Const command not found - plugins

I am setting up Nagios check_hpjd plugin, but it doesn't recognize "const" command.
I am using Nagios 4.x on a Linux server, and was setting up some network printers to monitor and decided to add check_hpjd plugin, for more detailed information, but unfortunately it started to give me:
/libexec/check_hpjd: line 1: const: command not found.
I think it is pointless to copy the whole check_hpjd plugin code here, I just copy the first line here, the system gave me error on:
const char *option_summary = "-H host [-C community]\n";
Should I define the const character somehow or how can I fix it, tried to look from several sources on web aswell, but there is very little info about it unfortunately.

You are using source code of that plugin, so the behavior is correct... You need use builded version, like here for Centos7/RHEL7.


esp-idf build fails with "fatal error: esp_wifi.h: No such file or directory"

I am a student who has gotten a part time job embedded system programming. I am given a program the company uses, and asked to understand it. This is a working program. Therefore, the project can be built and flashed on ESP32 by the developers with no problem. So, the code and CMake files should have no issues. However, I cannot build the program either with VSCode extension nor with In fact, I cannot build esp-idf examples from the official website, either.
Note: I am new to StackOverflow as well as to ESP32, so sorry if I made any mistakes here. If this post is problematic in any way, please inform me.
The error message from the terminal is shown here
I was initially using VSCode on Windows 10 (Windows is not activated). At first, ESP extension was completely failing to start the building process because it could not locate the tools. I was getting "could not be located" errors for all the tools. Below is a list of what I did in this setting:
I had v5.0.0 for esp-idf downloaded from Espressif server. I deleted it and tried v4.3.3 and then I tried to download from Github server. I downloaded the requirements for scripting environment and completed the settings for it as described by the Espressif's documentation.
I manually set the environment variables for IDF_PATH and PATH for both the user and for the system.
After 2, the initial error was gone. Unfortunately, I had a new error which indicated that ".elf" file for the project output could not be found. I do not exactly recall the error but if it is integral to the problem's solution I can try to replicate this issue.
I tried to delete and reinstall VSCode. I tried running VSCode with admin authority.
I tried changing the IDF_TOOLS_PATH in the VSCode esp-idf extension configurations from ".espressif" to "esp\esp-idf".
At this point, I moved to try to build the project on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS:
In Ubuntu, I got the fatal error: esp_event.h: No such file or directory error.
It does not seem to be a common issue and I could not find much about it online.
I followed the Linux setup steps in the documentation. It said that only step 1 (Downloading the prerequisites) was necessary for the VSCode extension.
I decided to try the "master branch" from esp-idf configurations as well. After I downloaded the master branch, the error changed to the current version: 'fatal error: esp_wifi.h: No such file or directory'
I also tried the in Ubuntu but I got the same error.
Both in Ubuntu and in Windows, the Doctor Command returns nothing. It does not even open the terminal or any window. I am not sure what it should return but some online discussions were asking about its return so I wanted to note it here.
Edit: When I tried the examples on Ubuntu, they actually build just fine. Doctor Command also works with examples.
However, the main code has still issues. Initially, I assumed I made some mistakes with esp-idf configurations. But, perhaps that was not the case.
I had the same problem and ended up editing my project's CMakeLists.txt. When I added "esp_wifi" to the "REQUIRES" list, it worked for me:
SRCS "main.c"
EMBED_FILES res/settings.html
REQUIRES esp_wifi

command not found: flow

I followed the Flow installation guide for npm & babel and when I get to the second stage where you flow init I keep getting the error message zsh command not found: flow. I installed flow into my project (a branch of my Gatsby blog) for testing/debugging purposes. It is not installed globally, which is what the Flow docs state is the best practice:
Flow works best when installed per-project with explicit versioning rather than globally.
I have been having a similar issue with Lume that returns zsh command not found: lume
If I enter echo $PATH
The colon delimited list should have user/local/.deno/bin:$PATH but it is not there. If I add it by running:
export PATH="/Users/yourUserName/.deno/bin:$PATH"
Than I am able to run lume commands. However, when I try to run lume commands the next day I have to go through the whole process once more as the error crops up again...
My question here today is regarding the Flow error and getting it sorted. I only mention the Lume error because it makes me fairly certain something is messed up in $Path or my Zsh config. I am just not sure what. The only caveat to that hunch though is that Deno is a global install, whereas Flow is installed directly into my project...
So, maybe the two errors while the same syntax are totally separate?
Thank you in advance for any guidance/suggestions. Cheers!
I came across this video from 2017 no less and the host had issues with flow not working within the project and so he installed it globally. I gave it a shot and the flow error zsh command not found: flow has been resolved...

Can't Compile Tesseract API example for WIndows using Tesseract archive

I'm looking at using Tesseract to do some work with PDF files, and so I want to use the library rather than an external executable.
I started by downloading the full Tesseract source and looking at building that. Sadly the standard sources don't have any means to build on a non-Linux platform, in my case Windows. There are methods for doing so, and I looked at those.
Firstly the VS2008 build doesn't. I'm aware that it need Leptonica, but I figured I'd tackle that afterwards and just tried to build the existing code. Fails with "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'allheaders.h': No such file or directory". Nothing to do with Leptonica at this stage, it simply doesn't work.
Even if I were able to get past that, I'd have to build Leptonica, and that requires using GNU tools and therefore an installation of Cygwin, so I gave up. I Have a MingW instatllation, (I've never managed to get Cygwin to work in a usable fashion) but I'm not keen enough to mess with such a complicated and fragile build.
So I decided I'd just use the pre-built binaries which some kind soul creates. Downloaded that from Now I need to look into using the code, so the next obvious step is the Tesseract API example, which states it requires "", no problem, because I already have that now.
No real clue as to where the API example wants the files to be placed, but a little messing about gets them in appropriate locations. Press build and "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'allheaders.h': No such file or directory", just like trying to build Tesseract from source.....
And indeed there is no such file.
So, where is this file ?
I also struggled some time ago to make it works under windows and then I found this git repository :
It includes all needed extern library (because Tesseract need Leptonica, but Leptonica also need extern library to handle the different image format) and is also working great with vs 2013.
OK so now I see that allheaders.h is part of Leptonica. Still leaves me wondering why the Tesseract pre-built library requires that I have Leptonica available, I would have expected that to be built-in, I guess it isn't.

What language does SmartFoxServer 2x use on the server side?

I have downloaded and started the community version of SFSx2. I read everything on their documentation page:
Which unfortunately only talks about flash client side code. Nothing about the corresponding server side code, nor about html5 client side which I need.
I downloaded the HTML5 examples, which took me a long time to find (they are here: )
None of the examples work, as they can't connect to the server. Presumably, this is because the examples only supply client side code. There are no instructions supplied on how to install or run the examples.
I can find no mention on the smartfox documenation on the following:
1) what language is used on the server side. One assumes its java.
2) how does one deploy java code to the smartfox server? I cant find any mention of this in the docs.
3) how does one find and install the server part of the client side examples (which are Tris, GameLobby, BuddyMessenger, AdvancedChat).
I applied to be allowed to post on the smartfoxserver forums, but no reply yet.
I also found it hard so I share what I've found out.
The server extensions are written in Java. I used Eclipse JUNO to write my code.
You can download Eclipse here.
You export the extension in jar format from eclipse into you extension path. The name of your file has to end in 'extension' eg MyFirstExtension.jar otherwise sfs2x wont recognize it. Your extension path will be something like this: C:\Program Files\SmartFoxServer2X\SFS2X\extensions\MyFirstExtension\MyFirstExtension.jar if your working in windows.
You will find docs on JAVA API here.
This is a link to the basic example code:
Unzip the content into the [SFS2X_install_folder]/SFS2X/www/root/examples folder, overwriting the existing file. Run the index.html file, then navigate to another index.html to open the example. Run the sfs2x-standalone.exe first of course(see below). If you followed the 'server configuration tutorial' on smartfox website and changed the server ports, the examples wont work. Leave the ports alone until you start to understand the server.
This is a link to the flash example code:
You will find the example code for apps mentioned above. They are written in Adobe Flash Builder and Java extensions. I don't know if there is any code for HTML5 but the Java server code and AS3 is there.
I also found that using the standalone server was the way to go rather than using SFS2x as a service. c:\program files\smartfoxserver2x\sfs2x\sfs2x-standalone.exe. Using the exe gives you the command prompt window. You can use the window for debugging and see the state of the server when it starts.
Most of the examples should work without creating extensions but to create an extension out of source examples:
Create and setup a new project in your Java IDE. You will have already set up a workspace.
Copy the content of the /source/server/src folder to your project's source folder.
Add SFS2X Libraries. Go to properties of the project -> Select Java Build Path -> Click Library Tab -> Add external jar. Add 'sfs2x.jar' and 'sfs2x-core.jar' from C:\Program Files\SmartFoxServer2X\SFS2X\lib folder. To create the extension, export jar file to extension path. Restart server.
Another problem I had was the Java Version I was using. I had to use Java1.6 with my version of sfs2x when writing extensions. This was trial and error as there was no documentation. There may be a newer version out now.
I had to copy all the server source into eclipse to try and understand how things were done. It was a way of having all the code in one place. There was a lot of trial and error as getting help is hard. I eventually accomplished what I set out to achieve. Good Luck.
SmartFox Server is easy to use even with extension. documentation Give try to Nuggeta solution for game development too. No extension needed at first. This is optionnal.
We have full HTML5 open source game walkthrough on github

Pylint in Sublime Text 2

So, I've been using Sublime for a while as a simple text editor, but I'm venturing into the land of plugins for work and I've run into an issue getting pylint to work. Specifically I have it installed and have the Sublime package manager working, but I'm not sure how to include paths in my sublime settings.
I haven't found very useful documentation on this point, but if you are willing to point me towards it that would be a perfectly acceptable answer. My basic issue is that currently every time I save a file, the following error message shows up:
"Please define the full path to '' in the settings"
I understand this error message which is great, I just have no idea where the sublime settings are or what the standard format for defining a path is. Any help would be appreciated.
There are quite complete directions at the SublimeLinter GitHub page that should describe how to set everything up. Briefly, go to Preferences->Package Settings->SublimeLinter->Settings - Default to see where the different settings are defined. Then, open Preferences->Package Settings->SublimeLinter->Settings - User to change anything, as the main settings will be overwritten when the package is updated. Remember that settings files are in JSON format, so you'll need opening and closing curly brackets to enclose settings, and a comma between them:
"sublimelinter_delay": 30,
"sublimelinter_mark_style": "none"
I haven't gotten the error you have, are you sure you're using the regular SublimeLinter and not the new beta version? I just installed it fresh on my work machine (I've been using it for a while at home) and after restarting ST2 it's working like a charm with Python.
I had the same problem. I found it to be coming from the package "Pylinter". I removed Pylinter and added SublimeLinter, it covers more than python and is well used. I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
From your command line just run:
sudo easy_install pylint
sudo easy_install pep8
After that restart your sublime.
I encounter the same situation today. In my case, that is because I have not installed the 'pylint' in my system yet. It works fine after I installed the 'pylint' through pip.
Just for other people reference.