Getting Project does not exist while calling a bitbucket server api version 1.0 - bitbucket-server

I am using bitbucket server in my local.And trying to get all the branches using bitbucket rest API version 1.0.
Getting this error :
{"errors":[{"context":null,"message":"Project coe does not exist.","exceptionName":"com.atlassian.bitbucket.project.NoSuchProjectException"}
Even the project and repository are presents with same name.what can be the issue ?

project key need to be use in place of project name in API


Azure pipeline error "Git fetch failed with exit code: 128"

I am trying to create a build pipeline in azure devops using this blog:
I have created a service connection with the my repository. I am getting this error and I can't resolve it. I think it is picking the wrong URL.
As you noted, this error means that the Git repository URL is wrong.
I have created a service connection with the my repository.
You need to correct the repo URL from the service connection. Not sure which Git repository you are using.
However, please note that URL should not be the project URL (e.g
It should be something like this:
Please control your permission settings in Version Control.
in Azure , project settings >> version control.
select repositories and look security for all git repositories.
"Project collection administrator"

Bulk importing repositories into a local bitbucket installation

I am running into trouble. I am migrating a huge project structure into git - which worked so far. Now I need a solution for bulk importing it into the local bitbucket server. Unfortunately the bitbucket api v1 - which is present on the local installation - does not support this any more. The v2 api is ... well, where is it? Using a 2.0 instead of 1.0 causes 404s. The documentation and examples at atlassian are constantly referring the their cloud solution - which we don't have and which we don't want. So using curl as well as the bitbucket command line client don't do the trick.
Can anybody tell me where I can create new repos via shell?

Get Branching Model in bitbucket server via REST

Someone knows how I can GET the PROJECT's branching model via REST API. Not the repository. I can not find how to do it anywhere.
In bitbucket server I find it via web at{project-key}
I found it:
Is not in the actual version of REST API Documentation
Then, you can do GET request to:{project-key}/branchmodel/configuration

Error in creating new projects in online TFS using my account

This is a different issue as I am accessing and using my server. Please see the image.
I am currently working on an automation in powershell which is to create a new project in VSTS using my account. Unfortunately, I am having an error which is below.
System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: The project collection does not have a default location for creating project portal sites configured.
Either configure this location using the Team Foundation Administration Console or specify the /w
ebapplication and /relativepath arguments.
tfpt only works with TFS2015 or more older version. It does not work with VSTS and TFS2017.
You can use Rest API to create the team project via script just as you found. Or you can also consider to use the VSTS CLI: VSTS Create Project.

Get current project version of repository Github

From this question I would like to know if there's a way to check current version of a repo directly from the website (without Git command line). I need this for a web scraping bot.
By using the REST API, you can get the latest release at:$org/$repo/releases/latest