Is there anything I forget?
Assuming the extensions are for vs. It's fairly easy to publish it to marketplace as we all know.
Please remove the github links in manifest file,and check the github url again:
I think maybe there has something wrong with your link here. I've done several tests and find the Project Details Section would disappear only when the github link was not valid for a github repo.(Even the github repo is private, the link to repo will display.)
I'm fairly new to GitHub and I've been trying to get the GitHub Wiki associated with a project to get the content from the main repository with no success.
Online there are guides on how to do this on Microsoft Azure here, but for some reason, I cannot find anything similar for GitHub. I am not sure where to ask this question so I came to the trusted StackOverflow community.
Basically I have a repository where we are uploading a series of markdown documents (see giovannellilab/protocols) and I would like the content of the wiki for the same project to be updated with pages coming from the repository. Each markdown file in the repository becomes its own wiki page. Ideally, the wiki will get automatically updated every time we push something new to the repo or we merge a new pull request.
So far I have not found an easy to implement a solution.
I've also tried to use a GitHub Action found in the marketplace, SwiftDocOrg with no success. I'm new to GitHub-actions and even follwing the guide I could not make this work.
Here the content of my .yml page:
- name: Publish to GitHub Wiki
uses: SwiftDocOrg/github-wiki-publish-action#1.0.0
# A path to the directory of files to publish
path: giovannellilab/protocols
The action is failing each time (obviously something is wrong/missing, but I cannot figure out what).
Any suggestions on how to make it work in GitHub?
Any other place where I can host documentation pulling directly from a GitHub repository?
Any other better way to implement this?
Thank you very much,
I keep finding piecemeal examples of things that can go into a .github directory on a GitHub repository.
I can see that it is used for GitHub actions and workflow and for Pull request and issue templates, but I can't see a page outlining what you can put in there with ideally some documentation. I also think I've seen a funding example too.
Basically every time I see something you can do there, I think "that's neat I should do that", but other than examples I can't see a way to discover new things other than by example.
Due to the fact that the directory is called .github it seems to defy Google and SO search as well.
On Github, folder .github is just a convention folder used to place Github related stuff inside it. Github handles some of these files even when you place it in root of your project (such as CONTRIBUTING.md, CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md etc). Because Github is constantly bringing in new features, these features are documented on their own, so there is no "all possible files in .github" page. Feel free to place anything that is related to Github specifically inside it.
Some of the most used files in .github folder:
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md -> How to engage in community and how to behave yourself.
CONTRIBUTING.md -> How to contribute to repo (making pull request, setting development environment...)
LICENSE.md - A software license tells others what they can and can't do with your source code (You should place this at the root of your project since GitHub ignores it in .github folder. You can find this file while browsing other Git hosting services such as GitLab, Bitbucket etc.)
FUNDING.yml -> Supporting a project
ISSUE_TEMPLATE -> Folder that contains a templates of possible issues user can use to open issue (such as if issue is related to documentation, if it's a bug, if user wants new feature etc) P.S. Take a look at tensorflow ISSUE_TEMPLATE
PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md -> How to make a pull request to project
stale.yml -> Probot configuration to close stale issues. There are many other apps on Github Marketplace that place their configurations inside .github folder because they are related to GitHub specifically.
SECURITY.md -> How to responsibly report a security vulnerability in project
workflows -> Configuration folder containing yaml files for GitHub Actions
CODEOWNERS -> Pull request reviewer rules. More info here.
dependabot.yml -> Configuration options for dependency updates. More info here.
You don't have to create all these files immediately. If there are lot of bugs reported in your project, create ISSUE_TEMPLATE. If several people wants to support you, create FUNDING.yml . You will create more and more files when the need comes.
Github lists all of the files you can use in the documentation page titled Creating a default community health file and the workflows you can add to the .github directory are detailed in the Introduction to GitHub Actions documentation.
I generate a pull request in the company repo on GitHub. My colleagues login to GitHub, review my changes and add comments.
Is there a way from me to pull those comments (or that PR) from GitHub so I can read and, ideally respond to their comments locally from within the latest PhpStorm (version 2017.3.4) or for that matter, from the CLI?
I can see how to generate PRs in PhpStorm and push them up to GH, but not the other way around.
You might try this plugin: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/10448-github-code-reviews-plugin. In general, this is not yet supported in PhpStorm out of the box, you can vote for that feature request at https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-85079 and try out some of the suggestion listed there (e.g. the plugin mentioned above).
I'm not sure if there's something for Github, but for Bitbucket you can use this plugin.
I know we are allowed a .github.io domain, but how can I upload my website there?
I have made a website with HTML/CSS/Jquery/Bootstrap... in the WebStorm IDE by Jetbrains, but I am unable to upload this to github properly? How can I upload my website properly? The website has external images and everything else too. How does this work? img of files
You "upload" it in a git repository on github. It's all detailed on https://pages.github.com/
On GitHub, you need to make a new branch called gh-pages. This will make a page for your project if you navigate to yourusername.github.io/project
You'll have to go to the Settings of that Repository to activate your Project's Page. GitHub will also confirm the Project's webpage address.
This is what it looks like
https://pages.github.com documents the process for using the yourusername.github.io domain
EDIT: You don't need to make a new branch! You'll still need to go to Settings and setup GitHub pages from there.
I want to use editor in browser and save in github without server. Just like text editor in github/bitbucket could new file and save it
I want to know are there any REST api of this 2 services to easily commit file like that
Or a git library in js that could work without the need to pull all files in to our machine
After 2018 both service already expose their API. This question is outdated
In case you're looking for an online code editor that you can connect to github or bitbucket then you could take a look at these:
If you're looking to develop such an editor yourself, you could just start from github or bitbucket's REST API documentation:
And just choose the javascript REST library of your preference to interact with those APIs.
For Github: to create/update/remove files you can use the Contents resources.
For example, this section explains how to update a file.
Bitbucket user here, you can EDIT/COMMIT your files in browser.
Bitbucket has an online editor where you can change the file and commit right away. Check it out here.
See the official response here:
They're working on expanding their API and have responded to an issue opened in 2013
EDIT: An endpoint to do this is now available!
Update August 2021: just type . (dot)
🤫 New shortcut: Press . on any GitHub repo.
That will launch GitHub Codespace on your current repository.
You can install on your local computer benweet/stackedit, a markdown javascript editor.
As mentioned in the README,
Publish your Markdown document on GitHub
(See more at Publication)
You can use Power Editor for Bitbucket for editing and commiting code from browser in bitbucket.