General question on the address generation using WavesCS - wavesplatform

I'm new to WAVES and I'm learning by experimenting. I just want to know if unlike masternode coins where addresses are stored in the wallet file, with WavesCS, once you generate a seed and create a private key out of it, is the wallet address generated can be used already as is without the need to write to the wallet file or to the blockchain itself?
Node node = new Node();
String walletSeed = PrivateKeyAccount.GenerateSeed();
PrivateKeyAccount privateKeyAccount = PrivateKeyAccount.CreateFromSeed(walletSeed, node.ChainId, 0);
String walletAddress.Text = privateKeyAccount.Address;

Based on my experiment, the answer is yes to my question. All addresses generated from seed by PrivateKetAccount will already work as is and can be imported to other WAVES wallet using the seed. On the other hand, if you use /Addresses post method with corresponding API Key, you generate address but it can't be imported since the address is tied to the seed of the main node wallet.


Derive the private key from Account seed hash in Waves

I am starting my new waves blockchain by creating a jar file and start from the genesis block. It starts the node and shows the seed base58 hash and account as well as wallet data is stored in the wallet.dat file in encrypted form.
I am able to get account seed hash by API /addresses/seed/{address}. but I don't find where the seed is stored in text format or how can I derive the private key from it.
Link :
In the above link, they give us libraries but they randomly select the seeds. but don't want that I want to provide my one seeds.
So the problems are as follows:
I don't find account or wallet seeds in text format only just their hash through API.
How can I generate the private key from the wallet.dat file where all information is encrypted.
Please do help.

How to recalculate private data hash from Hyperledger Fabric

I need to recompute the hash of private data to proof the integrity of the data. When private data collections are used the private data are stored in SideDBs and the hash of the data on the ledger according to the documentation. Basically the question splits up into two subquestions:
How to access the hash of the private data?
Which method to use to recompute the hash that is saved on the ledger?
Thanks in advance.
I use Hyperledger Fabric v1.4.2 with private data. I followed marbles example.
I expect to be able to calculate the private data hash and verify that it corresponds to the hash saved in the ledger.
to get the SHA256 hash (using Fabric 1.4.x contract API) use:
let pdHashBytes = await ctx.stub.getPrivateDataHash(collectionA, readKey);
let actual_hash = pdHashBytes.toString('hex');
You can calculate the private data written on Ubuntu like shown below.
echo -n "{\"name\":\"Joe\",\"quantity\":999}" |shasum -a 256
and verify they match. So that's the mechanics of using private data method and verify patterns. Now lets add information about salting mechanics, as mentioned elsewhere in this post.
For most uses of private data, you'll most likely use a random salt so the private data cannot be brute force attacked in the permissioned blockchain network (between agreed parties). The salt is passed along in the same transient field as the private data. And (later on), it will need to be included with the private data itself, when recalculating the private data hash. See
Don't use it, private data is security hole.
It amazes me that nobody had mentioned this before so I guess I better point this out now before more damages are being done.
The logic behind Privated data is simple, it puts data in a local embedded data store and puts a hash of that data on Blockchain.
The issue is that cryptographic hash is not an encryption mechanism, same data hashed by anyone using the same hashing algorithm (which is also very standardized) will always get the same hash! This is exactly what hash functions are designed for, and that’s why we use hash in digital signature to allow anyone to validate signed data.
However, this also means anyone can “decrypt” the data behind the hash by using dictionary attack.
Hashing is cheap, the cost of each hash on a normal laptop CPU core is about 3 microseconds, basically I can create 1 billion candidate hashes within one hour on a single laptop CPU core, and compare them to the hashes on Hyperledger Fabric DLT.
And I am just talking about using a single core on my laptop, not even 50% power of my laptop
Why is it dangerous? Because if an attacker is connected to a Blockchain system, the attacker knows the range of the data being hashed (etc, trade ID, item name, bank name, address, cell phone number), so you can easily create dictionary attack to get the true data behind the hash out.
How about adding salt to each data to be hashed? Well, that’s one thing Hyperledger Fabric didn’t do.
To their defense, Hyperledger didn’t implement salt because it is difficult to pass salts to counter parties. You can’t use DLT to pass salt value because attackers would see it, so you have to create another P2P connection with counter party. If you need to create connection with all the counter parties, what’s the point of using Blockchain in the first place?
It’s just scary that so many people are using this security whole.

Create Wavesplatform address address from seed

I want to generate addresses in the code of my application and then make transactions from these addresses. To sign transactions - I need some waves on this accounts. But how can I get the address, knowing only it's seed?
A first question would be to ask what progamming language are you using?
My favorite is pywaves.
In pywaves it is as easy to create a address from your seed by executing following code:
myAddress = pw.Address(seed='put your seed here')
This library knows how to convert the seed into an address object. From there you can execute actions on the object. If you want to get your address back as a string you can use:
There are also other library's like wavesJ or similar javascript/C++/.. library's, however I don't have a lot off experience with those.

What is the best way to import data into holochain from another source, like mongo?

MongoDB => Holochain Rust DHT
How to import, if possible
If I am using a different app backend, like mongo, and I get my holochain set up correctly and configured, is there a way to get the data from mongo to holochain? How would I do that?
Here is the question in context
Definitely technologically possible; you could write a nodejs script, fire up a Holochain container with the holochain-nodejs library, and import all the data as one agent. Then when users join the HC-based network, they vouch for their identity in some way and 'claim' all the data as theirs.
Here's a sketch of how it could look:
you (let's call you 'agent 0') import all the data.
For each user, you create an 'anchor' with the user's ID (I'll explain anchors in a
sec) and link each piece of data to the anchor.
You also record that
user's password hash as a private entry on your own source chain. A
user joins the network and is required to prove continuity of
They do this by using node-to-node messaging to send their
user ID and their password hash to you privately. You authorise them
to claim their identity by publishing an entry that says that "agent
public key x = user ID". (You would probably want to link from your
authorisation entry to their user ID anchor and their public key too,
for convenience's sake.)
The user collects all their data by asking
for all the links to their user ID anchor.
The user then publishes
each piece of their data to their own source chain as a way of
'claiming' ownership of it.
Now, every redundant copy of the data in
the DHT has two authors in its metadata fields -- you and the user
that actually owns the data. Peers validate that piece of data by
saying, "Is agent 0 already the author of this piece of data?
If so,
has agent 0 published an authorisation entry that says that the new
author of this data is allowed to claim/republish it?"
Problems with this approach (not insurmountable):
Agent 0 has to be online all the time cuz they never know when a new
user is going to sign up and try to claim their data. Agent 0 has to
import a ton of data. (I don't think it'd be vastly
time-prohibitive though)
For relational data, there's the chicken-and-egg problem of how to
create links if the data doesn't exist. I'm thinking not of linking
data to data -- that can be done on initial import -- but linking
data to humans, who now have a public key which might not exist on
the DHT yet because they haven't joined the network. That would
always have to happen per-user once they join, and it could create
some cyclic dependency problems.
Re: anchors, an anchor is just a pattern that consists of a base and a link -- the base is a simple string, so it's easy for anyone who knows the string to find it by hash. It acts as, well, an anchor to hang links off of. That's why I'm recommending using it to connect legacy user IDs to pieces of content. You can get sample source code for implementing the anchor pattern at (note that this is for the legacy version of Holochain, so it's written in JavaScript).
( answer provided by
pauldaoust )

How to securize an entitie on Sails?

I'm developing an API with Sails, and now I need to securize some variables from an entity. Those variable will be accesed only from Admin or own user.
I have an structure like this:
Employee (contains your employee records)
Location (contains a record for each location you operate)
I need to encrypt phonenumber and accountbank, to avoid anyone to see the values of this fields in the DataBase. Only the owner or the admin.
How I can do that? Thanks
You are looking for a way to encrypt data so that people with no required access right could not see it.
The solution for that is not Sails.js specific and Node actually comes with tools to encrypt data :
The key rule here is to always keep your secret password safe.
As for integration in your Sails.js application, I would use callbacks in Models. The official documentation provides a good example here :
Basically you just define a function that will be called each time the record is about to be created, fetched or updated. You can then apply your encrypt/decrypt functions there.
This will encrypt/decrypt your phone numbers and bank account numbers automatically.
Regarding access control, you can use Sails' policies along with authentication to determine if the client has the right to access the resource. If not you can always remove attributes from the response sent back to the client.