How to update mongo Object - mongodb

I need to update my mongo Document following is my schema
{ "_id" : 7742, "current_count" : { "abc" : 6 } }
And need to update current_count object where i don't know the key and if the same key occurred need to replace the value as below.
{ "_id" : 7742, "current_count" : { "abc" : 6 ,"xyz":10} }
if "abc" encounters just need to replace it's value,
{ "_id" : 7742, "current_count" : { "abc" : 456 ,"xyz":10} }

You just need to loop over the keys which you getting as payload and need to create and set dynamic key value pair to $set operator
const data = {
abc: 456,
xyz: 10
const object = {}
for (var key in data) {
object[`current_count.${key}`] = data[key]
Which would output as 456 10
And then just put it in your query
const query = { "_id" : 7742 };
const update = { "$set": object };
await Model.findOneAndUpdate(query, update)


MongoDB: Rename Field in A Collection (Document and Subdocuments)

Using MongoDB 3.6
I have document structure like below
"_id" : ObjectId("5d88"),
"Equipments" : [
"InnerEquipments" : {
"AssetId" : 678
"AssetID" : 456
"AssetID" : 123
I want rename the field from AssetID/AssetId to Asset_ID at all levels.
How can I do this with mongo shell.
The following code can do the trick:
// Getting all documents from the collection
var data = db.collection.find({},{"_id":0}).toArray();
// Converting the data into JSON string
var string = JSON.stringify(data);
// Replacing all variations of assetid with Asset_ID
string = string.replace(/assetid/ig,"Asset_ID");
// Removing existing documents from collection
// Converting the string back to JSON array and inserting it into the DB
"_id" : ObjectId("5d89e9ab0558a18dd9cfc03a"),
"Equipments" : [
"InnerEquipments" : {
"AssetId" : 678
"AssetID" : 456
"AssetID" : 123
"_id" : ObjectId("5d89eea80558a18dd9cfc03b"),
"Equipments" : [
"InnerEquipments" : {
"Asset_ID" : 678
"Asset_ID" : 456
"Asset_ID" : 123
You need to make a script for this.
I have not tested it. Make changes accordingly.
db.collection.find({}).forEach(function(doc) {
if(doc['AssetID']) {
doc['Asset_ID'] = doc['AssetID'];
delete doc['AssetID'];
} else if (doc['AssetId']) {
doc['Asset_ID'] = doc['AssetId'];
delete doc['AssetId']
if(doc.Equipments && doc.Equipments.length) {
doc.Equipments.forEach(function(rec) {
if(rec['AssetID']) {
rec['Asset_ID'] = rec['AssetID'];
delete rec['AssetID'];
} else if (rec['AssetId']) {
rec['Asset_ID'] = rec['AssetId'];
delete rec['AssetId']
if(rec['InnerEquipments']['AssetID']) {
rec['InnerEquipments']['Asset_ID'] = rec['InnerEquipments']['AssetID'];
delete rec['InnerEquipments']['AssetID'];
} else if (rec['InnerEquipments']['AssetId']) {
rec['InnerEquipments']['Asset_ID'] = rec['InnerEquipments']['AssetId'];
delete rec['InnerEquipments']['AssetId']

How to query MongoDb documents using the indices of embedded arrays

I am trying to learn how to use mongo queries to reach deep into a data tree. Specifically, I'm trying to remove the object below {"object": 'to remove'}
"_id" : ObjectId("7840f22736341b09154f7ebf"),
"username" : "nmay",
"fname" : "Nate",
"lname" : "May",
"data" : [
"monthNum" : 1,
"year" : 2016,
"days" : [
"date" : "2016-01-01T06:00:00.000Z",
"type1" : [],
"type2" : []
"date" : "2016-01-02T06:00:00.000Z",
"type1" : [
{"object": 'to remove'}
"type2" : []
so far I know how to query for the user _id, but I'm not sure how to remove the desired object using the indices in each array. In this example I want to remove data[0].days[1].type1[0]
Here is the query that I have so far:
app.delete('/user/:id/data/:monthIndex/days/:dayIndex/type1/:type1Index', function (req, res, next) {
var monthIndex = parseInt(req.params.monthIndex); // these console the value properly
var dayIndex = parseInt(req.params.dayIndex); // -1 is applied to the parameter to translate to array position
var type1Index = parseInt(req.params.type1Index);
{ _id: mongojs.ObjectId( },
{ $pull: data.monthIndex.days.dayIndex.type1.type1Index }
It gives me the error
ReferenceError: data is not defined
Can someone demonstrate how I can pass this query my index parameters to remove the desired object?
Unfortunately, there is no way to remove an array element by its numerical index with a single operation in MongoDB. In order to do this, you need to unset desired element(s) first, and remove the resulting null-valued fields afterwards.
Your code should look something like this:
{ _id : mongojs.ObjectId( },
{ $unset : { 'data.0.days.1.type1.0' : 1 } }
{ _id : mongojs.ObjectId( },
{ $pull : { 'data.0.days.1.type1' : null } }
Edit by #bob: to pass in the parameters you have to build the query string, which is ugly:
var unset = {};
unset['$unset'] = {};
unset.$unset['data.' + req.params.monthIndex + '.days.' + req.params.dayIndex + '.foods.' + req.params.foodIndex] = 1;
db.users.update( { _id : mongojs.ObjectId( }, unset );
var pull = {};
pull['$pull'] = {};
pull.$pull['data.' + req.params.monthIndex + '.days.' + req.params.dayIndex + '.foods'] = null;
db.users.update( { _id : mongojs.ObjectId( }, pull );

MongoDB query to return documents that only have keys amongst a predefined set

The MongoDB query language allows filtering documents based on the existence or absence of a given field with the $exists operator.
Is there a way, with the MongoDB syntax, and given a set K of allowed fields, to exclude documents that have fields not in K from the results, but:
not knowing in advance which extra fields (outside K) can be encountered
not using JavaScript, that is, the $where operator?
"Some field" : "foo"
"Some field" : "bar",
"Some other field" : "foobar"
With the set K = [ "Some field" ], only the first document is to be returned.
Note how this is not to be confused with a projection, which would return both documents but removing the extra field.
I'm not sure if MongoDB do support such kind of operations out of box but you can achieve so with help of mapReduce.
Assuming your sample data set;
// Variable for map
var map = function () {
var isAcceptable = true;
Object.keys(this).forEach(function (key) {
if (key != "_id" && white_list.indexOf(key) == -1) {
isAcceptable = false;
if (isAcceptable == true) {
emit(1, this);
// Variable for reduce
var reduce = function (key, values) {
return values;
scope: {"white_list": ["Some field"]},
out: {"inline": 1}
Will return:
"results" : [
"_id" : 1,
"value" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("57cd7503e55de957c62fb9c8"),
"Some field" : "foo"
"timeMillis" : 13,
"counts" : {
"input" : 2,
"emit" : 1,
"reduce" : 0,
"output" : 1
"ok" : 1
Desired result will be in results.values of returned document. However, keep in mind limitation of MongoDB mapReduce and maximum size of BSON document.
Given a set of known fields K, you can construct a query that takes the set as input and gives a query with the $exists operator along with the corresponding fields projection. Using an example, suppose you have the following documents in a test collection
db.test.insert({ "fieldX": "foo", "fieldY": "bar", "fieldZ": 1 })
db.test.insert({ "fieldX": "123", "fieldY": "bar", "fieldZ": 2 })
db.test.insert({ "fieldY": "abc", "fieldZ": 3 })
db.test.insert({ "fieldX": "xyz", "fieldZ": 4 })
db.test.insert({ "fieldZ": 5 })
Then you can construct a query Q and a projection P from an input set K as follows:
var K = [ "fieldX", "fieldZ" ];
var or = {
var obj = {};
obj[field] = { "$exists": true };
return obj;
var P = K.reduce(function(doc, field) {
doc[field] = 1;
return doc;
}, {} );
var Q = { "$or": or };
db.test.find(Q, P);
Sample Output:
/* 1 */
"_id" : ObjectId("57cd78322c241f5870c82b7d"),
"fieldX" : "foo",
"fieldZ" : 1
/* 2 */
"_id" : ObjectId("57cd78332c241f5870c82b7e"),
"fieldX" : "123",
"fieldZ" : 2
/* 3 */
"_id" : ObjectId("57cd78332c241f5870c82b7f"),
"fieldZ" : 3
/* 4 */
"_id" : ObjectId("57cd78332c241f5870c82b80"),
"fieldX" : "xyz",
"fieldZ" : 4
/* 5 */
"_id" : ObjectId("57cd78332c241f5870c82b81"),
"fieldZ" : 5

how to query for exact mach in unknown number of subfields in mongodb

I have a collection where documents can have an unknown number of sub documents:
"agent_id": {
How do I search for an exact match in all the agent_id sub-fields?
You need to dynamically create an object with properties that are a concatenation of the embedded document name agent_id with the dot (.) and the field name, enclosed in quotes, something like this:
var query = {
"agent_id.0": "78343",
"agent_id.1": "78343",
"agent_id.2": "78343",
"agent_id.3": "78343",
"agent_id.n": "78343"
One way to create the object is generate the sub-documents keys with mapReduce. The following demonstrates this approach. In the Map-Reduce operation, an array of keys in the agent_id subdocument is generated to an output collection "collection_keys" and then used to produce the find() query expression:
Suppose you populate a sample collection
"agent_id": {
"agent_id": {
Running the following mapReduce operation
var mr = db.runCommand({
"mapreduce" : "collection",
"map" : function() {
for (var key in this.agent_id) { emit(key, null); }
"reduce" : function(key, stuff) {
return null
"out": "collection" + "_keys"
var query = { "$or": [] },
value = "1234";
db[mr.result].distinct("_id").forEach(function (key){
var obj = {};
obj["agent_id." + key] = value;
will produce:
"$or" : [
"agent_id.0" : "1234"
"agent_id.1" : "1234"
"agent_id.10" : "1234"
"agent_id.18" : "1234"
"agent_id.5" : "1234"
"agent_id.56" : "1234"
"agent_id.74" : "1234"
You can then use the query document in your find() query:
which will produce the result:
/* 0 */
"_id" : ObjectId("561d5312cd05efc95a1ea1f4"),
"agent_id" : {
"0" : "1234",
"1" : "2234",
"56" : "8451",
"74" : "1475",
"10" : "1234"

Mongodb update subdocument inside array field of a collection

I have a mongodb collection like
"_id" : ObjectId("5375ef2153bb790b20d8a660"),
"association" : [
"count" : 3,
"name" : "hayatdediğin"
"count" : 2,
"name" : "sadecesenolsan"
"count" : 2,
"name" : "üslupnamustur"
"tag_count" : 4,
"tag_name" : "vazgeçilmezolan",
"variation" : [
"count" : 4,
"name" : "VazgeçilmezOlan"
Each collection consists of tag_name, tag_count, array field association and array field variation. For each name inside association, there exists a different document same as this document. I need to add new field "total_count" inside each association dictionary whose value equals the tag_count of the name by querying the database.
I tried this code but its not working
db.hashtag.find().forEach(function (doc) {
if (doc.association.length != 0 ) {
doc.association.forEach(function (assoc) {
After modifying each doc you need to call save on the collection to commit the change.
Assuming you're doing this in the shell:
db.hashtag.find().forEach(function (doc) {
if (doc.association.length != 0 ) {
doc.association.forEach(function (assoc) {
// Save the changed doc back to the collection;
To update doc in database you have to use db.hashtag.update, not db.hashtag.find. Find only retrieves document from db.
I changed the previous method of looping using forEach and then saved the doc at last and the code worked.
db.hashtag.find().forEach(function (doc) {
var array = doc.association;
if (array != undefined){
for(var i=0;i<array.length;i++)
var obj = db.hashtag.findOne({'name':array[i].name});
var count = obj.count;
doc.association[i].total_count = count;;