Organizing workflow with Mercurial and Netbeans (+ - netbeans

I've never worked with any version control systems before. Now I'm trying to learn Mercurial, but I'm confused (I've already read about 10-15 articles + I don't know how to organize the workflow.
I have a testing server and a production server. I work from my office computer and from my home laptop. I make changes directly on the testing server, and every week or so copy new code to my production server. I also need wiki/issues/etc. pretty much everything has. I know that's a bad way of doing things.
Is there any tutorial or articles on how to organize the workflow? I'd also appreciate any schemes/sketches describing the process.
Thank you!

[Edit: Changed based on comments]
Using Bitbucket
Once you have created an account.
You should be able to create a repo with an appropriate url. Then you can clone it to create a local repository.
Check out getting started.
See the following to push the updates to BitBucket.
BitBucket comes with very extensive documentation.
Also there are, other useful tools to work with BitBucket:
BitbucketExtension that allows you to use command line for a number of operations.
Using Mercurial Queues and
Organizing workflow
You will have to evolve a workflow that suits you. In your case, it looks like you have a testing server and production server.
So , you can setup two repositories, one for the testing server ad one for production. You can make push to testing server automatic so that you can test out the changes immediately. You can tag releases that are then pushed to production server.
Your local repo can be used to publish changes to testing server.
You can push the approved changes, tagged to BitBucket repository.


Easy Deployment with Github?

I searched the web now for several hours but couldn't get around this:
Is there an easy way to deploy a private repository from Github to a staging/development server on each push (or at least manually)? (Best would be if only FTP-data of development server would be needed for this).
I found this: How can I automatically deploy my app after a git push ( GitHub and node.js)? but this kind of "tutorial" in the best answer stops at the point of what exactly to insert into the And what modules are needed for this on the development server? SSH, GIT, Ruby? Maybe this sounds stupid to you, or is a wrong thinking of mine, cause nowhere on the net I found any answer to this.
The problem is, that most time, the server on which the contents of the master branch should be deployed is on a shared hosting server, where you doesn't always have SSH, GIT, Python, Ruby, etc. on which most solutions for deploying from github seem to rely on... :/ is really great at this, you can just enter FTP-Data and deploy automatically or manually for chosen repositories and branches. So I wondered why I couldn't find a similar easy way to deploy from Github?
Thank you very much in advance!
It isn't really clear what type of project you have, but here are a couple of ideas.
If your code is written in a compiled language, then you could:
Have a Jenkins server as mentioned in the other comment
Write a simple script in bash that does a git pull and compile and add a cron job to it.
Use an automation framework like Chef or Puppet which would automatically keep the compiled binary up to date.
If your code is an interpreted language (like HTML & JavaScript), then you could:
Use vagrant for local testing. The biggest reason is that changes are live on your local system. It only takes a git push on your machine and a git pull on the production server to make your changes live globally.
Your best bet is probably going to be #2.

DVCS with Central Build/ automatic push to server feature?

I am looking for alternatives to NWDI (Stands for Netweaver Development Infrastructure by SAP) source control system for developing
Java EE Applications. Primarily because:
NWDI is not DVCS : So developers have to be online to do just about anything.
User Interface: Its very difficult to use and train developers on using this system.
Tracking Changes/Generating Reports: Very limited support for this.
For example I cant find out what projects (Files within the project) have been changed in the last 2 weeks.
Code Review: You can do code reviews, it has a good diff utility. But thats about it, there is no way to attach code reviews to a change request.
Branching and Merging are extremely painful.
However the current system has a few handy features:
Automatic Builds: No need to write any build scripts , everything is built in. So when a new repository (we call it track)
is created it automatically configures the build based on the type of components (Supported by the repository) selected on creation.
A Central Build is triggered whenever a developer commits (Activates the changes). Irrespective of the status of the build the changes are now inflicted on the entire team.
Automatic push to Central Test Server: While creating a repository you can define all the servers (Central test, QA, Prod). A developer can push his changes by a
click of a button to Central Test Server. Again everything is built in and there is no need to extend any hooks like you have to do in Mercurial.
I was exploring Mercurial, Kiln and but couldn't find anything helpful. For mercurial Hooks can be used to do the same but I guess some customization effort is required.
Are there any cool DVCS like Mercurial which does the above 2 as well or is it something that I have to customize to make it work?
I don't know of a DVCS proposing everything build-in.
The only alternative (not DVCS, but with some of DVCS characteristics in it) is Rational Team Concert or RTC (free for up to 10 developers).
With a DVCS alone, the usual setup for CI and reviews is:
Gerrit (review)
Jenkins (scheduler)
See "Using Gerrit Git Review with Jenkins CI Server"
Looks like there nothing useful out of the box. I am going to try out Kiln as it appears to be easy to use and try customizing it.

is there a deploy tool (or set of tools) that supports rollback of a deployment?

I'm learning FluentMigrator. The thing that I like about FM is that it supports the idea of Forward and Back for migrations (aka Up/Down). I'm finding that it's not ideal about this; there are some holes. Still, it's good.
This leads me to wonder if there are any deployment tools (nant, msbuild or other) that support this idea of rolling forward and back. The scenario that I'm using it in is the deployment of a web app with a related database.
Ideally I'd like to set up my deployment so that, should any part of it fail, it will revert to the previous known working configuration. With FM, this is pretty easy to do (but there are rough spots), so that covers the db. How about the files that make up the web app? Do any deploy tools have support for this?
Deploying to a Windows Server. Assume that I can't make any changes to the server.
I don't know of any Microsoft-centric, automated provisioning/deployment tools like Capistrano. Here are some tools I've heard of, but never used:
MSDeploy, for deploying web application.
Microsoft Deployment Services, for managing operating system configuration
Microsoft's System Center Configuration Manager
HP's Operations Center
Up until about three months ago, we did our deployment/provisioning using custom MSBuild scripts. After a server is provisioned, deploys happen automatically using Robocopy to copy files to a share on the application server, updating changed application binaries and markup files. We've never had a need to rollback any of our deployments, but since our scripts are custom, we could write the logic if we needed to.
MSBuild is a terrible deployment/provisioning language. For the past three months, we've been writing all new scripts in, and porting existing ones to, PowerShell. It is wonderful. With version 2, there is support for running commands on remote servers, like SSH. We haven't used that functionality yet, but I'm looking forward to pushing setup scripts to remote server to provision and deploy at the same time.
We have been using Git to do our deploys for the last 6 months.
Here is the whole process:
CI server build the project
CI server checks it in to a local git repository
CI server pushes the changes to the centralised git repository
User creates an empty repository on the live server
User adds the central git repository to the remotes
User pulls the latest version over https (no need to open any ports)
It is a lot to setup in the beginning but once setup it works great. Deploys take seconds as only changed files get copied.
Another great thing about this method is that git keeps history of changes so rolling back is pretty simple. You can also roll back a few revisions and it's done straight on the live server. If something goes wrong reverting is super fast.
Also you can save some time if you use a hosted git service (github) for your central repository.
This is a very brief description but I can give you more info if you want.
Of course! My favorite is Capistrano. This was originally built for Ruby but I've found that it works just as well for other languages.

Simplest way to use mercurial to manage differences between web development and deployment?

I am using mercurial for website development. I "think" I'm using it correctly.
I develop on my development machine, commit fairly regularly. I will somewhat regularly push my commits to my hosted site-dev repository.
If things are set up how I want them for the live site, I push from my dev machine to the hosted site-live repository. Then I pull down from that repository onto the live server.
However, there are some changes that need to be made (changing directories from localhost to, changing the DB connection stuff, etc.).
What I did was made these changes on my live machine, then pushed them back up to the site-live repository. I don't know why I did that, really, but at least there's a changeset sitting there with the necessary config changes.
What I don't know how to do is manage this process. I'm a little lost beyond committing, pushing and pulling with hg. I'm a single developer and haven't even done a merge yet.
Is there some way to keep that particular changeset identified, and just apply it, hopefully even BEFORE I pull from the repo down to the live server?
I think you can tell from my question that I'm in a little over my head with hg and workflow at the moment ;)
This is my understanding:
What essentially you are trying to do is have a development, staging and deployment environment. You do your development using 'development' repository, test it on a staging environment and then once satisfied, pull those changes into deployment repository.
And when you pull from staging to deployment, you need to change your environment / configuration data.
My take is you should not be changing the configuration at all.
You should have configuration files such that you have a
basic configuration file
Environment specific overrides, basic.staging.conf and basic. deployment.conf
Use environment variable:
The overrides to the basic configuration data should be defined via an environment
specific variable : APP_ENV : dev or staging or deploy
This way you should be able to override the configuration based on the environment without changing the configuration information.
It is not a good idea to rely on making changes to config files each time you pull your code from development to staging to deployment.
I would keep the live server outside the version control. Meaning that I would have a small "install" script that pulls updates from the repository, removes any unnecessary development files, and applies the correct configuration files. Both development and production configuration files should be in version control.

Best practice updating a website

currently my work-flow is as follows:
Locally on a machine I maintain a git repo on each website I am working on, when the time comes to publish something I compress the folder and upload this single file to the production server via ssh then I decompress, test the changes a move the changes to the live folder and I get rid of the .git folder.
I was wondering if the use of a git repo on the live server was a good idea, seems to be at first but it can be problematic if a change doesn't look the same on on the production server in comparison to the local development machine... this could start a fire...
What about creating a bare repo on some folder on production server then clone from there to the public folder thus pushing updates from local machine to the bare repo and pulling from the bare on the public folder of the production server... may anyone plese provide some feedback.
Later I read about capistrano but I have no experience w/ this software...
In your experience what is the best practice/methodology to accomplish a website deployment/updates?
Thanks in advance and for your feedback.
I don't think that our method can be called best practice, but it has served us well.
We have several large databases for our application (20gb+), so maintaining local copies on each developers computer has never really been an option, and even though we don't develop against the live database, we do need to do the development against a database that is as close to the real thing as possible.
As a consequence we use a central web server as well, and keep a development branch of our subversion trunk on it. Generally we don't work on the same part of the system at once, but when we do need to do that, or someone is making a lot of substantial changes, we branch the trunk and create a new vhost on the dev server.
We also have a checkout of the code on the production servers, so after we're finished testing we simply do a svn update on the production servers. We've implemented a script that executes the update command on all servers using ssh. This is extremely convinient, since our code base is large and takes a lot of time to upload. Subversion will only copy the files that actually have been changed, so it's a lot faster.
This has worked really well for us, and the only thing to watch out for is making changes on the production servers directly (which of course is a no-no from the beginning) since it might cause conflicts when updating.
I never thought about having a repository copy on the server. After reading it, I thought it might be cool... However, updating the files directly in the live environment without testing is not a great idea.
You should always update a secondary environment matching exactly the live one (webserver + DB version, if any) and test there. If everything goes well, then put the live site under maintenance, update files, and go live again.
So I wouldn't make the live site a copy of the repository, but you could do so with the test env. You'll save SSH + compressing time, plus you can check out any specific revision you'd like to test.
Capistrano is great. The default recipes The documentation is spotty, but the mailing list is active, and getting it set up is pretty easy. Are you running Rails? It has some neat built-in stuff for Rails apps, but is also used fairly frequently with other types of webapps.
There's also Webistrano, which is based on Capistrano but has a web front-end. Haven't used it myself. Another deployment system that seems to be gaining some traction, at least among Rails users, is Vlad the Deployer.