Azure DevOps REST API - How are Picklists associated with Field? - rest

I am trying to use rest to create fields and picklists, on the web site I created a field as type picklist String and added some items to the list:
Rest url for field:{org}/_apis/work/processes/{processId}/workitemtypes/CMMI2.Bug/fields/Custom.AppType?api-version=5.0-preview.2
it is returning this:
referenceName: "Custom.AppType",
name: "AppType",
type: "string",
description: "",
url: "{org}/_apis/work/processes/bd96307e-3d16-44ac-b498-be1a8daff2d5/behaviors",
customization: "custom"
Rest URL for picklist:{org}/_apis/work/processes/lists/{picklistId}?api-version=5.0-preview.1
this returns:
items: [
id: "{picklistId}",
name: "picklist_{diffGuidFromPickListId}",
type: "String",
isSuggested: false,
url: "{org}/_apis/work/processes/lists/{picklistId}"
Here is documentation for this:
Firstly - why is type of field string when it should be picklistString (as per documentation link)?
Secondly - how is the picklist linked to the field?

The picklistString refers to the name of the type, its actual property is string, so the field type it displays in type is string.
Secondly - how is the picklist linked to the field?
(1) To achieve this, you can use this API:
Here is my request body for you reference:
  "name": "{FieldName}",
  "referenceName": "{the reference name of WIT},
  "type": "string",
  "usage": "workItem",
  "readOnly": false,
  "canSortBy": true,
  "isQueryable": true,
  "supportedOperations": [
      "referenceName": "{the reference name of WIT}"
      "name": "="
  "isIdentity": true,
  "isPicklist": true,
  "isPicklistSuggested": false,
  "url": null
Note: Set isPicklist as true, and you can link picklist to this new field.
(2) For UI operation, just add new field, open the drop-down list of type and select picklist(string)/picklist(Integer) as what you need.
The difference between picklist(string) and picklist(Integer) is that picklist(string) allow a pick list of short text string (255 characters or less) values, and picklist(Integer) contains a pick list of Integer values.

It would appear that this is all moot, since the picklistId property cannot be changed once it has been set (i.e. at field creation).
In this reference material, picklistId has "No" as its value for the "Can change?" column:


How to specify an unknown number of a parameter in the response Open API

I'm trying to model my API using swagger and the Open API 3.0 specification. I have made some schemas and now I'm modeling the response of my endpoints. The problem is that they return something like this:
"name": "this attribute is always here"
"type1": { "description": "this maybe appear or not" },
"type2": { "description": "this maybe appear or not" },
"typeN": { "description": "N is not a fixed number, it may range from 0 to another positive integer" },
I know how to model the array and the object (with the name property). The problem comes when I have to model the typeX properties, I do not know how to specify that they are optional and the number of ocurrences is variable. Any idea?
This object is basically a string-to-object dictionary/hashmap with an extra name property. Fixed properties are defined in properties, and the dictionary part can be defined using either patternProperties (in OpenAPI 3.1) or additionalProperties (in OpenAPI 3.0 and 2.0).
OpenAPI 3.1
In OAS 3.1 your object can be defined as follows. Since the optional property names all follow the typeX format, the schema uses patternProperties to define the regex for the property names.
type: object
required: [name]
type: string
patternProperties: # <-- This part defines the "typeX" properties
^type\d+$: # <-- Property name regex
type: object # <-- Property value
type: string
additionalProperties: false # No other properties other than "name" and "typeX"
OpenAPI 3.0 and 2.0
In earlier OAS versions, you use additionalProperties to define "may have extra properties with <such> values", but there's no way to define the format of those property names. You can however mention the property name format in the schema description and also add a schema example for documentation purposes.
type: object
description: >-
In addition to the `name` property, this object may have an arbitrary
number of properties named `typeX` where X is a positive integer.
required: [name]
type: string
# This part defines the *value* of the typeX properties
type: object
type: string
# Optional schema example
name: something
description: ....
description: ....

Canvas PowerApp Form unable to get fields from Custom Connector returning tabular data from REST API

I created a Custom Connector our of my REST API that returns tabular data. I used it as a datasource in a canvas powerapp, which store the records from the custom connector into a collection. This collection is used as datasource by a Gallery which successfully displays the items and attributes of each item. However, when I try to create an Edit Form that uses the collection as datasource it cannot access the fields. It does not work using directly the custom connector as data source either.
In this answer from #aorphan I read that you can use custom connectors in forms as long as they return tables instead of actions. And as far as I can see, the content of the collection is tabular data:
Even the columns of the collection can be accessed as attributes of the item displayed by the Gallery:
However, even after setting the collection as datasource of a new Edit Form, it is unable to add any fields from the datasource:
Just in case my data needs some richer definition to be correctly interpreted by the Form, the JSON returned by my API looks like this:
"quotes": [
"quote_pk": 347,
"shipment_name": "test add leg",
"organization_ff_name": "LIFE",
"quote_id": "1234",
"effective_until": "2020-05-10",
"eta": "2020-05-14T12:00:00Z",
"price": 100.0,
"quote_status": 2
"quote_pk": 345,
"shipment_name": "test modal review",
"organization_ff_name": "LIFE",
"quote_id": "123",
"effective_until": "2020-05-11",
"eta": "2020-05-22T12:00:00Z",
"price": 1749.94,
"quote_status": 6
And the definition of my Custom Connector goes like this:
swagger: '2.0'
info: {title: some title, description: some description, version: '1.0'}
basePath: /organizations/endpoint/
schemes: [https]
consumes: []
produces: []
/organizations/endpoint/shipment_quotes/: {}
description: default
type: object
type: array
type: object
quote_pk: {type: integer, format: int32, description: quote_pk}
shipment_name: {type: string, description: shipment_name}
organization_ff_name: {type: string, description: organization_ff_name}
quote_id: {type: string, description: quote_id}
effective_until: {type: string, description: effective_until}
eta: {type: string, description: eta}
price: {type: number, format: float, description: price}
quote_status: {type: integer, format: int32, description: quote_status}
description: quotes
summary: peration summary
description: operation description
operationId: operationId
- {name: Content-Type, in: header, required: false, type: string}
- {name: Accept, in: header, required: false, type: string}
definitions: {}
parameters: {}
responses: {}
securityDefinitions: {}
security: []
tags: []
Please help me to get the datasource right so the form be able to add its fields, or at least let me know in case this is not possible for some reason so I can move on.
Formally, Collections cannot be used as a DataSource for Form controls in PowerApps. You're efforts are admirable and it looks like you've tried just about everything, so I'll pass my little secret.
Its probably not officially supported so use at your own risk.
Create a Collection of the response from your Custom Connector (which you've done)
Add a Gallery control and set its Items property to the Collection (which you've already done)
Add an Edit Form control and set its DataSource property to the Collection (which you've already done)
Click the three little dots and Add Custom Card
Add a TextBox control to the Custom Card.
Set the TextBox Default property to gallery.Selected.X where "X" is the value you want to edit in the form.
Repeat steps 4-7 for each form field you wish to capture.
Create a "Submit" button in the Form which Patches/UpdateIf's the Collection then calls your POST (or PUT) method from the Custom Connector to patch the edits back to your DataSource.
8a. I only see a GET request in your swagger file. You'll (obviously) need a POST/PUT to get the data from the Collection back up to your DataSource.
8b. This little "wrapper" is likely what PowerApps handles for you when you use an "approved" DataSource for a Form control.
Note: Your Form will show "No data source" in the PowerApps studio, but your user won't see it.
Here it is in action:
Help much?

How to add operation to Token in SAPUI5?

I am using a MultiInput control to which I am adding Tokens based on input from the user. For this I have used addValidator function to add Token with 'key' and 'text'.
I am looking to add operator (like 'EQ') along with this data to the Token. I found customData aggregation for sap.m.Token control. Can this be used to add operations to the Token along with the key and text fields?
Below code does not work:
return new Token({
customData: [{
key: "range",
value: {
exclude: false,
keyField: "LabelKey",
operation: "EQ",
value1: "sometext",
value2: null
I was able to add a Token with 'EQ' operation in the following manner.
('text' is the value entered by user in the MultiInput control retrieved using the parameters of addValidator function to the MultiInput control)
return new Token({
key: "range_0",
text: "=" + text
}).data("range", {
"exclude": false,
"operation": ValueHelpRangeOperation.EQ,
"keyField": "ProductId",
"value1": text,
"value2": ""
before which I had to define:
var ValueHelpRangeOperation = compLibrary.valuehelpdialog.ValueHelpRangeOperation;
where compLibrary is 'sap/ui/comp/library'

How do I express JSON-API sparse fieldsets with OpenAPI-3.0

I'm implementing an OpenAPI-3.0 spec for my API, and I plan on using sparse fieldsets as a parameter for GETs. The examples for parameters using style=deepObject are a little sparse, so I'm not sure if I've got this exactly right.
- in: query
name: fields
style: deepObject
type: object
type: string
Can I combine both the deepObject and additionalProperties options?
I want to support flexible query parameter inputs like this:
GET /articles?include=author&fields[articles]=title,body&fields[people]=name
but I don't want to have to spell out every single option for each resource and field.
Your definition is correct. You might also need to add allowReserved: true so that the comma in =title,body is not percent-encoded, and you can add a parameter example value for documentation purposes:
- in: query
name: fields
style: deepObject
allowReserved: true
type: object
type: string
articles: title,body
people: name
When using "try it out" in Swagger UI, enter the parameter value in the JSON format like so:
"articles": "title,body",
"people": "name"
Swagger UI will serialize the parameter as

Swagger response class Map

I have a REST API that returns, essentially a Map of (String, Object) where Object is either
A custom bean (let's say class Bean) or
A List of elements, all of type Bean
In JSON, this translates very well to:
"val1":"some string",
"val2":"some other string",
"val3":"another string"
"val1":"some string",
"val2":"some other string",
"val3":"another string"
"val1":"some string",
"val2":"some other string",
"val3":"another string"
Via swagger annotations, is there a way to specify this kind of a dynamic Map as the response class?
I read the 'Open API Specification' - 'Add support for Map data types #38' page. As far as I understand, it recommends to use additionalProperties, but I haven't managed to make it work with Swagger UI 2.1.4 (see my related question: Swagger: map of string, Object).
I have found the following work-around: define an object, with one property that is the key, and with an inner object as the value for the "key" property.
The display in Swagger UI is correct, but one does not see it is a map, so it is then needed to explain in the comment that this is actually a map.
In your case, I find it a bit weird to have once a Bean, and once a list of Beans: I would find it more logical to have an array of one Bean in the first case.
Still, you could do, for example:
your_property: {
description: "This is a map that can contain several objects indexed by different keys. The value can be either a Bean or a list of Beans.",
type: object,
properties: {
key_for_single_bean: {
description: "The value associated to 'key_for_single_bean' is a single Bean",
$ref: "#/definitions/Bean"
key_for_list_of_beans: {
description: "The value associated to 'key_for_list_of_beans' is an array of Beans",
type: array,
items: {$ref: "#/definitions/Bean"}