I'm trying to put a trigger on a table. This table has a body column with type text. The text in this column can contain #{username} mentions and I need to extract them and write them to the database and also notify my application.
The code below works, but I don't think its ideal that in the foreach block, I'm doing an extra select to get the user_id of associated with the username. But the problem is, I can't figure out how to foreach over the mentions json as an array. I've tried many things but I just got error after error, and quite frankly I have a headache now!
It also seems weird to me that I have to have the usernames array just to extract the usernames and then put id,username,firebase_id in another array but I couldn't select both the result of parse_tokens and the id, firebase_id from the users table to a single array.
Any ideas?
Any other suggestions are welcome.
create or replace function notif() returns trigger as $$
usernames text[];
mentions json;
mu text;
select parse_tokens(new.body, '#') into usernames;
select json_agg(tmp)
from (
select id, username, firebase_id
into mentions
from users
where username=any(usernames)
) tmp;
perform pg_notify('status', mentions::text);
foreach mu in array usernames loop
insert into mentions (status_id, from_user_id, to_user_id) values
(new.id, new.user_id, (select id from users where username=mu));
end loop;
return new;
end; $$ language plpgsql;
ok, I solved the problem. This does exactly what I want:
create type mention_info as (id integer, username varchar(64), firebase_id varchar(64));
create or replace function notif() returns trigger as $$
mentions mention_info[];
m mention_info;
select array_agg(tmp) into mentions from
(select id, username, firebase_id from users
where username=any(parse_tokens(new.body, '#'))) tmp;
perform pg_notify('status', mentions::text);
foreach m in array mentions loop
insert into mentions
(status_id, from_user_id, to_user_id) values (new.id, new.user_id, m.id);
end loop;
return new;
$$ language plpgsql;
I have a really simple problem and I am probably overthinking this way too much. But here it goes:
I want the fields of a column in one of my tables to be filled automatically whenever I make a new record. The value should be the same (UUID) as the specified (UUID) value from a column in another table. These two columns are joined via a foreign key. So far I have tried making a trigger function but with no results so far:
Create or replace function project_id()
returns trigger
as $$ begin
if new.project_id is null then
insert into sporen (project_id)
select project_id
from project_info
where project_code = 'ant0001';
end if;
return new;
$$ language plpgsql;
BEFORE update ON
Do I need to specify something as a default in my table? Or am I going about it completely wrong?
You only need to assign project_info.project_id to NEW.project_id in your trigger function. No INSERT is needed. Here is an illustration.
Create or replace function project_id() returns trigger as
if new.project_id is null then
new.project_id :=
select pi.project_id
from project_info pi
where pi.project_code = NEW.project_code
end if;
return new;
$$ language plpgsql;
You do not need to specify a default value for project_id in your table.
I have this question, I was doing some migration from SQL Server to PostgreSQL 12.
The scenario, I am trying to accomplish:
The function should have a RETURN Statement, be it with SETOF 'tableType' or RETURN TABLE ( some number of columns )
The body starts with a count of records, if there is no record found based on input parameters, then simply Return Zero (0), else, return the entire set of record defined in the RETURN Statement.
The Equivalent part in SQL Server or Oracle is: They can just put a SELECT Statement inside a Procedure to accomplish this. But, its a kind of difficult in case of PostgreSQL.
Any suggestion, please.
What I could accomplish still now - If no record found, it will simply return NULL, may be using PERFORM, or may be selecting NULL as column name for the returning tableType columns.
I hope I am clear !
What I want is something like -
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_some_data(
id integer)
RETURNS TABLE ( id_1 integer, name character varying )
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
p_id alias for $1;
v_cnt integer:=0;
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM public.exampleTable e
WHERE id::integer = e.id::integer;
IF v_cnt= 0 THEN
a.id, a.name
public.exampleTable a
where a.id = p_id;
If you just want to return a set of a single table, using returns setof some_table is indeed the easiest way. The most basic SQL function to do that would be:
create function get_data()
returns setof some_table
select *
from some_table;
language sql;
PL/pgSQL isn't really necessary to put a SELECT statement into a function, but if you need to do other things, you need to use RETURN QUERY in a PL/pgSQL function:
create function get_data()
returns setof some_table
return query
select *
from some_table;
language plpgsql;
A function as exactly one return type. You can't have a function that sometimes returns an integer and sometimes returns thousands of rows with a dozen columns.
The only thing you could do, if you insist on returning something is something like this:
create function get_data()
returns setof some_table
return query
select *
from some_table;
if not found then
return query
select (null::some_table).*;
end if;
language plpgsql;
But I would consider the above an extremely ugly and confusing (not to say stupid) solution. I certainly wouldn't let that pass through a code review.
The caller of the function can test if something was returned in the same way I implemented that ugly hack: check the found variable after using the function.
One more hack to get as close as possible to what you want. But I will repeat what others have told you: You cannot do what you want directly. Just because MS SQL Server lets you get away poor coding does not mean Postgres is obligated to do so. As the link by #a_horse_with_no_name implies converting code is easy, once you migrate how you think about the problem in the first place. The closest you can get is return a tuple with a 0 id. The following is one way.
create or replace function public.get_some_data(
p_id integer)
returns table ( id integer, name character varying )
language plpgsql
as $$
v_at_least_one boolean = false;
v_exp_rec record;
for v_exp_rec in
select a.id, a.name
from public.exampletable a
where a.id = p_id
union all
select 0,null
if v_exp_rec.id::integer > 0
or (v_exp_rec.id::integer = 0 and not v_at_least_one)
id = v_exp_rec.id;
name = v_exp_rec.name;
return next;
v_at_least_one = true;
end if;
end loop ;
But that is still just a hack and assumes there in not valid row with id=0. A much better approach would by for the calling routing to check what the function returns (it has to do that in one way or another anyway) and let the function just return the data found instead of making up data. That is that mindset shift. Doing that you can reduce this function to a simple select statement:
create or replace function public.get_some_data2(
p_id integer)
returns table ( id integer, name character varying )
language sql strict
as $$
select a.id, a.name
from public.exampletable a
where a.id = p_id;
Or one of the other solutions offered.
I am trying to create a complicated pl/pgsql function that gathers some results from a query and then checks each one and returns it or not.
This is my code so far. The record and loop part confuse me.
CREATE FUNCTION __a_search_creator(creator text, ordertype integer, orderdate integer, areaid bigint) RETURNS record
AS $$
fromText text;
whereText text;
usingText text;
firstrecord record;
areageom geometry;
EXECUTE format('SELECT area.geom FROM area WHERE area.id=$1')
INTO areageom
USING areaid;
FOR firstrecord IN
EXECUTE format(
'SELECT place.id, person.name, place.geom
FROM '||fromText||'
WHERE '||whereText)
USING creator, ordertype , orderdate
--return only data that the place.geom is inside areageom using PostGIS
RETURN firstrecord;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
I plan to do some extra checks in the loop, as you can see and RETURN only data that the place.geom (lon/lat) is inside areageom. But since I am new to pl/pgsql, I am creating now the first step, just gathering all the data, put them in a record and return.
My problem is that, no matter what I try I keep getting only one result back. I call select __a_search_creator('johnson',8, 19911109, 20); and I get 1,"seth johnson", 65485,84545 but I know I should be getting another row of results. Is there overwrite happening?
I tried putting RETURN NEXT firstrecord; I tried something like
select place.id from place INTO placeid;
select person.name from person INTO personname;
select place.geom from place INTO placegeom;
firstrecord.id := placeid;
firstrecord.name := personname;
firstrecord.geom := placegeom;
That still brings back just one result, I tried testing just this RAISE NOTICE '%', firstrecord.id; that still brings back just one full set of result.
I don't know how to proceed, please advice.
You declared your function with RETURNS record, so it returns a single record (of unknown type).
Use RETURNS SETOF record to return a set of rows. The manual:
The SETOF modifier indicates that the function will return a set of items, rather than a single item.
Better yet, use RETURNS TABLE with a proper table definition. Like you already had it in your recent questions:
Syntax error in dynamic SQL in pl/pgsql function
Using text in pl/pgsql brings empty set of results
Related (with detailed explanation and links to the manual):
How to return result of a SELECT inside a function in PostgreSQL?
Return setof record (virtual table) from function
Return a query from a function?
This is my solution on the problem
EXECUTE format('SELECT area.geom FROM area WHERE area.id=$1')
INTO areageom
USING areaid;
FOR firstrecord IN
EXECUTE format(
'SELECT place.id, person.name, place.geom FROM '||fromText||' WHERE '||whereText)
USING creator, ordertype, orderdate
IF ST_Within(firstrecord.geom , areageom)
RETURN QUERY VALUES(firstrecord.id, firstrecord.name, firstrecord.geom);
Thanks to #Erwin Brandstetter for the useful links.
I have the following script that I want output to the screen from.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION randomnametest() RETURNS integer AS $$
FOR rec IN SELECT * FROM my_table LOOP
SELECT levenshtein('mystring',lower('rec.Name')) ORDER BY levenshtein;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
I want to get the output of the levenshein() function in a table along with the rec.Name. How would I do that? Also, it is giving me an error about the line where I call levenshtein(), saying that I should use perform instead.
Assuming that you want to insert the function's return value and the rec.name into a different table. Here is what you can do (create the table new_tab first)-
SELECT levenshtein('mystring',lower(rec.Name)) AS L_val;
INSERT INTO new_tab (L_val, rec.name);
The usage above is demonstrated below.
I guess, you can use RAISE INFO 'This is %', rec.name; to view the values.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION randomnametest() RETURNS integer AS $$
FOR rec IN SELECT * FROM my_table LOOP
SELECT levenshtein('mystring',lower(rec.Name))
AS L_val;
RAISE INFO '% - %', L_val, rec.name;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Note- the FROM clause is optional in case you select from a function in a select like netxval(sequence_name) and don't have any actual table to select from i.e. like SELECT nextval(sequence_name) AS next_value;, in Oracle terms it would be SELECT sequence_name.nextval FROM dual; or SELECT function() FROM dual;. There is no dual in postgreSQL.
I also think that the ORDER BY is not necessary since my assumption would be that your function levenshtein() will most likely return only one value at any point of time, and hence wouldn't have enough data to ORDER.
If you want the output from a plpgsql function like the title says:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION randomnametest(_mystring text)
RETURNS TABLE (l_dist int, name text) AS
SELECT levenshtein(_mystring, lower(t.name)), t.name
FROM my_table t
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Declare the table with RETURNS TABLE.
Use RETURN QUERY to return records from the function.
Avoid naming conflicts between column names and OUT parameters (from the RETURNS TABLE clause) by table-qualifying column names in queries. OUT parameters are visible everywhere in the function body.
I made the string to compare to a parameter to the function to make this more useful.
There are other ways, but this is the most effective for the task. You need PostgreSQL 8.4 or later.
For a one-time use I would consider to just use a plain query (= function body without the RETURN QUERY above).
Im new to writing stored functions in postgresql and in general . I'm trying to write onw with an input parameter and return a set of results stored in a temporary table.
I do the following in my function .
1) Get a list of all the consumers and store their id's stored in a temp table.
2) Iterate over a particular table and retrieve values corresponding to each value from the above list and store in a temp table.
3)Return the temp table.
Here's the function that I've tried to write by myself ,
create or replace function getPumps(status varchar) returns setof record as $$ (setof record?)
cons_id integer[];
i integer;
temp table tmp_table;--Point B
select consumer_id into cons_id from db_consumer_pump_details;
FOR i in select * from cons_id LOOP
select objectid,pump_id,pump_serial_id,repdate,pumpmake,db_consumer_pump_details.status,db_consumer.consumer_name,db_consumer.wenexa_id,db_consumer.rr_no into tmp_table from db_consumer_pump_details inner join db_consumer on db_consumer.consumer_id=db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id
where db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id=i and db_consumer_pump_details.status=$1--Point A
order by db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id,pump_id,createddate desc limit 2
return tmp_table
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
However Im not sure about my approach and whether im right at the points A and B as I've marked in the code above.And getting a load of errors while trying to create the temporary table.
EDIT: got the function to work ,but I get the following error when I try to run the function.
ERROR: array value must start with "{" or dimension information
Here's my revised function.
create temp table tmp_table(objectid integer,pump_id integer,pump_serial_id varchar(50),repdate timestamp with time zone,pumpmake varchar(50),status varchar(2),consumer_name varchar(50),wenexa_id varchar(50),rr_no varchar(25));
select consumer_id into cons_id from db_consumer_pump_details;
FOR i in select * from cons_id LOOP
insert into tmp_table
select objectid,pump_id,pump_serial_id,repdate,pumpmake,db_consumer_pump_details.status,db_consumer.consumer_name,db_consumer.wenexa_id,db_consumer.rr_no from db_consumer_pump_details inner join db_consumer on db_consumer.consumer_id=db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id where db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id=i and db_consumer_pump_details.status=$1
order by db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id,pump_id,createddate desc limit 2;
return query (select * from tmp_table);
drop table tmp_table;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
AFAIK one can't declare tables as variables in postgres. What you can do is create one in your funcion body and use it thourough (or even outside of function). Beware though as temporary tables aren't dropped until the end of the session or commit.
The way to go is to use RETURN NEXT or RETURN QUERY
As for the function result type I always found RETURNS TABLE to be more readable.
Your cons_id array is innecessary, just iterate the values returned by select.
Also you can have multiple return query statements in a single function to append result of the query to the result returned by function.
In your case:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getPumps(status varchar)
RETURNS TABLE (objectid INTEGER,pump_id INTEGER,pump_serial_id INTEGER....)
FOR i in SELECT consumer_id FROM db_consumer_pump_details LOOP
SELECT objectid,pump_id,pump_serial_id,repdate,pumpmake,db_consumer_pump_details.status,db_consumer.consumer_name,db_consumer.wenexa_id,db_consumer.rr_no FROM db_consumer_pump_details INNER JOIN db_consumer ON db_consumer.consumer_id=db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id
WHERE db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id=i AND db_consumer_pump_details.status=$1
ORDER BY db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id,pump_id,createddate DESC LIMIT 2
You probably want to take a look at this solution for groupwise-k-maximum problem as that's exactly what you're dealing with here.
it might be easier to just return a table (or query)
CREATE FUNCTION extended_sales(p_itemno int)
RETURNS TABLE(quantity int, total numeric) AS $$
RETURN QUERY SELECT quantity, quantity * price FROM sales
WHERE itemno = p_itemno;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
(copied from postgresql docs)