command 'flow.restartClient' not found in vscode - visual-studio-code

I'm trying to use flow-for-vscode, but it looks like not working, in fact when I try to use it I get:
command 'flow.restartClient' not found
Notice that ./node_modules/.bin/flow works correctly from my project folder.
I also tried to set ${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/.bin/flow as Path to Flow, but it doesn't work.
Also, disabling Use LSP gives the same result.


execvp() function working fine in clion but not in terminal

I tried to run an program, which use container and execvp() function.
When I'm trying to run in the CLion, the program works fine, but when I'm running in my shell, it doesn't work, even when I use CLION's compile file.
it says: "no such file or directory".
Any idea? the arguments that I use looks OK in the two options.
After a long time, I understand what was the problem. I used clone() function to create child to the main process, and I used not right flags.

I'm able to run the smlnj repl in a Powershell window but when I try to run it with a file or "use" a file inside the REPL, it fails

This is the error I get with I start it, in Windows 10 Powershell, with a file name: sml first.sml
or try to: use "first.sml"
"uncaught exception SysErr [SysErr: access: cannot get file attributes] raised at: Basis/Implementation/Win32/os-filesys.sml:32.30-32.74"
When I run it inside emacs with the sml package, the "use" function works just fine.
If I use OS.FileSys.getDir() it shows that it's pointing to my working directory.
I'm using the latest version 10.98.1 (version 10.98.0 also had this issue).
Okay, nevermind. It appears that the error I'm getting is just indicating that it can't find the file?! I was trying to access files that were in a subdirectory and so, of course, it couldn't find them.

Const command not found

I am setting up Nagios check_hpjd plugin, but it doesn't recognize "const" command.
I am using Nagios 4.x on a Linux server, and was setting up some network printers to monitor and decided to add check_hpjd plugin, for more detailed information, but unfortunately it started to give me:
/libexec/check_hpjd: line 1: const: command not found.
I think it is pointless to copy the whole check_hpjd plugin code here, I just copy the first line here, the system gave me error on:
const char *option_summary = "-H host [-C community]\n";
Should I define the const character somehow or how can I fix it, tried to look from several sources on web aswell, but there is very little info about it unfortunately.
You are using source code of that plugin, so the behavior is correct... You need use builded version, like here for Centos7/RHEL7.

Pylint in Sublime Text 2

So, I've been using Sublime for a while as a simple text editor, but I'm venturing into the land of plugins for work and I've run into an issue getting pylint to work. Specifically I have it installed and have the Sublime package manager working, but I'm not sure how to include paths in my sublime settings.
I haven't found very useful documentation on this point, but if you are willing to point me towards it that would be a perfectly acceptable answer. My basic issue is that currently every time I save a file, the following error message shows up:
"Please define the full path to '' in the settings"
I understand this error message which is great, I just have no idea where the sublime settings are or what the standard format for defining a path is. Any help would be appreciated.
There are quite complete directions at the SublimeLinter GitHub page that should describe how to set everything up. Briefly, go to Preferences->Package Settings->SublimeLinter->Settings - Default to see where the different settings are defined. Then, open Preferences->Package Settings->SublimeLinter->Settings - User to change anything, as the main settings will be overwritten when the package is updated. Remember that settings files are in JSON format, so you'll need opening and closing curly brackets to enclose settings, and a comma between them:
"sublimelinter_delay": 30,
"sublimelinter_mark_style": "none"
I haven't gotten the error you have, are you sure you're using the regular SublimeLinter and not the new beta version? I just installed it fresh on my work machine (I've been using it for a while at home) and after restarting ST2 it's working like a charm with Python.
I had the same problem. I found it to be coming from the package "Pylinter". I removed Pylinter and added SublimeLinter, it covers more than python and is well used. I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
From your command line just run:
sudo easy_install pylint
sudo easy_install pep8
After that restart your sublime.
I encounter the same situation today. In my case, that is because I have not installed the 'pylint' in my system yet. It works fine after I installed the 'pylint' through pip.
Just for other people reference.

Problems using netbeans 7.01 with CMake 2.8.6

so once again, I'm having a little problem I can't figure out myself. Meaning, I'm pretty sure I know what the problem is, I just can't fix it.
I'm developing in C++ using Netbeans 7.01 with CMake 2.8.6. However, when I'm trying to build a project, I get the following error from CMake:
CMake Error: The path to the source directory:
contains unsupported character '='.
Please use a different source directory name.
Please note, that "CONF=Release" isn't a folder. It seems to be a configuration flag set by Netbeans, as it changes when I'm trying a debug build. So, my guess here is, that theres a space missing, or something similar. Unfortunately, I can't figure out where to change that. There are no options in any related Netbeans window, I can't find anything related in the configuration files for netbeans itself or the project either.
Did anyone here have experienced the same problem and found a solution to it? I would be very glad to hear it. If there's any information missing, let me know, I will add them as fast as possible.
Just noticed there is already version 7.1 of netbeans, nice to know. However, even with this version, the same problem occurs.
You must specify the command you ran to allow for the error to be identified. However, it looks like you missed the "source-path" parameter.
The cmake command ends with the path to source and should be something like:
cmake -D CONF=Release <path to source>