How can I get list of postgres clusters in windows - postgresql

I'm trying to get a list of my postgreSQL clusters on windows. In linux it seems you can run pg_lsclusters, but it seems to not be available on windows. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I'm running postgreSQL 11.


How to stop PGAdmin 4 auto detecting a ghost instance?

I had Postgresql 9.6 installed (on Windows 10) and did a complete uninstall including the data directory and all old copies of PgAdmin and there are no environment variables relating to this or any other old Postgres installation either.
I recently installed Postgresql 11 and PgAdmin 4 v3.6 using EnterpriseDB installer. When I run PgAdmin 4 it aurto detects a postgresql instance called 9.6 - though the details tell me it is actually my v11 instance with the same port number and password etc. The only difference is that it is pointing to the non-existent old data directory.
I have searched for a stray postgresql.conf file (and can't find one as it was in the deleted data directory!). As there is also no environment variables, no binaries and no data I can't understand how PgAdmin is auto detecting this ghost. Any suggestions on how to correct it?
I have tried deleting all cookies relating to PgAdmin and Postgresql in Chrome too - this had no effect
I have also double checked that there is no postgresql 9.6 service running (but that just confirms the above where PgAdmin tells me it is called 9.6 but actually is a v11 instance)
Try deleting pgAdmin4 config file pgadmin4.db located at %APPDATA%\pgAdmin\
Restart pgAdmin4 and check.

Postgresql Service stopped running

I am running PostgreSQL v9.6 on windows 10. Today I tried using a program that uses PostgreSQL Databases and couldn't connect to it. I went to the Services menu in Computer Management and noticed PostgreSQL wasn't running. I tried to run it and received
When I goto PGAdmin4 both Databases are still running however.

PostgreSQL 9.6 Master on CentOS, Replica On Ubuntu?

I know it isn't ideal, but I'm wondering if there are any limitations preventing me from having a downstream replica be on Ubuntu (xenial), while its upstream replica is on CentOS?
I've got postgresql installed on the Ubuntu box and plan to set the $PGDATA dir and all of those settings the same as the CentOS boxes.
I'm just curious of anyone has tried this and run into any snags.
In principle that would work as long as both Linuxen are running on the same architecture. But read this mailing list post for an example of what can go wrong:
PostgreSQL uses the operating system's collations for ordering indexes, and if the two versions of glibc installed on both machines have a different idea of how to order strings, the indexes on string columns will be corrupted on the standby.
So if you need to replicate across distributions, make sure that one of the following applies:
You are using the C collation.
All indexes on string columns in your database are using the text_pattern_ops operator class.
You have the same version of glibc on both machines.

Failed to initialise Postgres DB cluster on windows

I am beginning in postgresql, and I have this problem after installing it on windows. Any idea?
First Run the PostgreSQL installer using Adminitsrator

Upgrading from postgres-9.3 to postgres-9.5

I need to use the new jsonb field in postgres so I decided to upgrade to 9.5 in my ununtu 16.04 LTS. I followed this tutorial , but when it gets to the command pg_upgradecluster 9.3 main, I get the error that cluster configuration already exists. I checked other tutorials and found that I could get the list of clusters with pg_lsclusters. But the command always shows only the 9.3 cluster. Any attempt to create the 9.5 cluster always results to cluster configuration already exists. I purged the 9.5 and installed again multiple times but the same result. At last I decided to purge all the postgres installations I have after backing up my 9.3 cluster with pg_dumpall.
Now I have decided to install the 9.5 freshly but I still get the same thing. When I install pg_lsclusters shows nothing and after starting postgres psql always returns psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
Right now I'm so tired and frustrated. Please if anyone has any possible solution or suggestion, help
The problem seemed to be from the version 9.5 in the postgres repositories. I installed 9.6 and everything worked like magic. Had I known there was a stable 9.6 earlier, I wouldn't have wasted 6 hours of my life in something I could have done for 10 minutes. Anyway, I'm happy I have have a working postgres with jsonb field