Prevent merge when Heroku review app build fails - github

We are using Github + CircleCI + Heroku with automatic deploys setup.
From time to time there are deploy errors that are not captured by CI (deployment fails event though CI run is fine). We have review apps set up for all our PRs.
It would be great if the PR would indicate this and stop us from merging if the deployment of the review app fails (that usually means the deployment of the staging/production app would also fail).
I could not find any documentation on this. The only possible way I see is to use the GitHub API to add a custom check for this.
Anyone solved this issue?

We have made a GitHub Action to test the deployment status of a Heroku Review App:
This can be used in the GitHub workflow to test the deployment status.
UPDATE: We wrote a nice blog post about different approaches to verify Review App deployment status.

You can use Github's protected branches for this
Navigate to your repository's settings -> Branches -> Add Protection Rule -> Select "Require Status Checks Before Merging" and select "CircleCI".
In order for this to work you need to cause CI to fail if your deployment fails. If you get a failure from Heroku, you should run any command that will return exit 1 as a status code, which will fail CI for you.


How to block merge request on GitHub if a build fails on Jenkins

The idea is that I want to block pull requests on GitHub if a build fails on Jenkins so that potential bad code doesn't get merged
I had originally found a plugin called Pipeline GitHub Notify Step: that uses
but then I found out from this link that we should use the github-checks-plugin instead of the Pipeline GitHub Notify. I don't know if its because its depreciated or they just added similar features to the github-checks-plugin but I decided to just install the GitHub Checks Plugin. Afterwards I opened a PR on GitHub with code I knew would fail the build then ran a test build on Jenkins with the impression that GitHub would block my PR due to the bad build but it didn't I went under settings->branch and enabled Require status checks to pass before merging but it didn't block my PR because of the failed build. In fact it still doesn't even notice the failed build. Maybe I'm missing another plugin or perhaps there was something I forgot to enable.

Manually skip job in github

We are managing to change our CI/CD process on github. Previously we were using one branch by environment (Test and Production).
Now, we would like to have the same build deployed on all environment. So we are using one main branch which build and allow to deploy on Test environement and if it succeed and approved to prodution.
So far so good.
Most of the time, we are deploying in Test environment only. For this cases, we are rejecting or cancelling the workflow after deploying to Test but our actions and Pull request are all in failled state.
The question is, how could we manually skipped the production deployment without having the status of Github action being failed.
Thanks in advance

GitHub webhook repo is unable to trigger jenkins pipeline

Our Company used to self-host GitLab for source-code management and configured webhook on gitlab to trigger all the project pipelines on jenkins. Initially, the gitlab url was '' and later for an upgraded version, they changed url to ''
Recently, we migrated to '' and created an organization. The source codes for various projects are found under this organization, which is private. Now, when I try to configure webhooks for these projects, I see that they deliver as intended to jenkins, but jenkins doesn't trigger the respective project's build. Instead, it gives out a message as shown below.
jenkins-github webhook error
I don't find any info regarding this webhook on global configuration page.
Here is a snapshot of jenkins logs
jenkins logs
I don't face this webhook issue for newly created pipeline-projects on jenkins. I face this issue for older pipeline-projects that already had their webhook configured earlier for gitlab.
Help me to resolve this issue and make jenkins trigger build from github webhook for older pipeline-projects.
Did you try force regenerating the webhooks?
Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System > GitHub plugin > Advance > Re-registers hooks for all jobs.
I had this problem myself. The first thing you want to do is go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System scroll down to the GitHub section and click on "Advanced". You will see this:
It's important to have access to your Jenkins log (I'm running Jenkins with Docker). When I clicked on Re-register hooks for all jobs, I got the following error:
In my case, the error mentioned something with my access token. So, I checked my Github personal access token and it turned out, I need to turn on Read and Write for Webhook:
Now, go back to Jenkins and click on Re-register hooks for all jobs again, and on the next push, the build was automatically triggered.

Travis-CI doesn't let me rebuild a test

We are using Travis-CI to test our project (Speedy Net). A test failed and I want to rebuild it. I checked this answer but it doesn't work for me. This changed recently. I'm the owner of this organization on GitHub but on Travis CI I'm not a member of any organization. On this build's page I don't have any rebuild button. What can I do to be able to rebuild this test?
Travis CI for Open Source
It works now (after my login expired and I logged in again). When Travis CI login via GitHub expires, it's not possible to rebuild tests.
It depends, if the test is triggered via a pull request then it is as simple as closing then reopening that pull request.
If you are triggering the test in another way then do that thing again, e.g. push --force-with-lease, commit --allow-empty, etc. to restart the process.
Basically if a build fails because for example, a host is unreachable temporarily in the test/build setup rather than any issue with the code, then trigger the build again in the same way you did originally.

Why does GitHub check not reflect Azure Pipelines build status?

I am trying to add Azure Pipelines configuration to an existing project, bundler/bundler. Here is the PR that adds the configuration:
As one of the maintainers set up the bundler/bundler project on Azure Pipelines, this PR already triggers a build:
Note that the build has a green checkmark and is marked as finished.
(Also note that there are loads of tests failing in the build, as this wasn't tested on Windows before. To make the build succeed anyway - and not all PRs and commits get the red "x" on Github while I am working on fixing the tests, I added || exit 0 at the end of the test command - which works fine on Azure Pipelines)
A feature of Azure Pipelines' GitHub integration is that the build results are shown in Github via a feature called "Check":
(A shorter version of that is also included at the end of the PR page:
Unfortunately, this check doesn't reflect the build status on Azure Pipelines and is still shown as "in progress":
Any idea why the GitHub check doesn't reflect the build status on Azure Pipelines?
What is confusing me further, is that the integration with Azure Pipelines actually worked just fine (check correctly reflects the build status) in the Pull Request that was automatically created by Azure Pipelines when creating the bundler/bundler project:
But: It also can't really be the Azure Pipelines configuration I created in my PR, because the same configuration also works just fine in my fork: (see the green checkmark for the bundler task). (On the other hand: Here Azure Pipelines doesn't use the "Check" feature of Github at all)
Great question. The most likely reason is that there some was glitch in the communication between Azure Pipelines and GitHub. It's very rare but sometimes a webhook between GitHub and Azure Pipelines doesn't trigger. There's no way to tell why it happened; it could have been a fault on either side.
Unfortunately, there's no way to re-send a webhook that didn't get delivered. Your only recourse is to rebuild that pull request. If you select the "Rebuild" option (in the ... menu):
Then a new build will be queued and, when it finishes, the status update will be sent back to GitHub. The check in the pull request will then be updated.
A less likely (but definitely possible) reason is that there's a bug in either Azure Pipelines or GitHub. And in this particular case, there was a bug with the code that uploads test results from Azure Pipelines to the test case manager API.
(Thanks for reporting the issue, we're sorry that we had a bit of a problem here, but we're glad that we were able to resolve this.)
Setting the following configuration worked for me: