How can I pull code from an older commit using git? - github

My question is how to get the version of code of a specific commit in my pc.
For exemple if I have this commit 86b403574c90f16b77da4bef8d67a71471ad7f77
I need the version of code of this commit on a folder it's like coloning all the project
I tried:
git checkout 86b403574c90f16b77da4bef8d67a71471ad7f77
but it returns the modified files on the console.

Git checkout it supposed to change what you're looking at. Have you tried doing a fresh clone of the remote master repository? At that point you should be able to navigate to the repo folder and run git checkout <commit_number> to swap the code over to the commit of your choice.


How to merge local folder and its structure to github?

I am still a beginner and I locally made a folder of my Project and uploaded it as a repository in GitHub using GitHubDesktop. Now I changed the structure of the files (deleted some sub-folders and moved files here and there locally). Now I don't see those changes in my GitHubDesktopas something which I can push to the GitHub online and reflect the changes there.
I am not sure how to achieve that:
(One way I can think is to reclone and download the online GitHub repository to local, move the changed files again and then commit from GitHubDesktop) , but I am not sure if it will work because I did the almost the same thing just without recloning: but after the reorganization, the changes are not appearing in my GitHubDekstop which I can commit.
Any advice would be great. Thank you.
This is my repository ( whose organization I want to copy from a local folder which goes by the same name and was previously cloned from it.
When you go to the directory of the repository in your terminal, checkout your master branch
git checkout master
and use
git diff
this will display any changes made to the files and file structure in green and red. You can delete folders and files directly from your file system or from the terminal, whichever you prefer and these changes will display when you use git diff. After your changes are made use
git add
this will stage your changes to be committed. You can use
git status
to make sure your changes are ones you would like to make.
git pull
to pull any changes from your repository and when you are ready to commit your changes simply use
git push origin master
this will commit your changes to the remote repository on GitHub from your command line without using GitHub Desktop. Check out the git documentation for more in depth explanations but that should achieve what you're looking for.

How to fix the structure of the project on GitLab?

I have a problem with my project in Eclipse IDE.
For the first time, I worked on an old version and made several changes.
I tried to upload the project on GitLab for the first time I configured Git on Eclipse IDE and I tried to commit and push "but I could do that only after doing a 'Fetch' from the remote branch and commit the 'Merge' change in my local repository.
Because I got this error:
rejected non-fast-forward
I followed this link Egit rejected non-fast-forward to fix it.
The fetch downloaded all the git project files in my project on Eclipse. Until now in my project, I have a subfolder like this: myProject/myProject.
I made several commits and push and it works normally. I figured out that a subdirectory in gitLab docroot is created with every push I make.
This is the local project structure:
This is the project structure on GitLab:
I want to delete docroot/WEB-INF/classes from GitLab.
How to delete this commit from GitLab using git plugin in Eclipse and how to correct my local project structure?
docroot/WEB-INF/classes is a folder. Git does not track folders, only files:
To delete a folder, you have to delete all the files in it.
In the Git Staging view, commit the deletions.
Make sure your current local branch is configured as When pulling: Rebase (in the Git Repositories view right-click the branch and choose Configure Branch...)
Git > Pull to make sure your commit is the latest commit in the upstream branch. If there are conflicts, you have to resolve them in the Git Staging view
Git > Push to Upstream
For details see the EGit User Guide and be aware that old Stack Overflow answers refer to outdated version of EGit.

get previous commit that got deleted on git repository

Yesterday when I was at work, I was working on my project that i have on my home computer. The problem was when I tried cloning the repo it eclipse would crash. So instead I downloaded it manually and initialized the repo and then force pushed to my home computer. This deleted all the history and files in on the repo. I did some googling and tried reverting the commit but it the force push erased the commit history so I can only go back to the force push commit.
I have a computer at home which hasn't pulled the updates since this mistake and I was able to get its commit SHA. I used that on the web and found the last version its still there but I can't pull that commit because it got "deleted" and won't show in the repos history. Is there a way I can use the SHA from the last good commit and make that the master branch restoring my history?
When changing the HEAD (the working position in the git repository), it tracks your history in the reflog. Executing git reflog in the command line will show your complete history. You can read more about it on
When you have the desired commit SHA, you can do a git checkout with it. Executing git checkout [SHA1] will take you to the desired position in the git history. From there, you can make a new branch from it by running git checkout -b "new_branchname".
If you want to set your current branch to the commit, you can run git reset --hard [SHA1]. This would reset the current branch, but the previous state can however be found in the reflog.
I do NOT recommend doing this as general practice BUT...You should be able to force push from the other computer, thus resetting the repo to its former state. Providing you don't want to keep anything you did while making a giant mess of your git repo yesterday.
Since you know the right version you want to recover, it will make things easier.
In your local repo, use below commands:
git reset --hard <commit sha value>
git push -f
Note: if you execute the commands in the local not initialized (not cloned from remote), you should fetch first by git fetch --all, and then execute the two commands .
Now the version will go back to the latest as you need both locally and remotely.

Committing changes to branch I got by downloading zip from GitHub

I'm working on a repository that has two branches: Master, and Release1.
The branch I need is Release1. I went to the site and tried to clone it, but no matter what I did I got the Master branch cloned.
So I gave up and downloaded the branche's zip to my file system. I added it to Eclipse and worked on it.
Now I need to commit my changes. But neither the branch nor the repository show up in my visual tool.
When I try to add a local repository the visual tool tells me the folder is not a repository.
Is there a solution? I have quite a few changes on my local project and I have to commit them.
The Zip download is not a Git repository, it's only a collection of the files at that moment in time. Here's a way you might be able to get your changes into the repository:
Clone the repository properly
Copy your current files into the cloned directory
git status and git diff to check that the changes are what you expect
git commit
When you cloned the repository the first time, you were getting both branches - a Git clone is a fully copy of everything: every branch, all history, etc. The default branch is typically master. After you clone, if you want to switch to the other branch, use git checkout Release1.
What GUI are you using? When trying to clone you have to make sure you change the branch you are cloning from (usually in a drop down menu or you may have to type it in). If you can successfully clone from Master, than you should be able to change to or "checkout" Release1 branch.
Just downloading the zip, just gets you the source code and doesn't have any connection to git. To save and push your changes you will need to clone the repository and checkout Release1

How to add files to be commited in GitHub

Hello I recently started using github. I was able to make my first commit and upload my Java projects whole source folder to my only Repo. Now I have made changes to my files and would like to recommit the same files but after two hours of tutorials I am still stuck.
This is the process I have been doing.
Windows 8
cd ~\javaProjectSourceFolder(lets call it java)
git init
git add -A
git status
nothing to commit, working directory clean
I realize I am a newb and that I am not able to "add" my files. Can somebody help me out?
Please make sure you are on the right branch. If not then do the following from the terminal on the repository path. You should do your changes to a local branch, that may be the clone of the master. And next time follow these steps.
git branch :This will list all your branch. You must see master branch over there.
git checkout master : This will make you to switch on the master branch.
git checkout -b local_branch : This will create a branch with local_branch name & then you can add all your code here.
git add -A : this will automatically add the files that are even newly created or modified or deleted.
git commit -m "my commit message : This way you can do a commit to all changes.
git pull origin HEAD : This will update the current branch with any changes (in case of shared repository) You can avoid this as you are the only one working on your only repo.
git push origin HEAD : This will push your changes to the remote branch, but it will not merge this to the master unless you either push it to master or try merging from web on git hub.
For more information on each & every command, please refer the treasure here