Modifying pre-receive hooks on Bitbucket Cloud - bitbucket-server

We have Bitbucket Cloud not Bitbucket Server. Is there a way to modify the "pre-receive" functions on Bitbucket? Goal is to audit pushes to make sure there's no obvious vulnerabilities before the code is available on Bitbucket. Git-hooks might work but there's not really a way to get them into version control in the same repo - the only way I can think of doing that would be to ssh into a Bitbucket server and modify the remote repo but I don't think you can do that?
My only guess is there might be a way to keep the pre-receive hooks in source control by putting the hook somewhere like this in the repo:
But it's hard to find any info on this online.

Unfortunately, this isn't possible.
The GitHub documentation is talking about GitHub Enterprise Server, a product you would install on your own infrastructure. GitHub as in does not support creating pre-receive hooks at all. This is pretty much the norm amongst the popular cloud git hosting providers - no cloud provider will let you write your own arbitrary code and run it on the same infrastructure that holds your git repo, there's too much danger of you breaking out into other data on the same physical storage.
Until someone develops a safe/sandboxed implementation of server-side hooks, you'll need to find another way.
Full disclosure: I work for Atlassian (though I don't work on Bitbucket Cloud)


Automate mirroring GitHub to GCP Source Repository?

We run Google Cloud Functions (python), which require to be deployed from Google Cloud Source Repository. Since all the code is stored on GitHub we resort to first mirroring GitHub into Source Repository. Although this only requires a few mouse clicks, it becomes a burden to repeat over 3+ projects (dev, staging, production) times 5+ repos (5+ apps).
I am looking to automate the mirroring config, preferably to add into the Terraform automation we already use, into a hands-off project configuration. Does the Google API support this mirroring automation? So far on my Google Cloud expedition everything was available in their API!
I fail to find Terraform examples though, and would appreciate a tip.
Come to think of it, if I can take Source Repository out of the equation, that would be just fine with me too. After all, I only use it as a pass-through / empty shell.
The Cloud Source Repository API includes a Repo resource that has a Mirror Config object where you could type in your Github's URL, webhook and credentials to automate this procedure. I would initially test it with the create method, but if you have an existing Cloud Source Repository I believe the patch method will also be worth exploring.
Additionally, there is an open Feature Request in order to connect a repository via the Cloud Build GitHub App that I recommend you to star and follow, as it could further ease your automation needs.

Automatically mirroring a Gitlab repo onto Github on push

I'm looking for a way to automatically mirror my Gitlab repos to Github, on push. I use Gitlab repos as my main repos, and would rather have to push to only one remote. But, I want my code to be browsable on Github also.
I found similar questions on StackOverflow, such as this one.
But the answers are always the same: one should add a custom post-receive git hook to the gitlab repo. This requires a shell access to the server running Gitlab. As I'm hosting a community edition Gitlab for many users, and not only me, they can't have easy access to a shell (and this isn't the most user-friendly way to do this), so it does not fit my needs.
I thought about two ways to implement it:
Either a MirrorOnPush project service, implementing such a git hook in Ruby, as the EmailOnPush project service currently do.
Or use a custom server to clone and push the repo, using a webhook.
The first one seems to be the cleaner to me, but I can't find any doc about Gitlab project service and code structure… On the other hand, the second is a bad and ugly hack, but is almost straightforward.
I'd rather implement a project service to handle it. Do you have any doc or leads on how to write a project service for Gitlab (without having to read all the Gitlab source code, as there seems to be no dev doc…) ?
Thanks !
one should add a custom post-receive git hook to the gitlab repo.
Actually, that was the best solution, up until 7.x GitLab, as I detailed in "Gitlab repository mirroring";
A true project service for repo mirroring is requested, but not voted up enough: suggestion: suggestion 4614663.
The main documentations remains:
the app models project services folder,
the spec models project services folder,
the doc/project_services,
the project services scenarios.
This isn't much, as the OP noted before.
Since it That leaves you with the hack approach.

How can I add a custom git hook to a GitHub Enterprise repo?

I've fired up an instance of GitHub Enterprise (11.10.272) and created a repository. I've written a pre-receive hook in Ruby which I'd like to use with that repository.
GitHub Enterprise, like regular GitHub, allows the configuration of service hooks. I tried to SSH into the GitHub Enterprise server to create a hook file, but I couldn't find the repo directory. Furthemore, GitHub Enterprise's terms forbid modifying the VM, so I'm not confident this is a great approach.
It seems GitHub:FI supported hooks. The current version of the FI to Enterprise migration tool does not currently support hooks according to Migrating from GitHub:FI.
I know that this is really old, but GitHub Enterprise 2.6 just came out with pre-receive hooks. More information can be learned here:
I'm fairly certain this will perfectly align with the things you are looking for. Hopefully this either helps OP, or anyone else who stumbles upon this later!
Based on my email with GitHub customer support, pre-receive hooks aren't supported for GitHub Enterprise as of May 2013.
We don't have admin access on our GHE box, so we couldn't go in and "fix" this if we wanted to.
They claim that things they do would break if you could reject commits. I assume they mean things like automatic merging of pull requests, but I'm not sure.
They have an extensive set of post-commit webhooks which you could use for post-commit functionality.
I'm looking into building a "pass-through git server" -- basically, poll the GHE API frequently to make a local clone of any repo that exists on certain GHE accounts, and then auto-clone it with custom pre-recieve and post-receive hooks. This would let us clone off the pass-through server, do our pre-receive hooks there, and push approved changes through to GHE. There doesn't seem to be any kind of standard pass-through server for git out there yet, probably because you need to know what repos to clone, which doesn't seem to have a standard git API.
GitHub Enterprise seems to store repostories in /data/repositories. Each repository has hooks generated by a template. I can modify these hooks, but that would surely break something. The template hooks seem to look for hooks in another location, but that location is defined in config and I can't find it.

Best source code control for a university environment (low overhead to manage repositories)

Does anyone know of a solution (web hosted or otherwise) for a source code control system that would work well in a university environment where information technology is the focus? We'd like to offer it as a campus-wide "version-control service", much like universities do with an email service. Specifically, I'm talking about the following peculiarities:
There are a large number of new repositories created/managed each semester. Any programming course or research project could require students to use source code control, in various source code environments (including .NET, Java, C++, LaTeX).
Students should be able to create and manage themselves the repositories. Involving an administrator/instructor/etc. is not scalable otherwise.
Repository storage should be secure (private), and archivable for respecting intellectual property (preventing plagiarism, protecting research IP).
Any or all of the flavors of source code control (e.g., CVS/SVN/GIT) would be acceptable.
Remote access to repositories is essential. Student/researchers have freedom to work either in designated lab spaces or remotely. Marking of assignments can be done by instructors who've "checked out" the code anywhere.
If an academic license exists, it must scale for >500 students.
Many commercial/free products (web-based or otherwise) don't satisfy conditions #1 and #2, as they require superusers to administer accounts/repositories/accesses. Solutions such as Google Code,, GitHub, etc. don't satisfy condition #3, as the repositories are always public.
Here's free one:
You can add repositories over this tool.
For security you use RSA Keys.
And I would suggest to use Git. SVN and CVS are outdated.
GitHub would appear to satisfy your requirements. You can set up your own instance in your intranet;
You could use git in the students private file storage if they have such a thing, git doesn't require hosting other than a place to store files.
Redmine (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs)
Private Assembla (?) (SVN, Git, Mercurial)
One solution I use is to create a master GIT repository in a Truecrypt variable size encrypted container. The container is placed in a Dropbox folder. The repository is cloned to the local hard drive which becomes the working directory. All the work is done and checked in on the local repository. I wrote scripts that mount the encrypted container, pushes/pulls the local repo to the master repo and dismounts the encrypted container. Dropbox detects the changes in the encrypted container and syncs it to the Dropbox server. Security is maintained as an encrypted file is the only thing sent to the server. Only real way to ensure security is doing the encryption yourself.
All you need to set this up is a few scripts, truecrypt installed and a Dropbox account. Could probably write some basic software to automate some of the steps. To make it scaleable and low cost, the basic steps are still valid. Create a master and local repository, encrypt the master repo, work on the local repo and sync changes to the master, back up the encrypted master repo online or on a server.

Organizing workflow with Mercurial and Netbeans (+

I've never worked with any version control systems before. Now I'm trying to learn Mercurial, but I'm confused (I've already read about 10-15 articles + I don't know how to organize the workflow.
I have a testing server and a production server. I work from my office computer and from my home laptop. I make changes directly on the testing server, and every week or so copy new code to my production server. I also need wiki/issues/etc. pretty much everything has. I know that's a bad way of doing things.
Is there any tutorial or articles on how to organize the workflow? I'd also appreciate any schemes/sketches describing the process.
Thank you!
[Edit: Changed based on comments]
Using Bitbucket
Once you have created an account.
You should be able to create a repo with an appropriate url. Then you can clone it to create a local repository.
Check out getting started.
See the following to push the updates to BitBucket.
BitBucket comes with very extensive documentation.
Also there are, other useful tools to work with BitBucket:
BitbucketExtension that allows you to use command line for a number of operations.
Using Mercurial Queues and
Organizing workflow
You will have to evolve a workflow that suits you. In your case, it looks like you have a testing server and production server.
So , you can setup two repositories, one for the testing server ad one for production. You can make push to testing server automatic so that you can test out the changes immediately. You can tag releases that are then pushed to production server.
Your local repo can be used to publish changes to testing server.
You can push the approved changes, tagged to BitBucket repository.