Get current project version of repository Github - github

From this question I would like to know if there's a way to check current version of a repo directly from the website (without Git command line). I need this for a web scraping bot.

By using the REST API, you can get the latest release at:$org/$repo/releases/latest


How to release on GitHub through the command line and to attach a large file?

Is it possible to release on GitHub through the command line with an attached file that is not pushed to a repository?
I have a file over 1GB that I easily attached through a web GitHub release page, but I want to automate that using bash.
You can from command-line, using gh: cli/cli/
create a relase
gh release create <tag> [<files>...] [flags]
upload a file to that release
gh release upload <tag> <files>... [flags]
And since Github CLI 2.4.0 (Dec. 2021), you have:
the non-interactive flag --generate-notes, which allows you to skip the editor phase.
an interactive mode to choose a tag name
There's a REST API that can be used for this purpose. It's used to upload a release asset if you know the ID for the release (which you can get by querying the release itself). You can also get the upload URL by querying the release using a GET request; that returns the upload_url attribute.
If you want an example of how to do this from the command line with curl, Git LFS has a script that it uses to do releases and upload assets which you could look at. It's a little complex, but it is reasonably comprehensive.
In addition to the gh tool and directly using the REST API (as mentioned in other answers), there are several command-line tools which let you create and manipulate GitHub releases. These are likely to be much simpler to use than directly using the REST API.
There is only one* I could identify that I could unreservedly recommend, however: github-release, which is written in Go. Binaries can be downloaded from the project's Releases page, it "dogfoods (transparently uses its own tool), and is actively maintained (as at January 2022).
Some others are:
Another Go app called github-release, released by BuildKite. However, this seems to be less actively maintained, and it doesn't transparently "dogfood" (viewing its CI results require an account with BuildKite).
For Haskell developers, there's yet another tool called github-release, created by Taylor Fausak. It seems to be actively maintained; however, no downloadable executables are provided, so you must build it yourself using a Haskell compiler and build tools.
For node.js developers, there's release-it; but as a node project, it doesn't provide executable binaries that could be invoked from Bash at all.
*If there are others that I've missed, feel free to add them in comments.

Where to host Eclipse Update Site

I have a couple of Eclipse extension projects hosted on GitHub. The problem is that I can't see where to host the related update site. It is in fact not possible on GitHub to have a direct url (raw) to a folder (the UpdateSite PRoject) as you can see here GitHub: URL to raw files. It seems the same thing holds for Google Drive :(
A couple of options I guess: SourceForge, Amazon S3 (with CloudFront), Bintray.
I switched to GitHub Pages after Bintray has shut down.
This is the new post about that:
I now use bintray and I documented the whole process for publishing a composite update site to bintray here:
OLD 2:
I use sourceforge for the update site (aka p2 repository) of all my projects. I recently published a blog post detailing all the steps to achieve that

Update my website from a github repository

I use a website for testing purposes. Part of what I test is a public repository on GitHub. What I would like to do is have my site periodically check the repository and pull any changes to a folder in my site.
I'm using a LAMP server, is there some php and a cronjob that I can use to check and get the files from the repository?
I would use the webhooks Github allows. See here for a simple PHP example that executes a auto-pull if the Github repository gets updated.

Set the name of a ZIP downloadable from GitHub or Other ways to enroll Google Transit project on GitHub

I wan to start a Google Transit project (a city transport feed for google maps) and for the purpose of collaboration I want to use GitHub. Now one great thing is that GitHub is offering a ZIP file download that contains all your repository, and Google wants a ZIP with a required data, but that file should have name:
So my question is:
Can I somehow give Google a link that will give it a file called, that will contain all the stuff that's in the master branch? Maybe this can be done with standard "download zip" option or with some hooks or something elseā€¦
GitHub will allow you to automatically download a Zip archive of the latest version of a branch using the following url: [GET]
The archive will be given a special name following the git describe command output.
However, there's one way to achieve what you're after by leveraging the GitHub Repo Downloads API.
Every time your master branch is ready to be published, you'd execute the following steps:
If the download resource already exists, remove it
Create a new download resource and name it
Upload the latest zip archive using the provided information of the previous request
There's even a Ruby library (ruby-net-github-upload) that may help you automating this task.

Is there a way to publish a website from github or cloud9IDE directly to a web-host?

Is there a way deploy a website directly from github or cloud9 ide? using ftp or other way, right now it doesn't matter what hosting, just so it'll be fully functional and accessible online.
(I know github has a web-hosting of a kind but it seems very limited)
What webframework/language are you using? If you use RoR or Sinatra or any other rake-based framework you can use If your using you can use, finally if your using php you can use
What these hostingproviders have in common is that you deploy the website by pushing your code with git, while you won't be deploying directly from github you can just add one of the above mentioned hosts to your remote-list (in addition to github) and then push to that remote when you wish to deploy.
Another solution would be to add a post-receive-hook to github which then triggers whenever you push to github, in that post-recieve-hook you could tell the webhost to pull from the repo. This does however require you to have git installed on the webserver aswell as some kind of webinterface for the post-recieve-hook to post to.