Difference between unicode 0001 and 2401? - unicode

I am trying to use the SOH character as a delimiter for a CSV file that my code generates. However, it looks like there are two unicode characters for SOH?
I am not sure what is the difference between the two is? or which one should I use?

U+0001 is the control character. U+2401 is a symbolic picture of the character.
Example: ␁ (May not display in all browsers, but is a single pictograph of SOH)


filter specific unicode character in SAS

I need to replace a specific unicode character in SAS, exactly the U+0191 with a whitespace or blank. How can I do it by COMPRESS ? Thanks in advance.
You should use the KCOMPRESS function rather than COMPRESS for compressing unicode characters, as it is considered safer for Unicode and DBCS environments.
However, it sounds like you actually want to TRANSLATE, or more accurately KTRANSLATE, which actually replaces characters with whitespace or other characters (as opposed to removing them, as COMPRESS does).
Here's an example:
data have;
charvar = "Ƒellow Americans";
fixed_charvar = translate(charvar,'F','Ƒ');
kfixed_charvar= ktranslate(charvar,'F','Ƒ');
put _all_;
Here I convert U+0191 to a normal F; of course you can convert to space as you wish (Replace the 'F' with whatever you want it converted to).
This will work in an instance of SAS set up in Unicode mode; if you're running in WLATIN1 or similar, you may have more difficulty, particularly with actually passing SAS the U+0191 character.

Are there any character sets that don't respect ASCII?

As far as I understand, a character encoding maps bits to integers and a character set maps integers to characters.
So in the Unicode character set there is a telephone character. It is represented using the integer 9742, more commonly represented using Hexadecimal as 260E. This is then saved to a file using UTF-8 which translates the integer 9742 into 10011000001110. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Yesterday I created a text file that used the Unicode character set and UTF-8 encoding and I saved it to my desktop. I then reopened the file in my text editor and started to manually switch the character sets for fun. Unsurprisingly there were problems and odd characters starting displaying! I noticed that only some of the characters are misrepresented though. This got me thinking, why do only some of the characters break? Why not all?
Someone told me that the characters breaking are those outside the original ASCII specification. Upon reflection this seemed to make sense, as it's only non US characters that break. I was told that because all character sets use the ASCII character set up to the first 128 characters they will remain unbroken, and that it's the characters above 127 that break. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Finally, I got thinking. Are there any character sets that don't respect ASCII? If so, what are they called and what are they used for?
Based on my findings from the comments I am able to answer my own question. Thank you to everyone who commented!
Yes, there are a couple; EBCDIC and Baudot.

NSURL doesn't work any time

i have the following problem sometimes my openURL-Dialog works perfectly, then i looked at the variable from the url and that is the variable:
but some other times there are some crazy elements at the end of the variable like this:
i get this pages from an .asc file and both are in this file normal without this elements,
what can i do to solve this problem?
thank you all for helping beforehand
From Wikipedia:
The left-to-right mark (LRM) is a
control character or non-printing
character, used in the computerized
typesetting of bi-directional text,
containing mixed left-to-right scripts
(such as English and Russian) and
right-to-left scripts (such as Arabic
and Hebrew). It is used to change the
way adjacent characters are grouped
with respect to text direction.
You're getting this because (1) you've got non-English URLs, are composing URLs from non-English strings or you have some other non-English elements and the string encoding is attempting to compensate or (2) it's garbarge being interpreted as an encoding (unlikely if it is consistant.)
Call -[NSString localizedNameOfStringEncoding] on the string before you use it see what encoding it is using. You probably need to explicitly establish an encoding when you read in the strings before you put them in the NSURL.

Some UTF-8 characters do not show up on browser

Some UTF-8 characters like the UTF-8 equivalent of C2 96 (hyphen). On the browser it displays it as (utf box with 00 96). And not as '-'(hyphen). Any reasons for this behavior? How do we correct this?
http://stuffofinterest.com/misc/utf8.php?s=128 (Refer this URL for the codes)
I found that this can be handled with html entities. Is there any way to display this without converting to html entities?
The character you're talking about is an en-dash, not a hyphen. Its Unicode code point is U+2013, and its UTF-8 encoding is E2 80 93, not C2 96. That table you linked to is incorrect. The first two columns have nothing to do with UCS-2 or Unicode; they actually contain the windows-1252 encodings for the characters in question. The columns labeled "UTF-8 Hex" and "UTF-8 Native" are just plain wrong, at least for the rows labeled 128 to 159. The entities – and – represent an en-dash, but the UTF-8 sequence C2 96 represents a non-displayable control character.
You shouldn't need to encode those characters manually anyway. Just tell your text editor (or whatever you use to create the content) to save the file as UTF-8.
I suspect this is because the characters between U+0080 and U+009F inclusive are control characters. I'm still slightly surprised that they show differently when encoded directly in the HTML than using entities, but basically you shouldn't be using them to start with. U+0096 isn't really "hyphen", it's "start of guarded area".
See the U+0080-U+00FF code chart for more information. Basically, try to avoid control characters...
Two reasons come to mind:
Are you sure that you have output the correct character code to the browser? Better check in some hex viewer.
The font you are using doesn't have a glyph defined at this code point.

I do replace literal \xNN with their character in Perl?

I have a Perl script that takes text values from a MySQL table and writes it to a text file. The problem is, when I open the text file for viewing I am getting a lot of hex characters like \x92 and \x93 which stands for single and double quotes, I guess.
I am using DBI->quote function to escape the special chars before writing the values to the text file. I have tried using Encode::Encoder, but with no luck. The character set on both the tables is latin1.
How do I get rid of those hex characters and get the character to show in the text file?
ISO Latin-1 does not define characters in the range 0x80 to 0x9f, so displaying these bytes in hex is expected. Most likely your data is actually encoded in Windows-1252, which is the same as Latin1 except that it defines additional characters (including left/right quotes) in this range.
\x92 and \x93 are empty characters in the latin1 character set (see here or here). If you are certain that you are indeed dealing with latin1, you can simply delete them.
It sounds like you need to change the character sets on the tables, or translate the non-latin-1 characters into latin-1 equivalents. I'd prefer the first solution. Get used to Unicode; you're going to have to learn it at some point. :)