Why are commit timestamps not showing on certain files in VScode and showing on others? - github

Within the same directory where I have various study materials and files, I noticed that some of the files will accurately show when the last commit was made pertaining to that while and yet other files, even as I make a modification and a commit, they wont show a timestamp of that commit when I go on that line. Images below to show what I mean, one shows the timestamp correctly, the other is completely blank, same repo, same directory. I think this has to do with Gitlens. I also noticed Gitlens, even though I have the extension installed, when I switch to the files without timestamps, the Gitlens icons on the top right navbar dissappear. On files with the timestamps they appear. Why is Gitlens inactive in certain files and active in others?
Commit timestamp correctly shown here:
Commit timestamp missing here:


In Github how can I view a commit showing just which files were changed?

In Github if I list the commits for a repo, and then click on the SHA to view one of the commits, instead of just listing which files were changed in that commit it instead displays the diff of the entire commit, which might be the combined changes of dozens of files all displayed inline on a hundred page long webpage.
This is completley useless to me. When I view a commit in the first instance I just want to see which files have been changed. If I want to then drill down further to see the diff of a particular file I will do so.
How in Github can I see just the names of which files have been changed in a commit?
To do this, click on the "N changed files" link in the commit page. An example taken from this repository:
This expands a list of all files modified in the commit, including new files added (green), existing files modified (yellow), and files deleted (red).

Is it possible to see dateTime for file history in GitKraken?

I using GitKraken as Git client. Here I see that, in file history it shows 1 hour ago, yesterday, 4 days ago,etc. Is there a way that I can see date time instead? I can see that in sourceTree.
Is there a way that I can see date time instead?
tl;dr: No, since it does not fit GitKrakens slim visual approach.
There is no feature to switch to absolute times, as far as I know. And it wouldn't really meet the purpose here: in SourceTree, you have a list (more like a table) of commits, each with id, author, message and time stamp shown.
GitKraken, following a more visual approach, focuses on the graph and the commit messages, but groups the commits in the graph by time period. There would be no point in showing a concrete date, since it would only show the date for a single commit, but not group commits by time periods. It would have to be shown for every commit separately, leading to a more table-like view, as it is in SourceTree.
In your example, You would have four timestamps cluttering your graphical repository view instead of a single 3 hours ago, roughly pinning down when the four commits where created.
You can, of course, click a commit in the graph to view its details in the top right, also showing author and commit date times.

Why did all my folder dates suddenly change?

This morning I started the Delphi Seattle (Update 1) IDE into a project group 'X' I was working on yesterday (automatically, autosave options are on). I then immediately switched to another project group 'Y', I was (of course) not asked if I wanted to save changes.
Now the folder dates of all the projects in group X have changed to that time (9:25, Total Commander screenshot):
I just confirmed this behaviour by switching back and forth again.
Note that not all dates change. When there is no project in one of these folders, the date remains unchanged. But when a project resides in a subfolder (in this example ClientDataset\NestedClientDatasets), that subfolder date changes too.
What is going on here? Is this a bug?
I consider it unwanted behaviour.
The folder modified date that is reported is, as I understand it, the latest modified date of the objects in that folder. So look inside one of those folders to find out which file or files have that modified date. That will indicate which aspect of the IDE is responsible. Whether or not you can change the behaviour remains to be seen and will depend on which file it is that has been changed.
Personally I would not be surprised if the history tracking (the __history folders) was responsible. If that is the case then you can disable history tracking for instance by using Andy Hausladen's tools.

Github for mac - pushing selected files only

I'm new to github and currently only starting off using github for mac.
I have taken a clone of my client's website and made some development changes locally. Note: I'm literally working with the files in the directory I sync with.
I want to push only one small change as the rest is still under development. Is it possible to push only the one file?
Git pushes deal with commits, not files. You'll need to create a commit that contains your selected changes. This is one area where Git's index is really handy.
Let's say you've modified two files, foo and bar.
If you want to commit only the changes to foo, using the command line you can do
git add foo
git commit
This will create a new commit updating foo, but bar's changes will remain only in your working copy. You can now push the new commit.
It's been a while since I've used the graphical GitHub tools, and I've only used them on Windows, but I believe the way to commit only certain files is to check or uncheck the box beside each file before you commit. You can see these checkboxes in their documentation:
You can go even further. If some of the changes in bar should be part of a commit, but not all of them, you can do something like git add --patch, which will break your changes up into chunks and prompt you for the ones to add to the index (these are the ones that will be included when you commit).
On GitHub for Mac you can do this too:
Select one or more lines to commit by clicking on the line numbers in the gutter. In the latest release, you can select a block of changes at a time. Hover over the right hand side of the line numbers to get a preview of what will be selected, and click to select.
See the documentation for git-add for details.

Comparing two CVS revisions in Eclipse

It finally started to annoy me enough to ask this question: how do I do a basic diff between two revisions of a file in CVS? Usually I want to compare the latest revision and some random old one. I'm using the Eclipse CVS plugin. When I use "compare with->Another branch or version..." from the selected file's (latest revision from HEAD or another branch) context menu, I get a list of branches, tags and dates but not revisions. Usually I have just created a date which I know is far enough in the past so I can compare the needed revisions but I thought that there must be a better way.
The answer is to show the file's history using context menu->Team->Show history, then choose two revisions and context menu for the selection->compare with each other.
There seems to be two main ways:
context menu->Team->Show history
which shows a linear history and you can select and compare between them, however it can be very bloated and hard to read when your project has lots of branches / tags. Personally i have found it less useful than:
context menu->Team->Show Commit history
Which seems to show the history of what has been committed to the specific branch/tag you are on. You can do it per file or per folder. The output is very similar but i find it clearer. You can click on a commit date and it will show you all the files (that you are interested in) that were committed on that date.
If you double click the file, it will then bring up another menu so that you can compare it with another file in the commit history
(i find if you double click the "other" file, it doesn't do anything, you need to click "OK" in the dialogue, which seems silly to me. This might be effected by the fact I have the beyond compare 3 plug in, im not sure if it behaves the same without it)
There is also a little button in the top right of the commit history window that allows you to switch to history view (but i always find it easy to read than the normal history view if i do it this way round)
Both should show you the comment added when committed and you should try and read about the differences between the but personally I haven't and its only form personal experience that i prefer commit history.
I apologize for not giving formal descriptions of each, this is purely from my personal experience of using them, i have not actually researched them both yet myself...