Call an attribute from a Matlab script in AppDesigner GUI - matlab

I have created a GUI with app designer which launch a matlab program after the user chose a file and pressed launch button :
function LaunchButtonPushed(app, event)
app.ResultWindowTextArea.BackgroundColor = 'green';
app.ResultWindowTextArea.FontSize = 20;
app.ResultWindowTextArea.Value = 'Launch of the program ...';
if n_component == 0
app.ResultWindowTextArea.BackgroundColor = 'red';
app.ResultWindowTextArea.Value = 'Please choose a valid File !';
stop testLectureXML()
n_component is an attribute in my testLectureXML matlab program and he is equal to 0 only if the file that the user chose is empty. But it's like my application doesn't recognize n_componentas the attribute of my testLectureXMLprogram.
And if possible, if n_component = 0 i would like to stop the program
How can i do this ? Thanks !
Edit : To stop the programm i have thinking of creating exitProgram = 0 and if exitProgram = 1 return 0and in the GUI code i just put exitProgram = 1 if the file is empty but i don't know how to access to an attribute of a matlab script with GUI code.


Google Apps script - Checkbox to open a prefilled google form link

I have created a script that when I click on a checkbox on column "A" it then goes to column "B" to open the link in that same row. The script also clears the checkbox and two other cells in the same row. I also have an installed "onedit" trigger for the script. The script is currently working, the only thing is that sometimes it executes fast and other times it stalls and it executes slow. Can you please guide me on making the script execute fast every time without stalling. Thank you for your help! See script and picture below:
A column and B column picture
`function urlonEdit(e) {
const src = e.source.getActiveSheet();
const r = e.range;
if (src.getName() != "ROLL CALL" || r.columnStart != 1 || r.rowStart <= 2 || !r.isChecked()) return;
let url = src.getRange(r.rowStart, 2, 1, 1).getValues();
src.getRange(r.rowStart, 1, 1, 1).clearContent();
src.getRange(r.rowStart, 13, 1, 1).clearContent();
src.getRange(r.rowStart, 14, 1, 1).clearContent();
let response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);`}

How to convert opencv functions to mexopencv functions useable in matlab?

My Problem:
I want to use functions of opencv like the MIL-Tracker or MedianFlow-Tracker in Matlab (these functions are not in mexopencv). But I don't know how or understand how to do this. The documentation of opencv/mexopencv doesn't help me. This doesn't help: how do OpenCV shared libraries in matlab? - because the link in the answer is down.
So is there a way to use these functions in Matlab? And if- How?
Why?: As a part of my bachelor thesis I have to compare different already implemented ways to track people.
If you would like to use these functions specifically in MATLAB you could always write your own MEX file in C/C++ and send the data back/forward between the two calls, however this would require some basic C++ knowledge and understanding creating MEX files.
Personally I would definately recommend trying this with Python and the OpenCV Python interface since its so widely used and more supported than using the calls in MATLAB (plus its always a useful skill to be able to switch between Python and MATLAB as and when needed).
There is a full example with the MIL-Tracker and the MedianFlow-Tracker (and others) here (Which demonstrates using them in C++ and Python!).
Python Example :
import cv2
import sys
(major_ver, minor_ver, subminor_ver) = (cv2.__version__).split('.')
if __name__ == '__main__' :
# Set up tracker.
# Instead of MIL, you can also use
tracker_types = ['BOOSTING', 'MIL','KCF', 'TLD', 'MEDIANFLOW', 'GOTURN']
tracker_type = tracker_types[2]
if int(minor_ver) < 3:
tracker = cv2.Tracker_create(tracker_type)
if tracker_type == 'BOOSTING':
tracker = cv2.TrackerBoosting_create()
if tracker_type == 'MIL':
tracker = cv2.TrackerMIL_create()
if tracker_type == 'KCF':
tracker = cv2.TrackerKCF_create()
if tracker_type == 'TLD':
tracker = cv2.TrackerTLD_create()
if tracker_type == 'MEDIANFLOW':
tracker = cv2.TrackerMedianFlow_create()
if tracker_type == 'GOTURN':
tracker = cv2.TrackerGOTURN_create()
# Read video
video = cv2.VideoCapture("videos/chaplin.mp4")
# Exit if video not opened.
if not video.isOpened():
print "Could not open video"
# Read first frame.
ok, frame =
if not ok:
print 'Cannot read video file'
# Define an initial bounding box
bbox = (287, 23, 86, 320)
# Uncomment the line below to select a different bounding box
bbox = cv2.selectROI(frame, False)
# Initialize tracker with first frame and bounding box
ok = tracker.init(frame, bbox)
while True:
# Read a new frame
ok, frame =
if not ok:
# Start timer
timer = cv2.getTickCount()
# Update tracker
ok, bbox = tracker.update(frame)
# Calculate Frames per second (FPS)
fps = cv2.getTickFrequency() / (cv2.getTickCount() - timer);
# Draw bounding box
if ok:
# Tracking success
p1 = (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1]))
p2 = (int(bbox[0] + bbox[2]), int(bbox[1] + bbox[3]))
cv2.rectangle(frame, p1, p2, (255,0,0), 2, 1)
else :
# Tracking failure
cv2.putText(frame, "Tracking failure detected", (100,80), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75,(0,0,255),2)
# Display tracker type on frame
cv2.putText(frame, tracker_type + " Tracker", (100,20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75, (50,170,50),2);
# Display FPS on frame
cv2.putText(frame, "FPS : " + str(int(fps)), (100,50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75, (50,170,50), 2);
# Display result
cv2.imshow("Tracking", frame)
# Exit if ESC pressed
k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xff
if k == 27 : break
I would definately try it using Python (if this is an option). Otherwise if MATLAB is a must then probably try implementing the C++ example code shown in the link before as a MEX file and linking openCV during the compilation i.e.
mex trackerMexOpenCV.cpp 'true filepath location to openCV lib'
I hope this helps!

Fitting custom functions to data

I have a series of data, for example:
which I know fits best to an equation of the form:
How can I fit the custom function to this data?
Similar question had been already asked on LibreOffice forum without a proper answer. I would appreciate if you could help me know how to do this. Preferably answers applying to any custom function rather than workarounds to this specific case.
There are multiple possible solutions for this. But one approach would be the following:
For determining the aand b in the trend line function y = a*e^(b*x) there are solutions using native Calc functions (LINEST, EXP, LN).
So we could the y = a*e^(b*x)+c taking as y-c= a*e^(b*x) and so if we are knowing c, the solution for y = a*e^(b*x) could be taken too. How to know c? One approach is described in Exponential Curve Fitting. There approximation of b, a and then c are made.
I have the main part of the delphi code from Exponential Curve Fitting : source listing translated to StarBasic for Calc. The part of the fine tuning of c is not translated until now. To-Do for you as professional and enthusiast programmers.
x y
0 0.767838478
1 0.702426493
2 0.733858228
3 0.703275979
4 0.651456058
5 0.62427187
6 0.742353261
7 0.646359026
8 0.695630431
9 0.659101665
10 0.598786652
11 0.592840135
12 0.59199059
B17: =EXP(INDEX(LINEST(LN($B$2:$B$14),$A$2:$A$14),1,2))
C17: =INDEX(LINEST(LN($B$2:$B$14),$A$2:$A$14),1,1)
y = a*e^(b*x) is also the function used for the chart's trend line calculation.
B19: =INDEX(TRENDEXPPLUSC($B$2:$B$14,$A$2:$A$14),1,1)
C19: =INDEX(TRENDEXPPLUSC($B$2:$B$14,$A$2:$A$14),1,2)
D19: =INDEX(TRENDEXPPLUSC($B$2:$B$14,$A$2:$A$14),1,3)
function trendExpPlusC(rangey as variant, rangex as variant) as variant
'get values from ranges
redim x(ubound(rangex)-1) as double
redim y(ubound(rangex)-1) as double
for i = lbound(x) to ubound(x)
x(i) = rangex(i+1,1)
y(i) = rangey(i+1,1)
'make helper arrays
redim dx(ubound(x)-1) as double
redim dy(ubound(x)-1) as double
redim dxyx(ubound(x)-1) as double
redim dxyy(ubound(x)-1) as double
for i = lbound(x) to ubound(x)-1
dx(i) = x(i+1) - x(i)
dy(i) = y(i+1) - y(i)
dxyx(i) = (x(i+1) + x(i))/2
dxyy(i) = dy(i) / dx(i)
'approximate b
s = 0
errcnt = 0
for i = lbound(dxyx) to ubound(dxyx)-1
on error goto errorhandler
s = s + log(abs(dxyy(i+1) / dxyy(i))) / (dxyx(i+1) - dxyx(i))
on error goto 0
b = s / (ubound(dxyx) - errcnt)
'approximate a
s = 0
errcnt = 0
for i = lbound(dx) to ubound(dx)
on error goto errorhandler
s = s + dy(i) / (exp(b * x(i+1)) - exp(b * x(i)))
on error goto 0
a = s / (ubound(dx) + 1 - errcnt)
'approximate c
s = 0
errcnt = 0
for i = lbound(x) to ubound(x)
on error goto errorhandler
s = s + y(i) - a * exp(b * x(i))
on error goto 0
c = s / (ubound(x) + 1 - errcnt)
'make y for (y - c) = a*e^(b*x)
for i = lbound(x) to ubound(x)
y(i) = log(abs(y(i) - c))
'get a and b from LINEST for (y - c) = a*e^(b*x)
oFunctionAccess = createUnoService( "" )
args = array(array(y), array(x))
ab = oFunctionAccess.CallFunction("LINEST", args)
if a < 0 then a = -exp(ab(0)(1)) else a = exp(ab(0)(1))
b = ab(0)(0)
trendExpPlusC = array(a, b, c)
exit function
errcnt = errcnt + 1
resume next
end function
The formula y = beax is the exponential regression equation for LibreOffice chart trend lines.
LibreOffice exports all settings
All the settings of LibreOffice, all in the LibreOffice folder.
C:\Users\a←When installing the operating system, the name
entered.\AppData←File Manager ~ "Hidden project" to open, the AppData
folder will be displayed.\Roaming\LibreOffice
Back up the LibreOffice folder, when reinstalling, put the LibreOffice folder in its original place.
1. If the installation is preview edition, because the name of preview edition is LibreOfficeDev, so the LibreOfficeDev folder will be
2. Formal edition can be installed together with preview edition, if both formal edition and preview edition are installed, LibreOffice
folder and LibreOfficeDev folder will be displayed.
3. To clear all settings, just delete the LibreOffice folder, then open the program, a new LibreOffice folder will be created.
LibreOffice exports a single toolbar I made
Common path
C:\Users\a←When installing the operating system, the name
entered.\AppData←File Manager ~ "Hidden project" to open, the AppData
folder will be
connect the branch path of the individual software below.
Branch path
\modules\StartModule\toolbar\The "Start" toolbar I made is placed here.
\modules\swriter\toolbar\The "writer" toolbar I made is placed here.
\modules\scalc\toolbar\The "calc" toolbar I made is placed here.
\modules\simpress\toolbar\The "impress" toolbar I made is placed here.
\modules\sdraw\toolbar\The "draw" toolbar I made is placed here.
\modules\smath\toolbar\The "math" toolbar I made is placed here.
\modules\dbapp\toolbar\The "base" toolbar I made is placed here.
Backup file, when reinstalling, put the file in the original place.
Because of the toolbar that I made myself, default file name, will automatically use Numbering, so to open the file, can know the name of
the toolbar.
The front file name "custom_toolbar_" cannot be changed, change will cause error, behind's file name can be changed. For example:
Do well of toolbar, can be copied to other places to use. For example: In the "writer" Do well of toolbar, can be copied to "calc"
places to use.
LibreOffice self-made symbol toolbar
Step 1 Start "Recording Macros function" Tools\Options\Advanced\Enable macro recording(Tick), in the
"Tools\Macros", the "Record Macro" option will appear.
Step 2 Recording Macros Tools\Macros\Record Macro→Recording action (click "Ω" to enter symbol→select symbol→Insert)→Stop
Recording→The name Macros stored in "Module1" is Main→Modify Main
Step 3 Add item new toolbar Tools\Customize\Toolbar→Add→Enter a name (example: symbol)→OK, the new toolbar will appear in the top
Step 4 Will Macros Add item new toolbar Tools\Customize\Toolbar\Category\Macros\My
Macros\Standard\Module1\Main→Click "Main"→Add item→Modify→Rename (can
be named with symbol)→OK→OK.

Matlab Codgen: Build error: 'lcclnk64' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

This question is on error occurring while C code generation from MATLAB Script.
I want to convert my MATLAB script to standalone executable file. When I ran my file (Code_check.m) with 'codegen' command I got following error in target build log:
'lcclnk64' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file gmake: * [Code_Check_mex.mexw64] Error 1
There are other lines in target build log, commands which probably show build of c file for matlab commands (like randi,fprintf etc.)
I have checked script with %#codegen inclusion and it gives no error. While running with codegen, above mentioned error occurs. I have checked if matlab path is included in system variables path, and it is. So I have no clue how to go on.
Can somebody give some insight on how to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance
My .m script is as follows: (I apologize for long question)
% code
function [Output] = Code_Check
data = coder.load('EMEA_code_prep.mat');
temp_wt = find(data.Wash_cycle_data( randi(2131), : ));
fileID = fopen('Results.txt','w');
if length( find(data.Wash_cycle_data( randi(2131), : )) ) == 1;
fprintf(fileID,'%20s\n','Wash cycle type');
fprintf(fileID,'%20s\n','Wash cycle type');
fprintf(fileID,'%20s\n','N/A for this trial');
fprintf(fileID,'%20s\n','Speen Speed');
temp_SP = data.un_SP(find(data.idx_SP( randi(2131), : )));
fprintf(fileID,'%12.8f\n',temp_SP(1) );
temp_temp_ll = find( data.Loading_level_data( randi(2131),: ) );
if length(temp_temp_ll) == 1
Output(2,3) = Loading_level(temp_temp_ll);
fprintf(fileID,'%20s\n','Loading Level');
elseif length(temp_temp_ll) == 0
%Output(2,3) = NAvar;
fprintf(fileID,'%20s\n','Loading Level');
temp_temp = data.Loading_level(temp_temp_ll);
fprintf(fileID,'%20s\n','Loading Level');
temp_temp_f = find( data.Fabric_type_data( randi(2131),: ) );
if length(temp_temp_f) == 1
fprintf(fileID,'%20s\n','Fabric Type');
elseif length(temp_temp_f) == 0
fprintf(fileID,'%20s\n','Fabric Type');
temp_temp = data.Fabric_type(temp_temp_f);
fprintf(fileID,'%20s\n','Fabric Type');
temp_temp_c = find(data.Color_data( randi(2131),: ) );
if length(temp_temp_c) == 1
elseif length(temp_temp_c) == 0
temp_temp = data.Color(temp_temp_c);
fprintf(fileID,'%20s\n','Wash Results');
temp_WR = data.un_Wresults(find(data.idx_Wresults( randi(131), : )));
fprintf(fileID,'%20s\n','Wash Results');
temp_Spr = data.un_Spresults(find(data.idx_Wresults( randi(131), : )));
Output = data.Title;
and Last few lines of target build log:
14 lcclnk64 -dll -L"C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2014b\sys\lcc64\lcc64\lib64" - L"C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2014b\extern\lib\win64\microsoft" -entry LibMain "Code_Check_mex_lccstub.obj" -s -o Code_Check_mex.mexw64 Code_Check_mexutil.obj Code_Check_data.obj Code_Check_initialize.obj Code_Check_terminate.obj Code_Check.obj randi.obj fopen.obj fileManager.obj fprintf.obj _coder_Code_Check_api.obj _coder_Code_Check_mex.obj _coder_Code_Check_info.obj libmx.lib libmex.lib libmat.lib libemlrt.lib libcovrt.lib libut.lib libmwblas.lib libmwmathutil.lib Code_Check_mex_mex.def
15 'lcclnk64' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
16 operable program or batch file.
17 gmake: *** [Code_Check_mex.mexw64] Error 1

Running command line silently with VbScript and getting output?

I want to be able to run a program through command line and I want to start it with VbScript. I also want to get the output of the command line and assign it to a variable and I want all this to be done silently without cmd windows popping up. I have managed two things separately but not together. Here's what I got so far.
Run the command from cmd and get output:
Dim WshShell, oExec
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("C:\snmpget -c public -v 2c .")
x = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine
Wscript.Echo x
The above script works and does what I want except that cmd pops up for a brief moment.
Here's a script that will run silently but won't grab the output
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Return = WshShell.Run("C:\snmpset -c public -v 2c -t 0 . i 1", 0, true)
Is there a way to get these two to work together?
Let me give you a background on why I want do to this. I am basically polling a unit every 5-10 minutes and I am going to get the script to email or throw a message box when a certain condition occurs but I don't want to see cmd line popping up all day long on my computer. Any suggestions?
You can redirect output to a file and then read the file:
return = WshShell.Run("cmd /c C:\snmpset -c ... > c:\temp\output.txt", 0, true)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\temp\output.txt", 1)
text = file.ReadAll
I have taken this and various other comments and created a bit more advanced function for running an application and getting the output.
Example to Call Function: Will output the DIR list of C:\ for Directories only. The output will be returned to the variable CommandResults as well as remain in C:\OUTPUT.TXT.
CommandResults = vFn_Sys_Run_CommandOutput("CMD.EXE /C DIR C:\ /AD",1,1,"C:\OUTPUT.TXT",0,1)
Function vFn_Sys_Run_CommandOutput (Command, Wait, Show, OutToFile, DeleteOutput, NoQuotes)
'Run Command similar to the command prompt, for Wait use 1 or 0. Output returned and
'stored in a file.
'Command = The command line instruction you wish to run.
'Wait = 1/0; 1 will wait for the command to finish before continuing.
'Show = 1/0; 1 will show for the command window.
'OutToFile = The file you wish to have the output recorded to.
'DeleteOutput = 1/0; 1 deletes the output file. Output is still returned to variable.
'NoQuotes = 1/0; 1 will skip wrapping the command with quotes, some commands wont work
' if you wrap them in quotes.
On Error Resume Next
'On Error Goto 0
Set f_objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set f_objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
If OutToFile = "" Then OutToFile = "TEMP.TXT"
tCommand = Command
If Left(Command,1)<>"""" And NoQuotes <> 1 Then tCommand = """" & Command & """"
tOutToFile = OutToFile
If Left(OutToFile,1)<>"""" Then tOutToFile = """" & OutToFile & """"
If Wait = 1 Then tWait = True
If Wait <> 1 Then tWait = False
If Show = 1 Then tShow = 1
If Show <> 1 Then tShow = 0
f_objShell.Run tCommand & ">" & tOutToFile, tShow, tWait
Set f_objFile = f_objFso.OpenTextFile(OutToFile, 1)
tMyOutput = f_objFile.ReadAll
Set f_objFile = Nothing
If DeleteOutput = 1 Then
Set f_objFile = f_objFso.GetFile(OutToFile)
Set f_objFile = Nothing
End If
vFn_Sys_Run_CommandOutput = tMyOutput
If Err.Number <> 0 Then vFn_Sys_Run_CommandOutput = "<0>"
On Error Goto 0
Set f_objFile = Nothing
Set f_objShell = Nothing
End Function
I am pretty new to all of this, but I found that if the script is started via CScript.exe (console scripting host) there is no window popping up on exec(): so when running:
cscript myscript.vbs //nologo
any .Exec() calls in the myscript.vbs do not open an extra window, meaning
that you can use the first variant of your original solution (using exec).
(Note that the two forward slashes in the above code are intentional, see cscript /?)
Here I found a solution, which works for me:
set wso = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
set exe = wso.Exec("cmd /c dir /s /b d:\temp\*.jpg")
sout = exe.StdOut.ReadAll
Look for assigning the output to Clipboard (in your first script) and then in second script parse Clipboard value.
#Mark Cidade
Thanks Mark! This solved few days of research on wondering how should I call this from the PHP WshShell. So thanks to your code, I figured...
function __exec($tmppath, $cmd)
$WshShell = new COM("WScript.Shell");
$tmpf = rand(1000, 9999).".tmp"; // Temp file
$tmpfp = $tmppath.'/'.$tmpf; // Full path to tmp file
$oExec = $WshShell->Run("cmd /c $cmd -c ... > ".$tmpfp, 0, true);
// return $oExec == 0 ? true : false; // Return True False after exec
return $tmpf;
This is what worked for me in my case. Feel free to use and modify as per your needs. You can always add functionality within the function to automatically read the tmp file, assign it to a variable and/or return it and then delete the tmp file.
Thanks again #Mark!
Dim path As String = GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)
Dim filepath As String = path + "\" + "your.bat"
' Create the file if it does not exist.
If File.Exists(filepath) = False Then
End If
Dim attributes As FileAttributes
attributes = File.GetAttributes(filepath)
If (attributes And FileAttributes.ReadOnly) = FileAttributes.ReadOnly Then
' Remove from Readonly the file.
attributes = RemoveAttribute(attributes, FileAttributes.ReadOnly)
File.SetAttributes(filepath, attributes)
Console.WriteLine("The {0} file is no longer RO.", filepath)
End If
If (attributes And FileAttributes.Hidden) = FileAttributes.Hidden Then
' Show the file.
attributes = RemoveAttribute(attributes, FileAttributes.Hidden)
File.SetAttributes(filepath, attributes)
Console.WriteLine("The {0} file is no longer Hidden.", filepath)
End If
Dim sr As New StreamReader(filepath)
Dim input As String = sr.ReadToEnd()
Dim output As String = "#echo off"
Dim output1 As String = vbNewLine + "your 1st cmd code"
Dim output2 As String = vbNewLine + "your 2nd cmd code "
Dim output3 As String = vbNewLine + "exit"
Dim sw As New StreamWriter(filepath)
If (attributes And FileAttributes.Hidden) = FileAttributes.Hidden Then
' Hide the file.
File.SetAttributes(filepath, File.GetAttributes(filepath) Or FileAttributes.Hidden)
Console.WriteLine("The {0} file is now hidden.", filepath)
End If
Dim procInfo As New ProcessStartInfo(path + "\" + "your.bat")
procInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized
procInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
procInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
procInfo.FileName = path + "\" + "your.bat"
procInfo.Verb = "runas"
it saves your .bat file to "Appdata of current user" ,if it does not exist and remove the attributes
and after that set the "hidden" attributes to file after writing your cmd code
and run it silently and capture all output saves it to file
so if u wanna save all output of cmd to file just add your like this
code > C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\output.txt
just replace word "code" with your .bat file code or command and after that the directory of output file
I found one code recently after searching alot
if u wanna run .bat file in vb or c# or simply
just add this in the same manner in which i have written