How to specify an unknown number of a parameter in the response Open API - openapi

I'm trying to model my API using swagger and the Open API 3.0 specification. I have made some schemas and now I'm modeling the response of my endpoints. The problem is that they return something like this:
"name": "this attribute is always here"
"type1": { "description": "this maybe appear or not" },
"type2": { "description": "this maybe appear or not" },
"typeN": { "description": "N is not a fixed number, it may range from 0 to another positive integer" },
I know how to model the array and the object (with the name property). The problem comes when I have to model the typeX properties, I do not know how to specify that they are optional and the number of ocurrences is variable. Any idea?

This object is basically a string-to-object dictionary/hashmap with an extra name property. Fixed properties are defined in properties, and the dictionary part can be defined using either patternProperties (in OpenAPI 3.1) or additionalProperties (in OpenAPI 3.0 and 2.0).
OpenAPI 3.1
In OAS 3.1 your object can be defined as follows. Since the optional property names all follow the typeX format, the schema uses patternProperties to define the regex for the property names.
type: object
required: [name]
type: string
patternProperties: # <-- This part defines the "typeX" properties
^type\d+$: # <-- Property name regex
type: object # <-- Property value
type: string
additionalProperties: false # No other properties other than "name" and "typeX"
OpenAPI 3.0 and 2.0
In earlier OAS versions, you use additionalProperties to define "may have extra properties with <such> values", but there's no way to define the format of those property names. You can however mention the property name format in the schema description and also add a schema example for documentation purposes.
type: object
description: >-
In addition to the `name` property, this object may have an arbitrary
number of properties named `typeX` where X is a positive integer.
required: [name]
type: string
# This part defines the *value* of the typeX properties
type: object
type: string
# Optional schema example
name: something
description: ....
description: ....


Why are the OpenAPI 3 oneOf example objects not always valid against both schemas

The specification for the oneOf keyword in has an example schema as well as three example objects. The request body is oneOf the Dog or Cat schema:
type: object
type: boolean
type: string
enum: [Dingo, Husky, Retriever, Shepherd]
type: object
type: boolean
type: integer
And the three JSON objects:
Object 1
"bark": true,
"breed": "Dingo"
Object 2
"bark": true,
"hunts": true
Object 3
"bark": true,
"hunts": true,
"breed": "Husky",
"age": 3
They say, the first object is valid against one of the schemas (I assume they mean the Dog schema), the second one is not valid against both schemas and the third is valid against both schemas. This means the second and third object are not correct request bodies.
But why are not all three objects valid against both schemas? None of the keywords for objects mentioned here are used. And the types of the properties match for all the objects.
I played with this validator and wrote also a simple schema with an object with some properties and even an empty json validates against the schema.
It seems that my assumptions are correct and all objects are valid against the oneOf schema. I found an issue reporting this:

OpenAPI parameter description vs parameter schema description

In OpenAPI 3.0, I'm wondering what the difference is when describing parameters. For example, what is the difference between descriptions "Foo" and "Bar" below? Is the one for "Foo" more for the semantics of the parameter and the one for "Bar" more for the syntax, if that makes sense? Should just one be used generally (and which if so)?
"name": "someParameter",
"in": "query",
"description": "Foo",
"schema": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Bar"
The parameter description is specified by the description in the parameter itself.
It just so happens that parameters use a schema to define the data type, and schemas can have their own description. In the context of parameters, you can think of the schema-level description as the description of the parameter's data type.
The two descriptions are semantically separate. Schema-level decription is NOT a fallback for missing parameter description.
Here's another example:
summary: Delete a user
- in: path
name: id
required: true
description: The ID of the user you want to delete.
type: string
format: uuid
description: >-
A unique identifier in the format "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".
In practice, parameters usually don't have a schema-level description specified because it's often redundant.

How do I express JSON-API sparse fieldsets with OpenAPI-3.0

I'm implementing an OpenAPI-3.0 spec for my API, and I plan on using sparse fieldsets as a parameter for GETs. The examples for parameters using style=deepObject are a little sparse, so I'm not sure if I've got this exactly right.
- in: query
name: fields
style: deepObject
type: object
type: string
Can I combine both the deepObject and additionalProperties options?
I want to support flexible query parameter inputs like this:
GET /articles?include=author&fields[articles]=title,body&fields[people]=name
but I don't want to have to spell out every single option for each resource and field.
Your definition is correct. You might also need to add allowReserved: true so that the comma in =title,body is not percent-encoded, and you can add a parameter example value for documentation purposes:
- in: query
name: fields
style: deepObject
allowReserved: true
type: object
type: string
articles: title,body
people: name
When using "try it out" in Swagger UI, enter the parameter value in the JSON format like so:
"articles": "title,body",
"people": "name"
Swagger UI will serialize the parameter as

Freeform subobject in json-schema

I am drafting an API documentation with and is trying to make it fit to our use case. The system is going to receive and process data from all sources, and they would each have different sets of fields.
While the product of the processing share the same schema, we want to include the input in the schema too for reference purpose. For instance, given
"foo": "bar"
"bar": "baz"
The product of the processing is
"original": {
"foo": "bar",
"bar": "baz"
"processed": {
"stdFieldA": "bar",
"stdFieldB": "baz"
Assuming for each input from different sources, we end up having stdFieldA and stdFieldB. So the response schema object we have
type: object
type: object
type: string
type: string
now that we have the processed subobject defined, can we define a freeform object for the original input, so that this object coming from another source is valid
"alpha": "lorem",
"beta": "ipsum"
If I don't get any answer to this, my workaround to the problem would be storing the original input as string (convert the original input into JSON string).
type: object without properties describes a free-form object. So the response schema can be:
type: object
type: object # <----------
type: object
type: string
type: string

Swagger response class Map

I have a REST API that returns, essentially a Map of (String, Object) where Object is either
A custom bean (let's say class Bean) or
A List of elements, all of type Bean
In JSON, this translates very well to:
"val1":"some string",
"val2":"some other string",
"val3":"another string"
"val1":"some string",
"val2":"some other string",
"val3":"another string"
"val1":"some string",
"val2":"some other string",
"val3":"another string"
Via swagger annotations, is there a way to specify this kind of a dynamic Map as the response class?
I read the 'Open API Specification' - 'Add support for Map data types #38' page. As far as I understand, it recommends to use additionalProperties, but I haven't managed to make it work with Swagger UI 2.1.4 (see my related question: Swagger: map of string, Object).
I have found the following work-around: define an object, with one property that is the key, and with an inner object as the value for the "key" property.
The display in Swagger UI is correct, but one does not see it is a map, so it is then needed to explain in the comment that this is actually a map.
In your case, I find it a bit weird to have once a Bean, and once a list of Beans: I would find it more logical to have an array of one Bean in the first case.
Still, you could do, for example:
your_property: {
description: "This is a map that can contain several objects indexed by different keys. The value can be either a Bean or a list of Beans.",
type: object,
properties: {
key_for_single_bean: {
description: "The value associated to 'key_for_single_bean' is a single Bean",
$ref: "#/definitions/Bean"
key_for_list_of_beans: {
description: "The value associated to 'key_for_list_of_beans' is an array of Beans",
type: array,
items: {$ref: "#/definitions/Bean"}