Is it possible to see dateTime for file history in GitKraken? - gitkraken

I using GitKraken as Git client. Here I see that, in file history it shows 1 hour ago, yesterday, 4 days ago,etc. Is there a way that I can see date time instead? I can see that in sourceTree.

Is there a way that I can see date time instead?
tl;dr: No, since it does not fit GitKrakens slim visual approach.
There is no feature to switch to absolute times, as far as I know. And it wouldn't really meet the purpose here: in SourceTree, you have a list (more like a table) of commits, each with id, author, message and time stamp shown.
GitKraken, following a more visual approach, focuses on the graph and the commit messages, but groups the commits in the graph by time period. There would be no point in showing a concrete date, since it would only show the date for a single commit, but not group commits by time periods. It would have to be shown for every commit separately, leading to a more table-like view, as it is in SourceTree.
In your example, You would have four timestamps cluttering your graphical repository view instead of a single 3 hours ago, roughly pinning down when the four commits where created.
You can, of course, click a commit in the graph to view its details in the top right, also showing author and commit date times.


Contributions date in the graph doesn't match the real date

For some reason, the contributions date in my github profile graph doesn't match the real dates.
When i click in a specific day in the graph, and then click in "2 (or more) commits", it shows commits of OTHER days and sometimes it just says "No commits found for "DRuppFv"", but then, why is that in the wrong date or even being shown in the graph?
I'm thinking about creating a new branch and committing all these commits in the right dates using --date, but is there any better way to fix that?

Why are commit timestamps not showing on certain files in VScode and showing on others?

Within the same directory where I have various study materials and files, I noticed that some of the files will accurately show when the last commit was made pertaining to that while and yet other files, even as I make a modification and a commit, they wont show a timestamp of that commit when I go on that line. Images below to show what I mean, one shows the timestamp correctly, the other is completely blank, same repo, same directory. I think this has to do with Gitlens. I also noticed Gitlens, even though I have the extension installed, when I switch to the files without timestamps, the Gitlens icons on the top right navbar dissappear. On files with the timestamps they appear. Why is Gitlens inactive in certain files and active in others?
Commit timestamp correctly shown here:
Commit timestamp missing here:

How can I view the differences between commits filtered by contributors on GitHub?

I'm not sure if GitHub questions are off-topic, but I'll take the chance.
Day 1 - I created a new branch called feature and added changes.
Day 2 - I ran git pull origin master
Day 3 - I created a PR and I merged to master
Day 4 - I continued working on branch feature and again, I added some changes.
Day 5 - ... and so on...
While I wrote the code, another contributor wrote with me on the same branch (feature)).
I and another contributor wanted to review our work from the first commit to last. In order to do so, I navigated to:<organization>/<repo>/compare/<base>...<target>
base = our initial commit
target = our last commit
Well, it didn't go quite as planned. We noticed that a lot of the changes were not made by us, but by different contributors (11 in fact):
I get that it happened because a lot of commits that weren't written by us has been made between So I want to know, is there a way I can filter the commits by specific contributors? or, is there any other way we could see only our changes?
You can filter, if your github repo is
you can filter by author on a specific branch
A real example:
Click on "Commits 97" (on your picture) and you will see all commits from this GitHub project. You can also see all users who have ever changed your project. If you then click on a user name, all commits of this user are displayed in this project. So you can click on your username and the other contributor's username, and you'll see all the commits from the selected user both times.
I hope you come out with my explanation

Any way in to see the exact time for a commit or release

I'm using github for students to submit a programming assignment. And I have a strict deadline for submission and I would like to be able to check the time that their release was submitted.
Unfortunately, github only reports how many days ago a release or commit was made. Is there any (quick) way to get the exact time?
If you move your mouse over the xx minutes|hours\... ago label, a tooltip will be displayed showing the UTC time the commit was created at.
Keep in mind that Git history can be rewritten (see git commit --amend or git filter-branch commands for instance) and that this displayed time shouldn't be considered as solid proof.
Well I'm jumping into this WAAAYY late, but I wanted to add a note about this particular use case.
nulltoken is absolutely right about the possibility of the times being modified. To circumvent this, I would make use of tags. Slap together a simple script that would pull the branch at the cutoff point, tag it (using an annotated tag), and then push the tag up to github. This gives you a snapshot of the branch at that particular time, stamped the time that the tag was cut AND the name of the tagger. That last part is particularly useful for students who think they are crafty.

Comparing two CVS revisions in Eclipse

It finally started to annoy me enough to ask this question: how do I do a basic diff between two revisions of a file in CVS? Usually I want to compare the latest revision and some random old one. I'm using the Eclipse CVS plugin. When I use "compare with->Another branch or version..." from the selected file's (latest revision from HEAD or another branch) context menu, I get a list of branches, tags and dates but not revisions. Usually I have just created a date which I know is far enough in the past so I can compare the needed revisions but I thought that there must be a better way.
The answer is to show the file's history using context menu->Team->Show history, then choose two revisions and context menu for the selection->compare with each other.
There seems to be two main ways:
context menu->Team->Show history
which shows a linear history and you can select and compare between them, however it can be very bloated and hard to read when your project has lots of branches / tags. Personally i have found it less useful than:
context menu->Team->Show Commit history
Which seems to show the history of what has been committed to the specific branch/tag you are on. You can do it per file or per folder. The output is very similar but i find it clearer. You can click on a commit date and it will show you all the files (that you are interested in) that were committed on that date.
If you double click the file, it will then bring up another menu so that you can compare it with another file in the commit history
(i find if you double click the "other" file, it doesn't do anything, you need to click "OK" in the dialogue, which seems silly to me. This might be effected by the fact I have the beyond compare 3 plug in, im not sure if it behaves the same without it)
There is also a little button in the top right of the commit history window that allows you to switch to history view (but i always find it easy to read than the normal history view if i do it this way round)
Both should show you the comment added when committed and you should try and read about the differences between the but personally I haven't and its only form personal experience that i prefer commit history.
I apologize for not giving formal descriptions of each, this is purely from my personal experience of using them, i have not actually researched them both yet myself...