How to recalculate private data hash from Hyperledger Fabric - hash

I need to recompute the hash of private data to proof the integrity of the data. When private data collections are used the private data are stored in SideDBs and the hash of the data on the ledger according to the documentation. Basically the question splits up into two subquestions:
How to access the hash of the private data?
Which method to use to recompute the hash that is saved on the ledger?
Thanks in advance.
I use Hyperledger Fabric v1.4.2 with private data. I followed marbles example.
I expect to be able to calculate the private data hash and verify that it corresponds to the hash saved in the ledger.

to get the SHA256 hash (using Fabric 1.4.x contract API) use:
let pdHashBytes = await ctx.stub.getPrivateDataHash(collectionA, readKey);
let actual_hash = pdHashBytes.toString('hex');
You can calculate the private data written on Ubuntu like shown below.
echo -n "{\"name\":\"Joe\",\"quantity\":999}" |shasum -a 256
and verify they match. So that's the mechanics of using private data method and verify patterns. Now lets add information about salting mechanics, as mentioned elsewhere in this post.
For most uses of private data, you'll most likely use a random salt so the private data cannot be brute force attacked in the permissioned blockchain network (between agreed parties). The salt is passed along in the same transient field as the private data. And (later on), it will need to be included with the private data itself, when recalculating the private data hash. See

Don't use it, private data is security hole.
It amazes me that nobody had mentioned this before so I guess I better point this out now before more damages are being done.
The logic behind Privated data is simple, it puts data in a local embedded data store and puts a hash of that data on Blockchain.
The issue is that cryptographic hash is not an encryption mechanism, same data hashed by anyone using the same hashing algorithm (which is also very standardized) will always get the same hash! This is exactly what hash functions are designed for, and that’s why we use hash in digital signature to allow anyone to validate signed data.
However, this also means anyone can “decrypt” the data behind the hash by using dictionary attack.
Hashing is cheap, the cost of each hash on a normal laptop CPU core is about 3 microseconds, basically I can create 1 billion candidate hashes within one hour on a single laptop CPU core, and compare them to the hashes on Hyperledger Fabric DLT.
And I am just talking about using a single core on my laptop, not even 50% power of my laptop
Why is it dangerous? Because if an attacker is connected to a Blockchain system, the attacker knows the range of the data being hashed (etc, trade ID, item name, bank name, address, cell phone number), so you can easily create dictionary attack to get the true data behind the hash out.
How about adding salt to each data to be hashed? Well, that’s one thing Hyperledger Fabric didn’t do.
To their defense, Hyperledger didn’t implement salt because it is difficult to pass salts to counter parties. You can’t use DLT to pass salt value because attackers would see it, so you have to create another P2P connection with counter party. If you need to create connection with all the counter parties, what’s the point of using Blockchain in the first place?
It’s just scary that so many people are using this security whole.


Is it legitimate to insert UUIDs into Postgres that have been generated by a client application?

The normal MO for creating items in a database is to let the database control the generation of the primary key (id). That's usually true whether you're using auto-incremented integer ids or UUIDs.
I'm building a clientside app (Angular but the tech is irrelevant) that I want to be able to build offline behaviour into. In order to allow allow offline object creation (and association) I need the the client appplication to generate primary keys for new objects. This is both to allow for associations with other objects created offline and also to allow for indempotence (making sure I don't accidentally save the same object to the server twice due to a network issue).
The challenge though is what happens when that object gets sent to the server. Do you use a temporary clientside ID which you then replace with the ID that the server subsequently generates or you use some sort of ID translation layer between the client and the server - this is what Trello did when building their offline functionality.
However, it occurred to me that there may be a third way. I'm using UUIDs for all tables on the back end. And so this made me realise that I could in theory insert a UUID into the back end that was generated on the front end. The whole point of UUIDs is that they're universally unique so the front end doesn't need to know the server state to generate one. In the unlikely event that they do collide then the uniqueness criteria on the server would prevent a duplicate.
Is this a legitimate approach? The risk seems to be 1. Collisions and 2. any form of security that I haven't anticipated. Collisons seem to be taken care of by the way that UUIDs are generated but I can't tell if there are risks in allowing a client to choose the ID of an inserted object.
However, it occurred to me that there may be a third way. I'm using UUIDs for all tables on the back end. And so this made me realise that I could in theory insert a UUID into the back end that was generated on the front end. The whole point of UUIDs is that they're universally unique so the front end doesn't need to know the server state to generate one. In the unlikely event that they do collide then the uniqueness criteria on the server would prevent a duplicate.
Yes, this is fine. Postgres even has a UUID type.
Set the default ID to be a server-generated UUID if the client does not send one.
UUIDs are designed to not collide.
Any form of security that I haven't anticipated.
Avoid UUIDv1 because...
This involves the MAC address of the computer and a time stamp. Note that UUIDs of this kind reveal the identity of the computer that created the identifier and the time at which it did so, which might make it unsuitable for certain security-sensitive applications.
You can instead use uuid_generate_v1mc which obscures the MAC address.
Avoid UUIDv3 because it uses MD5. Use UUIDv5 instead.
UUIDv4 is simplest, it's a 122 bit random number, and built into Postgres (the others are in the commonly available uuid-osp extension). However, it depends on the strength of the random number generator of each client. But even a bad UUIDv4 generator is better than incrementing an integer.

Is there an alternative to MD5 hashing when the input is public?

I have a database of similar integers by the fact that they all share the same first 3 numbers:
Each one is associated to a user, and they are all almost exposed to the public, meaning they are sent as a sort of peer discovery, but not directly shared. I don't want the bare integer to be accessible, so I thought about hashing them with a one-way hashing function like MD5.
Since the output is not reversible like encryption or compression algorithm do, it looks great. But there's a problem; Getting the integer database is easy and inevitable, so looping through them, hashing the loop results and comparing all the hashes to the ones sent through peer communication is going to be a trivial job for malicious users.
The schema is something like this:
user1[hash(integer1),hash(integer2)...] -> |server hash database| ->
hash(integer1) = user8
hash(integer2) = user40
A malicious user will get user1 integers data by social engineering or other means and hash all of them to see if they're in the database by adding them to his peers data.
Now, is there any hashing algorithm to avoid this type of situation? I need the peers to communicate without giving out their integers data but still both mutually associate the same integer to a unique hash. In alternative, is key signing the only solution? I would like to avoid it since it will make the whole system slower.
Have you thought about salting your MD5? What that means is that you have some sort of secret key that only your application knows. This is actually always a good practice. So rather than doing this...
You would append the "salt" inside of the MD5 like this...
md5($userId . 'this is a secret shhh!')
Now they can't get the integer from the MD5.

use the database id as the restful service id expose a threat?

I have a restful service for the documents, where the documents are stored in mongodb, the restful api for the document is /document/:id, initially the :id in the api is using the mongodb 's object id, but I wonder deos this approach reveal the database id, and expose the potential threat, should I want to replace it with a pseudonymity id.
if it is needed to replace it the pseudonymity id, I wonder if there is a algorithmic methods for me to transform the object id and pseudonymity id back and forth without much computation
First, there is no "database id" contained in the ObjectID.
I'm assuming your concern comes from the fact that the spec lists a 3 byte machine identifier as part of the ObjectID. A couple of things to note on that:
Most of the time, the ObjectID is actually generated on the client side, not the server (though it can be). Hence this is usually the machine identifier for the application server, not your database
The 3 byte Machine ID is the first three bytes of the (md5) hash of the machine host name, or of the mac/network address, or the virtual machine id (depending on the particular implementation), so it can't be reversed back into anything particularly meaningful
With the above in mind, you can see that worrying about exposing information is not really a concern.
However, with even a small sample, it is relatively easy to guess valid ObjectIDs, so if you want to avoid that type of traffic hitting your application, then you may want to use something else (a hash of the ObjectID might be a good idea for example), but that will be dependent on your requirements.

Best practices for personal private keys

I'm just starting to use RSA keys in my daily work, and I have a few questions regarding the best ways to use them.
The biggest question revolves around the idea of multiple clients and multiple servers. Here's a scenario:
I have two client computers:
And there are two servers which I will be authenticating:
My own local server
Remote service (e.g. Github)
So, generally, how many key-pairs would you recommend in this situation?
One key-pair: This key is "Me" and I use it everywhere.
One per client: This key is "This client" and I put it on each server I mean to connect to from that client.
One key-pair per server: This is the key "for this service", and I bring the private key to each client I want to connect to it from.
One for every combination: Every unique client-server pairing has its own key-pair.
If none of these is significantly superior or worse to any other, can you outline the pros and cons of each so that a person could choose for themselves?
Of your four options, the two I like are:
One per client: This key is "This client" and I put it on each server I mean to connect to from that client.
This gives you the easy ability to revoke all keys for a specific client in the event it is compromised -- delete the one key on every service. It also only scales linearly in the number of clients, which will probably make key management easier. It even fits neatly with the OpenSSH key model, which is to give every client one key that is used on multiple servers. (You can do other models with OpenSSH, which is nice. But this is the easiest thing to do as it happens without any effort on your part.)
One for every combination: Every unique client-server pairing has its own key-pair.
This has the downside of forcing you to revoke multiple keys when a single client is compromised, but it'll be one key per service anyway, so it isn't significantly worse. The better upside is that it'll be significantly harder for one service to serve as a middleman between you and another service. This is not a real concern most of the time, but if your (Laptop,Server,SMTP) key were suddenly being used for (Laptop,Server,SSH), you'd have some opportunity to notice the oddity. I'm not sure this ability is worth the quadratic increase in keys to manage.
The usual way to do this is your "One per client" option. That way, in case of a compromised client key, you can revoke just that key from the servers where it is allowed. If you want extra work, you can do "One for every combination".
The above options avoid copying private key data between hosts.

How to separate a person's identity from his personal data?

I'm writing an app which main purpose is to keep list of users
I would like to ensure that even I as a developer (or anyone with full
access to the database) could not figure out how much money a
particular person has spent or what he has bought.
I initially came up with the following scheme:
user_hash | item | price
a45cd654fe810 | Strip club | 400.00
a45cd654fe810 | Ferrari | 1510800.00
54da2241211c2 | Beer | 5.00
54da2241211c2 | iPhone | 399.00
User logs in with username and password.
From the password calculate user_hash (possibly with salting etc.).
Use the hash to access users data with normal SQL-queries.
Given enough users, it should be almost impossible to tell how much
money a particular user has spent by just knowing his name.
Is this a sensible thing to do, or am I completely foolish?
I'm afraid that if your application can link a person to its data, any developer/admin can.
The only thing you can do is making it harder to do the link, to slow the developer/admin, but if you make it harder to link users to data, you will make it harder for your server too.
Idea based on #no idea :
You can have a classic user/password login to your application (hashed password, or whatever), and a special "pass" used to keep your data secure. This "pass" wouldn't be stored in your database.
When your client log in your application I would have to provide user/password/pass. The user/password is checked with the database, and the pass would be used to load/write data.
When you need to write data, you make a hash of your "username/pass" couple, and store it as a key linking your client to your data.
When you need to load data, you make a hash of your "username/pass" couple, and load every data matching this hash.
This way it's impossible to make a link between your data and your user.
In another hand, (as I said in a comment to #no) beware of collisions. Plus if your user write a bad "pass" you can't check it.
Update : For the last part, I had another idea, you can store in your database a hash of your "pass/password" couple, this way you can check if your "pass" is okay.
Create a users table with:
user_id: an identity column (auto-generated id)
password: make sure it's hashed!
Create a product table like in your example:
The user_hash will be based off of user_id which never changes. Username and password are free to change as needed. When the user logs in, you compare username/password to get the user_id. You can send the user_hash back to the client for the duration of the session, or an encrypted/indirect version of the hash (could be a session ID, where the server stores the user_hash in the session).
Now you need a way to hash the user_id into user_hash and keep it protected.
If you do it client-side as #no suggested, the client needs to have user_id. Big security hole (especially if it's a web app), hash can be easily be tampered with and algorithm is freely available to the public.
You could have it as a function in the database. Bad idea, since the database has all the pieces to link the records.
For web sites or client/server apps you could have it on your server-side code. Much better, but then one developer has access to the hashing algorithm and data.
Have another developer write the hashing algorithm (which you don't have access to) and stick in on another server (which you also don't have access to) as a TCP/web service. Your server-side code would then pass the user ID and get a hash back. You wouldn't have the algorithm, but you can send all the user IDs through to get all their hashes back. Not a lot of benefits to #3, though the service could have logging and such to try to minimize the risk.
If it's simply a client-database app, you only have choices #1 and 2. I would strongly suggest adding another [business] layer that is server-side, separate from the database server.
This overlaps some of the previous points. Have 3 servers:
Authentication server: Employee A has access. Maintains user table. Has web service (with encrypted communications) that takes user/password combination. Hashes password, looks up user_id in table, generates user_hash. This way you can't simply send all user_ids and get back the hashes. You have to have the password which isn't stored anywhere and is only available during authentication process.
Main database server: Employee B has access. Only stores user_hash. No userid, no passwords. You can link the data using the user_hash, but the actual user info is somewhere else.
Website server: Employee B has access. Gets login info, passes to authentication server, gets hash back, then disposes login info. Keeps hash in session for writing/querying to the database.
So Employee A has user_id, username, password and algorithm. Employee B has user_hash and data. Unless employee B modifies the website to store the raw user/password, he has no way of linking to the real users.
Using SQL profiling, Employee A would get user_id, username and password hash (since user_hash is generated later in code). Employee B would get user_hash and data.
Keep in mind that even without actually storing the person's identifying information anywhere, merely associating enough information all with the same key could allow you to figure out the identity of the person associated with certain information. For a simple example, you could call up the strip club and ask which customer drove a Ferrari.
For this reason, when you de-identify medical records (for use in research and such), you have to remove birthdays for people over 89 years old (because people that old are rare enough that a specific birthdate could point to a single person) and remove any geographic coding that specifies an area containing fewer than 20,000 people. (See
AOL found out the hard way when they released search data that people can be identified just by knowing what searches are associated with an anonymous person. (See
The only way to ensure that the data can't be connected to the person it belongs to is to not record the identity information in the first place (make everything anonymous). Doing this, however, would most likely make your app pointless. You can make this more difficult to do, but you can't make it impossible.
Storing user data and identifying information in separate databases (and possibly on separate servers) and linking the two with an ID number is probably the closest thing that you can do. This way, you have isolated the two data sets as much as possible. You still must retain that ID number as a link between them; otherwise, you would be unable to retrieve a user's data.
In addition, I wouldn't recommend using a hashed password as a unique identifier. When a user changes their password, you would then have to go through and update all of your databases to replace the old hashed password IDs with the new ones. It is usually much easier to use a unique ID that is not based on any of the user's information (to help ensure that it will stay static).
This ends up being a social problem, not a technological problem. The best solutions will be a social solution. After hardening your systems to guard against unauthorized access (hackers, etc), you will probably get better mileage working on establishing trust with your users and implementing a system of policies and procedures regarding data security. Include specific penalties for employees who misuse customer information. Since a single breach of customer trust is enough to ruin your reputation and drive all of your users away, the temptation of misusing this data by those with "top-level" access is less than you might think (since the collapse of the company usually outweighs any gain).
The problem is that if someone already has full access to the database then it's just a matter of time before they link up the records to particular people. Somewhere in your database (or in the application itself) you will have to make the relation between the user and the items. If someone has full access, then they will have access to that mechanism.
There is absolutely no way of preventing this.
The reality is that by having full access we are in a position of trust. This means that the company managers have to trust that even though you can see the data, you will not act in any way on it. This is where little things like ethics come into play.
Now, that said, a lot of companies separate the development and production staff. The purpose is to remove Development from having direct contact with live (ie:real) data. This has a number of advantages with security and data reliability being at the top of the heap.
The only real drawback is that some developers believe they can't troubleshoot a problem without production access. However, this is simply not true.
Production staff then would be the only ones with access to the live servers. They will typically be vetted to a larger degree (criminal history and other background checks) that is commiserate with the type of data you have to protect.
The point of all this is that this is a personnel problem; and not one that can truly be solved with technical means.
Others here seem to be missing a very important and vital piece of the puzzle. Namely, that the data is being entered into the system for a reason. That reason is almost universally so that it can be shared. In the case of an expense report, that data is entered so that accounting can know who to pay back.
Which means that the system, at some level, will have to match users and items without the data entry person (ie: a salesperson) being logged in.
And because that data has to be tied together without all parties involved standing there to type in a security code to "release" the data, then a DBA will absolutely be able to review the query logs to figure out who is who. And very easily I might add regardless of how many hash marks you want to throw into it. Triple DES won't save you either.
At the end of the day all you've done is make development harder with absolutely zero security benefit. I can't emphasize this enough: the only way to hide data from a dba would be for either 1. that data to only be accessible by the very person who entered it or 2. for it to not exist in the first place.
Regarding option 1, if the only person who can ever access it is the person who entered it.. well, there is no point for it to be in a corporate database.
It seems like you're right on track with this, but you're just over thinking it (or I simply don't understand it)
Write a function that builds a new string based on the input (which will be their username or something else that cant change overtime)
Use the returned string as a salt when building the user hash (again I would use the userID or username as an input for the hash builder because they wont change like the users' password or email)
Associate all user actions with the user hash.
No one with only database access can determine what the hell the user hashes mean. Even an attempt at brute forcing it by trying different seed, salt combinations will end up useless because the salt is determined as a variant of the username.
I think you've answered you own question with your initial post.
Actually, there's a way you could possibly do what you're talking about...
You could have the user type his name and password into a form that runs a purely client-side script which generates a hash based on the name and pw. That hash is used as a unique id for the user, and is sent to the server. This way the server only knows the user by hash, not by name.
For this to work, though, the hash would have to be different from the normal password hash, and the user would be required to enter their name / password an additional time before the server would have any 'memory' of what that person bought.
The server could remember what the person bought for the duration of their session and then 'forget', because the database would contain no link between the user accounts and the sensitive info.
In response to those who say hashing on the client is a security risk: It's not if you do it right. It should be assumed that a hash algorithm is known or knowable. To say otherwise amounts to "security through obscurity." Hashing doesn't involve any private keys, and dynamic hashes could be used to prevent tampering.
For example, you take a hash generator like this:
// From
// Johannes Baagoe <>, 2010
function Mash() {
var n = 0xefc8249d;
var mash = function(data) {
data = data.toString();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
n += data.charCodeAt(i);
var h = 0.02519603282416938 * n;
n = h >>> 0;
h -= n;
h *= n;
n = h >>> 0;
h -= n;
n += h * 0x100000000; // 2^32
return (n >>> 0) * 2.3283064365386963e-10; // 2^-32
mash.version = 'Mash 0.9';
return mash;
See how n changes, each time you hash a string you get something different.
Hash the username+password using a normal hash algo. This will be the same as the key of the 'secret' table in the database, but will match nothing else in the database.
Append the hashed pass to the username and hash it with the above algorithm.
Base-16 encode var n and append it in the original hash with a delimiter character.
This will create a unique hash (will be different each time) which can be checked by the system against each column in the database. The system can be set up be allow a particular unique hash only once (say, once a year), preventing MITM attacks, and none of the user's information is passed across the wire. Unless I'm missing something, there is nothing insecure about this.