We are using PayPal express checkout REST API v1 server-to-server
In case of PayPal API endpoint exception, it's possible to get localized error message?
The exceptions/error messages remains same globally,hence not possible to get localized exceptions/error messages from PayPal.
PayPal Guest check out denying payments but not returning error codes to PayPal Manager. How how do I get data for denied transaction attempts moving forward? We need to track the code PayPal sends us when they reject a credit card. We are using PayPal Adaptive Payments API on a .NET platform.
manager.paypal.com will only show codes returned by the Payflow API (payflowpro.paypal.com) and the Payflow Link web application (payflowlink.paypal.com)
Adaptive Payments uses the endpoint svcs.paypal.com , and its API responses and web declines are not reported or tracked anywhere , much less in manager.paypal.com which is a separate system
If you are indeed using Adaptive Payments, you need to log your own API call responses.
As far as I know, Paypal REST API has no IPN feature provided. Even user setup notification URL in their account setting.
Paypal introduce Webhooks instead. But it requires HTTPS url.
What if some websites did not use SSL? Can they still trace a transaction's notification in REST API?
I'm using Paypal REST to process payments.
Recently I've got INSTRUMENT_DECLINED error from my user.
User has been billed from his credit card and redirected to Success endpoint.
API returned INSTRUMENT_DECLINED error, so my UI has shown Error 500.
I can't see the payment in paypal admin ui.
User lost his money. He feels upset.
It seems to be a common problem, handled well in Classic API:
So in Classic API if I get an error, I just redirect a user back to Paypal, so that Paypal guides him. Paypal knows what happened and what to do, it's ok.
But I can't find any docs about processing error recovery in REST API.
Should I hack into classic express checkout with my REST-gathered data?
Or is there any proper way to make the good user experience in case of a problem on paypal's side?
I setup a paypal rest api application for my account. I'm using the production credentials given in the hidden "Live credentials" section of the app.
I'm using the ruby gem client (https://github.com/paypal/rest-api-sdk-ruby) for this, and when I do Payment.all( :count => 100 ) I get zero results, even though my live paypal account has payments made to it in the last couple of days.
Am I doing something wrong, or do I just not understand what the REST API should be returning?
All I'm trying to do is read my incoming payments to my paypal account.
That call will only return the list of RESTful transactions so if you haven't received any transactions generated from the RESTful APIs, then you won't have any results.
Occasionally we receive an Internal service error as a response from REST API.
Here is the latest one:
{"name":"INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR","message":"An internal service error has occurred","information_link":"https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/api/#INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR","debug_id":"863be52d8dddb"}
What is the reason for this error?
You should contact PayPal Merchant Technical Support (MTS) and provide them with the debug_id that is returned:
If you are making CC payment, change your credit card https://ppmts.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/750