How do I get PayPal missing error codes in PayPal Manager? - paypal

PayPal Guest check out denying payments but not returning error codes to PayPal Manager. How how do I get data for denied transaction attempts moving forward? We need to track the code PayPal sends us when they reject a credit card. We are using PayPal Adaptive Payments API on a .NET platform. will only show codes returned by the Payflow API ( and the Payflow Link web application (
Adaptive Payments uses the endpoint , and its API responses and web declines are not reported or tracked anywhere , much less in which is a separate system
If you are indeed using Adaptive Payments, you need to log your own API call responses.



While I am using my sandbox credential with test card my code is working fine and response.Status is coming as "approved" but when I try live credential with my real card its throwing "UNAUTHORIZED_PAYMENT" error.
This is the error I got:
{"name":"UNAUTHORIZED_PAYMENT","message":"Unauthorized payment.","information_link":"","debug_id":"c446507b37b6c"}\"\",\"debug_id\":\"c0d38fae9eade\"}"
The difference between my sandbox account and live accounts are,
Someone please help me to overcome this issue.
I got the same issue. It is not said load enough while playing with the sandbox, although Paypal knows exactly my Locality.
Anyway, only US and UK developer can use REST API for vaulted credit cards payments.
From that link:
"The REST API supports a number of countries and currencies. The REST API provides simple payment processing for common business needs, including PayPal payments, direct credit card payments, authorization and capture, and refunds. For more advanced payment solutions such as parallel and recurring payments, you can use the NVP/SOAP APIs."

paypal the merchant does not accept payment of this type

We are having major trouble when we pay using direct credit card payment from mobile application development. To the live transaction we cannot able to use direct credit card payment.
While using Credit Card: "The merchant does not accept payments of this type."
We are developing the mobile application using ionic framework. Using the ionic-paypal plugin we implemented and Sandbox flow has been verified success using Paypal REST API. For the live account not working. Paypal develper page i cannot able to enable the "credit card payment" from the following url ""
Any additional permission require to live transaction or any other steps and solutions to complete this
PayPal REST API Credit Card payment instrument currently available for US and UK PRO account. If you tried with some other countries except from these two, you'll get an error.
You can read here

Sending money from my account with node.js and Paypal REST API

I need to send money from company's Paypal account to another Paypal account.
Is it possible to do with Paypal's REST API (if so, how)?
Or must I use the adaptive payments API (that doesn't have an official Paypal SDK)?
Send money from your account has not been added to their REST APIs yet. You can see the operations that they have available here. To automate the send money, you can choose from either their Adaptive Payments Implicit Send Money (here are links to the SDK, Integration Guide and the API references) or the MassPay APIs (again, links to the Merchant SDK, Integration Guide and the API reference).
You would need to create an APP to run the Adaptive Payments send money here or contact PayPal's customer support to get Mass Payments turned on in your account

PayPal REST API equivalent of GetExpressCheckoutDetails

As far as I can tell, this doesn't exist yet, but I was wondering if anyone knew if there was an equivalent of the PayPal Payments Pro NVP call "GetExpressCheckoutDetails" in the new PayPal REST API.
The REST API documentation lists information on authorizing the sale and the redirect contains the token that would be used in Payments Pro but there's no docs on how to retrieve the Billing/Shipping info prior to executing the sale (after which I assume you can retrieve that information through the "Look up a payment resource" call of payments/payment/{id}
Tangential question in case PayPal official response comes in: Is recurring payment support coming to the REST API soon or will it be exclusive to PayPal Payments Pro?
You can look up a payment resource even before you execute it. However, we have a bug in the API that doesn't currently return the shipping information.

Paypal integration scenarios

My client asked to integrate his e-commence web site with paypal. But he need to do all credit card payments within his website(without moving to paypal site). e-commence web site is Java based application
When the order is placed, need to get some transaction number and continue order. Client need to process his payment when the delivery is ready.
Is Payflow Pro suitable for this requirement?
What is the suitable method to do this kind of transaction?
If you want to process your payments within your site, but still using PayPal, then you need the subscriber service "Website Payments Pro".
The "Website Payments Standard" service is free (excluding transaction commission) but a buyer leaves your site, goes to paypal to pay, and then returns.
PayPal Comparison Table - Standard vs. Pro
PayFlow Pro is also suitable for this; you can process PayPal payments as easily as credit card payments. (Note: in my opinion it's most appropriate for a large bulk of credit-card-only transactions.) If you're developing in Java, there's already an SDK for you to use -- I had to search everywhere for a suitable third-party API for PHP.