Add an interval day to a date from postgresql - postgresql

I would like to add a day to a date from postgreSQL, so i tried this one :
SELECT * FROM t_ask a
WHERE ask_datesend is null
AND a.ask_date_reception >= ('2019-06-12' + INTERVAL '1 day');
But it doesn't work.
But if i try that i have an answer :
SELECT * FROM t_ask a
WHERE ask_datesend is null
AND a.ask_date_reception >= '2019-06-12'
Little precision in a.ask_date_reception the date is like
"2019-06-12 15:28:01.982"

Try an explicit conversion:
a.ask_date_reception >= ('2019-06-12'::date + INTERVAL '1 day');
Or use timestamp or timestamp with time zone instead of date.


current_date in redshift exclude today's date when i am using with between command

I want to query data for last 30 days including today from redshift table. below is my query.
my date_column's type is 'timestamp without timezone'
select *
from mytable
WHERE date_column BETWEEN current_date - INTERVAL '30 day' AND current_date
order by date_column desc;
It gives the result for 30 days. But it doesn't include today's result.
I want to query for 30 days result including today's result also.
If it's a timestamp don't use between as it also compares the time part. Use a range query:
where date_column >= current_date - interval '30 day'
and date_column < current_date + interval '1 day'
Note that the upper bound is using < together with "tomorrow"
With Postgres this could be simplified to
where date_column >= current_date - 30
and date_column < current_date + 1
but Redshift isn't Postgres and I don't know if that would work there.

Postgres query timestamp by datepart only

I'm using this to try and get all events with a timestamp of today
SELECT systemuserid,ondate from auditlog
WHERE ondate::date = NOW()::date
Performance seems really bad, over 2 minutes. I have a index on ondate.
Is there a more efficient way to do it?
Use a range condition:
select *
from auditlog
where ondate >= current_date
and ondate < current_date + 1;
current_date will be converted to a timestamp at midnight, so ondate => current_date will include everything from "today".
And the condition ondate < current_date + 1 will exclude rows with a timestamp of tomorrow (midnight) or later.

How define today date with Default timestmp

I am using postgressql i wish to get the data for currentdate, i want filter the data based on the date
in data base my plandate filed is define as Time stamp with time zone so its showing like this format 2013-09-01 03:22:01.438348+05:30 my query is like this
select ttodoid ,date,details from ttodo where date=currentdate():
but currentdate function giving me just date '2013-10-06' based on this result is no rows how can i manage it for today date detail
UPDATED: One way to do it
FROM ttodo
FROM ttodo
Here is SQLFiddle demo
select * from ttodo where (ttodo.todoplandate::date = current_date) or
(ttodo.todoplandate::date < current_date
I think the easier approach would be just to convert your field to date:
SELECT ttodoid ,date,details FROM ttodo
WHERE CAST(date AS DATE) = current_date;
Notice that, ff you want this query to be indexed, you have to create the index with the cast:
CREATE INDEX idx_ttodo_date ON ttodo ((CAST(date AS DATE)));
Another approach, is instead of casting the field, is checking the intervals, something similar of what petern proposed, but with correct intervals:
SELECT ttodoid ,date,details FROM ttodo
WHERE date >= date_trunc('day', current_timestamp)
AND date < (date_trunc('day', current_timestamp) + interval '1day');
This approach has the advantage that it can use an index on the date field only, which is good if you already have it.

Adding interval to current timestamp in PostgreSQL

I want to add an interval of 23 hours to the current date and time in PostgreSQL. The query should look something like the following:
SELECT timestamp LOCALTIMESTAMP(0) + interval '23 hours';
For some reason, the preceding statement returns an error. What could be wrong here and why is it not working?
Remove TimeStamp keyword
SELECT LOCALTIMESTAMP(0) + interval '23 hours'
or use
SELECT now() + interval '23 hours'

select dates between two unix timestamps

I have the table users.
user_id - integer
user_date - integer(unix timestamp)
Some of rows have user_date and some have NULL.
I need to find all user_id's which user_date includes period between '2012-10-21' and '2012-10-24'
FROM users
EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM date '2012-10-21') AND
EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM date '2012-10-24' + interval '1 day');
If you don't want the end date to be included, remove the bit adding a day to that.
select *
from users
timestamp 'epoch' + user_date * interval '1 second' between '2012-10-21' and '2012-10-24'
user_date is not null